CSS3 Looping after last frame animation is done in sequence of animations - javascript

I currently have 5 frames - each frame consist of a total of 3 animations that by time gradually fade up the next frame.
My issue: How can I loop the animation after having finished the last sequence of animation? (in the example that would be #frame2)
I don't mind using javascript to possibly detect and "force" the loop.
Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/a0cpo5xe/1/ - My setup looks as so (just imagine it with 5 frames):
#frame1 {
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.4s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#picture-1 .blink {
animation:kf_frame_fade_down 0.2s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#picture-1 .picture {
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.2s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#frame2 {
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.4s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#picture-2 .blink {
animation:kf_frame_fade_down 0.2s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#picture-2 .picture {
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.2s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
/* FADES */
#keyframes kf_frame_fade_up {
0% {opacity: 0;}
100% {opacity: 1;}
#keyframes kf_frame_fade_down {
0% {opacity: 1;}
100% {opacity: 0;}

You can listen for the animationend event using JavaScript to determine if the animation ended.
The animationend event is fired when a CSS animation has completed.
Here is an example repeating your css animation from your jsfiddle three times by cloning your elements, removing them and at the end of the animation adding them back to the DOM.
I'm sure you will get the idea.
var i = 1;
function whichAnimationEvent(){
var t,
el = document.createElement("fakeelement"),
animations = {
"animation" : "animationend",
"WebkitAnimation": "webkitAnimationEnd"
for (t in animations){
if (el.style[t] !== undefined){
return animations[t];
function init() {
var animationEvent = whichAnimationEvent(),
wrp = document.getElementById('wrapper'),
frm2 = document.getElementById('frame2'),
cln = wrp.cloneNode(true);
function animationEnd(evt) {
if (i !== 3) {
frm2.addEventListener(animationEvent, animationEnd);
#wrapper {
text-align: center;
color: #ffffff;
#frames {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
.frame {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0; /* hide */
#pictures {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
.picture {
position: absolute;
top: 100px;
left: 100px;
padding: 10px;
opacity: 0; /* hide */
#frame1 {
background-color: green;
-webkit-animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.4s;
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.4s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#picture-1 .picture {
background-color: #116343;
-webkit-animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.2s;
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.2s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#frame2 {
background-color: blue;
-webkit-animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.4s;
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.4s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
#picture-2 .picture {
background-color: #3d1163;
-webkit-animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.2s;
animation:kf_frame_fade_up 0.2s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
/* FADES */
#-webkit-keyframes kf_frame_fade_up {
0% {opacity: 0;}
100% {opacity: 1;}
#keyframes kf_frame_fade_up {
0% {opacity: 0;}
100% {opacity: 1;}
#-webkit-keyframes kf_frame_fade_down {
0% {opacity: 1;}
100% {opacity: 0;}
#keyframes kf_frame_fade_down {
0% {opacity: 1;}
100% {opacity: 0;}
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="frames">
<div id="frame1" class="frame">frame 1</div>
<div id="frame2" class="frame">frame 2</div>
<div id="pictures">
<div id="picture-1">
<div class="picture">pic 1</div>
<div id="picture-2">
<div class="picture">pic 2</div>


Multiple animation rotate in css at once call in toggle onclick of one element (slow rotate, medium rotate, fast rotate)?

