Hide mouse cursor if idle inside a div after some seconds - javascript

How do I let mouse hiding if inactive and inside a specific div ?
I have the "html5gallery-box-0" div on my website, and I need the mouse to hide if the user let it idle over/inside the div after a couple of seconds.
Here's the jsfiddle I'm working on.
And here's the js I'm using to hide the mouse when it's inactive.
$(function () {
var timer;
var fadeInBuffer = false;
$(document).mousemove(function () {
if (!fadeInBuffer) {
if (timer) {
timer = 0;
cursor: ''
} else {
fadeInBuffer = false;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
cursor: 'none'
fadeInBuffer = true;
}, 500)

This will work
$(function() {
var timer;
var fadeInBuffer = false;
$(document).mousemove(function() {
if (!fadeInBuffer && timer) {
timer = 0;
cursor: ''
} else {
cursor: 'default'
fadeInBuffer = false;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
cursor: 'none'
fadeInBuffer = true;
}, 2000)
cursor: 'default'
and here is the fiddle (if you want to change the idle time just do it, it's on 2 seconds now).


Why is the mousedown event being fired after click instead of during?

I have a div class "guessed" and have a timer to detect whether a short press and long press. When testing, the console logs "MOUSEDOWN" after the press instead of on the press.
The console also logs "SHORT PRESS" even if it's held for longer than 2 seconds.
I've tested the code on JSFiddle and it's working fine. However within my website, the code doesn't work. Can anyone spot the error? Many thanks
var timer = 0;
var timerInterval;
$(document).on('mousedown', '.guessed', function() {
timerInterval = setInterval(function() {
timer += 1;
}, 300);
$(document).on('mouseup', '.guessed', function() {
if (timer < 1) {
console.log("SHORT PRESS");
timer = 0;
console.log("LONG PRESS");
timer = 0;
.guessed { border:1px solid red; width:100px; height:100px; }
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class='guessed'>mouse me</div>
You can simply use html attributes for mouseup and mousedown events and call custom defined JavaScript functions just like in the following example :
var timer = 0,timerInterval;
function mousedownfunction() {
console.log("MOUSE DOWN");
timerInterval = setInterval(function() {
timer += 1;
}, 300);
function mouseupfunction() {
console.log("MOUSE UP");
if (timer < 1) {
console.log("SHORT PRESS");
timer = 0;
} else {
console.log("LONG PRESS");
timer = 0;
<div class="guessed" onmousedown="mousedownfunction()" onmouseup="mouseupfunction()">

Stop banner on mouseover

I have created a banner on my site, but I can't make the banner stop on mouseover. I just tried mouseover and hover with jQuery. I expect to stop the banner on mouseover
function mostrarBanner(indice) {
$('.carousel-banner .item-carousel').css({
'opacity': '0',
'z-index': '0'
$('.carousel-banner .item-carousel').eq(banner).css({
'opacity': '1',
'z-index': '1'
executar = setInterval(function() {
$('.carousel-banner .next').trigger('click');
}, 1000);
$('#banner').hover(function() {
}, function() {
var executar = setInterval(function() {
$('.carousel-banner .next').trigger('click');
}, 1000);
var banner = 0;
So either you need to cancel the interval and recreate it or you can just use a variable to not call the code.
var paused = false
executar = setInterval(function() {
if (paused) return
$('.carousel-banner .next').trigger('click');
}, 1000);
$('#banner').hover(function() {
paused = true
}, function() {
paused = false

How to stop animation after sometime?

I am trying out the snow-fall animation. I want to stop it after for e.g. 5 seconds. I have current add the animate between setTimeOut, somehow there's no effect. What am I missing here?
Current code:
function fallingSnow() {
var snowflake;
snowflake = $('<div class="snowflakes"></div>');
snowX = Math.floor(Math.random() * $('#site').width() / 4);
snowSpd = Math.floor(Math.random() + 50000);
'left': snowX + 'px'
top: "700px",
opacity: "5",
}, snowSpd, function () {
timer = Math.floor(Math.random() + 1000);
window.setInterval(function () {
}, timer);
UPDATE: AFTER UTILIZING #Kyojimaru's answer.
top: "700px",
opacity: "5",
}, 5000, function () {
if(!end) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
end = true;
}, 5000);
updated fiddle
it's because your setInterval never stopped from calling fallingSnow, try changing your code to this
var firstCall = false;
var interval, timeout;
function fallingSnow() {
var snowflake;
snowflake = $('<div class="snowflakes"></div>');
snowX = Math.floor(Math.random() * $('#site').width() / 4);
snowSpd = Math.floor(Math.random() + 50000);
'left': snowX + 'px'
if(!firstCall) {
timeout = setTimeout(function(){
firstCall = true;
timer = Math.floor(Math.random() + 1000);
interval = setInterval(function () {
}, timer);
basically what you need is clearing the interval that has been set for the function fallingSnow() using clearInterval only on the first time the function is called using setTimeout
here's the other example about it with what you want to do : JSFIDDLE
and here's what probably happen to you now : JSFIDDLE
based on your fiddle here ( need to add jQuery and snowflakes css width and height to anything beside 0px )
your problem is you declare in the script as
var firstTime = false;
but checking it with
if (!firstCall)
so you need to change var firstTime = false; to var firstCall = false;
the other problem arise from this code here
top: "700px",
opacity: "5",
}, snowSpd, function () {
which call the fallingSnow(); function again when animate finished, thus the snow is never stop falling, so you need to check if the the setTimeout have already clear the interval or not, you need to change your code to this
top: "700px",
opacity: "5",
}, snowSpd, function () {
if(!end) {
if (!firstCall) {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
end = true;
}, 5000);
firstCall = true;
and add var end = false; in the start with firstCall
here's the working one : JSFIDDLE

