Knockout arrayForEach undefined property - javascript

I'm having trouble trying to get a number from each item in a knockout observable array and add the numbers together and assign it to another computed variable. Here's what I have right now...
Semesters: ko.observableArray([
semesterName: "Fall",
semesterCode: "300",
PlannedCourses: ko.observableArray([]),
totalCredits: ko.computed(function(){
var total = 0;
ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.PlannedCourses, function (course) {
total += course.MinHours();
return total;
What I'm trying to do is, in the totalCredits variable, I'm trying to iterate through the PlannedCourses array and get the MinHours variable for each item and add them together in the total variable. Then I return it to the totalCredits item in the Semesters array. The issue I'm having is getting the PlannedCourses variable in the ko.utils.arrayForEach part. I'm getting an undefined on it and I'm not sure why. I think it's a simple syntax error but I can't see what's wrong.
The PlannedCourses observable array is a dynamic object that is getting the list of PlannedCourses properly. It's defined in the context of itself but I'm not passing it to the totalCredits computed function properly.
I hope this is clear enough. Thank you for your help!
Note: All the rest of the code is working as intended. The only part that isn't working is the totalCredits computed function. I'm not sure if anything within the ko.utils.arrayForEach is working as I haven't been able to get that far.

You're going to need to change the way you populate your Semesters observable array to use a constructor function in order to get a reference to the correct scope for this:
function semester(name, code) {
this.Name = name;
this.Code = code;
this.PlannedCourses = ko.observableArray([]);
this.totalCredits = ko.computed(function(){
var total = 0;
ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.PlannedCourses(), function (course) {
//Note the change to "this.PlannedCourses()" above to get the underlying array
total += course.MinHours();
return total;
}, this); //now we can pass "this" as the context for the computed
See how we can now pass in an object to the second argument for ko.computed to use as the context for this in the inner function. For more information, see the knockout docs: Managing 'this'.
You then create new instances of semester when populating your array:
Semesters: ko.observableArray([
new semester("Fall", "300"),
new semester(...)
This approach also means you have a consistent way of creating your semester objects (the computed is only defined once for one thing), rather than possibly incorporating typos etc in any repetition you may originally have had.

As others already mentioned your this is not what you think it is. In your case the context should be passed to the computed as follows:
totalCredits: ko.computed(function() {
// Computation goes here..
}, this)
Another approach could be to store the correct this to some local variable during the object creation (ex. var self = this; and then use self instead of this).
However, ko.utils.arrayForEach doesn't work with observable arrays but works on pure JavaScript arrays, so you should unwrap the observable array to access the elements of the underlying array:
ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.PlannedCourses(), function(course) {
// ...
// Or
ko.utils.arrayForEach(ko.unwrap(this.PlannedCourses), function(course) {
// ...

The scope (this) isn't what you think it is.
try adding your context, like the following:
Semesters: ko.observableArray([
semesterName: "Fall",
semesterCode: "300",
PlannedCourses: ko.observableArray([]),
totalCredits: ko.computed(function(){
var total = 0;
ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.PlannedCourses, function (course) {
total += course.MinHours();
return total;
}, this), // new context passed in here
Doing this passes in the context of the array item itself into your computed function.
you may need to access the Semesters object inside you loop, and add some way to reference the current item:
Semesters: ko.observableArray([
semesterName: "Fall",
semesterCode: "300",
PlannedCourses: ko.observableArray([]),
totalCredits: ko.computed(function(){
var total = 0;
for( var i = 0, len = Semesters().length; i < len; i++ ) {
// check current array item, possibly add an id?
if( Semesters()[i].semesterName === "Fall" &&
Semesters()[i].semesterCode === "300" ) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(Semesters()[i].PlannedCourses, function (course) {
total += course.MinHours();
break; // done searching
return total;


KnockoutJS how to implement a computed observable for each item of an array?

