I want to fulfill a promise with some other promise. The point is that I really want to get access to the (still pending) second promise as soon as the first promise is fulfilled. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to get the second promise's resolution value once both both promises are fulfilled.
Here's the use case that I have in mind:
var picker = pickFile();
picker.then( // Wait for the user to pick a file.
function(downloadProgress) {
// The user picked a file. The file may not be available just yet (e.g.,
// if it has to be downloaded over the network) but we can already ask
// the user some more questions while the file is being obtained in the
// background.
...do some more user interaction...
return downloadProgress;
).then( // Wait for the download (if any) to complete.
function(file) {
// Do something with the file.
The function pickFile displays a file picker where the user may pick a file either from their own hard drive or from a URL. It returns a promise picker that is fulfilled as soon as the user has picked a file. At this point, we may still have to download the selected file over the network. Therefore, I cannot fulfill picker with the selected file as resolution value. Instead, picker should be fulfilled with another promise, downloadProgress, which in turn will eventually be fulfilled with the selected file.
For completenes, here's a mock implementation of the pickFile function:
function pickFile() {
...display the file picker...
var resolveP1 = null;
var p1 = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP1 = resolve;
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
var p2 = Promise.resolve('thefile');
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
}, 3000);
return p1;
The problem in the marked line is that I would like to fulfill the promise p1 with the new promise p2, but I only know how to resolve it. The difference between fulfilling and resolving is that resolving first checks if the supplied value p2 is again a promise. If it is, then fulfillment of p1 will be deferred until p2 is fulfilld, and then p1 will be fulfilled with p2's resolution value instead of p2 itself.
I could work around this issue by building a wrapper around p2, i.e. by replacing the line
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
from the second code example by
resolveP1({promise: p2});
Then, in the first code example, I'd have to replace the line
return downloadProgress;
return downloadProgress.promise;
But this seems like a bit of a hack when all I really want to do is just fulfill (instead of resolve) a promise.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
There doesn't seem to be a solution apart from the workaround I already described in the question. For future reference, if you want to fulfill (rather than resolve) a promise p with a value val, where val is another promise, then just calling the promise resolution function for p with argument val won't work as expected. It would cause p to be "locked in" on the state of val, such that p will be fulfilled with val's resolution value once val is fulfilled (see spec).
Instead, wrap val in another object and resolve p with that object:
var resolveP; // Promise resolution function for p
var p = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP = resolve;
function fulfillPwithPromise(val) { // Fulfills p with a promise val
resolveP({promise: val});
p.then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as p is fulfilled...
return res.promise;
}).then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as the second promise is fulfilled...
This solution works if you already know that val is a promise. If you cannot make any assumptions about val's type, then you seem to be out of luck. Either you have to always wrap promise resolution values in another object, or you can try to detect whether val has a field then of type "function" and wrap it conditionally.
That said, in some cases the default behavior of promise resolution may actually have the desired effect. So only use the workaround described above if you are sure that you want to fulfill instead of resolve the first promise with the second one.
Although different people use different terms, in common terminology, "fulfill" means to put a promise in the "success" state (as opposed to "reject")--the state that will trigger then then handlers hanging off it.
In other words, you cannot "fulfill" a promise with a promise. You can fulfill it with a value. (By the way, the term "resolve" is usually meant as either of fulfilling or rejecting.)
What you can do is return a promise from a .then handler and that will have the effect of essentially replacing the original promise with the returned promise.
Here is a simple example of doing that:
asyncTask1 . then(asyncTask2) . then(processData)
where asyncTask1 is a promise, and asyncTask2 is a function which returns a promise. So when asyncTask1 is fulfilled (done successfully), then asyncTask2 runs, and the promise returned by the .then is "taken over" by the promise asyncTask2 returns, so that when it finishes, the data can be processed.
I can do something similar by calling Promise.resolve with a promise as parameter. It's a bit of a misnomer, because I'm not resolving the promise in the technical sense. Instead, the new promise created is "inhabited" by the promise I passed in. It's also useless, because using the result is exactly the same as using the promise I passed in:
behaves exactly the same as
(assuming asyncTask2 is already a promise; otherwise Promise.resolve has the effect of creating a promise which is immediately fulfilled with the passed in value.)
