NodeJS remove appended data from file - javascript

This is how I append data to a file:
self.fs.appendFile(targetFilePath, new Buffer(sourceData, 'base64'), function(err) { ... });
How can I remove data from a file that have been appended? This is required if the stream I receive earlier is interrupted and parts have been written.
Is it possible to undo the last append command?

No, you can't undo anything.
You can truncate the file to a known point (length...):
self.fs.truncateSync(targetFilePath, somePoint);
Or you could originally not write what you're unsure of, just aggregate to memory or a temporary file until you're certain.


open a file as base 64 in nodejs

quick question here, I'm pretty confident this is not complicated and a lot of chance that is a duplicate but I still cannot find a way to do it.
I'm in the backend and the front end return send me a cdv file in the body. I cannot change that.
What I need to do is simply parse it but this is the trick. I can't "open" the given data to have something to work with cdv-parse.
the format of the data is (when I do a console.log): data:text/csv;name=toto.csv;base64,VHlwZSBk (and so on)
console.log(myfile); // data:text/csv;name=toto.csv;base64,VHlwZSBk (and so on)
console.log(fs.readFileSync(myfile, "base64"), "base64")); // error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'u�Z��m�
I also tried with ```Buffer.from(myfile, "base64").toString()`` and again the format isn't the data expected.
EDIT: it seem that using myfile = myfile.replace("data:text/csv;name=toto.csv;base64,", "");does the trick with buffer.from().toString();
but I want something more générique, I guess something exist no ?
Thanks in advance

Why is the foreach loop NOT making a change to the file?

I am reviewing a nodeJS program someone wrote to merge objects from two files and write the data to a mongodb. I am struggling to wrap my head around how this is working - although I ran it and it works perfectly.
It lives here:
To start, there are two JSON files, each containing an array of 1,000 objects which were 'split apart' and are really meant to be combined records. The goal is to merge the 1st object of both files together, and then both 2nd objects ...both 1,000th objects in each file, and insert into a db.
Here are the excerpts that give you context:
const customerData = require('./data/m3-customer-data.json')
const customerAddresses = require('./data/m3-customer-address-data.json')
mongodb.MongoClient.connect(url, (error, client) => {
customerData.forEach((element, index) => {
element = Object.assign(element, customerAddresses[index])
//I removed some logic which decides how many records to push to the DB at once
var tasks = [] //this array of functions is for use with async, not relevant
tasks.push((callback) => {
db.collection('customers').insertMany(customerData.slice(index, recordsToCopy), (error, results) => {
As far as I can tell,
element = Object.assign(element, customerAddresses[index])
is modifying the current element during each iteration - IE the JSON object in the source file
to back this up,
db.collection('customers').insertMany(customerData.slice(index, recordsToCopy)
further seems to confirm that when writing the completed merged data to the database the author is reading out of that original customerData file - which makes sense only if the completed merged data is living there.
Since the source files are unchanged, the two things that are confusing me are, in order of importance:
1)Where does the merged data live before being written to the db? The customerData file is unchanged at the end of runtime.
2)What's it called when you access a JSON file using array syntax? I had no idea you could read files without the functionality of the fs module or similar. The author read files using only require('filename'). I would like to read more about that.
Thank you for your help!
Question 1:
The merged data lives in the customerData variable before it's sent to the database. It exists only in memory at the time insertMany is called, and is passed in as a parameter. There is no reason for anything on the file system to be overwritten -- in fact it would be inefficient to modify that .json file every time you called the database -- storing that information is the job of the database, not a file within your application. If you wanted to overwrite the file, it would be easy enough -- just add something like fs.writeFile('./data/m3-customer-data.json', JSON.stringify(customerData), 'utf8', console.log('overwritten')); after the insertMany. Be sure to include const fs = require('fs');. To make it clearer what is happening, try writing the value of customerData.length to the file instead.
Question 2:
Look at the docs on require() in Node. All it's doing is parsing the data in the JSON file.
There's no magic here. A static json file is parsed to an array using require and stored in memory as the customerData variable. Its values are manipulated and sent to another computer elsewhere where it can be stored. As the code was originally written, the only purpose that json file serves is to be read.

