Read multiple cols in sqlite database using sqlite.jsm module - javascript

Hi I need to read the whole table as (Select * from "database"), and return the value or if not possible read multiple cols from a database
let dbPromise = Task.spawn(function* () {
let allValues = [];
let olddb = yield Sqlite.openConnection({ path:
try {
let oldMozHosts = olddb.execute("SELECT * FROM 'moz_hosts'");
allValues = oldMozHosts;
//console.log("all values: " +allValues);
finally {
yield olddb.close();
//return the database
return allValues;
dbPromise.then(function(oldMozHosts) {
var rows = oldMozHosts.execute("SELECT id from 'moz_hosts'");
ids = => row.getResultByIndex(0));
console.log("ids= "+ids);
}, function(e) {
console.log("exception:"+ e);
Any help will be appreciated, thank you


setValues from JSON array to spreadsheet

I'm stuck trying to copy the values from my JSON scraping script to spreadsheet.
Does anyone know how to do that?
I'm stuck trying to know how to get the "longname" values to the memory and then using setValue once at the end.
I need to paste all the values here at the column B.
First I'm trying to resolve a single column, later I will need to paste a multi dimensional array to multiple columns. But that's only if I solve this.
Just a detail, on columnWithTickers I used only a range of 5 rows for testing purposes. Later I will use a dynamic value.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var page1 = ss.getSheetByName("pag1");
let columnWithTickers = page1.getRange(2, 1, 5).getValues();
let targetColumn = page1.getRange(2, 2);
function printValuesFromJSON() {
if (!Array.isArray(columnWithTickers)) {
columnWithTickers = [[columnWithTickers]]
return => {
try {
values = tickers[0].toString().split(",");
let url = `${values}.SA/key-statistics?p=${values}.SA`;
let source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
let jsonString = source.match(/root.App.main = ([\s\S\w]+?);\n/)
if (!jsonString || jsonString.length == 1) return;
let data = JSON.parse(jsonString[1].trim());
let longname = data.context.dispatcher.stores.QuoteSummaryStore.price.longName.split();
/*let resultados = =>{
return ativosResultados = vetor[0].toString();
catch (error) {
return "N/A"
You can try the below function:
function attDiarios(){
var result = =>
ativosFinais = tickersAtuais[0].toString().split(" ")
let url = `${ativosFinais}.SA/key-statistics?p=${ativosFinais}.SA`;
let source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
let jsonString = source.match(/root.App.main = ([\s\S\w]+?);\n/)
if (!jsonString || jsonString.length == 1) return null;
let data = JSON.parse(jsonString[1].trim());
var longNameValue = data.context.dispatcher.stores.QuoteSummaryStore.price.longName;
var longNameValue = 'N/A';
return [[longNameValue]]
sImport.getRange(5, 2, result.length, result[0].length).setValues(result);

