How to use React to build a multi-page app? - javascript

I am building an app with NodeJS and would like to use React for some of the interactive components across the application. I do not want to make it single page app.
How do I break up or bundle my React components across a multi-page app?
Currently all my components are in one file even though I may never load them in some sections of the app.
So far I am trying using conditional statements to render components by searching for the ID of the container where React will render. I am not 100% sure of what the best practices are with React. It looks something like this.
if(document.getElementById('a-compenent-in-page-1')) {
<AnimalBox url="/api/birds" />,
if(document.getElementById('a-compenent-in-page-2')) {
<AnimalBox url="/api/cats" />,
if(document.getElementById('a-compenent-in-page-3')) {
<AnimalSearchBox url="/api/search/:term" />,
I am still reading the documentation and haven't found what I need yet for a multi page app.

Currently, I am doing something similar.
The application is not a full React App, I am using React for dynamic Stuff, like CommentBox, which is autark. And can be included at any Point with special params..
However, all my sub Apps are loaded and included into a single file all.js, so it can be cached by the browser across pages.
When I need to include an App into the SSR Templates, I just have to include a DIV with the class "__react-root" and a special ID, ( the name of the React App to be rendered )
The logic is really simple:
import CommentBox from './apps/CommentBox';
import OtherApp from './apps/OtherApp';
const APPS = {
function renderAppInElement(el) {
var App = APPS[];
if (!App) return;
// get props from elements data attribute, like the post_id
const props = Object.assign({}, el.dataset);
ReactDOM.render(<App {...props} />, el);
<div>Some Article</div>
<div id="CommentBox" data-post_id="10" class="__react-root"></div>
<script src="/all.js"></script>
Since webpack perfectly supports code-splitting & LazyLoading, I thought it make sense to include an example where you don't need to load all your apps in one bundle, but split them up and load on demand.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const apps = {
'One': () => import('./One'),
'Two': () => import('./Two'),
const renderAppInElement = (el) => {
if (apps[]) {
apps[]().then((App) => {
ReactDOM.render(<App {...el.dataset} />, el);

You can provide several entry points for the application in the webpack.config.js file:
var config = {
entry: {
home: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/main'),
page1: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/page1'),
page2: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/page2'),
vendors: ['react']
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'js'),
filename: '[name].bundle.js',
chunkFilename: '[id].chunk.js'
then you can have in your src folder three different html files with their respective js files (example for page1):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Page 1</title>
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="./vendors.js"></script>
<script src="./page1.bundle.js"></script>
JavaScript file:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDom from 'react-dom'
import App from './components/App'
import ComponentA from './components/ReactComponentA'
<App title='page1' />
</div>, document.getElementById('app'))
Different React components can be then loaded for each single page.

I'm building an application from the ground up and am learning as I go, but I think what you are looking for is React-Router. React-Router maps your components to specific URLs. For example:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="api/animals" component={Animals}>
<Route path="birds" component={Birds}/>
<Route path="cats" component={Cats}/>
<Route path="api/search:term" component={AnimalSearchBox}>
), document.body)
In the search case, 'term' is accessible as a property in the AnimalSearchBox:
componentDidMount() {
// from the path `/api/search/:term`
const term = this.props.params.term
Try it out. This tutorial is the one that put me over the top in terms of my understanding of this and other related topics.
Original answer follows:
I found my way here looking for the same answer. See if this post inspires you. If your application is anything like mine, it will have areas that change very little and varies only in the main body. You could create a widget whose responsibility it is to render a different widget based upon the state of the application. Using a flux architecture, you could dispatch a navigation action that changes the state your body widget switches upon, effectively updating the body of the page only.
That's the approach I'm attempting now.

Are you using a CMS? They tend to like changing urls which could break your application.
Another way is using something like React Habitat.
With it, you can register components and they automatically get exposed to the dom.
Register component(s):
container.register('AnimalBox', AnimalBox);
container.register('AnimalSearchBox', AnimalSearchBox);
Then they are availiable in your dom like this:
<div data-component="AnimalBox"></div>
<div data-component="AnimalSearchBox"></div>
The above will be automatically replaced with your react components.
You can then automatically pass properties (or props) to your components too:
<div data-component="AnimalBox" data-prop-size="small"></div>
This will expose size as a prop to your component. There are additional options for passing other types such as json, array's, ints, floats etc.