Just as you can pass a promise to Promise.resolve, you can pass a promise to the resolve function provided to you as a parameter of the promise constructor callback. If the parameter you pass to resolve is a non-promise, the promise immediately fulfills with that value. However, if the parameter you pass to resolve is another promise, that promise "takes over the body" of the promise you are constructing. To put it another way, the promise you are constructing starts to behave exactly as the the promise passed to resolve.
By "behave exactly" I mean, if the promise you pass in to resolve is already fulfilled, the promise you are constructing is instantly fulfilled with the same value. If the promise you pass in to resolve is already rejected, the promise you are constructing is instantly rejected with the same reason. If the promise you pass in to resolve is not resolved yet, then any then handlers you hang off the promise you are constructing will be invoked if and when the promise you pass to resolve is resolved.
Just as it is confusing that Promise.resolve may result in a promise which is not actually resolved, it is similarly confusing that calling the resolve function handed to you as a parameter to the promise constructor may not actually resolve the promise being constructed if you call it with an unresolved promise. Instead, as I've said a couple of times now, it has the effect of putting the promise being constructed in a state of total congruence with the promise passed to resolve.
Therefore, unless I am missing the point of your question, pickfile could be written as
function pickFile() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
...display the file picker...
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
I didn't really understand your question clearly, so this might not be what you want. Please clarify if you care to.
Found a similar solution in the process of moving away from Angular's $q to the native Promise feature. Promise.all could be an option (in cases of independent parallel async tasks) by passing around an appropriate object, or something decorated with the state, passing it off to whatever is ready when appropriate. In the Promise.all sample below note how it recovers in one of the promises--took me awhile to realize how to redirect the result of a chain. The result of the all is just the last promise's return. While this doesn't answer the question's title, using return Promise.reject(<an-object-including-a-promise>) (or resolve) gives a series and/or group of async tasks shared access and control along the way. In the case of picking, downloading then working with a file I'd take out the progress-event handling then do: pickFile.then(download,orFailGracefully) with downloadProgress handled within the download onResolve handler (download-progress doesn't appear to be an async task). Below are related experiments in the console.
var q = {
defer: function _defer(){
var deferred = { };
deferred.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
deferred.resolve = resolve;
deferred.reject = reject;
return deferred;
var communityThatCares = q.defer();
console.log('someGood', someGood);
return someGood;
}, function(someBad){
console.warn('someBad', someBad);
return someBad;
(new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ communityThatCares.about = 'communityThatCares'; setTimeout(resolve,1000, communityThatCares); }))
console.log(3,e); return e.resolve(e);
}, function(e){
console.warn(3, e); return e.reject(e);
var todo = {
var greaterGood = [(
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ e.stuff = 'things'; return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,reject){
})).then(function(e){ return e; }
e.recover = 'uh oh';
return Promise.resolve(e);
}).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ console.log(1,e); e.schedule = 'today'; return e; },function(e){ console.warn(1,e); return e; }).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }))
var nkay = Promise.all( greaterGood )
console.log('all',todo[0]); return todo;
}, function(todo){
console.warn('all',todo[0]); return todo;
I think the short version of the question is: if the fulfillment handler supplied to a .then() returns a new promise, how does this new promise "unwrap" to the promise returned by .then()? (unwrap seems like a terminology used in the promise technology). (and if it is not returning a new promise but just a "thenable", how does it unwrap?)
To chain several time-consuming asynchronous promises together, such as doing several network fetches described on this page or a series of animations, I think the standard method is stated as:
In the fulfillment handler passed to .then(), create and return a new promise p, and in the executor passed to the constructor that created p, do the time-consuming task, and resolve this new promise p when done.
Sometimes I may take this as: this is just the way it is (how to chain time-consuming promises), or it is the language feature, and you can just considered it to be happening by magic (if it is a language feature).
But is it true that this is done by standard procedure how it would be handled if the fulfillment handler returns a new promise?
I wrote out some rough draft of how it could be done below. And to state it in a few sentences, it is
p1 is the first promise.
then() returns a new promise p2
the then() remembers what p2 is, as an internal property of p1.
when the fulfillment handler passed to then eventually get invoked (when p1 is resolved), the returned value is examined. If it is an object that has a property named then and is a function, then this object is treated as a thenable, which means it can be a genuine promise or just a dummy thenable (let's call it p1_New).
