Chrome Extension: Can it be done: Request to local rest service - javascript

I have a need for a solution to a repetitive task I do in Google Chrome.
I come across IP addresses once in a while, and I need to geo locate them.
On my system I already have a REST service that If I called a certain url:
I get a JSON response with GEO data.
I want to create a chrome extension that would trigger a geo rest call on selection or even hovering over a IPv4 string.
Is such an extension possible? Would it be blocked by cross domain request protection?

You can do is as an extension to chrome, content scripts, message passing and setting up proper permissions.
Content scripts will run on selected (or all) pages and can do whatever you want with the page. They just sandboxed from page's JavaScript environment. You can develop a hover action which recognize IP address and send the information to the background page where it can be processed (in environment and especially permissions of the extensions which are not available in context of content scripts).
In the background page you can make a request using either XMLHttpRequest or Fetch function. After you process the data you can return the result to the page via message passing or do whatever you want with it.
In the manifest file you can set up specific URL you want to send information to or <all_urls> to have permission to send request everywhere.
"permissions": [
Then your request won't be subject of CORS and same domain policy.

You can run the following scriptlet directly from Chrome's address bar:
javascript:var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', 'http://localhost:8080/json/'+window.getSelection().toString(), true);xhr.onload = function (e) {alert(xhr.responseText)};xhr.send();
(note that you'll need to prepend the "javascript:" to the text on the address bar when copying from here because Chrome trims it when pasting).
Add this as a new page bookmark (name it something like "IP Geo Data") and put it on the bookmarks bar. Alternatively just type its name and choose it on from the ombibox autocomplete. You'll need to have the IP you want data about selected.
You're right about the cross domain protection, but since you control the service on your localhost:8080/json, just have it add the following headers on requests made to that path:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization,Content-Type,Accept,Origin,User-Agent,DNT,Cache-Control,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since


Detect if URL supports HTTP2 using AJAX request in Chrome Extension?

I want the user to be able to enter their website URL into an input box that is part of a Chrome Extension and the Chrome extension will use an AJAX request or something similar to detect and tell the user if the server behind the URL supports sending responses via HTTP2. Is this possible?
Maybe the WebRequest has a way of picking up this information? Or the new Fetch API? Could your request tell the server somehow that only HTTP2 replies are understood? I can't see an obvious way.
I know you can use to get the protocol of the current page but this requires loading the whole page which I don't want to do.
Example URLS:
Delivered over HTTP2:
Delivered over HTTP 1.1:
HTTP/2 responses require a "status" response header -, so to check whether the response is using HTTP/2, you can use the chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived event with "responseHeaders" in extraInfoSpec. For example, with your test cases:
chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(function(details) {
var isHttp2 = details.responseHeaders.some(function(header) {
return === 'status';
console.log('Request to ' + details.url + ', http2 = ' + isHttp2);
}, {
urls: ['*', '*'],
types: ['xmlhttprequest']
}, ['responseHeaders']);
// Tests:
EDIT: Apparently you can do this with the iframe and webRequest trick! I found a reference gist (but I haven't tested it myself though):
You probably won't able able to do this without an external API. Here's why
1) Using ajax only requires that the server of the url to be tested sends CORS headers back to the user, otherwise the browser will not accept it.
2) You could create an iframe on the fly and use chrome.loadTimes().connectionInfo in the iframe contentWindow but if the server sends X-Frame-Options: Deny header the browser won't let you load the url in the iframe either.
3) Stripping the X-frame headers via webRequest API as mentioned here
Getting around X-Frame-Options DENY in a Chrome extension?
will likely not work, afaik Chrome extension are not allowed to modify the response body.
Possible solutions
1) The problems above could be solved using a simple proxy that adds the appropriate headers. Here's a reference on how to do it using Nginx
2) Just create a custom API that does the request for you server-side and parses the result to check for http2 support. If your extension gets popular it would still be fairly easy to scale it up e.g via caching and horizontal scaling.
Hope this helps!