I know it's been a while since this question was asked but hopefully this helps someone.
As #Cocomico mentioned you could provide several entry points for the application in the webpack.config.js file. If you are looking for a simple Webpack setup (based on the idea of multiple entry points) that allows you to add React components to static pages you may consider using this:

I revive this old question since I was in the same situation, without finding an answer that could satisfy my needs. So, based on #webdeb 's answer, I wrote a mini-framework that use CRA (without eject) to inject as many components you want in any HTML page while preserving all the CRA's benefits.
You can check my public repo here that contains all the needed files and a link to a Medium article where I thoroughly explain all this stuff.
The general idea
The trick is to install CRA as you normally would, and update the index.js file as follows :
import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
//list here all the components that could be inserted in a web page
const apps = {
'App': React.lazy(() => import('./App')),
'TestComponent1': React.lazy(() => import('./TestComponent1')),
'TestComponent2': React.lazy(() => import('./TestComponent2')),
//event manager to communicate between the components
const bridgeEvent = new EventTarget();
//common fallback for all the components
function Fallback() {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
const renderAppInElement = (el) => {
if(apps[el.dataset.reactComponent] && !el.dataset.rendered){
//get the component's name stored in the data-react-component attribute
const App = apps[el.dataset.reactComponent];
//render the component, inject all the HTML attributes and the Event bridge
<Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>
<App {...el.dataset} bridgeEvent={bridgeEvent}/>
, el);
el.dataset.rendered = true;
else if(el.dataset.rendered){
console.log('el', el, 'is already rendered')
const rootEl = document.getElementById('root');
//generate components without attributes
const components = process.env.REACT_APP_RENDER_CMP.split(',');
components.forEach(item => {
const componentEl = document.createElement('div');
componentEl.setAttribute("data-react-component", item);
componentEl.className = "__react-cmp";
//generate components with attributes
let componentsWithAttrs;
componentsWithAttrs = JSON.parse(process.env.REACT_APP_RENDER_CMP_WITH_ATTRS);
console.log('fail to parse REACT_APP_RENDER_CMP_WITH_ATTRS', e);
componentsWithAttrs.forEach(cmp => {
const componentEl = document.createElement('div');
componentEl.setAttribute("data-react-component", cmp.class);
componentEl.className = "__react-cmp";
Object.keys( => {
//the default name of the global object is ReactComponents, but it could be customized via the REACT_APP_NAMESPACE environment variable
const appNamespace = process.env.REACT_APP_NAMESPACE || "ReactComponents";
window[appNamespace] = {
ready: false,
//parse the container or the whole document and inject all the components in the containers that have a "__react-cmp" class
(container || document)
window[appNamespace].ready = true;
//if dynamic parsing must be done via the window.ReactComponents.parseComponents() method
//check the availability of window.ReactComponents object via window.ReactComponents.ready property
//or define a window.ReactComponentsAsyncInit() method to be notified of the availability
if(typeof window[`${appNamespace}AsyncInit`] === 'function'){
// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function
// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))
Then you can add REACT_APP_RENDER_CMP and/or REACT_APP_RENDER_CMP_WITH_ATTRS environment variables to test your components while using the CRA's development server. Your .env.development.local file could look like:
#this will render the TestComponent1 and TestComponent2 without any attributes
#this will render TestComponent1 with the data-test-attribute attribute set to "test attribute value"
REACT_APP_RENDER_CMP_WITH_ATTRS="[{"class":"TestComponent1","data":{"data-test-attribute":"test attribute value"}}]"
After building your files, you should have your index.html file with all the .js and .css files you need to include in each page of your multi-page app that should load your React components. Don't forget to add INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false in your .env file to avoid any inline javascript!
Then, add the components' containers in the HTML pages where you want them to show. For instance:
<div class="__react-cmp" data-react-component="TestComponent1"></div>
The parseComponents() declared in the CRA's index.js file should be executed, grabbing your div with the .__react-cmp class, then use it as a container for your TestComponent1 React component.
In the dedicated repo and article I explain how you could change your build path with the CRA's BUILD_PATH environment variable (so you can host your built files in your server or in a CDN) and I provide a loader that will parse the built index.html file and dynamically insert all the needed .js and .css files in your page (so you just have to include the loader, instead of all the files). Here is how the loader looks like, assuming its file name is cmp-loader.js and hosted next to your built index.html file:
(async () => {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
const scriptSrcRegexp = new RegExp('<script.*?src="(.*?)"', 'gmi');
//get the exact script's src as defined in the src attribute
const scriptSrc = scriptSrcRegexp.exec(document.currentScript.outerHTML);
//all the resources should be relative to the path of this script
const resourcesPath = (scriptSrc && scriptSrc.length > 1) ? scriptSrc[1].replace('cmp-loader.js', '') : '';
//get the index content
const indexHTML = await (await fetch(resourcesPath+'index.html', {cache:'reload'})).text();
//assume that all the .js and .css files to load are in the "static" folder
const reactCSSRegexp = new RegExp(`<link href="${resourcesPath}static\/css\/(.*?)\.css" rel="stylesheet">`, 'gm');
const reactJSRegexp = new RegExp(`<script (.*?) src="${resourcesPath}static\/js\/(.*?)\.js"><\/script>`, 'gm');
//grab all the css tags
const ReactCSS = [].concat(indexHTML.match(reactCSSRegexp)).join('');
//grab all the js tags
const ReactJS = [].concat(indexHTML.match(reactJSRegexp)).join('');
//parse and execute the scripts
const scriptsDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(ReactJS, 'text/html');
Array.from(scriptsDoc.getElementsByTagName('script')).forEach(item => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
[...item.attributes].forEach(attr => {
script.setAttribute(, attr.value)
//inject the CSS
head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ReactCSS);
})().catch(e => {
console.log('fail to load react-cmp', e)

