Rails 4: Turbolinks redirect with flash - javascript

Lets say I have a standard controller create action:
def create
#object = Object.new(object_params)
if #object.save
redirect_to #object, flash: {success: "Created object successfully."}
render :new
Now if I change the redirect to use turbolinks:
redirect_to #object, turbolinks: true, flash: {success: "Created object successfully."}
the server returns a text/javascript response, and my browser is displaying it as a white page with just this line of text on it:
How do I make it so my browser actually executes that code instead of displaying it as text?
Also, how can I get the flash success message to appear?

This is not a direct answer to your question. But I would suggest using unobtrusive JS for this. You'd want to add remote: true in your form first.
def create
#object = Object.new(object_params)
if #object.save
flash.now.success = 'Created object successfully.'
flash.now.alert = #object.errors.full_messages.to_sentence
render :js
Create a file create.js.erb containing only the following:
$('#flash').replaceWith("<%= j render partial: 'layouts/flash' %>");
This is what render :js will be rendered back to the browser, thereby executing a script that will replace your flash container (#flash or whatever id you used) with the new flash messages
Furthermore make sure that you have a partial view file app/layouts/_flash.html.erb which contains your flash HTML code.
If not using Unobtrusive JS. You can render the partial file like the following:
def create
#object = Object.new(object_params)
if #object.save
flash.now.success = 'Created object successfully.'
flash.now.alert = #object.errors.full_messages.to_sentence
render partial: 'layouts/flash'
Then in your HTML, you embed something like the following:
url : '<%= url_for objects_path %>',
type: 'post',
dataType : 'json',
success : function (response) {
P.S. You might also be interested with Wiselinks which actually does this already (partial view loading; you specify the target container to be replaced). Because currently turbolinks do not have support yet with partial loading, it always loads the whole body.

This is how I ended up solving this using Turbolinks and materialize toasts for a great flash UX:
In my controller:
format.js {
flash[:toast] = 'Created record successfully.'
render :create
In create.js.erb:
Turbolinks.visit("<%= success_path %>");
In my _flash.html.erb partial:
<% flash.each do |type, message| %>
<% if type == "toast" %>
<script id="toast">
$(function() {
Materialize.toast('<%= message %>', 3000);
<% elsif type == "success" %>
<% elsif type == "alert" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>


Convert working Ruby on Rails form to AJAX

I have a working Ruby on Rails form that currently posts my results and redirects the user to another view and posts the results. The flow is:
views/tools/index.html.erb -> views/tools/ping.html.erb
Since I have it working now, I'd like to convert it to AJAX and keep the user on the views/tools/index.html.erb view, getting rid of the redirect to enhance the user experience. However, I'm unsure of how to proceed based on the way that my Tools controller is currently setup, and my incredibly lacking knowledge of AJAX.
So, here's what I currently have:
views/tools/index.html.erb (added 'remote: true' to form)
<h1> Tools </h1>
<h3> Ping </h3>
<%= form_tag ping_tool_path(1), method: "post", remote: true do %>
<%= text_field_tag :ip, params[:ip] %>
<%= submit_tag "Ping", name: nil %>
<% end %>
<!-- this is where I'd like to put the results via AJAX -->
<div id="output"></div>
class ToolsController < ApplicationController
def index
def ping
# Adds based on recommendations
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to tools_path }
def ping_host(host)
f = IO.popen("ping -c 3 #{host}")
#output = f.readlines
tool_type = "ping"
tool = Tool.find_by(tool_type: tool_type)
tool.increment(:tool_hit_count, by = 1)
#results = "<pre>#{#output.join}</pre>".html_safe
def save_host(host)
host = Host.find_or_create_by(host_ip: host)
host.increment(:host_hitcount, by = 1)
<%= #results %>
views/tools/ping.js.erb (New file based on suggestion)
$("#output").html("<%= #results %>");
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root 'tools#index'
resources :tools do
member do
post 'ping'
This is what I see on the Network tab in Google Chrome after submitting the form:
So, what I know at this point is that I'll need to add remote: true to my form in views/tools/index.html.erb, and this is where I get lost.
It seems that I have an issue ATM with the fact that I've abstracted the form to use my ping method in the Tools controller, whereas all of the tutorials (and railscasts) I've gone through are doing AJAX on CRUD methods and a given model, not something like what I've build here so far. Please help me understand AJAX!
You're on the right track, now you need to modify the def ping action with a respond_to block.
def ping
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to tools_path } ## if you still want to have html
and create a file called view/tools/ping.js.erb where you have javascript that will be run and returned asynchronously
$("#output").html("<%= j #results %>");
The <%= %> block will be evaluated first and replaced with the output of that ruby code. Then this will be inserted into the #output div.