Immediately, this is invoked: p1_New.then(() => { resolveP2() })
Let's say p1_New is a genuine promise. When we resolve p1_New, it will resolve p2, and p2 will perform its "then" fulfillment handler, and the series of time-consuming promises can go on.
So this is the rough draft of code:
let p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// does something that took 10 seconds
After the above code, the state of p1 is:
p1 = {
__internal__resolved_value: undefined,
__internal__state: "PENDING",
__internal__executor: function() {
// this is the executor passed to the constructor Promise().
// Something is running and the resolve(v) statement probably
// will do
// this.__internal__onResolve(v)
__internal__onResolve: function(resolvedValue) {
if (this.__internal__then_fulfillHandler) { // if it exists
let vFulfill = this.__internal__then_fulfillHandler(this.__internal__resolved_value);
// if the fulfillment handler returns a promise (a thenable),
// then immediately set this promise.then(fn1)
// where fn1 is to call this.__internal__resolveNewPromise()
// so as to resolve the promise newPromise that I am returning
if (vFulfill && typeof vFulfill.then === "function") { // a promise, or thenable
vFulfill.then(function() {
// in reality, the then should maintain an array of fulfillmentHandler
// because `then` can be called multiple times
then: function(fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {
this.__internal__then_fulfillHandler = fulfillmentHandler;
// create a new promise newPromise to return in any case
let newPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
this.__internal__resolveNewPromise = resolve;
// if promise already resolved, then call the onResolve
// to do what is supposed to be done whenever this promise resolves
if (this.__internal__state === "RESOLVED") {
return newPromise;
and that's how when p1_New is resolved, then p2 is resolved, and the fulfillment handler passed to p2.then() will go on.
let p2 = p1.then(function() {
p1_New = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// does something that took 20 seconds
return p1_New;
p2.then(fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);
But what if p1_New is not really a promise, but just a dummy thenable written this way:
class Thenable {
constructor(num) {
this.num = num;
then(resolve, reject) {
alert(resolve); // function() { native code }
// resolve with this.num*2 after the 1 second
setTimeout(() => resolve(this.num * 2), 1000); // (**)
new Promise(resolve => resolve(1))
.then(result => {
return new Thenable(result); // (*)
.then(alert); // shows 2 after 1000ms
it is doing the time-consuming task in its then(). That's fine too: if we look at step 5 above:
Immediately, this is invoked: p1_New.then(() => { resolveP2() })
that is, then is invoked immediately, and with the first function passed in being able to resolve p2. So that thenable performs some time-consuming task, and when done, call its first parameter (the function that resolves p2), and the whole sequence can go on like before.
But in this case, it is the then() doing the time-consuming task, not the executor doing it (the executor passed to the constructor of a new promise). In a way, it is like the then() has become the executor.
I understand promises more now, it seems this is the standard way.
Whatever the fulfillment handler returns: a primitive value, an object that is not a thenable, a thenable that is like a fake promise, or a real promise, will all be set up so that it will resolve p, where p is the promise that is returned by then.
This is the standard procedure, and what is called unwrapping. We can wrap and wrap a promise by many layers, when it unwraps from the inside, it will unwrap until it cannot continue.
And it is true, when an thenable fake promise, or a real promise is returned, it will trigger this action to happen underneath:
obj.then(resolveP) where resolveP is the resolve function that can resolve p.
That how that promise resolves p, and how the thenable can do asynchronous task and use the first argument passed to it as a resolve function to "resolve" p.
I have begun learning javascript promises. But I just can't understand the concept of promises.
The thing that bothers me most is who is passing the Resolver and Reject function to a promise constructor ?
See this example of Promise:
function getImage(url){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var img = new Image()
img.onload = function(){
img.onerror = function(){
img.src = url
Now who does pass resolve and reject methods, as my understanding of javascript says to me that this script will throw unknown variable errors as resolve and rejects are not defined?
document.getElementById('doggyplayground').innerHTML = '<img src="' + successurl + '" />'
console.log('Error loading ' + errorurl)
Now you see a method like the above, the only way these methods(resolve and reject) are passed are via then and catch as used in above method call to getImage.
The thing that bothers me most is who is passing the Resolver and Reject function to a promise constructor ?
The functions are passed by the promise constructor.
They are passed to the function which you pass as the first argument to the promise constructor.
The Promise constructor is initialized with a callback, and the constructor passes reject and resolve as parameters when the callback is called.
