Multiple classes [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How to add a class to a given element?
(28 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there a way to add a second class to an HTML tag using javascript? For example, say you had the element <p class="a"> and you wanted to add class="b". If you used document.getElementByClassName("a").class = "b" that would remove class "a". Is there a way to have both in the same element?

document.getElementsByClassName("a")[0].className += " b"
First of all, the method is named getElementsByClassName, plural. You need to refer to a specific element in the collection that it returns, via a zero-based index.
And you need the space before b here, so that you don’t end up with ab, but a b.

Try this one here:
document.getElementByClassName("a").className += " b"
Got it from here: How do I add a class to a given element?


document.getElementsByClassName for JavaScript created elements [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I change an element's class with JavaScript?
(33 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I dynamically created various images and other elements within various div elements and assigned a class to them, like:
divOM = document.getElementById('omain');
kd = document.createElement('img');
kd.src = 'pics/k0.jpg';
kd.class = 'mww';
This works well – the debugger shows the desired result (# children with class ‘mww’). I have the (maybe naïve) hope that
wlist = document.getElementsByClassName('mww')
gives me all elements which have class=’mww’, but unfortunately it doesn’t. The debugger shows length:0 for wlist!?? Is it possible that document.getElementsByClassName doesn’t work for dynamically created elements?
Should be .className, not .class.
class is a reserved word in JavaScript.
Or use the Class List API:

How to use custom variable in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Javascript getElementById based on a partial string
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I just want to know to how to use custom varible with javascript.suppose we have 5 id with name zawsz,baws2,tawsx,paws4,vawsa and we want to execute single DOM command to all these element whose id is define here.
Here -aws- define all the id define above.(-) can be replace with any char/int value;
You could use the following code:
(The following code will select all elements of which the id includes aws.
I have tested this code and it works:
document.querySelectorAll('*[id*="aws"]').forEach(function(item) {
item.onclick=function() {
Items will now be an array containing all your aws- items.
If you have further questions, just let me know.
P.S.: You could achieve the same thing really easily with jquery.
You can use document.querySelectorAll for this:
That will select all elements where the id attribute starts with (^=) "aws".

Extract Custom HTML Attribute Value for Javascript Variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What do querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* methods return?
(12 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm looking at three custom HTML attributes within an "a" tag and I'd like to extract their values into 3 separate javascript variables.
Here's the HTML with the attributes "data-event-category", "data-event-action", and "data-event-label":
'<a data-event-category="Billionaire" data-event-action="SeeMore" data-event-label="Biography" href="xxx" class="ga-track-click billionaires-individual-see-more gotham-medium red-txt">Contact us to see more Biography</a>'
And this is the function I cobbled together, unsuccessfully trying to extract the value of "data-event-category":
`function myFunction3() {
var z = document.getElementByClass(".ga-track-click").getAttribute("data-event-category");
return z;
Here's my fiddle :
Can you please tell me the** correct way to extract the values of the 3 custom HTML attributes**?
I can see how :
What do querySelectorAll, getElementsByClassName and other getElementsBy* methods return? would be similar, but I'm not sure how it applies to my question. I'm very very beginner with javascript.
or use

Destroy DIVs with their IDs containing a particular string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to find if div with specific id exists in jQuery?
(10 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have some DIVs with IDs like 'abc_chosen', 'danger_chosen', etc.
I would like to delete all DIVs when their IDs contain the string '_chosen'.
How can I do that?
Try this:
$ here will check if _chosen is at the end of id.
Thanks to #evolutionxbox:
If you want to check if id contain _chosen anywhere(not at the end)

Selecting an nth child - children vs childNodes property [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Selecting second children of first div children in javascript [duplicate]
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Which is better or what are the differences, when you want to select an nth child? Please note I do not want to use jQuery.
Well, you don't provide much information, but you've got two ways:
Let node be a DOM node:
node.childNodes[1]; //0 is the first child.
Another way...
node.querySelector(':nth-child(2)'); //in selectors, the first child has index 1.