Rails responding to different formats with AJAX request

I'm trying to understand AJAX requests in Rails. I have a form that I currently submit using remote: true. I want to respond with an HTML redirect if the request is successful, and run an error message with Javascript if it is unsuccessful. However, no matter what the outcome is, the request seems to expect a .html as the return.
respond_to do |format|
if conversation
format.html { redirect_to(conversation_path(conversation)) }
This is called after I save the conversation call on AJAX. On a successful save, the path HTML is correctly sent back, but is not rendered on the client. But on an unsuccessful save, it expects the .html and throws an error. How do I accept .js as a response? My goal is to just pop up an error if the call is unsuccessful and redirect_to on a successful call.
Edit: My form_for:
<%= form_for :conversation, url: :conversations, remote: true, html: { class: "conversation-form" } do |f| %>
Here's a suggested alternative to your end-goal - in the controller, drop the format.html entry in your respond_to block. Also, set conversation to an instance variable that the view template can access:
class YourController < ActionController::Base
def your_action
# awesome code doing stuff with a conversation object goes here
#conversation = conversation
respond_to do |format|
format.js # your_action.js.erb
Then, put the redirect logic in your javascript view template (for the above example: app/views/.../your_action.js.erb):
<% if #conversation.errors.any? # or whatever condition you want to show a popup for %>
// put your javascript popup code here
alert('Errors happened!');
<% else %>
// this is how you do a redirect using javascript:
window.location.href = "<%= conversation_path( #conversation ) %>";
<% end %>
Hope this helps!

Pass select value to controller without refreshing the page (AJAX, RAILS, JS)

I'm a newbie using AJAX and now I'm trying to work on a group of select boxes so that when the user selects a value from the first, the second updates its values. I'm trying to use AJAX, JQuery and ROR, but so far, I can't fetch the value from the first box and pass it to the controller in order to filter the results of the second.
This is my code for index.html.erb
<%= form_tag(posts_path, remote: true, :method => 'get', class: "forma") do %>
<%= select_tag("box", options_from_collection_for_select(#posts, :content, :content), :prompt => "Select") %>
<%= select_tag("nbox", options_from_collection_for_select(#listposts, :content, :id), :prompt => "Select") %>
<%= submit_tag "Show", class: "btn btn-info" %>
<% end %>
This is my index.js.erb
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".btn").on("click", function() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/jess/rails/dummy/app/controllers/posts_controller',
data: {'filter' : $(this).val() },
success: function(data){
This is my controller
class PostsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :js
def new
#post = Post.new
def create
#posts = Post.all
#post = Post.new(post_params)
if #post.save
flash.now[:notice] = "YEAH"
respond_to do |format|
format.html {redirect_to #post.content}
render "/"
def show
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
def index
#posts = Post.all
#listposts = Post.where('content LIKE ?', params[:box])
def next
#listposts = Post.where('content LIKE ?', params[:box])
def post_params
params.fetch(:post, {}).permit(:content)
I think I'm doing it wrong with the AJAX part in the js.erb but I've changed it so many times I don't know anymore. Your help would be so very much appreciated!!
It looks like there are a couple of small problems.
First, it looks like the URL you are using may be wrong. The URL for the AJAX request would be the same format as the URL if you were to view that page in your browser.
With what you provided I can't tell exactly what it should be, but I can give you an example. Assuming you access your index page by just "http://example.com/index" (or something similar), you would also call the function you want as something based on it's route. If the route was "update", then it would be something like "http://example.com/update".
Basically, don't use the folder path but use the web path instead.
Second, you don't do anything your success callback in your AJAX request. With AJAX, you send and receive info from the server, then you have to use JavaScript to update whatever you need updated manually. So, you'll need to have your update action return some information which you can then use to change the state of your second set of boxes.