Can I use javascript to get a request header in http get request? [duplicate]

I want to capture the HTTP request header fields, primarily the Referer and User-Agent, within my client-side JavaScript. How may I access them?
Google Analytics manages to get the data via JavaScript that they have you embed in you pages, so it is definitely possible.
Accessing the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript
If you want to access referrer and user-agent, those are available to client-side Javascript, but not by accessing the headers directly.
To retrieve the referrer, use document.referrer.
To access the user-agent, use navigator.userAgent.
As others have indicated, the HTTP headers are not available, but you specifically asked about the referer and user-agent, which are available via Javascript.
Almost by definition, the client-side JavaScript is not at the receiving end of a http request, so it has no headers to read. Most commonly, your JavaScript is the result of an http response. If you are trying to get the values of the http request that generated your response, you'll have to write server side code to embed those values in the JavaScript you produce.
It gets a little tricky to have server-side code generate client side code, so be sure that is what you need. For instance, if you want the User-agent information, you might find it sufficient to get the various values that JavaScript provides for browser detection. Start with navigator.appName and navigator.appVersion.
This can be accessed through Javascript because it's a property of the loaded document, not of its parent.
Here's a quick example:
<script type="text/javascript">
The same thing in PHP would be:
<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; ?>
Referer and user-agent are request header, not response header.
That means they are sent by browser, or your ajax call (which you can modify the value), and they are decided before you get HTTP response.
So basically you are not asking for a HTTP header, but a browser setting.
The value you get from document.referer and navigator.userAgent may not be the actual header, but a setting of browser.
One way to obtain the headers from JavaScript is using the WebRequest API, which allows us to access the different events that originate from http or websockets, the life cycle that follows is this:
WebRequest Lifecycle
So in order to access the headers of a page it would be like this:
(headersDetails)=> {
console.log("Request: " + headersDetails);
{urls: ["*://hostName/*"]}
The issue is that in order to use this API, it must be executed from the browser, that is, the browser object refers to the browser itself (tabs, icons, configuration), and the browser does have access to all the Request and Reponse of any page , so you will have to ask the user for permissions to be able to do this (The permissions will have to be declared in the manifest for the browser to execute them)
And also being part of the browser you lose control over the pages, that is, you can no longer manipulate the DOM, (not directly) so to control the DOM again it would be done as follows:
code: 'console.log("Headers success")',
or if you want to run a lot of code
file: './headersReveiced.js',
Also by having control over the browser we can inject CSS and images
I would imagine Google grabs some data server-side - remember, when a page loads into your browser that has Google Analytics code within it, your browser makes a request to Google's servers; Google can obtain data in that way as well as through the JavaScript embedded in the page.
var ref = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER");
Type within the quotes any other server variable name you want.

Chrome extension Background and content script posting message

I have a content script which includes jquery ui component and i want to send data to my server with http post. However i have come to realize that you can not send http post message to a https website or vice versa. If i send my message to the background script and post from there will i have a problem about it? Will it make a difference if the site is http or https? If it makes a difference how can i get this done?
Yes, you can use http POST, as well as any other http method (e.g., GET, PUT, PATCH), in a content script -- as well as a background script, for that matter.
However, in both cases, the URL to which you're sending your request must be declared in your extension's permissions. You do this in the manifest. For example, if you would like to send http requests to, you must add that URL (or a pattern matching that URL) to the permissions array of your manifest:
"permissions": [
"name": "Test",
"manifest_version": 2,
"version": "0.0.0"
You can add wild cards to your URL permission patterns; thus, if you'd like to match both https and http, you can do something like *://*. See the official literature here.
I should warn you that if you are attaching a content script to a page that was loaded as https rather than http, you will likely not be allowed to send an unsecure http request due to Chrome blocking mixed content, which I believe requires a user override. So a good rule of thumb is: if you're attaching your content script to a page loaded via http, then use http to send the request; if you're attaching to a page loaded via https, then use https.
One last tip: Don't forget to reload your extension after you've changed the manifest, or the permission changes won't be reflected. To reload your extension, go to chrome://extensions, find your extension, then hit reload.
If you send from your background script there is no problem with switching protocols but you had to declare permission to these urls:
see more at the google manifest documentation and this duplicated question

uploading images - do they have domain name in them - chrome not sending session id