Here is a simple demo:
class PromiseDemo {
constructor(cb) {
cb(this.resolve.bind(this), this.reject.bind(this));
resolve(d) {
console.log('resolve', d);
reject(d) {
console.log('reject', d);
new PromiseDemo((resolve, reject) => {
Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve('1') : reject('1');
I had the same problem in understanding Promises.You need to look at the process of promise creation carefully.
when you write
var promise= new Promise(function(resolve,reject){...})
you are actually invoking constructor of Promise class or creating an object of Promise class. Now Promise constructor requires a function callback.
Now resolve and reject are just function arguments and not any other values.
You can write anything in place of resolve or reject like resolveHandler or rejectHandler.
These resolve or reject are nothing but the function callback that Promise calls when Promise is executed.
Now resolve is called when Promise is executed successfully and reject is called when promise is executed with some error or unsuccessfully .
The argument with which resolve is called can be accessed inside then like this
getImage().then(function(valueSentInResolve){ console.log('')})
The argument with which reject is called can be accessed inside catch like this
{//..do something}
console.log('error',errorSentInReject )
I hope that helps.Let me know if I said anything wrong.
I have been studying Promises all day, and had the same question. I finally figured it out.
When you make a Promise object, you give the Promise Constructor an executor, which can be any function, as long as it has this signature.
anyFunction(resolutionFunction, rejectionFunction){
// typically, some asynchronous operation.
So any function with 2 functions as the arguments can be used. The first function is what you call when it works, the second is what you call when it breaks. You can name those functions whatever you want as well.
The Promise Constructor takes the function you pass in and does a few things with it.
It takes those 2 function arguments and generates a corresponding pair of functions that are "connected" to the Promise object.
It runs the executor
It ignores any return value from your executor
Now in your executor function when the promise resolves you call the positionally first function and pass it one value. It will look something like:
You may be wondering, where is resolutionFunction defined? Remember the Promise Constructor defined that function for us. So we can call resolutionFunction without having to define it ourselves. Behind the scenes, when we call that resolutionFunction generated by the Promise Constructor, it sets the state of the promise to fulfilled, calls the function inside the promiseObject.then function, and passes the value into the .then function so you can use it.
You would call the 2nd positional function if the promise failed and the same things would happen and you could deal with the failure.
This Mozilla Doc on the Promise Constructor was very helpful.
Here is a short examples that shows what I explained above.
function anyFunction(callThisFunctionWhenItWorks, callThisFunctionWhenItBreaks) {
let importantNumber = 10; //change to 11 if you want the promise to reject
if (importantNumber == 10) {
callThisFunctionWhenItWorks('Hooray, success, so we call resolved for the promise.');
} else {
callThisFunctionWhenItBreaks('Boo, rejected because important number is not equal to 10');
//make a new promise
const examplePromise = new Promise(anyFunction);
//use the promise
examplePromise.then(function(result) {
}).catch(function (error) {
The promise library creates and passes those functions, along with all the other metadata needed to track the promise and record completion, store state and progress, cancel it, etc.
The folks behind Bluebird have published some info on how the library works internally, and you can see more in the Bluebird source.
does this make sense? This explanation could be completely incorrect!!
We provide the logic which should run asynchronously. The logic should accept 2 functions, resolve and reject. The reference of these functions is provided by Promise. These functions should be called by our logic when we have the final value or error. The Promise created initially is in Pending state. Calling resolve and reject changes the state to Fulfilled or Rejected respectively.
executeFunction(res,rej) = {
do some op, say DB query.
if (success) res(value) //executeFunction uses the resolving functions to change state of the Promise. Calling res fulfills the promise with value
if (fail) rej(reason)//executeFunction uses the resolving functions to change state of the Promise. Calling rej rejects the promise with reason
Rather than calling executeFunction directly (which would make the call synchronous), we create a Promise will will run the executeFunction code in a separate thread (asynchronously) let p = Promise(executeFunction(res,rej));. We get back a reference of the Promise.