I need to have a computed observable for each element of an array. The resolution of this computed observable needs to rely on other properties existing in the context of each array element.
Please check the following example case:
This is the result of a KnockoutJS foreach binding to a nested array, having a group = category, and items nested in each category.
In my scenario, and initial array has "plain" properties in its elements, as if retrieved from a backend, to later be mapped into another array with the same structure, but with the quantity property deliberately set to a knockout observable. In this mapping process where I set quantity to be a knockout observable, I also need to set another computed observable property to represent the item total (price property x quantity property). This item total computed observable has to happen for each element of the array, and has to depend on the content of price and quantity property in the context of each array element.
Please check the following screen shot, imagine a bar menu where quantity is entered on the input tag bound to observable array elements, and upon changing each quantity, a computed observable bound to a td tag should reflect the item total calculation.
Please also check the JS Fiddle for this
As you will notice in the JS Fiddle, this part in the array mapping function to implement the totalComputed property is obviously wrong, it does not work.
totalComputed: ko.computed(function() {
return element.items[indexInArrayItems].quantity * element.items[indexInArrayItems].price;
Can you help, preferrably making my JS Fiddle work?
You need to take advantage of knockout's power by creating observable variables and observableArray then have dependencies in your computed function in order to have your computed gets updated automatically every time any of its dependencies change.
Here is based on your JS Fiddle example :
var MainViewModel = function(){
var self = this;
self.dataSource = ko.observableArray([]);
//probably inside your ajax success
self.dataSource($.map(dataFromBackend, function (item) {
return new CategoryViewModel(item);
var CategoryViewModel = function(data){
var self = this;
self.Items = ko.observableArray($.map(data.items, function (item) {
return new ItemViewModel(item);
self.category = ko.observable(data.category);
var ItemViewModel = function(data){
var self = this;
self.description = ko.observable(data.description);
self.price = ko.observable(data.price);
self.quantity = ko.observable(data.quantity);
self.totalComputed = ko.computed(function () {
return self.price() * self.quantity();
var vm = new MainViewModel();

for loop in multiselect not called first time javascript/jquery

I have a multiselect dependency where I display cities and their areas respectively.
The problem is that, both for loops in the function getArea only get called upon the second select of the cities option element.
Note: In debugger it works fine. I think its a scope problem and I tried using the foreach function but to no avail.
I have indicated below the line where the issue occurs.
//Global Variables
var allAreas = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#sel-city").bind("change", getAreas);
//get Cities on reload
function getCities() {
$.getJSON("cities.json", function(json) {
var citySelect = $("#sel-city");
for (var i in json) {
.append($('<option>', {value: json[i].id})
function getAreas() {
var parentID = $(this).val();
if (allAreas.length == 0) {
$.getJSON("areas.json", function(json) {
for (var i in json) {
$('option', $("#sel-area")).remove();
var areasByParentID = new Array();
//Loop here
for (var i in allAreas) {
if (allAreas[i].city_id == parentID) {
//Loop here
for (var k in areasByParentID) {
.append($('<option>', {value: areasByParentID[k].id})
With the information you gave us and without sample data everything looks fine. But you have some minor mistakes which could lead to bad results. I decided to have a look on it, make some corrections and get it workin correctly with some sample data.
What you should take care of?
use for loops instead of for-in for arrays
you should avoid the new Array() operation
you should cache jquery variables to reduce siteload
for the areas to be set correctly on siteload you should just define init functions
What here could cause an error?
var a = [];
a[5] = 5;
for (var x in a) {
// Shows only the explicitly set index of "5", and ignores 0-4
The use of the for-in statement is to enumerate over object properties and will even inherited properties. Depending on your data it could give wrong results as shown in my example.
here is a jsfiddle with sample data.

How can I make Ember.js handlebars #each iterate over objects?