Updating the query data in cloud firestore nested map fields

I'm trying to update the data in nested map fields in firestore, my form is a window form that has 4 sides (wSide1,wSide2,wSide3,wSide4), what my form is doing is if customer select 1 field which is wSide1 and it needs to be updated then only this field only be updated but in my case it is updating all 4 sides, the one which is selected for example side 1 only that has the correct updated values other 3 sides updates with the false values. as my form is dynamic it only shows the field which is selected.
I only want to update the field which is selected, all other has to be null.
js & firestore query
function updateWindowForm(form, type){
var name = $('#name_'+type).val();
var type = $('#type_'+type).val();
const taskformWindow = document.getElementById("taskformWindow");
let editStatus = false;
let id = '';
const updateTask = (id, updatedTask) => db.collection('Buildings').doc(buildingID).collection('rooms').doc(roomID).collection('objects').doc(objectID).update(updatedTask);
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async (e) => {
id =;
editStatus = true;
btnsEdit.forEach((btn) => {
btn.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
try {
const doc = await getTask(;
const task =;
editStatus = true;
id =;
taskformWindow["btn-update-data"].innerText = "Update";
} catch (error) {
taskformWindow.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
var name_Window = document.getElementById('name_Window').value;
var wAluminium = document.getElementById('wAluminium').checked;
var wColorMeasurement = document.getElementById('wColorMeasurement').value;
var wComments = document.getElementById('wComments').value;
var wForEnd1 = document.getElementById('wForEnd1').checked;
var wForEnd2 = document.getElementById('wForEnd2').checked;
var wSideOfWindows = document.getElementById('wSideOfWindows').value;
var wHardwareManufacturer = document.getElementById('wHardwareManufacturer').value;
var wPlastic = document.getElementById('wPlastic').checked;
//Side 1
var wAxis1_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis1_1').checked;
var wAxis1_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis1_2').checked;
var wBackSet1 = document.getElementById('wBackSet1').value;
var wDirectionLR1_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR1_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR1_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR1_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight1 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight1').value;
var wOverlapWidth1 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth1').value;
var wSashRebateHeight1 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight1').value;
var wSashRebateWidth1 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth1').value;
//Side 2
var wAxis2_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis2_1').checked;
var wAxis2_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis2_2').checked;
var wBackSet2 = document.getElementById('wBackSet2').value;
var wDirectionLR2_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR2_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR2_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR2_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight2 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight2').value;
var wOverlapWidth2 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth2').value;
var wSashRebateHeight2 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight2').value;
var wSashRebateWidth2 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth2').value;
//Side 3
var wAxis3_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis3_1').checked;
var wAxis3_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis3_2').checked;
var wBackSet3 = document.getElementById('wBackSet3').value;
var wDirectionLR3_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR3_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR3_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR3_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight3 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight3').value;
var wOverlapWidth3 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth3').value;
var wSashRebateHeight3 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight3').value;
var wSashRebateWidth3 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth3').value;
//Side 4
var wAxis4_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis4_1').checked;
var wAxis4_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis4_2').checked;
var wBackSet4 = document.getElementById('wBackSet4').value;
var wDirectionLR4_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR4_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR4_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR4_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight4 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight4').value;
var wOverlapWidth4 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth4').value;
var wSashRebateHeight4 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight4').value;
var wSashRebateWidth4 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth4').value;
try {
if (!editStatus) {
await updateTask(id, {
wAluminium: wAluminium,
wColorMeasurement: wColorMeasurement,
wComments: wComments,
wForEnd1: wForEnd1,
wForEnd2: wForEnd2,
wHardwareManufacturer: wHardwareManufacturer,
wPlastic: wPlastic,
wAxis1_1: wAxis1_1,
wAxis1_2: wAxis1_2,
wBackSet1: wBackSet1,
wDirectionLR1_1: wDirectionLR1_1,
wDirectionLR1_2: wDirectionLR1_2,
wHandleHeight1: wHandleHeight1,
wOverlapWidth1: wOverlapWidth1,
wSashRebateHeight1: wSashRebateHeight1,
wSashRebateWidth1: wSashRebateWidth1,
wAxis2_1: wAxis2_1,
wAxis2_2: wAxis2_2,
wBackSet1: wBackSet2,
wDirectionLR2_1: wDirectionLR2_1,
wDirectionLR2_2: wDirectionLR2_2,
wHandleHeight2: wHandleHeight2,
wOverlapWidth2: wOverlapWidth2,
wSashRebateHeight2: wSashRebateHeight2,
wSashRebateWidth2: wSashRebateWidth2,
wAxis3_1: wAxis3_1,
wAxis3_2: wAxis3_2,
wBackSet1: wBackSet3,
wDirectionLR3_1: wDirectionLR3_1,
wDirectionLR3_2: wDirectionLR3_2,
wHandleHeight3: wHandleHeight3,
wOverlapWidth3: wOverlapWidth3,
wSashRebateHeight3: wSashRebateHeight3,
wSashRebateWidth3: wSashRebateWidth3,
wAxis4_1: wAxis4_1,
wAxis4_2: wAxis4_2,
wBackSet4: wBackSet4,
wDirectionLR4_1: wDirectionLR4_1,
wDirectionLR4_2: wDirectionLR4_2,
wHandleHeight4: wHandleHeight4,
wOverlapWidth4: wOverlapWidth4,
wSashRebateHeight4: wSashRebateHeight4,
wSashRebateWidth4: wSashRebateWidth4,
wSideOfWindows: wSideOfWindows,
editStatus = false;
id = '';
taskformWindow['btn-update-window-data'].innerText = 'Daten aktualisiert';
swal("", "Daten wurden aktualisert!", "success");
} catch (error) {
I can't see the code you use for updating your data but I can ausme that you probably did not set the merge to true while saving the data.
Take a look at this code snipped:
var cityRef = db.collection('cities').doc('BJ');
var setWithMerge = cityRef.set({
capital: true
}, { merge: true });
By setting that we ensure to udate only the fields we want to and leave the rest as it is. Still make sure not to send fields with a null value because that is a valid value for firestore and it doesn't mean that those fields will by skipped in the update process. You can find more about it here.