My guess is that internally in the Promise, the following happens
Promise(e(res,rej)) = {
// the Promise's constructor creates a new promise, initially in the pending state. It calls `e` (the executeFunction function) and provides references to the resolving functions to it that can be used to change its state.
state = pending;
e(_res,_rej); //starts my op. asynchronously (a new thread). Reference to resolving functions, _res, _rej is provided. _res and _rej are Promise's internal functions (see below)
//constructor doesn't return till the async thread finishes
_res (value){ //Promise's internal method
//probably sets the state of promise to Fulfilled and store the result of the Promise
state = fulfilled
resolvedValue = value;
_rej {//Promise's internal method
probably sets the state of promise to Rejected and store the result of the Promise
state = rejected
resolvedValue = error;
Creating the Promise starts the execution of the code asynchronously. Now we are interested in knowing what is the result of executeFunction (we don't care when executeFunction finishes). To do this, we call then of the Promise p. then takes two optional arguments and registers them as callbacks. I am not sure when and who calls these callbacks. I know that then returns another Promise but I am not able to understand how that works
then(executeFnIfPromiseResolved, executeFnIfPromiseRejected):Promise {
register executeFnIfPromiseResolved as callback
register executeFnIfPromiseRejected as callback
//then needs to return Promise. What would be the executor function of that Promise?
I want to fulfill a promise with some other promise. The point is that I really want to get access to the (still pending) second promise as soon as the first promise is fulfilled. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to get the second promise's resolution value once both both promises are fulfilled.
Here's the use case that I have in mind:
var picker = pickFile();
picker.then( // Wait for the user to pick a file.
function(downloadProgress) {
// The user picked a file. The file may not be available just yet (e.g.,
// if it has to be downloaded over the network) but we can already ask
// the user some more questions while the file is being obtained in the
// background.
...do some more user interaction...
return downloadProgress;
).then( // Wait for the download (if any) to complete.
function(file) {
// Do something with the file.
The function pickFile displays a file picker where the user may pick a file either from their own hard drive or from a URL. It returns a promise picker that is fulfilled as soon as the user has picked a file. At this point, we may still have to download the selected file over the network. Therefore, I cannot fulfill picker with the selected file as resolution value. Instead, picker should be fulfilled with another promise, downloadProgress, which in turn will eventually be fulfilled with the selected file.
For completenes, here's a mock implementation of the pickFile function:
function pickFile() {
...display the file picker...
var resolveP1 = null;
var p1 = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP1 = resolve;
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
var p2 = Promise.resolve('thefile');
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
}, 3000);
return p1;
The problem in the marked line is that I would like to fulfill the promise p1 with the new promise p2, but I only know how to resolve it. The difference between fulfilling and resolving is that resolving first checks if the supplied value p2 is again a promise. If it is, then fulfillment of p1 will be deferred until p2 is fulfilld, and then p1 will be fulfilled with p2's resolution value instead of p2 itself.
I could work around this issue by building a wrapper around p2, i.e. by replacing the line
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
from the second code example by
resolveP1({promise: p2});
Then, in the first code example, I'd have to replace the line
return downloadProgress;
return downloadProgress.promise;
But this seems like a bit of a hack when all I really want to do is just fulfill (instead of resolve) a promise.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
There doesn't seem to be a solution apart from the workaround I already described in the question. For future reference, if you want to fulfill (rather than resolve) a promise p with a value val, where val is another promise, then just calling the promise resolution function for p with argument val won't work as expected. It would cause p to be "locked in" on the state of val, such that p will be fulfilled with val's resolution value once val is fulfilled (see spec).
Instead, wrap val in another object and resolve p with that object:
var resolveP; // Promise resolution function for p
var p = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP = resolve;
function fulfillPwithPromise(val) { // Fulfills p with a promise val
resolveP({promise: val});
p.then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as p is fulfilled...
return res.promise;
}).then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as the second promise is fulfilled...
This solution works if you already know that val is a promise. If you cannot make any assumptions about val's type, then you seem to be out of luck. Either you have to always wrap promise resolution values in another object, or you can try to detect whether val has a field then of type "function" and wrap it conditionally.
That said, in some cases the default behavior of promise resolution may actually have the desired effect. So only use the workaround described above if you are sure that you want to fulfill instead of resolve the first promise with the second one.
Although different people use different terms, in common terminology, "fulfill" means to put a promise in the "success" state (as opposed to "reject")--the state that will trigger then then handlers hanging off it.
In other words, you cannot "fulfill" a promise with a promise. You can fulfill it with a value. (By the way, the term "resolve" is usually meant as either of fulfilling or rejecting.)
What you can do is return a promise from a .then handler and that will have the effect of essentially replacing the original promise with the returned promise.