I have 3 animations on css what I've made in fiddle that are "animate1 (as a slow rotate), animate2 (as a medium rotate) and animate3 (as a fastest rotate) which is want to running by toggle onClick on an Element of "<h1>". untiil now of my achievements is just only till running to animate2 only after that I don't know how ? Please to anyone for solve this case and sorry for my bad english ...
demo on fiddle
function Animation() {
var anim = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0];
anim.innerText = "|"; anim.className = "animate1";
anim.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function() {anim.className = 'animate2'});
anim.addEventListener("animationend", function() {anim.className = 'animate2'});
#keyframes twister1 {
from {
transform: rotate(0);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
#keyframes twister2 {
0% {
transform: rotateZ(0deg);
10% {
transform: rotateZ(360deg);
20% {
transform: rotateZ(720deg);
30% {
transform: rotateZ(1080deg);
40% {
transform: rotateZ(1440deg);
50% {
transform: rotateZ(1800deg);
60% {
transform: rotateZ(2160deg);
70% {
transform: rotateZ(2520deg);
80% {
90% {
100% {
#keyframes twister3 {
from {
transform-origin: center;
transform: rotate(-20000deg);
opacity: 1;
to {
transform-origin: center;
transform: none;
opacity: 1;
.animate1 {
-webkit-animation: twister1;
animation-duration: 5s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-fill-mode: both;
.animate2 {
-webkit-animation: twister2;
animation-duration: 6s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-fill-mode: both;
.animate3 {
-webkit-animation: twister3;
animation-duration: 5s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-fill-mode: both;
.center {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
transform: translateY(-50%);
text-align: center;
position: fixed;
margin: 0px;
width: 100%;
color: #222;
z-index: 1;
top: 50%;
<div class="center">
<h1 onclick="Animation()">|</h1>
Use only one animation and simply increase/decrease the duration to control the speed:
var i = 7;
var anim = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0];
function Animation() {
anim.className = "animate";
anim.style.animationDuration = (i-=2) + 's';
if(i<=0) {
#keyframes twister {
from {
transform: rotate(0);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
.animate {
animation: twister 5s infinite linear;
.center {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
transform: translateY(-50%);
text-align: center;
position: fixed;
margin: 0px;
width: 100%;
color: #222;
z-index: 1;
top: 50%;
<div class="center">
<h1 onclick="Animation()">|</h1>

Css fade-out logo fade-in background page

I'm trying to use the fade-out property on a home page to the #logo and at the same time fade-in to .container (whole page) . So while the logo is fadding out, the main page it's fadding in. I'm trying with some code that I found but no success. Does anyone know some proper documentation for reach it? THANKS
<div class="container">
<div id="logo" class="animated fadeOut"></div>
.animated {
z-index: 0;
background-image: url(../../static/logo.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
padding-top: 95px;
margin-bottom: 60px; -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
animation-duration: 5s; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;
animation-fill-mode: both;
# - webkit-keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
#keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
}.fadeOut {
-webkit-animation-name: fadeOut;
animation-name: fadeOut;
This should work. HTML:
<div class="animated fadeIn container">
<div id="logo" class="logo animated fadeOut"></div>
#-webkit-keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
#keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
.logo {
z-index: 0;
background-image: url(../../static/logo.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
padding-top: 95px;
margin-bottom: 60px;
-webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
animation-duration: 5s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;
animation-fill-mode: both;
.fadeOut {
-webkit-animation-name: fadeOut;
animation-name: fadeOut;
.fadeIn {
-webkit-animation-name: fadeOut;
animation-name: fadeIn;
-webkit-animation-direction: reverse; //reverse direction of animation
animation-direction: reverse;

jQuery make animation in pseudo after

I have my markup and css like this
<div class="box">Box Content</div>
css goes like this
#-webkit-keyframes widthresize {
0% {
50% {
100% {
#-moz-keyframes widthresize {
0% {
50% {
100% {
#-ms-keyframes widthresize {
0% {
50% {
100% {
#keyframes widthresize {
0% {
50% {
100% {
body {
background-color: #333;
.box {
color: #FFF;
.box::after {
background: #FFF;
content: '';
position: relative;
width: 0;
height: 1px;
left: 0;
display: block;
clear: both;
.widthanimation::after {
-webkit-animation-name: widthresize;
-moz-animation-name: widthresize;
-o-animation-name: widthresize;
-ms-animation-name: widthresize;
animation-name: widthresize;
animation-timing-function: ease;
-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease;
-moz-animation-timing-function: ease;
-o-animation-timing-function: ease;
and the jQuery like this
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
I want that when jQuery adds class widthanimation to the div then in pseudo after it will start to animate the width to 100%. For animation I have used css keyframe which you can see in the css. But its not working at all. Sorry but I can't change my markup. So can someone tell me how to get the animation with this markup? Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable. The fiddle link can be seen here Thanks.
It's not working because you didn't specify how long the animation should take to complete. Try this:
.widthanimation::after {
-webkit-animation: widthresize 1s ease;
-moz-animation: widthresize 1s ease;
-o-animation: widthresize 1s ease;
-ms-animation: widthresize 1s ease;
animation: widthresize 1s ease;
Updated fiddle
Note that 1s is 1 second. You can adjust this as you require.
To stop the animation at the 100% keyframe, use animation-fill-mode: forwards:
Example fiddle
CSS animation seems a bit overkill, could you not just transition?
.box::after {
background: #FFF;
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 1px;
left: 0;
display: block;
clear: both;
-webkit-transition: width 1s ease-out;
transition: width 1s ease-out;
.box.widthanimation::after {