How can I make changing text with Firebase Database?

I have this code to get some text from Firebase Database
var reviewID = 0;
var dataRef = firebase.database().ref("reviews/" + reviewID);
function getReview() {
dataRef.once("value").then(function (snapshot) {
const reviewName = snapshot.val().name;
const reviewText = snapshot.val().text;
const reviewDate = snapshot.val().date;
And I have this structure in Firebase.
I want button to change reviewID so I must get different values of reviewName, reviewText and reviewDate. Here is code for this button:
$('#reviewButtonRight').click(function () {
reviewID += 1;
But it doesn't work. So how can I fix it?
You need to create a new ref each time
var reviewID = 0;
var reviewRef = firebase.database().ref("reviews");
function getReview() {
const review = reviewRef.child(reviewID);
review.once("value").then(function (snapshot) {
const reviewName = snapshot.val().name;
const reviewText = snapshot.val().text;
const reviewDate = snapshot.val().date;

Searching two tables in one function in DynamoDB

I am trying to link two tables in DynamoDB for an Amazon Alexa skill. I am using two tables one is named 'yesno' and the other 'fixtures'. The fixtures table has a list of 22 names in each record and these names are in the 'yesno' table along with the column 'goals'. Here you can see the tables in more detail. Name Table:
Fixtures Table:
As you can see there are names that link the two databases together. I use the team1 column to search the fixtures table and use the name column to search the name table. Here is my code for searching:
function readDynamoItem(params2, callback) {
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({region: AWSregion});
var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
const names = new Array();
console.log('reading item from DynamoDB table');
dynamodb.scan(params2, function (err, data){
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
console.log(data); // successful response
//tried to put a automatic loop for the long bit of code after this but didnt work so anyone with insight on this too would be helpful
/*for(var i = 1; i <= 11; i++){
var str = "T1S";
var pos = i.toString();
pos = str.concat(pos);
names[i] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].pos);
for(var j = 1; j <= 11; j++){
str = "T2S";
pos = j.toString();
pos = str.concat(pos);
names[(j+11)] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].pos);
names[1] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S1);
names[2] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S2);
names[3] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S3);
names[4] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S4);
names[5] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S5);
names[6] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S6);
names[7] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S7);
names[8] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S8);
names[9] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S9);
names[10] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S10);
names[11] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T1S11);
names[12] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S1);
names[13] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S2);
names[14] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S3);
names[15] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S4);
names[16] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S5);
names[17] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S6);
names[18] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S7);
names[19] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S8);
names[20] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S9);
names[21] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S10);
names[22] = jsonToString(data.Items[0].T2S11);
var goals = new Array();
//for loop to be used later when expanding
//for(var i = 1; i <= 22; i++){
var params = {
TableName: 'yesno',
FilterExpression: 'name = :value',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {':value': {"S": names[2]}}
dynamodb.scan(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
console.log(data); // successful response
var temp = jsonToString(data.Items[0].goals);
goals[1] = temp;
function jsonToString(str){
str = JSON.stringify(str);
str = str.replace('{\"S\":\"', '');
str = str.replace('\"}', '');
return str;
I am trying to use the goals array to print each persons goals off but right now it won't even print one persons and instead will print an undefined object of some sort. I'm guessing it just can't search the names table using the names array. The main bit of code I am having a problem with is when searching the yesno table as you can see in this code:
var goals = new Array();
//for loop to be used later when expanding
//for(var i = 1; i <= 22; i++){
var params = {
TableName: 'yesno',
FilterExpression: 'name = :value',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {':value': {"S": names[2]}}
dynamodb.scan(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
console.log(data); // successful response
var temp = jsonToString(data.Items[0].goals);
goals[1] = temp;
I know for sure there is nothing wrong with the implementation but here it is just in case it is helpful:
const handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function () {
this.response.speak('welcome to magic answers. ask me a yes or no question.').listen('try again');
'MyIntent': function () {
var MyQuestion = this.event.request.intent.slots.MyQuestion.value;
console.log('MyQuestion : ' + MyQuestion);
const params2 = {
TableName: 'Fixtures',
FilterExpression: 'team1 = :value',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {':value': {"S": MyQuestion.toLowerCase()}}
//const params3 = {
// TableName: 'Fixtures',
// FilterExpression: 'team2 = :value',
// ExpressionAttributeValues: {':value': {"S": MyQuestion.toLowerCase()}}
readDynamoItem(params2, myResult=>{
var say = MyQuestion;
say = myResult;
say = 'The top scorer for ' + MyQuestion + ' is ' + myResult;
this.response.speak(say).listen('try again');
'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function () {
this.response.speak('ask me a yes or no question.').listen('try again');
'AMAZON.CancelIntent': function () {
'AMAZON.StopIntent': function () {