Here is a simple example of doing that:
asyncTask1 . then(asyncTask2) . then(processData)
where asyncTask1 is a promise, and asyncTask2 is a function which returns a promise. So when asyncTask1 is fulfilled (done successfully), then asyncTask2 runs, and the promise returned by the .then is "taken over" by the promise asyncTask2 returns, so that when it finishes, the data can be processed.
I can do something similar by calling Promise.resolve with a promise as parameter. It's a bit of a misnomer, because I'm not resolving the promise in the technical sense. Instead, the new promise created is "inhabited" by the promise I passed in. It's also useless, because using the result is exactly the same as using the promise I passed in:
behaves exactly the same as
(assuming asyncTask2 is already a promise; otherwise Promise.resolve has the effect of creating a promise which is immediately fulfilled with the passed in value.)
Just as you can pass a promise to Promise.resolve, you can pass a promise to the resolve function provided to you as a parameter of the promise constructor callback. If the parameter you pass to resolve is a non-promise, the promise immediately fulfills with that value. However, if the parameter you pass to resolve is another promise, that promise "takes over the body" of the promise you are constructing. To put it another way, the promise you are constructing starts to behave exactly as the the promise passed to resolve.
By "behave exactly" I mean, if the promise you pass in to resolve is already fulfilled, the promise you are constructing is instantly fulfilled with the same value. If the promise you pass in to resolve is already rejected, the promise you are constructing is instantly rejected with the same reason. If the promise you pass in to resolve is not resolved yet, then any then handlers you hang off the promise you are constructing will be invoked if and when the promise you pass to resolve is resolved.
Just as it is confusing that Promise.resolve may result in a promise which is not actually resolved, it is similarly confusing that calling the resolve function handed to you as a parameter to the promise constructor may not actually resolve the promise being constructed if you call it with an unresolved promise. Instead, as I've said a couple of times now, it has the effect of putting the promise being constructed in a state of total congruence with the promise passed to resolve.
Therefore, unless I am missing the point of your question, pickfile could be written as
function pickFile() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
...display the file picker...
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
I didn't really understand your question clearly, so this might not be what you want. Please clarify if you care to.
Found a similar solution in the process of moving away from Angular's $q to the native Promise feature. Promise.all could be an option (in cases of independent parallel async tasks) by passing around an appropriate object, or something decorated with the state, passing it off to whatever is ready when appropriate. In the Promise.all sample below note how it recovers in one of the promises--took me awhile to realize how to redirect the result of a chain. The result of the all is just the last promise's return. While this doesn't answer the question's title, using return Promise.reject(<an-object-including-a-promise>) (or resolve) gives a series and/or group of async tasks shared access and control along the way. In the case of picking, downloading then working with a file I'd take out the progress-event handling then do: pickFile.then(download,orFailGracefully) with downloadProgress handled within the download onResolve handler (download-progress doesn't appear to be an async task). Below are related experiments in the console.
var q = {
defer: function _defer(){
var deferred = { };
deferred.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
deferred.resolve = resolve;
deferred.reject = reject;
return deferred;
var communityThatCares = q.defer();
console.log('someGood', someGood);
return someGood;
}, function(someBad){
console.warn('someBad', someBad);
return someBad;
(new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ communityThatCares.about = 'communityThatCares'; setTimeout(resolve,1000, communityThatCares); }))
console.log(3,e); return e.resolve(e);
}, function(e){
console.warn(3, e); return e.reject(e);
var todo = {
var greaterGood = [(
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ e.stuff = 'things'; return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,reject){
})).then(function(e){ return e; }
e.recover = 'uh oh';
return Promise.resolve(e);
}).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ console.log(1,e); e.schedule = 'today'; return e; },function(e){ console.warn(1,e); return e; }).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }))
var nkay = Promise.all( greaterGood )
console.log('all',todo[0]); return todo;
}, function(todo){
console.warn('all',todo[0]); return todo;
I have begun learning javascript promises. But I just can't understand the concept of promises.
The thing that bothers me most is who is passing the Resolver and Reject function to a promise constructor ?
See this example of Promise:
function getImage(url){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var img = new Image()
img.onload = function(){
img.onerror = function(){
img.src = url
Now who does pass resolve and reject methods, as my understanding of javascript says to me that this script will throw unknown variable errors as resolve and rejects are not defined?
document.getElementById('doggyplayground').innerHTML = '<img src="' + successurl + '" />'
console.log('Error loading ' + errorurl)
Now you see a method like the above, the only way these methods(resolve and reject) are passed are via then and catch as used in above method call to getImage.