For testing I downloaded images from the net and uploaded using valum file upload in is not sending session cookie along with these request header( I dont see that in the server side/though I see it on developer tool)...does chrome know that these images are from different domain . what is happening...Is there work around for this to pass the session id (as cookie). It is also happening in IE10 which makes me belive it is some standard. and not just a chrome issue. This problem is not there with firefox/safari/opera
It is fine when uploading to localhost. only when uploading to different server with domain name there is this problem leading to creating a new session for this.
I have added xhr.withCredentials = true still no use.
Also added on the server side to the upload url...
res.setHeader 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'
res.setHeader 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true
I dont know how helpful this would be, because I would have already sent the upload file and response header will not of much help.
basically the problem is I don't have access to the session variable at the server side, since the session id/sid cookie is not coming back /I am not able to save some of this upload details into the current session(because this is a new session) .
I tried creating an image in teh desktop using paint..even then chrome would not sent the cookies. Really drives me crazy...
First of all, to get the basics out of the way, this is unrelated to the origin of the image. Chrome or other browsers don't care where you get your images.
It's rather difficult to guess exactly what's going on, would have helped to see a jsfiddle or some more setup explanation, but based on what I'm guessing, you might be using different domains for the page where the upload button is hosted and the target url where you're sending your files (even using ssl for one and http for the other makes it different). Even different subdomains will not allow cookies to be passed if the cookies were not set with a base domain (
So, if sub-domains are the problem, you know what to do - set a base domain so you get your cookies to go on any sub domain.
If it's http vs. https you need to always use https (or http) because you can't switch cookies between those two.
If that's not it, or if you're using completely different domains, you can access your cookies locally via script (if they're not marked as http only) and add them to the upload request. Valum 2.0 (don't know about v1.0) lets you add parameters to the request like so:
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
action: '/server-side.upload',
// additional data to send, name-value pairs
params: {
param1: 'value1',
param2: 'value2'
You can't set cookies on a domain which is not the page's domain via script so for using completely different domains your only choice is using request params.
It is possible that the uploader is using Flash under some circumstances to do the upload. There is a bug in Flash which prevents cookies being sent for these types of requests. This would explain the behaviour you are seeing. The workaround is to pass in the sessionId and transmit it in a different way eg. querystring.

How can I access HTTP request headers from Javascript? [duplicate]

I want to capture the HTTP request header fields, primarily the Referer and User-Agent, within my client-side JavaScript. How may I access them?
Google Analytics manages to get the data via JavaScript that they have you embed in you pages, so it is definitely possible.
Accessing the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript
If you want to access referrer and user-agent, those are available to client-side Javascript, but not by accessing the headers directly.
To retrieve the referrer, use document.referrer.
To access the user-agent, use navigator.userAgent.
As others have indicated, the HTTP headers are not available, but you specifically asked about the referer and user-agent, which are available via Javascript.
Almost by definition, the client-side JavaScript is not at the receiving end of a http request, so it has no headers to read. Most commonly, your JavaScript is the result of an http response. If you are trying to get the values of the http request that generated your response, you'll have to write server side code to embed those values in the JavaScript you produce.
It gets a little tricky to have server-side code generate client side code, so be sure that is what you need. For instance, if you want the User-agent information, you might find it sufficient to get the various values that JavaScript provides for browser detection. Start with navigator.appName and navigator.appVersion.
This can be accessed through Javascript because it's a property of the loaded document, not of its parent.
Here's a quick example:
<script type="text/javascript">
The same thing in PHP would be:
<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; ?>
Referer and user-agent are request header, not response header.
That means they are sent by browser, or your ajax call (which you can modify the value), and they are decided before you get HTTP response.
So basically you are not asking for a HTTP header, but a browser setting.
The value you get from document.referer and navigator.userAgent may not be the actual header, but a setting of browser.
One way to obtain the headers from JavaScript is using the WebRequest API, which allows us to access the different events that originate from http or websockets, the life cycle that follows is this:
WebRequest Lifecycle
So in order to access the headers of a page it would be like this:
(headersDetails)=> {
console.log("Request: " + headersDetails);
{urls: ["*://hostName/*"]}
The issue is that in order to use this API, it must be executed from the browser, that is, the browser object refers to the browser itself (tabs, icons, configuration), and the browser does have access to all the Request and Reponse of any page , so you will have to ask the user for permissions to be able to do this (The permissions will have to be declared in the manifest for the browser to execute them)
And also being part of the browser you lose control over the pages, that is, you can no longer manipulate the DOM, (not directly) so to control the DOM again it would be done as follows:
code: 'console.log("Headers success")',
or if you want to run a lot of code
file: './headersReveiced.js',
Also by having control over the browser we can inject CSS and images
I would imagine Google grabs some data server-side - remember, when a page loads into your browser that has Google Analytics code within it, your browser makes a request to Google's servers; Google can obtain data in that way as well as through the JavaScript embedded in the page.
var ref = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER");
Type within the quotes any other server variable name you want.

