Adding Checkboxs into angular js Accordion - javascript

I am new to angularjs. I am trying to add check boxes into a particular
Below is the mock-up of what i want to achieve and code.
<accordion close-others="false">
<accordion-group ng-repeat="group in groups" is-open="">
<i ng-class="{'icon-minus-sign':groups[$index].open,'icon-plus-sign':!groups[$index].open }"></i>
<span class="title-pos" >{{group.title}}</span>
.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.groups = [
"title":"Price Range",
"content":"Content B",
"title":"Engine Type",
"content":"Content C",
"title":"Engine Type",
"content":"Content C",
"title":"Life Style",
"content":"Content C",
"content":"Content C",
I would like to add the check box to Engine type group.
Look forward for any help
Thanks in advance

Replace {{group.content}} with <div ng-bind-html="group.content"></div>
You should then add your checkboxes HTML code inside "content" part of "Engine Type" group, similar to this :
"title":"Engine Type",
"content":'<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1" value="Petrol">Petrol',
For each one of the enteries in $scope.groups whatever comes in "content" will appear inside <div ng-bind-html="group.content"></div> block.
Finally, Be sure to add ngSanitize to your module dependencies as in this plunkr

You can add the checkboxes in the content area
<accordion-group ng-repeat="group in groups" is-open="">
<i ng-class="{'icon-minus-sign':groups[$index].open,'icon-plus-sign':!groups[$index].open }"></i>
<span class="title-pos" >{{group.title}}</span>
<div ng-repeat="option in group.options">
<!-- checkbox and text here -->
And reorganize your data to include the checkboxes model
$scope.groups = [
"title":"Engine Type",
"content":"Content C",
"options": [
"Petrol", // or if you have id for them: {id:engine_petrol, name:"Petrol"}


Hide group on filter in Angular

My REST API is returning grouped data,
"Homer Simpson": [
"name": "First article",
"type": "text"
"name": "Second article",
"type": "text"
"Marge Simpson": [
"name": "Third article"
"type": "text
Articles can be filtered:
<input type="text" placeholder="Quicksearch" ng-model="quicksearch">
<div class="article-group" ng-repeat="(author, articles) in articles">
<h3>{{author}} ({{filtered.length}})</h3>
<div class="article" ng-repeat="article in articles | filter: { name: quicksearch } as filtered">
The important thing here is the ({{filtered.length}}). After applying a filter by typing something into the quicksearch input the length changes. Everything works fine, but I'd like hide "empty" authors; if you type in "third" you should no longer see Homer Simpson.
Tried ng-if="filtered.length > 0" on the article-group div, but that doesn't work.
You can simply put ng-show="filtered.length" on .article-group container:
<div class="article-group" ng-show="filtered.length" ng-repeat="(author, articles) in articles">
<h3>{{author}} ({{filtered.length}})</h3>
<div class="article" ng-repeat="article in articles | filter: { name: quicksearch } as filtered">
<pre>{{ article | json }}</pre>