The thing that bothers me most is who is passing the Resolver and Reject function to a promise constructor ?
The functions are passed by the promise constructor.
They are passed to the function which you pass as the first argument to the promise constructor.
The Promise constructor is initialized with a callback, and the constructor passes reject and resolve as parameters when the callback is called.
Here is a simple demo:
class PromiseDemo {
constructor(cb) {
cb(this.resolve.bind(this), this.reject.bind(this));
resolve(d) {
console.log('resolve', d);
reject(d) {
console.log('reject', d);
new PromiseDemo((resolve, reject) => {
Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve('1') : reject('1');
I had the same problem in understanding Promises.You need to look at the process of promise creation carefully.
when you write
var promise= new Promise(function(resolve,reject){...})
you are actually invoking constructor of Promise class or creating an object of Promise class. Now Promise constructor requires a function callback.
Now resolve and reject are just function arguments and not any other values.
You can write anything in place of resolve or reject like resolveHandler or rejectHandler.
These resolve or reject are nothing but the function callback that Promise calls when Promise is executed.
Now resolve is called when Promise is executed successfully and reject is called when promise is executed with some error or unsuccessfully .
The argument with which resolve is called can be accessed inside then like this
getImage().then(function(valueSentInResolve){ console.log('')})
The argument with which reject is called can be accessed inside catch like this
{//..do something}
console.log('error',errorSentInReject )
I hope that helps.Let me know if I said anything wrong.
I have been studying Promises all day, and had the same question. I finally figured it out.
When you make a Promise object, you give the Promise Constructor an executor, which can be any function, as long as it has this signature.
anyFunction(resolutionFunction, rejectionFunction){
// typically, some asynchronous operation.
So any function with 2 functions as the arguments can be used. The first function is what you call when it works, the second is what you call when it breaks. You can name those functions whatever you want as well.
The Promise Constructor takes the function you pass in and does a few things with it.
It takes those 2 function arguments and generates a corresponding pair of functions that are "connected" to the Promise object.
It runs the executor
It ignores any return value from your executor
Now in your executor function when the promise resolves you call the positionally first function and pass it one value. It will look something like:
You may be wondering, where is resolutionFunction defined? Remember the Promise Constructor defined that function for us. So we can call resolutionFunction without having to define it ourselves. Behind the scenes, when we call that resolutionFunction generated by the Promise Constructor, it sets the state of the promise to fulfilled, calls the function inside the promiseObject.then function, and passes the value into the .then function so you can use it.
You would call the 2nd positional function if the promise failed and the same things would happen and you could deal with the failure.
This Mozilla Doc on the Promise Constructor was very helpful.
Here is a short examples that shows what I explained above.
function anyFunction(callThisFunctionWhenItWorks, callThisFunctionWhenItBreaks) {
let importantNumber = 10; //change to 11 if you want the promise to reject
if (importantNumber == 10) {
callThisFunctionWhenItWorks('Hooray, success, so we call resolved for the promise.');
} else {
callThisFunctionWhenItBreaks('Boo, rejected because important number is not equal to 10');
//make a new promise
const examplePromise = new Promise(anyFunction);
//use the promise
examplePromise.then(function(result) {
}).catch(function (error) {
The promise library creates and passes those functions, along with all the other metadata needed to track the promise and record completion, store state and progress, cancel it, etc.
The folks behind Bluebird have published some info on how the library works internally, and you can see more in the Bluebird source.
does this make sense? This explanation could be completely incorrect!!
We provide the logic which should run asynchronously. The logic should accept 2 functions, resolve and reject. The reference of these functions is provided by Promise. These functions should be called by our logic when we have the final value or error. The Promise created initially is in Pending state. Calling resolve and reject changes the state to Fulfilled or Rejected respectively.
executeFunction(res,rej) = {
do some op, say DB query.
if (success) res(value) //executeFunction uses the resolving functions to change state of the Promise. Calling res fulfills the promise with value
if (fail) rej(reason)//executeFunction uses the resolving functions to change state of the Promise. Calling rej rejects the promise with reason
Rather than calling executeFunction directly (which would make the call synchronous), we create a Promise will will run the executeFunction code in a separate thread (asynchronously) let p = Promise(executeFunction(res,rej));. We get back a reference of the Promise.