Fine-Uploader Replace File but keep UUID

Does Fine-Uploader have the concept of replacing an existing file, but keeping the same UUID?
My uploaders are restricted to one file only. When clicking upload file again (after a file has already been successfully uploaded) results in a new UUID created for the new file. I'd like to keep the same UUID since it may already be cross linked to other data points in our back end.
Reusing a UUID for multiple files defeats the entire purpose of a UUID. So this is not supported.
I had the exact same use case and did not find a direct solution. The easiest solution for me was to handle the onSubmit event and change the UUID to a value that you create in your back end.
var sameUuid = qq.getUniqueId();
var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
callbacks: {
onSubmit: function (id, fileName) {
this.setUuid(id, sameUuid);
You could also generate a second UUID that does not change and send it along as a parameter or as a custom header.

How to store data into aerospike using nodejs?

I tried to add a CSV file into aerospike using nodejs with the put() command. It is showing all records but storing only last record. I need to store the entire CSV file into aerospike using client node js.
client.put(key, rec, function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error: %s ', error.message)
else {
console.log('Record %d written to database successfully.',count)
How to store a CSV file in aerospike using client nide js?
This is a repeated action if I understand it correctly. The problem is that since key remains unchanged, put will override it, the last overrides the penultimate, the penultimate its previous, etc. You will either need to have multiple different keys and use those or inside the loop concatenate your texts and use client.put after the loop, but with the concatenated string.
Another option for loading CSV files would be to use the Aerospike Data Loader tool:

How to insert an image into Word from a URL

I am currently working on an Office.js add in for Word and I am trying to insert an image from a given Url. I was reviewing the Office.js documentation which is located at :
InlinePicture class (JavaScript API for Word)
I see that they may have a built in functionality of getting the base64 representation from a img url by "getBase64ImageSrc()". The documentation on the dev office website is either misleading or incorrect.
Looking to see if anyone has built a word-addin that inserts an image from a url using "getBase64ImageSrc()"? Or am I looking in the wrong direction.
Need to elaborate more on Mike's answer, to avoid confusion.
Staffer901: you are talking about 2 different subjects on this post.
Inserting Images to the document. which i think is your bottom line question: how to insert an image with an image URL. The options that Michael mentioned, which are basically to insert classic HTML for an image, will work but i would NOT recommend you to use any of them. The reason why is because really what you are doing is storing a reference to the image that has a connection to the internet dependency, which means any user consuming that document must be connected to see the image.
What i DO recommend you to do for image insertion (permanent insertion :) ) is to use the range.insertInlinePictureFromBase64 method. You need to have an additional step to encode the image in the URL to a base64 string, which is what the methods accepts as input parameter and here is a good discussion on how to achieve this.. Check out a sample below showing inserting an InlinePicture on the first paragraph of the document, assumes you have the base64. Note that you can get the current insertion point and insert the pic there if needed as well. insertInlinePictureFromBase64 is a method of any objects that inherits from range, like body, paragraph, content control etc.
here is a sample:
// Run a batch operation against the Word object model. (context) {
// Create a proxy object for the paragraphs collection.
var paragraphs = context.document.body.paragraphs;
// Queue a commmand to load the style property for all of the paragraphs.
// Synchronize the document state by executing the queued commands,
// and return a promise to indicate task completion.
return context.sync().then(function () {
// Queue a command to get the first paragraph.
var paragraph = paragraphs.items[0];
// Queue a command to insert a base64 encoded image at the beginning of the first paragraph.
paragraph.insertInlinePictureFromBase64(b64encodedImg, Word.InsertLocation.start);
// Synchronize the document state by executing the queued commands,
// and return a promise to indicate task completion.
return context.sync().then(function () {
console.log('Added an image to the first paragraph.');
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
Finally note that the setSelectedDataAsync method that Michaels mentioned, was recently updated to support image insertion, you also need to supply the base64 of the image but the benefit is that you get backwards compatibility (it will work with 2013 clients as well) here is a code sample of this:
// assumes a valid base64 is provided as the first parameter.
Office.context.document.setSelectedDataAsync(mybase64, { coercionType: 'image' }, function (result) {
if (result.status == 'succeeded')
app.showNotification("Image inserted");
app.showNotification("Error:" + result.error.message + " : " +
Consuming images from the document. This is about getting the base64 from existing images in the document. We have a body. inlinePictures collection you can use to get all the images in the document, and you use the getBase64 method to get the base64 encoded representation of the binary. I would like to know why this is confusing in the documentation, can you please elaborate on that?
I hope this is useful.
thanks and happy coding!
To insert an image from URL in Word, use either the Range.insertHtml method or the Document.setSelectedDataAsync method, depending on your specific scenario and goals.
It looks like there's an error in the documentation for the other method you linked to - I'll make sure that gets corrected, but I don't believe it's the API you're looking for.