Get selected option from select with angular JS and ionic

I have some issues with select on angular Js, I searched a lot and found some solutions but not working.
I have a Json Structured like that generated from my service.php
"Name": "Name1",
"Variante": [
"Prix": "79.00",
"Name": "20 Piéces"
"Description": "",
"main_image": "images/products/DSC_0192.jpg"
"Name": "NAME2",
"Variante": [
"Prix": "39.00",
"Name": "250g"
"Prix": "60.00",
"Name": "500g"
"Description": "",
"main_image": "images/products/DSC_0125.jpg"
Here is my controller.js
.controller('productsCtrl', function($scope, $http, $stateParams) {
.success(function (response) {
$scope.products = response;
Here is my products.html
<ion-view view-title="Products">
<ion-item style="background-image: url({{product.main_image}})"
ng-repeat="product in products" class="productListItem">
<h2 class="h2Name">{{product.Name}}</h2>
<button class="button button-balanced button-right">
<i class="icon ion-ios-cart"></i>
<select class="Variantes"
ng-if="product.Variante.length > 1"
ng-options="variant.Name for variant in product.Variante">
<h2 class="Variantes" ng-if="product.Variante.length == 1">
<h2 class="h2Price" ng-if="product.Variante.length > 1">
<h2 class="h2Price" ng-if="product.Variante.length == 1">
If I have more than one VarianteI want to be able to change the price (Prix) value when I change the select box. But it doesn't work.
Any help needed !!
The issue you have is due to the ng-if. It creates a separate scope, use ng-show instead cause it uses the same scope and your code should work perfectly.
Using ng-show would work but you could also use ng-if if you're taking care of the dot rule for ng-model.
If you would add your selectedItem to the product object your markup with ng-if will work as expected. Your ng-model for the select would be like ng-model="product.selectedItem".
Please have a look at the demo below or in this jsfiddle.
var jsonData = [
"Name": "Name1",
"Variante": [
"Prix": "79.00",
"Name": "20 Piéces"
"Description": "",
"main_image": "images/products/DSC_0192.jpg"
"Name": "NAME2",
"Variante": [
"Prix": "39.00",
"Name": "250g"
"Prix": "60.00",
"Name": "500g"
"Description": "",
"main_image": "images/products/DSC_0125.jpg"
angular.module('demoApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('productsCtrl', function($scope, $http, $stateParams) {
$scope.product = {
selectedItem: {}
//.success(function (response) {
//http just removed for the demo
$scope.products = jsonData;//response;
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<ion-view ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="productsCtrl" view-title="Products">
<ion-item style="background-image: url({{product.main_image}})"
ng-repeat="product in products" class="productListItem" ng-init="product.selectedItem = product.Variante[0]">
<h2 class="h2Name">{{product.Name}}</h2>
<button class="button button-balanced button-right">
<i class="icon ion-ios-cart"></i>
<select class="Variantes"
ng-if="product.Variante.length > 1"
ng-options="variant.Name for variant in product.Variante">
<h2 class="Variantes" ng-if="product.Variante.length == 1">
<h2 class="h2Price" ng-if="product.Variante.length > 1">
{{product.selectedItem.Prix | currency}}
<h2 class="h2Price" ng-if="product.Variante.length == 1">
{{product.Variante[0].Prix | currency}}

Angular ng-switch inside select option

I want the [Data Presentation Format] applied to [Dropdown Box]. I need the "parent" to be presented as is inside the dropdown box, but I need the "child" to be presented with with a [tab], to show the parent-child relationship.
$scope.itemlist will be prepared in order (i.e. parenta, childa1, childa2, parentb, childb1, childb2)
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<h1>-- Data Presentation Format --</h1>
<li ng-repeat="item in itemlist">
<div ng-switch on="item[1]">
<div ng-switch-when="Parent">{{item[0]}}</div>
<div ng-switch-default> {{item[0]}}</div>
<h1>-- Dropdown Box --</h1>
<select ng-model="loc1" ng-options="item[0] for item in itemlist">
<option value="">Item</option>
<h1>-- What I Got --</h1>
<select ng-model="loc2">
<option ng-repeat="item in itemlist">
<div ng-switch on="item[1]">
<div ng-switch-when="Parent">{{item[0]}}</div>
<div ng-switch-default> {{item[0]}}</div>
The javascript:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.itemlist =
["Unit A", "Parent"],
["Room A", "Child"],
["Room B", "Child"],
["Room C", "Child"],
["Room D", "Child"],
["Room E", "Child"],
["Unit 1", "Parent"],
["Room 1", "Child"],
["Room 2", "Child"],
["Room 3", "Child"]
JsFiddle here:
I don't think you can use   inside the option element, as its not rendered as html. If you insist on using the element instead of something like a jQuery dropdown (which basically is a ), then i'd suggest using dashes or similar to illustrate parent/child relationship.
I solved it using a formatting function i placed on the scope
$scope.formattedItem = function(item) {
return item[1] === 'Parent' ? item[0] : '--' + item[0];
<select ng-model="loc2">
<option ng-repeat="item in itemlist" >