My guess is that internally in the Promise, the following happens
Promise(e(res,rej)) = {
// the Promise's constructor creates a new promise, initially in the pending state. It calls `e` (the executeFunction function) and provides references to the resolving functions to it that can be used to change its state.
state = pending;
e(_res,_rej); //starts my op. asynchronously (a new thread). Reference to resolving functions, _res, _rej is provided. _res and _rej are Promise's internal functions (see below)
//constructor doesn't return till the async thread finishes
_res (value){ //Promise's internal method
//probably sets the state of promise to Fulfilled and store the result of the Promise
state = fulfilled
resolvedValue = value;
_rej {//Promise's internal method
probably sets the state of promise to Rejected and store the result of the Promise
state = rejected
resolvedValue = error;
Creating the Promise starts the execution of the code asynchronously. Now we are interested in knowing what is the result of executeFunction (we don't care when executeFunction finishes). To do this, we call then of the Promise p. then takes two optional arguments and registers them as callbacks. I am not sure when and who calls these callbacks. I know that then returns another Promise but I am not able to understand how that works
then(executeFnIfPromiseResolved, executeFnIfPromiseRejected):Promise {
register executeFnIfPromiseResolved as callback
register executeFnIfPromiseRejected as callback
//then needs to return Promise. What would be the executor function of that Promise?
I have a question about attaching callback functions to promises in AngularJS.
Suppose I have a service with a function that returns a promise. I make a call to this function and store the promise locally. Then I define a callback function on the promise.
var promise = TestService.get();
console.log('We have a promise!');
promise.then(function (result){
console.log('Here is the result:'+result);
In this case, we have a potentially risky situation. If the promise is resolved before we get to promise.then(..., the result is not outputted to the console (until the next digest cycle).
Alternatively, I could write the above code like this:
TestService.get().then(function (result){
console.log('Here is the result:'+result);
My question:
Has the risk been mitigated in the second example? And if not, how can I make sure that the promise does not resolve before I have attached a callback?
A slightly more elaborate answer than yes/no would be much appreciated :)
The behavior you are describing does not occur, that can be seen through a simple example. Here we have a simple promise factory which returns a promise which resolves immediately.
'use strict';
var make = function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
Then we create a new promise and assign it to a variable
var prom = make();
We can call .then on it as many times as we want. This is because promises are immutable, we don't change the original value by chaining methods on it.
prom.then(a => console.log(a));
// 2
prom.then(a => console.log(a));
// 2
Suppose I have a service with a function that returns a promise. I make a call to this function and store the promise locally. Then I define a callback function on the promise.
No, you are not attaching a callback. When you call the then method you are doing something called promise chaining. Each call to then returns a new promise object that will resolve to the value returned by the previous promise.
For example;
var promise1 = TestService.get();
var promise2 = promise1.then(function(value) {
console.log('service resolved: '+value);
return "Hello World";
var promise3 = promise2.then(function(value) {
promise3.then(function(value) {
The above example will output the following.
**some value from TestService**
Hello World
We don't know who originally resolve the value for the first promise. All we know is that the service returned a promise. From that moment on we can chain the promises by adding more calls to then.
In this case, we have a potentially risky situation. If the promise is resolved before we get to promise.then(..., the result is not outputted to the console (until the next digest cycle).
No, it does not matter when or what digest the promise is resolved. A promise can have it's then method called multiple times even after being resolved. It will continue to resolve to the value as long as it has not been rejected. The decision to resolve or reject a promise is outside the scope of the success or failure callbacks.
You can create a promise, resolve it to a value, wait several digests and add a handler to then and it will still work as expected.
Has the risk been mitigated in the second example? And if not, how can I make sure that the promise does not resolve before I have attached a callback?
Think of promises as containers. They are going to hold the value you expect, and you have to call then to get it. If for what ever reason the value is unavailable you can find out why by using the error callback. The when aspect of promises is purely an asynchronize issue, and the idea is for promises to hide those issues.
JavaScript is not multithreaded, your asynchronous AJAX call isn't actually made by the browser until your code returns.
var promise = TestService.get();
for (var i= 0;i<100000;i++){
console.log('We have a promise!');
promise.then(function (result){
console.log('Here is the result:'+result);
Watch this with the network analyzer.