Separate properties for different animations on same object

I am trying to move two wheel images towards each other using the following code:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<img class="leftwheel" src="http://exchangedownloads.smarttech.com/public/content/b3/b37268f0-9252-4c12-bb12-b5e68f582410/previews/medium/0001.png"/>
<img class="rightwheel" src="http://exchangedownloads.smarttech.com/public/content/b3/b37268f0-9252-4c12-bb12-b5e68f582410/previews/medium/0001.png"/>
body > img{
.leftwheel {
-webkit-animation: rotationLeft 2s infinite linear;
animation: rotationLeft 2s infinite linear;
-moz-animation: rotationLeft 2s infinite linear;
#-webkit-keyframes rotationLeft {
from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {-webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);margin-left:25%;}
#-moz-keyframes rotationLeft {
from {-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {-moz-transform: rotate(359deg);margin-left:25%;}
#keyframes rotationLeft {
from {transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {transform: rotate(359deg);margin-left:25%;}
.rightwheel {
-webkit-animation: rotationRight 2s infinite linear;
animation: rotationRight 2s infinite linear;
-moz-animation: rotationRight 2s infinite linear;
#-webkit-keyframes rotationRight {
from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {-webkit-transform: rotate(-359deg);margin-right:25%;}
#-moz-keyframes rotationRight {
from {-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {-moz-transform: rotate(-359deg);margin-right:25%;}
#keyframes rotationRight {
from {transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {transform: rotate(-359deg);margin-right:25%;}
Now the problem is, I want both the wheels to move towards each other, meet(collide) at the center and the movement should stop while the rotation still continues. But I have set the animation repeat as infinite since i want infinite rotation of the wheel. Can I achieve what I want just by using CSS? If not what are the javascript alternatives? Also how can I set one animation to repeat and other to happen only once in CSS?
Try wrapping your images in divs, and applying your second animation to the wrapping divs. Include forwards (for animation-fill-mode) in your animation shorthand (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/animation-fill-mode) to make the element holds its final position (rather than resetting to its initial position).
Based on your comment below that the wheels should collide, I would nix the floats and positioning by margin, and would instead position by absolute. Note that (if I understand what you want), the to positions would probably need to be stated by calc(), which is newer technology but mostly supported (http://caniuse.com/#search=calc). Also, your image file includes padding, which you might want to crop in an image editor, or you could reverse in your CSS.
WORKING DEMO (refresh page to repeat animation): http://jsbin.com/jifup/4
#-webkit-keyframes translationLeft {
from { left: 0%; }
to { left: calc(50% - 170px); }
#-webkit-keyframes translationRight {
from { right: 0%; }
to { right: calc(50% - 170px); }
#-webkit-keyframes rotationLeft {
from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
to { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); }
#-webkit-keyframes rotationRight {
from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
to { -webkit-transform: rotate(-359deg); }
body {
background: #fff;
img {
width: 200px;
.translateLeft {
-webkit-animation: translationLeft 2s linear forwards;
position: absolute;
margin: -18px;
.translateRight {
-webkit-animation: translationRight 2s linear forwards;
position: absolute;
margin: -18px;
.leftwheel {
-webkit-animation: rotationLeft 2s infinite linear;
.rightwheel {
-webkit-animation: rotationRight 2s infinite linear;
<div class="translateLeft">
<img class="leftwheel" src="http://exchangedownloads.smarttech.com/public/content/b3/b37268f0-9252-4c12-bb12-b5e68f582410/previews/medium/0001.png"/>
<div class="translateRight">
<img class="rightwheel" src="http://exchangedownloads.smarttech.com/public/content/b3/b37268f0-9252-4c12-bb12-b5e68f582410/previews/medium/0001.png"/>
WORKING DEMO (refresh page to see animation again and again): http://jsbin.com/jifup/1
<div class="translateLeft">
<img class="leftwheel" src="http://exchangedownloads.smarttech.com/public/content/b3/b37268f0-9252-4c12-bb12-b5e68f582410/previews/medium/0001.png"/>
<div class="translateRight">
<img class="rightwheel" src="http://exchangedownloads.smarttech.com/public/content/b3/b37268f0-9252-4c12-bb12-b5e68f582410/previews/medium/0001.png"/>
#-webkit-keyframes translationLeft {
from { margin-left: 0; }
to { margin-left: 25%; }
#-webkit-keyframes translationRight {
from { margin-right: 0; }
to { margin-right: 25%; }
#-webkit-keyframes rotationLeft {
from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
to { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); }
#-webkit-keyframes rotationRight {
from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
to { -webkit-transform: rotate(-359deg); }
body {
background: #fff;
img {
width: 200px;
.translateLeft {
-webkit-animation: translationLeft 2s linear forwards;
.translateRight {
-webkit-animation: translationRight 2s linear forwards;
.leftwheel {
float: left;
-webkit-animation: rotationLeft 2s infinite linear;
.rightwheel {
-webkit-animation: rotationRight 2s infinite linear;

