Pass string variable parameter node.js not express - javascript

I was wondering how you would use node.js to parse a string parameter from a request url akin to express.
I know this is possible with express, but I would like to know how it can be done with node.js without express.
Express example:
var app = require('express')();
app.get('sample/request/url/:id', function(req, res) {
var parameter =;

If your are using connect (or just http module) you can use RegExp:
With http:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) { // Note there's no next here
var match = req.url.match(/^sample\/request\/url\/(.+)$/);
var id = match ? match[1] : null;
With connect:
var connect = require('connect');
connect.createServer(funcion(req, res, next) {
var match = req.url.match(/^sample\/request\/url\/(.+)$/);
var id = match ? match[1] : null;
This is the simple case. If you want to have your own routing middleware you should start with an array of RegExps (that can be generated dinamically from a String that you add) and loop through them until you find a match.
Each route element should have its RegExp and also its parameters, so that once you find a match you can extract and append the parameters to the req object with an appropriate name that you choose.
As robertklep pointed out in his comment, you can check paramify. Its code is very clear and does some of the things I said in the last part of the answer. For example, you can see it has a function regify to dinamically contruct the RegExps and a loop to extract the parameters of a match:
var params = []
for (var i = 1; i < matches.length; i++) {
var key = reg.keys[i - 1]
if (key) {
params[] = matches[i]
} else {

You can get the url property from req and parse as you want:
var server = require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {
// would log "/sample/request/url/123"
The parse part can be done using RegEx.


Fetching route parameters in Node js

I'm building a REST api server in Node js. Let's say I have an Api - http://localhost:3000/api/employee/:employeeId. And I want to fetch the employeeId parameter without using any framework such as Express js. If possible what would be a better approach ?
**If you Need the Employee Id from Url So You can use this - **
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
getUserById(req, res) {
console.log('---EmployeeId ----',req.params.employeeId);
Here's a vanilla js function to get the url segments
function UrlSegments() {
// Change this to the correct url if its not
// the url that you want to process
// You can also do window.location.pathname to process
// the current path.
let urlSegments: string[] = /api/employee/:employeeId
// Remove the empty string before the first '/'
if (urlSegments.shift() === "")
urlSegments.slice(1, -1);
// Remove the empty string after the last '/'
if (urlSegments.slice(-1)[0] === "")
urlSegments.splice(-1, 1);
return urlSegments;
string employeeId = UrlSegments()[2];

Parsing cookies with

I am trying to properly read cookies on my node server that were set by me through the browser console on localhost:3000 like this:
document.cookie = "tagname = test;secure";
document.cookie = "hello=1"
In my node server, I use, and when I get a connection request, I can access a property which goes like this:
It's a string, and I always see it like this:
'io=QhsIVwS0zIGd-OliAAAA' //what comes after io= is random.
I've tried to translate it with various modules but they can't seem to parse the string. this is my latest attempt:
var cookie = require('cookie');
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('addUser', function(){
var a = socket.request.headers.cookie;
var b = cookie.parse(a); //does not translate
I obviously want to get an object with all the cookies that were sent by each io.connect on the browser.
I've been trying to solve it for 5 hours and I really don't know what I am doing wrong here.
Use the Cookie module. It is exactly what you are looking for.
var cookie = require('cookie');
cookie.parse(str, options)
Parse an HTTP Cookie header string and returning an object of all cookie name-value pairs. The str argument is the string representing a Cookie header value and options is an optional object containing additional parsing options.
var cookies = cookie.parse('foo=bar; equation=E%3Dmc%5E2');
// { foo: 'bar', equation: 'E=mc^2' }
Hope this helps
Without Regexp
//Get property directly without parsing
function getCookie(cookie, name){
cookie = ";"+cookie;
cookie = cookie.split("; ").join(";");
cookie = cookie.split(" =").join("=");
cookie = cookie.split(";"+name+"=");
return null;
return decodeURIComponent(cookie[1].split(";")[0]);
//getCookie('foo=bar; equation=E%3Dmc%5E2', 'equation');
//Return : "E=mc^2"
Or if you want to parse the cookie to object
//Convert cookie string to object
function parseCookie(cookie){
cookie = cookie.split("; ").join(";");
cookie = cookie.split(" =").join("=");
cookie = cookie.split(";");
var object = {};
for(var i=0; i<cookie.length; i++){
cookie[i] = cookie[i].split('=');
object[cookie[i][0]] = decodeURIComponent(cookie[i][1]);
return object;
//parseCookie('tagname = test;secure');
//Return : {tagname: " test", secure: "undefined"}
Try using socket.handshake instead of socket.request
The IO cookie is the default cookie uses as a user id. You can set this but if you don't it will create one and set a hash value to it.
Read about the option here.
I don't think it is a code issue. Here is an example of your code. When I added the cookie test and set it to 1
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var cookie = require('cookie')
var io = require('')(http);
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('chat message', function(){
var a = socket.request.headers.cookie;
var b = cookie.parse(a); //does not translate
http.listen(port, function(){
console.log('listening on *:' + port);
Server Output
{ io: 'TxvLfvIupubZpOaGAAAF', test: '1' }
If I changed the it to this.
var io = require('')(http, {
cookie : 'id'
The output would change this to.
{ id: 'ZJPSwFsQAje0SrgsAAAD', test: '1' }

