Why getting NULL even JSON Array exist in response of jQuery.ajax? - javascript

Basically response consist of two things JSON Array and isValid(flag)
I can get flag value successful But it gives the null var resJSON = jQuery.parseJSON(data.notification);. I debug my script in chrome console but json response exist in data.
Might be following code and console result help you to understand my problem!
function getNotificationById(notificationId) {
type: "POST",
url: "<%=request.getContextPath()%>/GetNotifications/",
dataType : "json",
data: {"operation": "getNotificationById", "notificationId": notificationId},
var resJSON = jQuery.parseJSON(data.notification);
// ^-- here is null
if (data.isValid) {
// ^-- response is true
jQuery.each(resJSON,function(i, value){
Chrome Console Result:
I have tried following solutions:
var resJSON = data.notification; // Chrome Console return **undefined**

You have a typo.
The data as shown in traces are included in data.notificaiton and not data.notification


Cannot read property '0' of undefined using ajax to get json data

I have an error in my ajax:
Cannot read property '0' of undefined
dmpConnectInstance.hl_readCpxCard(getCpsPinCode(), function (a) {
var path = "cpx";
type: "POST",
url: path,
data: a,
success: function (data) {
$("#res").html("okyou" + data.PracticeLocations[0].s_practiceLocationName);
console.log('yooo' +
error: function () {
Here is the json format:
"s_practiceLocationName":"CABINET M. INFIRMIER3681"
I think I have a problem with the data, when I debug data I got empty message.
Otherwise if I put directly into the function:
I got the result.
The JSON content you display in your post, is that what is going in or coming out, and how did you confirm the result if indeed the case? The nature of the error is saying that data.PracticeLocations is null and doesn't contain anything at position 0. If data came back as a truly empty result, then that would make sense and including the code that returns your response would help.
Your subsequent statement in the post was:
This has a.PracticeLocations, not data.PracticeLocations, which variable a is not referenced anywhere. I presume that is a typo?

ajax success data assignment to variables with data[0] is undefined [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
(41 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am trying to select data from a database in javascript code using ajax which calls a php script with a mysql query. The pgp code is working correctly, as I can view the ajax success results with an alert. But when I try to assign the data to variables, they show in the Console as undefined or NaN. Here is my code:
function zoomBldg() {
bldgId = document.getElementById("bldgzoom").value;
var bldgStreetAddress,zoomLat,zoomLng,bldgDescription,bldgDefaultPic,zoomCenter;
url: "getBldgInfoWajaxGETtest.php",
type: "POST",
data: {bldgId : bldgId},
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(data)
bldgStreetAddress = data[0];
zoomLat = data[1];
zoomLng = data[2];
bldgDefaultPic = data[3];
error: function (request, status, error) {
zoomLat = parseFloat(zoomLat);
zoomLng = parseFloat(zoomLng);
zoomCenter = {lat:zoomLat, lng:zoomLng};
The results that appear in the alert is:
[{"0":"50 Fremont Street","1":"37.790505","2":"-122.397259","3":null,"building_address":"50 Fremont Street","latitude":"37.790505","longitude":"-122.397259","default_pic":null}]
The results in the Console are:
bldgId 17
bldgId 17
bldgStreetAddress undefined
zoomLat NaN
zoomLng NaN
I copied the data[0] etc code from an example online, but I am not too familiar with json so I'm not sure why that isn't working.
Understand the code your copying and pasting. Learn how json works and what JSON.parse and JSON.stringify do.
Look at your json structure.
The information is in an array.
so data is an array. Each key of the object is a string not a integer.
You also have the success function being called later on. Thus the values would not be set. To fix this I would do any code that needs the values in or from the success callback.
success: function(data)
bldgStreetAddress = data[0]["0"];
zoomLat = data[0]["1"];
zoomLng = data[0]["2"];
bldgDefaultPic = data[0]["3"];
zoomLat = parseFloat(zoomLat);
zoomLng = parseFloat(zoomLng);
zoomCenter = {lat:zoomLat, lng:zoomLng};

Removing the first line from a JSON response

My current code is :
$.each(data, function(i,item){
Right now I'm getting an error because they're adding a line to the top of my json response. is there a way to get rid of that line?
I have also tried doing something like this:
url: "https://www.domain.com/someapi/callback=?",
type: "get",
success: function (data) {
but it's a crossdomain call, so i get that error.
Make a ajax normal request
url : "https://www.domain.com/someapi/callback=?",
success : function(result){
// So here we get the result json with an error
// So lets say the response is something like this
There was an error on line 35
json : true
// So we remove everything before the first '{'
result = result.replace(/[^{]*/i,'');
//We parse the json
var data = JSON.parse(result);
// And continue like no error ever happened
$.each(data, function(i,item){
I hope this work. (a cross domain request must be enabled from the server)

Grabbing JSON data with AJAX

I have a JSON URL that I need to grab the variables from and use them as jQuery stings. I've tried several different approaches and all of them are unsuccessful.
Approach 1
$.getJSON('http://radio.silvertoneradio.com/rpc/incoleyl/streaminfo.get', function(data) {
I receive an 200 OK message, but I do not get any data returned.
Approach 2
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
I receive on 200 OK but the obj value is NULL
Approach 3
window.artist = ajaxresult.track.artist;
I receive an 200 OK message, but I do not get any data returned.
You didn't look with attention at the JSON object returned by the service.
What you're looking for is the data property of the returned object which is an array.
Something like this do work :
url: "http://radio.silvertoneradio.com/rpc/incoleyl/streaminfo.get",
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
JSFiddle to demo

JSON Data returned from Ajax on Safari is converted into a javascript list

This is something I recently found out, I have the following piece of code in JS:
type: 'POST',
url: '/requestHandle',
data: data,
success: function(data) {
var places = JSON.parse(data);
// do something
error: function(data) {
// do something else
The data returned from my backend is indeed in JSON format, and var places = JSON.parse(data); this line works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, it parses my JSON data into a JS list; however, in Safari, var places = JSON.parse(data); gives me error, because data is already a JS list. Instead of doing var places = JSON.parse(data), just changing to var places = data solved the error, I am wondering why it is converted automatically?
Thanks in advance
Your best solution would be to tell jQuery that the response is json so that you will always receive it as js object
type: 'POST',
url: '/requestHandle',
data: data,
success: function(obj) {
// do something
error: function(data) {
// do something else
dataType: 'json' // reponse is json so it will always be pre-parsed