I'm trying to make the {{#each}} helper to iterate over an object, like in vanilla handlebars. Unfortunately if I use #each on an object, Ember.js version gives me this error:
Assertion failed: The value that #each loops over must be an Array. You passed [object Object]
I wrote this helper in attempt to remedy this:
Ember.Handlebars.helper('every', function (context, options) {
var oArray = [];
for (var k in context) {
key : k,
value : context[k]
return Ember.Handlebars.helpers.each(oArray, options);
Now, when I attempt to use {{#every}}, I get the following error:
Assertion failed: registerBoundHelper-generated helpers do not support use with Handlebars blocks.
This seems like a basic feature, and I know I'm probably missing something obvious. Can anyone help?
Here's a fiddle:
Use {{each-in}} helper. You can use it like like {{each}} helper.
{{#each-in modelWhichIsObject as |key value|}}
JS Bin demo.
After fiddling with it for a few hours, I came up with this hacky way:
Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('every', function(context, options) {
var oArray = [], actualData = this.get(context);
for (var k in actualData) {
key: k,
value: actualData[k]
this.set(context, oArray);
return Ember.Handlebars.helpers.each.apply(this,;
I don't know what repercussions this.set has, but this seems to work!
Here's a fiddle:
I've been after similar functionality, and since we're sharing our hacky ways, here's my fiddle for the impatient:
This fiddle is based on the one provided by #lxe, with updates by #Kingpin2k, and then myself.
Ember: 1.9.1, Handlebars: 2.0.0, jQuery 2.1.3
Here we are adding a helper called every which can iterate over objects and arrays.
For example this model:
model: function() {
return {
properties: {
foo: 'bar',
zoo: 'zar'
can be iterated with the following handlebars template:
<ul class="properties">
{{#every p in properties}}
<li>{{p.key}} : {{p.value}}</li>
every helper works by creating an array from the objects keys, and then coordinating changes to Ember by way of an ArrayController. Yeah, hacky. This does however, let us add/remove properties to/from an object provided that object supports observation of the [] property.
In my use case I have an Ember.Object derived class which notifies [] when properties are added/removed. I'd recommend looking at Ember.Set for this functionality, although I see that Set been recently deprecated. As this is slightly out of this questions scope I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader. Here's a tip: setUnknownProperty
To be notified of property changes we wrap non-object values in what I've called a DataValueObserver which sets up (currently one way) bindings. These bindings provide a bridge between the values held by our internal ArrayController and the object we are observing.
When dealing with objects; we wrap those in ObjectProxy's so that we can introduce a 'key' member without the need to modify the object itself. Why yes, this does imply that you could use #every recursively. Another exercise for the reader ;-)
I'd recommend having your model be based around Ember.Object to be consistent with the rest of Ember, allowing you to manipulate your model via its get & set handlers. Alternatively, as demonstrated in the fiddle, you can use Em.Get/Em.set to access models, as long as you are consistent in doing so. If you touch your model directly (no get/set), then every won't be notified of your change.
Em.set(, 'foo', 'asdfsdf');
For completeness here's my every helper:
var DataValueObserver = Ember.Object.extend({
init: function() {
// one way binding (for now)
Em.addObserver(this.parent, this.key, this, 'valueChanged');
value: function() {
return Em.get(this.parent, this.key);
valueChanged: function() {
Handlebars.registerHelper("every", function() {
var args = [];
var options = args.pop();
var context = (options.contexts && options.contexts[0]) || this;
Ember.assert("Must be in the form #every foo in bar ", 3 == args.length && args[1] === "in");
options.hash.keyword = args[0];
var property = args[2];
// if we're dealing with an array we can just forward onto the collection helper directly
var p = this.get(property);
if (Ember.Array.detect(p)) {
options.hash.dataSource = p;
return, Ember.Handlebars.EachView, options);
// create an array that we will manage with content
var array = Em.ArrayController.create();
options.hash.dataSource = array;, Ember.Handlebars.EachView, options);
var update_array = function(result) {
if (!result) {
// check for proxy object
var result = (result.isProxy && result.content) ? result.content : result;
var items = result;
var keys = Ember.keys(items).sort();
// iterate through sorted array, inserting & removing any mismatches
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
var value = items[key];
while (true) {
var old_obj = array.objectAt(i);
if (old_obj) {
Ember.assert("Assume that all objects in our array have a key", undefined !== old_obj.key);
var c = key.localeCompare(old_obj.key);
if (0 === c) break; // already exists
if (c < 0) {
array.removeAt(i); // remove as no longer exists
// insert
if (typeof value === 'object') {
// wrap object so we can give it a key
value = Ember.ObjectProxy.create({
content: value,
isProxy: true,
key: key
array.insertAt(i, value);
} else {
// wrap raw value so we can give it a key and observe when it changes
value = DataValueObserver.create({
parent: result,
key: key,
array.insertAt(i, value);
// remove any trailing items
while (array.objectAt(i)) array.removeAt(i);
var should_display = function() {
return true;
// use bind helper to call update_array if the contents of property changes
var child_properties = ["[]"];
var preserve_context = true;
return, property, options, preserve_context, should_display, update_array, child_properties);
Inspired by:
How can I make Ember.js handlebars #each iterate over objects?
Here's that fiddle again if you missed it:

JavaScript dynamically defining properties

I'm working on a JS framework and came across something odd (or I'm missing completely obvious)
I define properties on objects using Object.defineProperty. However using this within a for loop will result in some funky values. Somehow the last property added will always be the assigned value. For example if I'd assign something to attribute one it gets assigned to attribute three. Here's an example (and here's a fiddle
var Test = function(){};
var props = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
for(var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
Object.defineProperty(Test.prototype, props[i], {
get: function() {
return this['_'+props[i]];
set: function(val) {
this['_'+props[i]] = val;
var test = new Test(); = 'one';
console.log(test.three) // => 'one'
If I'd wrap this up in a forEach loop it works perfectly fine. What I'm guess at is that they all hold the same get/set functions due to scope errors (on my part?).
Could anyone explain as to why this happens?
Also possible to solve with a IIFE:
get:(function(y) {
return function() { return this['_'+props[y]]; }
get and set are functions that all reference the same variable, i. By the time you call the function outside the loop, i is 3. When you use forEach, the function defining the properties gets the index or key as a parameter, which is a different entity in each call.

Knockout computed vs. subscription, timing issues

Just found out, that in KnockoutJS subscription functions are evaluated before dependent computables and need someone who can commit that, because I can't find anything about Knockouts timing in the docs or discussion forums.
That means: If I have a model like this...
var itemModel = function (i) {
var self = this;
self.Id = ko.observable(i.Id);
self.Title = ko.observable(i.Title);
self.State = ko.observable(i.State);
var appModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.Items = ko.observableArray() // <-- some code initializes an Array of itemModels here
self.indexOfSelectedItem = ko.observable();
self.selectedItem = ko.computed(function () {
if (self.indexOfSelectedItem() === undefined) {
return null;
return self.Items()[self.indexOfSelectedItem()];
where I want to keep track of the selected array item with an observable index field, and I subscribe to this index field like this...
appModel.indexOfSelectedItem.subscribe(function () {
// Do something with appModel.selectedItem()
...the subscription function is evaluated before the computed is reevaluated with the new index value, so I will get the selectedItem() that corresponds to the last selected Index and not the actual selected Index.
Two questions:
Is that right?
Then why should I make use of ko.computed() if a simple function gets me the current selected Item every time I call it, while ko.computed gets evaluated at anytime where everything is done already and I dont need it anymore?
By default all computeds in Knockout are evaluated in an eager fashion, not lazily (i.e., not when you first access them).
As soon as one dependency changes, all all subscriptions are notified and all connected computeds are re-evaluated. You can change that behavior to "lazy" by specifying the deferEvaluation option in a computed observable, but you cannot do this for a subscription.
Hoewever, I think there is no need to depend on the index of the selected item. In fact, that's even bad design because you are not really intested in the numerical value of the index, but rather in the item it represents.
You could reverse the dependencies by creating a writeable computed observable that gives you the index of the currently selected item (for diplay purposes) and allows to change it as well (for convenience).
function AppModel() {
var self = this;
self.Items = ko.observableArray();
self.selectedItem = ko.observable();
self.indexOfSelectedItem = ko.computed({
read: function () {
var i,
allItems = self.Items(),
selectedItem = self.selectedItem();
for (i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++) {
if (allItems[i] === selectedItem) {
return i;
return -1;
write: function (i) {
var allItems = self.Items();
Knockout favors storing/handling the actual values instead of just indexes to values, so it would probably not be difficult to make the necessary changes to your view. Just make everything that previously wrote to indexOfSelectedItem now write to selectedItem directly. Dependencies on selectedItem will continue to work normally.
In a well-designed Knockout application you will rarely ever have the need to handle the index of an array item. I'd recommend removing the write part of the computed once everything works.