How to resume animation after clearTimeout

I cant get my head around this, been trying many many different ways but no luck.. Basically, I'm trying to pause the animation on mouseOver and resume it on mouseOut. I was able to make it pause by simply using clearTimeout() but I have no idea on how to resume it back on. Please kindly advise me with a correct solution and syntax.
Thank you in advance!
(function ($) {
$.fn.simpleSpy = function (interval, limit) {
limit = limit || 3;
interval = interval || 3000;
items = [];
return this.each(function () {
$list = $(this),
currentItem = 0,
total = 0; // initialise later on
var i = 0;
smplet = $list.clone();
total = smplet.find('> li').length;
$list.find('> li').filter(':gt(' + (0) + ')').remove();
height = $list.find('> li:first').height();
$list.wrap('<div class="spyWrapper" />').parent().css({ height : 55, position:"relative", overflow:"hidden" });
if(currentItem == 0 && smplet.length != 1)
delitem=currentItem - 1;
smplet.find('> li').eq(delitem).remove();
var temp=smplet.find('> li').eq(currentItem).clone();
var $insert = temp.css({
opacity : 0
// fade the LAST item out
$list.find('> li:last').animate({ opacity : .5 ,"margin-top":height/3}, 500, function () {
$insert.animate({"margin-top":0,opacity : 1 }, 500).animate({opacity : 1},1000);
total=smplet.find('> li').length;
if (currentItem >= total) {
currentItem = 0;
if (total == 1){
else if(total == 0){
timec=setTimeout(spy, interval);
function spy() {
var temp=smplet.find('> li').eq(currentItem).clone();
var $insert = temp.css({
opacity : 0,
display : 'none'
$list.find('> li:last').animate({ opacity : .5 ,"margin-top":height/3}, 500, function () {
$insert.animate({"margin-top":0,opacity : 1 }, 500).animate({opacity : 1},1000);
if (currentItem >= total) {
currentItem = 0;
timec=setTimeout(spy, interval);
timec=setTimeout(spy, interval);
timec=setTimeout(spy, interval);
$(document).ready(function() {
jsfiddle with html and css
I changed the timeout, which you were setting over and over, to an interval, which you only need to set once. Then I added a "paused" property that is set to true on mouseover and back to false on mouseout.
var paused = false;
$list.mouseover(function() { paused = true; });
$list.mouseout(function() { paused = false; });
Then we just check that property before the rotation animation occurs:
if (paused) {

JS Break my Random function

$(document).ready(function() {
elem = new Array('a1','a2','a3','a4','a5','a6','a7','a8','a9');
hidden = false;
time = 0;
$.each(elem, function(i, r) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
time += 200;
time = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
$.each(elem, function(i, r) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
time += 200;
hidden = true;
}, 3000);
if(hidden) {
//time = 0;
$.each(elem, function(i, r) {
/*setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
time += 200;*/
hidden = false;
if(!hidden) {
time = 0;
$.each(elem, function(i, r) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
time += 200;
hidden = true;
$('.tile').click(function(t) {
$(this).fadeOut(800, function () {
window.location = $(this).attr("href");
return false;
function randomize(){
return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5);
For some reason I am not able to break the effect.
When the side loads the banner is hidden. 9 elements come and go.
Everytime you enter the div, the banner fades out and the 9 divs in.
When I leave the enter, there is an random effect for fadeout.
But when I enter while that effect is going on, everything breaks.
So I need a break somewhere in there, so the fading stops and it will show my 9 divs instantly.
Any ideas? :/
Maybe try using the http://api.jquery.com/stop/, to stop the currently-running animations

