Detect changing of the select list value with AngularJS - javascript

I tried using ng-change on select but the problem is, I need to send to the method but, to model.
<select name="ticketAttendeeMapping"
<option ng-repeat="ticket in inTransitionTickets | filter: greaterThan('countRemaining', 0)"
ng-click="onAttendeeTicketmapping(, $parent.$index)">
I also tried doing this:
<select name="ticketAttendeeMapping"
ng-model="attendee.ticketTypeName" class="form-control"
ng-options=" as for ticket in inTransitionTickets | filter: greaterThan('countRemaining', 0)"
ng-change="onAttendeeTicketmapping(, $index)">
<option value="" disabled>Choose Your Ticket</option>

The easiest way is to just use the object in the model:
<select name="ticketAttendeeMapping" ng-model="attendee.ticket" class="form-control" ng-options=" for ticket in inTransitionTickets" ng-change="change(">
Then you can access the name by using $ and you can access the id by using $

try to do this:
<select name="ticketAttendeeMapping" ng-model="attendee.ticketTypeName" class="form-control" ng-options=" as ticket for ticket in inTransitionTickets | filter: greaterThan('countRemaining', 0)" ng-change="onAttendeeTicketmapping(attendee.ticketTypeName, $index)">
<option value="" disabled>Choose Your Ticket</option>
now you will get ticket i.e."attendee.ticketTypeName" object in ur ng-change method. where u can get its "id"

I am not sure, If what I have done here is what was originally asked by OP.
We can't use ng-options here simply!!
because while we use "ng-options" it restricts our access to current selected Json element to the properties explicitly mentioned in ng-options, on the contrary ng-repeat gives you complete access to current Object.
<select name="ticketAttendeeMapping"
<option ng-repeat="ticket in ticketJson "
$scope.SelectedTicketNameFromngModel = '';
$scope.selectTicketIdFromMethod = '';
$scope.ticketJson = [{'name':'tick1','id':'t1'},{'name':'tick2','id':'t2'},{'name':'tick3','id':'t3'}];
$scope.alertMe = function(tId){
$scope.selectTicketIdFromMethod = tId;


vuejs - define v-model only when object exists

My select box is working fine when the variable exists correctly.
<select name="ativo_retencao" v-model="" class="form-control m-input">
<option v-for="ativo in ativos" v-bind:value="">#{{ ativo.title }}</option>
So when it does not exists, I want to not define (or set null) the v-model property.
Is that possible?
you can use an ternary to do this:
<select name="ativo_retencao" :v-model=" ? : ''" class="form-control m-input">
<option v-for="ativo in ativos" v-bind:value="">#{{ ativo.title }}</option>
v-model is just syntactic sugar (code below applies just for select element):
v-model="" same as
:value="" v-on:change=" = $" if you don't have a value you want to bind to, just don't render the select at all
<select v-if="" name="ativo_retencao" :v-model="" class="form-control m-input">
<option v-for="ativo in ativos" v-bind:value="">#{{ ativo.title }}</option>

angular2 getting the whole object selected in a select box

In the past I was able to pass out the 'object' that was used for the select options. I'd like to capture that information off a regular select, but I cannot remember how.
So When you do an *ngFor in your select option, you specify a N of N's like this
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" value= {{}}>
{{}} - {{}}
I'm hoping I can get that 'whole' thing that was selected, by calling a function on change.
<select class="form-control input-sm "
formControlName="thing" >
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" value= {{}}>
{{}} - {{}}
because I want to change some form options based on the 'family' of the thing, not the value that gets passed.
my function looks like this.
changeThing (thing) {
console.log('thing:', thing);
selectedFamily = ??;
The $event is probably the wrong thing to be looking at - I can get the value selected there, but I cannot find the whole "thing" that was selected.
Thanks for any help.
You can do that with the help of index
Template Side :
<select class="form-control input-sm "
name="thing" >
<option *ngFor="let thing of things; let i = index;" [value]="i">
{{}} - {{}}
Component Side :
alert(this.things[index].family +' '+this.things[index].name );
I hope it will help
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" value= {{thing}}>
{{}} - {{}}
You can use ngModel with ngModelChange
<select [(ngModel)] ="selectedType" (ngModelChange)="changeThing(selectedType)">
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" [ngValue]="thing ">

Get Checked Only in <Select multiple>

I am trying to get only the checked names in a list of names. Here is my code model:
<select ng-model="selectTopic" ng-change="changedTopic(selectTopic)" ng-options="option as option for option in topics">>
<option value="" disabled>Select a Subject</option>
<select ng-model="selectDept" ng-change="changedDepartment(selectDept)" ng-options="option as option for option in department">
<option value="" disabled>Select a Department</option>
<select ng-model="selectUser" ng-options="option as option for option in users" multiple="multiple">
<option value="" disabled>Select a User</option>
I want to get the selected topic, department, and users. I am currently using: console.log($scope.topics + $scope.departments + $scope.users) but it returns everything. I just want to return the selected items.
Can anyone help me out?
You have to print the ng-models , not the arrays:
Hope it helps =)
use one object for the model in your form , then you have all the user input in that one object which makes it simple to send to server or to reset form
<select ng-model="userInput.selectTopic" ng-change="changedTopic(userInput.selectTopic)" ng-options='...'>
<select ng-model="userInput.selectDept" ng-change="changedDepartment(userInput.selectDept)" ng-options='...'>
to see this working put the following in your view temporarily

how to get array elements in angular js?

In html
<select class="element-margin-top" ng-model="vm.selectedRole" ng-options="(roleName,enabled) in vm.roleNames">
<option value="">All Roles</option>{{vm.roles[0]}}
I want to display all the array elements in select options.I dont understand what is going on in this.It is giving me error related to (roleName,enabled) in vm.roleNames
In js:
var vm = this;
vm.roleNames = ['SuperAdmin','Admin','Retailer','Manufacturer'];
vm.selectedRole = vm.roleNames[-1];
I want first element to be selected by default.
ng-options="(roleName,enabled) in vm.roleNames" in this case, vm.roleNames is an array, so, roleName is the index and enabled is the real "roleName"
So your code should looks like this:
<select class="element-margin-top" ng-model="vm.selectedRole" ng-options="(index,roleName) as roleName in vm.roleNames">
<option value="">All Roles</option>
try this , for first selected by defult you can use $first
<select ng-model="selectedRole">
<option ng-repeat="name in roleNames "
ng-selected="$first" value="{{name}}">{{name}}</option>
In html:
<select class="element-margin-top" ng-model="vm.selectedOption">
<option value="">All Roles</option>
<option ng-repeat="item in vm.optionNames" value="{{item}}">{{item}}</option>
in js:-
vm.optionNames = ['User', 'Account', 'Brand'];
vm.selectedOption = vm.optionNames[-1];
try reading

ng-Select Option set default value from list if value match using angularJS

I have html.
<select ng-model="user.role" class="form-control" name="role" >
<option value="">Select Role</option><option ng-repeat="role in roles" value="{{role.authority}}">{{role.authority}}</option> </select>
Now roles is a list and role.authority is string. i want to set default selected if role.authority==MYROLE then set to default, which is in role.authority.
How can i do
You have to assign the same value to select model inside controller, in your case it would be something like this
$scope.user.role = $scope.roles[0].authority
or with use of ngSelected
<option ng-repeat="role in roles" value="{{role.authority}}" ng-selected="role.authority == 'defaultValue'">{{role.authority}}</option>