ng-repeat disable my div

I for my stage have to modifie a web site for that i need angularjs i wanted to use the command ng-repeat to display some documentation but when i add ng-repeat in the div it "destroy" it and i cant figure out why...
So there is the code hope u can help me.
There is my js
App.controller('doccontroller', [ function(){
return {
scope: {},
restrict: 'A',
link: function ($scope){
$ = [
"id_section" : 0,
"description": "RANDOM STUFF",
"source": [
"python": "TEXTE",
"ruby": "TEXTE",
"javascript": "TEXTE"
"id_section" : 1,
"description": "RANDOM STUFF",
"source": [
"python": "TEXTE",
"ruby": "TEXTE",
"javascript": "TEXTE"
"id_section" : 2,
"description": "RANDOM STUFF",
"source": [
"python": "TEXTE",
"ruby": "TEXTE",
"javascript": "TEXTE"
`There is my route to "include" the controller
$routeProvider.when '/docs',
templateUrl : config.BaseHtml+'/Page/docs.html'
controller : 'doccontroller'
and to finish the html :)
<div id="api-docs">
<div id="methods">
<div class="languages">
<a class="language selected" data-lang="ruby" href="#">Ruby</a>
<a class="language" data-lang="python" href="#">Python</a>
<a class="language" data-lang="php" href="#">PHP</a>
<div class="method" id="intro">
<div class="method-section clearfix">
<div class="method-description" ng-repeat="doc in docs">
<div class="method-example">
<code class="ruby"># All this code is just folololol
React.api_key = "In here goes your api key!"</code><code class="python"># All this code is just for demonstration purposes
react.api_key = "In here goes your api key!"</code><code class="php"># All this code is just for demonstration purposes
React::setApiKey("In here goes your api key!");</code>
So to say it again, what i need to do is to fill create 1 div / id_section and to fill it with the
descrition for now.
ng-repeat="docs in docs"
ng-repeat="doc in docs"
Also, in your code you have a call to {{ doc.des }}, which probably should be {{ doc.description }}

How to hide an element in angular js if this is repeatable?

I have created a code and I'm repeatable in text with icon.
You see the img but I want to hide to this actually I show this image if I have a anchor link than show if I have no link than not show this image. Is this possible in angular js?
My code is:
Angular Code is
var myAppMy = angular.module('myFapp', []);
myAppMy.controller('myControler', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [
"title":"Book" ,"subtitle":[
{"subtitle":"PanchTantra ",
"description":"Kids Books",
"description": "Some Book is very Good."
"title":"Mediciane Book" , "subtitle":[
{"subtitle":"Pharmacy", "description":"This book is related to Docotrs"}
"description": "This book is very hard"
"title":"Reciape Book" , "subtitle":[
{"subtitle":"Khana Khajana", "description":"This book is related to Foods"}
"description": "This book is nice..."
"title":"Computer Book" , "subtitle":[
{"subtitle":"BCA MCA", "description":"This book is related to Education"}
"description": "This book is very beautiful."
HTML Code is
<body ng-app="myFapp">
<ul ng-controller="myControler">
<li ng-repeat= "item in items">
<div>{{item.title}} </div>
<li ng-repeat="subtitle in item.subtitle">
<div>{{subtitle.subtitle }} <img src="" />{{ subtitle.authorName}} </div>
<div>{{subtitle.description}} this is </div>
Plunkr link is
Is this what you want to do ?
<div>{{subtitle.subtitle }} <img src="" />{{ subtitle.authorName}} </div>
The ng-show directive allows you to show or hide the given HTML element based on the expression provided.
See the Official doc