Rails 4 - manifest JS not available in AJAXed-in JS rendered partial

Good evening SO,
I am having issues gaining access to javascript functions in manifest files when rendering a JS partial. Below are the files which make the current articles#index page work:
Manifested files:
on_load = ->
load_article_click_handlers $('ul.index li.article')
$(document).ready on_load //standard DOM refresh
document.addEventListener 'page:change', on_load //turbolinks
load_article_click_handlers = (jQuery_object) ->
.. Do some stuff...
load_article_click_handlers is the function I would like to gain access to in create.js.erb
//= require option_set_interface
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def create
#article = Article.new(article_params)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to articles_path }
format.js { render 'create' }
def index
#articles = Article.all
def article_params
Views and partials: views/articles/
- provide(:title, 'Article list')
%h1 Article list
- #articles.each do |article|
= render article
= render 'new'
%input{ type: 'hidden', value: article.id, name: 'article_id' }
= article.id
= article.title
= form_for Article.new, remote: true, html: { id: 'new_article_form' } do |f|
= f.label :title
= f.text_field :title
= f.submit 'Create', class: 'btn btn-large btn-primary'
create.js.erb (where the issue is)
new_list_item = $('<%= escape_javascript( render #article ) %>')
load_article_click_handlers(new_list_item) //this is the line that breaks the code
The code works well, until I try to call load_article_click_handlers in create.js.erb. I am not sure how to get debug information on it because it uses rails' magic ajax. I'm not very sure how to capture the response.
create.js has access to jquery, clearly. But it does not seem to accept my custom functions. Any help or advice is appreciated, particularly tips on how to debug rail's ajax rendered JS. Currently attemtping to access load_article_click_handlers causes teh script not to run at all.
Things I have tried:
Adding '//= require option_set_interface' to application.js
using javascript_inlude_tag 'option_set_interface' in create.js.erb
Found 1 correction, did not eliminate problem.
I was going down the wrong path. Issue was with coffeescript's anonymous function wrapper. The feature was built to avoid "polluting the global namespace", which was exactly what I wanted to do with an include file.
Solution is to add
window.load_article_click_handlers = load_article_click_handlers
after the definition of load_article_click_handlers.
Hope this helps someone else.

Rails Ajax search not doing anything -- 404 error

Trying to figure out Ajax search in a Rails 3 app, following this post, which itself borrows from a Railscast. Currently, when I submit, nothing happens, and if I go into the Chrome console, I see this error:
GET http://localhost:3000/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search=&_=1361491523102 404 (Not Found)
posts.js line 5 seems to be culpable, but that just seems to be the jQuery call, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
My relevant code:
jQuery ->
# Ajax search on submit
$('.search_form').submit( ->
$.get(this.action, $(this).serialize(), null, 'script')
def show
#search = Post.search(params[:search])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { redirect_to #post }
def search
#search = Post.search(params[:search])
render json: { results: #search }
def self.search(search)
if search
where('name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%")
<%= form_tag search_path, method: "get", class: "search_form form-inline",
style: "display:inline-block;" do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], placeholder: "Search:", id: "search_field" %>
<%= submit_tag("Search", name: nil, class: "btn search", remote: true) %>
<% end %>
# Testing for #search stops it from pulling a "no method '.first' for nil NilClass" error.
<div id="list"><%= render partial: 'list', locals: { search: #search } if #search%></div>
<% #search.each do |p| %>
<li>(<%= p.created_at.strftime("%b %d, %Y") %>)</span></li>
<% end %>
Any idea what's going wrong here?
EDIT -- Adding relevant lines of routes file:
resources :posts
# ...
match '/search', to: 'posts#search'
I already had that '/search' route there. Is that right -- in which case, is the problem somewhere else? Does the rest of the code look goodish?
EDIT -- added search method to PostsController, per Damien's rec. New things of interest are a) the way I call the partial, the new search action, and that fact that then I tried to replace the contents of the show method in Post.rb with "Post.all", it still didn't show anything. No errors thrown, though.
"No search action! Didn't realize I needed one. What should be in it?
When I tried an earlier version of this without AJAX, I had a search
action that was basically a replica of show (+ #search etc), with all
the same variables, otherwise it wouldn't work, because it rendered
the show page. Is that the right idea? It seemed very unDRY"
Using AJAX, there is no need to render the entire show page. Just return the filtered results in desired format:
def search
#search = Post.search(params[:search])
render json: { results: #search }
Add format based returns if necessary.