Looking to achieve rectangle radial wipe animation reveal

I'm working on a full-width hero animation that would reveal an image/HTML div in a radial wipe manner. Here's what I have thus far: http://jsfiddle.net/andrewkerr/bjqSv/ - (code below) which is largely based these pieces:http://codepen.io/tmyg/pen/bwLom and http://css-tricks.com/css-pie-timer/ - The issue I'm running into is the fact that the image tiles because the animation splits the "pie" in half - I'm looking to perform the effect without having the image tile. I'm not opposed to a Javascript solution. Thanks.
<div class="spinner-new">
.spinner-new {
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
.spinner-new span em {
-webkit-animation-duration: 3s;
#-webkit-keyframes rotate-rt {
0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
25% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
50% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
75% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
#-webkit-keyframes rotate-lt {
0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
25% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
50% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
75% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
.spinner-new {
position: relative;
.spinner-new span {
width: 50%;
height: 400%;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
.spinner-new span:first-child {
left: 0;
.spinner-new span:last-child {
left: 50%;
.spinner-new span em {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;
-webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
.spinner-new span:first-child em {
left: 100%;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-webkit-animation-name: rotate-lt;
-webkit-transform-origin: 0 12.5%;
.spinner-new span:last-child em {
left: -100%;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-webkit-animation-name: rotate-rt;
-webkit-transform-origin: 100% 12.5%;
That is my solution.
#-webkit-keyframes span-left {
0% { right: 0%; }
24.999% { right: 0%;}
25% { right: 50%;}
100% { right: 50%;}
#-webkit-keyframes rotate-first {
0% { right: 100%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-webkit-transform-origin: right center; }
24.999% { right: 100%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
-webkit-transform-origin: right center; }
25% { right: 0%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
-webkit-transform-origin: right center; }
50% { right: 0%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
-webkit-transform-origin: right center; }
100% { right: 0%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
-webkit-transform-origin: right center; }
#-webkit-keyframes rotate-last {
0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); opacity: 0; }
24.999% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); opacity: 0;}
25% { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); opacity: 1;}
50% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); opacity: 1; }
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); opacity: 1;}
.spinner-new {
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
position: relative;
position: relative;
left: 50px;
top: 20px;
.spinner-new span {
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
.spinner-new span:first-child {
right: 50%;
.spinner-new span:last-child {
left: 50%;
.spinner-new span em {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.spinner-new span em,
.spinner-new span:first-child {
-webkit-animation-duration: 30s;
-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
-webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
.spinner-new span:first-child {
-webkit-animation-name: span-left;
.spinner-new span:first-child em {
-webkit-animation-name: rotate-first;
overflow: hidden;
.spinner-new span:last-child em {
left: 0;
-webkit-animation-name: rotate-last;
-webkit-transform-origin: left center;
-webkit-transform: rotate(204deg);
.spinner-new span em:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 200%;
height: 100%;
top: 0px;
background-size: cover;
.spinner-new span:first-child em:after {
left: 0px;
.spinner-new span:last-child em:after {
right: 0px;
The most complex issue is reusing the splitted left element for the right hand beginning.
I have to move the container to the left in the middle of the animation.
The background image is set with cover, and all the size are in percentages, so this solution should be fully responsive
The demo has the iteration count to infinite, so it is easier to see it going on.
May not be the most elegant way to accomplish this, but I ended up using CSS animations to reveal pie pieces gradually. Here's a link to the working example: http://jsfiddle.net/andrewkerr/dsTm6/ - code below