I suggest you take a look at InertiaJS:
With Inertia you build apps just like you've always done with your server-side web framework of choice. You use your framework's existing functionality for routing, controllers, middleware, authentication, authorization, data fetching, and more.
The only thing that's different is your view layer. Instead of using server-side rendering (eg. Blade or ERB templates), the views are JavaScript page components. This allows you to build your entire front-end using React, Vue or Svelte.


How to define different layouts for different routes in Next.js inside the pages folder?

I would like to implement layout-based routing in my pages directory. I am looking for a way to use something similar to the _app.tsx file, but only for the files inside a specific folder.
This would function similarly to the Remix routing style, where there is a folder, such as panel and a file called panel.tsx that wraps the files inside the "panel" folder with a layout.
How can I achieve something similar in the Next.js pages directory?
What I want:
The panel.tsx file will function like a layout in new app directory basically i want to find a way to wrap around files inside a folder just exactly like how Remix does it or the new app directory
What you are talking about is called Per-Page Layouts in Next.js. And it works as follow, as you can read on the doc:
If you need multiple layouts, you can add a property getLayout to your page, allowing you to return a React component for the layout. This allows you to define the layout on a per-page basis. Since we're returning a function, we can have complex nested layouts if desired.
// pages/index.js
import Layout from '../components/layout'
import NestedLayout from '../components/nested-layout'
export default function Page() {
return (
/** Your content */
Page.getLayout = function getLayout(page) {
return (
// pages/_app.js
export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
// Use the layout defined at the page level, if available
const getLayout = Component.getLayout || ((page) => page)
return getLayout(<Component {...pageProps} />)
The above is for the / page, but the logic is the same for any route. Just adapt your imports and layouts names, and you will be good to go.

Next.js import with variables or conditionally import

import { keyFeatures } from 'common/data/AppClassic';
I am new to Next.js and using a template.
I have at least managed to succesfully add i18n, and I don't want to rebuild the whole template and the components... There is already a file in AppClassic that serves the content (pictures, text content ect). The easiest thing I thought of would be just duplicating this, and putting these files in different subpaths like 'en/common/data/AppClassic' or 'de/common/data/AppClassic' - And then somehow to import it with the dynamic locale const or conditionally render it, so if the locale const is 'en' then one file is imported, but if the const is 'de', then the other file is imported.
const router = useRouter();
const { locale } = router;
import { keyFeatures } from { locale } + '/common/data/AppClassic';
Is there a way to do something like that, and if so, could you provide some examples - since I have actually no Idea what I am doing.
I would be very grateful.
You could work your way with Next.js dynamic imports like the example:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const DynamicComponent = dynamic(() =>
import('../components/hello').then((mod) => mod.Hello)
For more info check their official docs:

How to add custom scripts bundle in NextJS

I have some legacy custom javascripts that I need to bundle and put them in _document.js as a link. The filename should include a hash.
What would be the best way to accomplish this?
I tried webpack configs regarding entry/output but they break NextJs build.
The problem is that we use things like window, document, etc that do crash in server side.
Ideally what is needed is to inject this into a tag, as compiled / babelified javascript code.
What I tried is
Webpack HTML Plugin plus other plugins like InlineChunk or
InlineSource plugins. They didn't work because they generate code in
an index.html that is not used by NextJS.
Using Raw Loader to get the file content. Doesn't work because it is
not babelified.
Adding a custom entry to the Webpack config, like scripts:
'path/to/my-entry.js'. Didn't work because it adds a hash name to the
file and I have no way of knowing it.
Adding a custom entry into the NextJs polyfills. I thought it made
sense, but the polyfill tag has a nomodule which prevents its code to
run on new browsers.
Another options is to add the javascript code as a string, and then using __dangerouslySetInnerHtml but the problem is that I lose linter and babel abilities there.
I tried adding it as a page, but crashes for local development and even on build
module.exports = (nextConfig = {}) =>
Object.assign({}, nextConfig, {
webpack(config, options) {
const nextJsEntries = config.entry;
config.entry = async () => {
const entries = await nextJsEntries();
entries['pages/rscripts'] = 'test/test.js';
return entries;
Then in _document.js
<script src={`${publicRuntimeConfig.ASSET_PREFIX}/_next/${this.props.buildManifest.pages['/rscripts'][2]}`} />
You can just import js file like import 'path/to/js_file' in your _app.js/app.tsx file
import "../styles/globals.css"
import "../js/test"
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return <Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp
This one works fine for me
I wanted to add another answer here as I came across this and I believe some things have changed in Next JS. Next now has this script component that you can use to load external scripts or dangerously set a script.
The Next.js Script component, next/script, is an extension of the HTML
element. It enables developers to set the loading priority of
third-party scripts anywhere in their application, outside next/head,
saving developer time while improving loading performance.
The cool thing is you can put them into whatever pages you want, maybe you have a script you want on a homepage, but not other pages, and Next will extract them and place them on the page based on the strategy you select. There are a few gotchas, can't load in the head, beforeInteractive is a little finicky, so I would read the link above and the actual API reference before making any choices.
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import Script from 'next/script';
function thirdPartyScript() {
useEffect(() => {
// just for fun. This actually fires
// before the onLoad callback
}, []);
return (
onLoad={() => {
console.log('Onload fires as you would expect');

How can I set the index page of my Gatsby site to be one of the dynamically generated pages?

I have a Gatsby site that queries information from a Wordpress REST API with GraphQL to dynamically create the site pages. I'd like to set my index page to be the homepage that is being created dynamically i.e home.html
I saw this post that was similar
On Gatsby CMS how can i set the about page as a index page
However, they have an about.js file that corresponds to their about page, meaning they can export it as a component and use it in index or they can even just copy the contents of that file over to index.js. The homepage that I want to set as my index is being generated dynamically and using a GraphQL query that can't be used outside of the page.js template. So I don't see an easy way to copy that over to another file.
I guess my last option would be to set my server to point to the static file in public/home.html and serve that as the site root, but the person in that posting tries to deter people from doing that.
Any ideas?
Here is page.js template that generates the pages of the site:
const PageTemplate = ({ data }) => (
{<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data.currentPage.title }} />}
renderBlocks(gatherBlocks(data.currentPage.acf.page_blocks, data))
export default PageTemplate;
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query ($id: String!) {
currentPage: wordpressPage(id: {eq: $id}) {
parent {
acf {
page_blocks {
block_type {
And here is my index page:
import React from "react"
import Layout from "../components/global/Layout"
const IndexPage = () => (
<h1>Hi people</h1>
<p>Welcome to the Tank Gatsby site.</p>
<p>Now go build something great.</p>
export default IndexPage
I experienced the same situation today. I used the following approach to use my dynamically created page with uri '/home'(fetched from wordpress using GraphQL query) as the home page of my Gatsby site:
Delete the default index.js file in your pages directory.
In gatsby-node.js file, change the uri
of page from '/home' to '/' just before using the CreatePage API.
Here is the sample code to achieve the desired result:
// loop through WordPress pages and create a Gatsby page for each one
pages.forEach(page => {
page.uri = '/'
path: page.uri,
component: require.resolve(`./src/templates/${page.template.templateName}.js`),
context: {
In the above code, pages refer to the pages fetched from WordPress using GraphQL.
I could not find an easy way to create index page programmatically. Made it work nonetheless, details below.
createRedirect is valid approach but might affect SEO and definitely affects E2E tests cause actual page content gets rendered with a small delay.
Another thing to consider is that having pages/index.js file is required in order to get index.html file generated on production build. This gets in the way of using createPage({ path: '/', ... cause in my case programmatically created index page was overwritten by the static one (made of pages/index.js). This looks like a bug to me (or rather not supported feature). Corresponding github issue.
looks like deletePage and createPage gatsby-node APIs work asynchronously, hence we have to delete index page created from static file and create the one we want in the same callback. Not 100% sure about this one, but that's my observation.
onCreatePage API is a good candidate since it gets called upon original index page creation and we can take that one out and replace it with the custom one, programmatically created.
There is a catch however - CreatePageArgs interface (unlike CreatePagesArgs) doesn't provide reference to graphql, hence fetching data might be tricky.
Final solution:
export function onCreatePage(args: CreatePageArgs): void {
const { page } = args;
if (page.path === '/') {
const { deletePage, createPage } = args.actions;
const indexPageComponentPath = path.resolve(
path: '/',
component: indexPageComponentPath,
path: '/',
component: yourComponentPath,
There is a solution: use createRedirect in gatsby-node.js.
import React from 'react'
export default () => <></>
exports.createPages = async ({ actions }) => {
const { createRedirect } = actions
fromPath: '/',
toPath: '/home',
isPermanent: true,
redirectInBrowser: true,
I was able to address this by copying the contents of the page.js template into index.js , but instead of using a regular GraphQL query, which cannot be used outside of the page template, I used useStaticQuery instead and hardcoded the id of the index page I was retrieving data from.