Modify query parameter and compose the new URL string

Node.js + Express project. Working on pagination I want to create the pagination links. Imagine the following URL:
I am here:
exports.products = function(req, res) {
I could use and req.url and compose new URL for next and previous pages using regex and string functions for increasing/decreasing page parameter, but the question is:
Is there a cleaner method?
Some bodyparser feature?
Simple example (without input validation, but that's left as an exercise):
var toQS = require('querystring').stringify;
exports.products = function(req, res) {
... = Number( + 1;
var newUrl = req.path + '?' + toQS(req.query);

Retrieve first portion from the path name [/sample/v1]

I am creating a get request in node js. I want the base url path as http://localhost:80/sample and different requests as /v1, /v2.
So, the concatenated url will be http://localhost:80/sample/v1?querystring=10.
How can I segeregate the base path as http://localhost:80/sample, since when I try to get the pathname, I am getting /sample/v1?
Please help me with node js not using express.
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathName = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
where the request.url is localhost:80/sample/v1?q=10.
I need to validate if its either "v1" or "v2" by fethcing in the url instead of validating with the entire pathname like pathname.indexOf('v1') process something.
So, I don't know why do you prefer scheme /{method}/{api_version}, because companies are prefer reversed to your order. (E.g. twitter console).
Example #1, if your method doesn't contain additional slashes:
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathName = url.parse(request.url).pathname.split('/');
var version = pathName[2]; // v1 or v2
var methodName = pathName[1]; // sample
Example #2, if you method will contain additional /, e.g. /user/19292/v1:
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathName = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
var match = pathName.match(/\/v\d+$/);
if(match != null) {
var version = match[0]; //v1 or v2
var methodName = pathName.replace(/\/v\d+$/, ''); // /user/19229
} else {
// No version was provided

Failing while comparing params on express (get request)

I'm using express 3.0 and when I'm trying to resolve some queries I want to test if there's other component on the db that match these id's. Any way, this is the code I'm not getting to work:
function(req, res) {
var Parking = mongoose.model('Parking');
var parkingId =;
var userId = req.user['_id'];
.findOne({'_id': parkingId}, function(err, parking) {
var parkingUserId = parking.userId;
if (userId == parkingUserId) {
} else {
} is inside url and req.user['_id'] comes from a middleware.
Although I'm calling this url with the same id on both fields.... it keeps getting false...
Why I'm doing wrong? thanks!
You need to convert parkingUserId from a bson ObjectId object to a string:
if (userId.toString() == parkingUserId.toString())