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="headline">Some really cool supporting text</div>
<div class='shutter-1 first' style="left:400px;top:0px;"></div>
<div class='shutter-2 fourth' style="left:400px;top:400px;"></div>
<div class='shutter-1a third' style="left:400px;top:400px;"></div>
<div class='shutter-3 seventh' style="left:0px;top:0px"></div>
<div class='shutter second' style="left:400px;top:0px;"></div>
<div class='shutter-2a sixth' style="left:0px;top:400px;"></div>
<div class='shutter fifth' style="left:0px;top:400px;"></div>
<div class='shutter-3a eighth' style="left:0px;top:0px"></div>
.wrapper {
margin:0px auto;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-left;150px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-left-width: 400px;
border-left-style: solid;
border-left-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-right;150px solid transparent;
border-top: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-right-width: 400px;
border-right-style: solid;
border-right-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-left;150px solid transparent;
border-top: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-left-width: 400px;
border-left-style: solid;
border-left-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-right;150px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-right-width: 400px;
border-right-style: solid;
border-right-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-right;150px solid transparent;
border-top: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-right-width: 400px;
border-right-style: solid;
border-right-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-top;150px solid transparent;
border-left: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-top-width: 400px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-top-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-left;150px solid transparent;
border-top: 400px solid #e7e7e7;
text-indent: -9999px;
border-left-width: 400px;
border-left-style: solid;
border-left-color: transparent;
#keyframes first
from {opacity: 1.0;}
to {opacity: 0.0;}
#-moz-keyframes first /* Firefox */
from {opacity: 1.0;}
to {opacity: 0.0;}
#-webkit-keyframes first /* Safari and Chrome */
from {opacity: 1.0 ;}
to {opacity: 0.0;}
#-o-keyframes first /* Opera */
from {opacity: 1.0;}
to {opacity: 0.0;}
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: .08s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: .08s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation-delay: .08s;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: .08s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: 1.0s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation-delay: 1s;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: 1.05s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1.05s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-delay: 1.05s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1.05s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: 1.2s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1.2s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1.2s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: 1.4s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1.4s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation-delay: 1.4s;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1.4s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: 1.5s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1.5s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation-delay: 1.5s;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1.5s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 1s;
animation-delay: 1.6s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 1s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1.6s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-delay: 1.6s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-o-animation: first 1s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1.6s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation: first 2s;
animation-delay: 1.7s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-moz-animation: first 2s; /* Firefox */
-moz-animation-delay: 1.7s;
-moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-webkit-animation: first 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari and Chrome */
-webkit-animation-delay: 1.7s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-o-animation: first 2s; /* Opera */
-o-animation-delay: 1.7s;
-o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
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