Can't get list filled from a promise and use it in html - aurelia

I can't get the finalList filled to use in my html file, it wil run the code to fill it before the promise all code. I need to use this array in my html document so it has to be a this.variable I am using Aurelia.
activate() {
var repoList = [];
var repos = this.http.fetch({Link to github api})
.then(response => response.json())
.then(repos => this.repos = repos);
var trello = new Trello;
trello.getBoards().then(boardList => this.boards = boardList);
var boards = trello.getBoards();
//add github repo to the associated trello board (works)
Promise.all([boards, repos]).then(function(values) {
var count = 0;
for (var i in values[0]) {
for (var a in values[1]) {
if (values[1][a].hasOwnProperty("name")) {
var repo = values[1][a].name.toLowerCase();
var board = values[0][i]['name'].toLowerCase();
repoList[count] = repo;
if (repo == board) {
console.log(repo + " " + board)
//this list is always empty (The problem)
this.finalList = repoList;
this.title = "Trello Boards";
Something like this should do it. Hard to decipher what's going on in the for loops.
activate() {
let reposPromise = this.http.fetch({Link to github api})
.then(response => response.json());
let boardsPromise = new Trello().getBoards();
return Promise.all([boardsPromise, reposPromise])
.then(([boards, repos]) => {
this.boards = boards;
this.repos = repos;
this.finalList = [];
for (var i in boards) {
for (var a in repos) {
if (values[1][a].hasOwnProperty("name")) {
var repo = values[1][a].name.toLowerCase();
var board = values[0][i]['name'].toLowerCase();
if (repo == board)
console.log(repo + " " + board)
this.title = "Trello Boards";
I believe Your finalList should be set inside the promise handler. Like this.
activate() {
var repoList = [];
//I always use this, and I am not sure what do you mean
//by this.finalList, but still I assume you know what you are doing
//And hence I use this!
var that = this;
var repos = this.http.fetch({Link to github api})
.then(response => response.json())
.then(repos => this.repos = repos);
var trello = new Trello;
trello.getBoards().then(boardList => this.boards = boardList);
var boards = trello.getBoards();
//add github repo to the associated trello board (works)
Promise.all([boards, repos]).then(function(values) {
var count = 0;
for (var i in values[0]) {
for (var a in values[1]) {
if (values[1][a].hasOwnProperty("name"))
var repo = values[1][a].name.toLowerCase();
var board = values[0][i]['name'].toLowerCase();
repoList[count] = repo;
if (repo == board)
console.log(repo + " " + board)
//I believe when promise resolves. You should set the repoList.
that.finalList = repoList;
that.title = "Trello Boards";
My question is, do you really wanna set title and finalList to this? Just asking.
Hope this helps!