Use react without a router component

If I want to make a web application using reactjs that is not a single page.
Should I compile all the react code into a single file and load it on all pages of the application, then use the function that I expose to render the necessary components?
Example of an html file
<div id="Clock" data-react="Clock"></div>
<div id="HelloWorld" data-react="HelloWorld"></div>
example of index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Clock from './Clock';
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld';
import OtherComponent from './OtherComponent';
const APPS = {
const MyReactRender = react => {
let component = react.getAttribute('data-react');
let App = APPS[component];
if(App != undefined) {
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById(component));
I'd see two ways, of increasing quality and difficulty. In both cases, you use good old anchors elements to redirect the page to a url, to which different templates correspond.
Manually check for the existence of divs id's
In this case, each template includes the same javascript bundle that contains everything in the app and a single element with an id corresponding to the specific component. The idea is to check wether or not an element is present in the page, then activate its corresponding react component if it is.
if (document.getElementById('component-root')) {
ReactDOM.render(<Component />, document.getElementById('component-root'));
On the up side, it's quite easily implemented. On the down side, the bundle will always get bigger and bigger, and the list of ifs grows each time you add a new "page".
Separate your modules in actual bundles
Different bundle managers exist, but I'd recommend using Webpack to create multiple bundles that contain only specific part of your application. Then, each template contains only the corresponding div element, as well as that specific bundle.
<head><script src="/js/clock.js"></head>
<body><div id="root-clock"></div></body>
<head><script src="/js/otherComponent.js"></head>
<body><div id="root-other-component"></div></body>
How to package multiple bundles with webpack is out of the scope of this answer, but look here.
I've tried making a react application without a router. I used ternary operators to switch from component to component.
// App Component
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
inClockComponent: true,
inHelloWorldComponent: false,
inOtherComponent: false
render() {
const {inClockComponent, inHelloWorldComponent, inOtherComponent} = this.state
return (
? <Clock> : inHelloWorldComponent
? <HelloWorld> : inOtherComponent ? <OtherComponent> :
<div>No Component Here</div>
You could pass a function from the App component that would change the display state to each child component of App
// in App Component
showHelloWorldComponent() {
inClockComponent: false,
inHelloWorldComponent: true,
inOtherComponent: false
You insert that function onto a button that would navigate to a different component
// in Clock Component
render() {
return (
<h2>Time is 5:15 P.M.</h2>
<button onClick={this.props.showHelloWorldComponent}>
Go To Hello World
It's a messy solution, and I wouldn't suggest using it in a big application, but I hope this answers your question!

