editing html with embedded PHP using javascript - javascript

I hope someone has an answer for me,
I am currently trying to create a PHP product page for my shop website, I have an sql table that stores the name of an image prefix eg if the image file is 'test_1.png' then the table stores 'test'. using embedded php
src="images/shop/<?php echo $row['item_img'], '_1.png';?>"></img>
what I would like to do is using js, dynamically update the src on a mouse click.
something like eg.
var imgSwitch = function(i){
Document.getElementById('js-img').src = "images/shop/
<?php echo $row['item_img'], '_';?>i<?php echo '.png';?>";
Even to me this seems wrong which is why I've turned to the GURU's here
Is there anyway this would be possible? If not, any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated

I am trying to figure out what you are asking, and I think this is your way to go:
var imgSwitch = function(i){
document.getElementById('js-img').src = "images/shop/<?php echo $row['item_img'], '_';?>" + i + ".png";
The change is in the i, you have to cut the string and add it as a variable.
But remember that the PHP code is executed at the server, and will not change once the page is sent to the client. When you execute that function, $row['item_img'] will always be the same.

A simple example which you can adapt. What I do in the code below is give the element an id and attach an onclick to it.
In the function we pass the id as a parameter (onclick(changeSrc(this.id))) and we manipulate the src using the getElementById as we have the id.
<img src="http://ladiesloot.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/smiley-face-1-4-15.png" id="test" onclick="changeSrc(this.id);" height="400" width="400" />
function changeSrc(id) {
document.getElementById(id).src = "http://i0.wp.com/www.compusurf.es/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/smiley.jpeg?fit=1200%2C1200";
Edit 1
You're using Document when it should be document, notice the lowercase d.


Passing PHP variable embedded in SVG to Javascript function

I am writing a web application which pulls data from a MYSQL database using php. No problem with that side. The selected data is used to create ultimately an SVG image showing sports exercises for coaching. Works well so far.
Now I want to be able to use an SVG "onMouseOver" mouse call from the embedded svg code to a Javascript function to display textual information regarding the coaching points for the exercise. The svg code is embedded in a php sprintf function.
echo "Exercise ID is....". $ID."<br>";
$tablesvg=$tablesvg .sprintf('<use xlink:href="#table" id="%3$s" onMouseOver="showID()" fill="beige" x="%1$d" y="%2$d"/>',$tb1xcoord, $tbycoordoffset,$ID);
Problem is that no data from the php variable displays within the javascript function shown below. Function is stable as the Alert text displays.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function showID()
var jsvar = '<?php echo $ID;?>';
var test=document.getElementById(jsvar).getAttributeNS(null,"fill");
alert("Exercise ID is:" + test);
As long as I don't try to pass the PHP variable it does work - the DOM part in the JS function works if I hard code the value (E1).
Pass the element as an argument to the function, rather than using the ID from the variable and then calling getElementById
echo "Exercise ID is....". $ID."<br>";
$tablesvg=$tablesvg .sprintf('<use xlink:href="#table" id="%3$s" onMouseOver="showID(this)" fill="beige" x="%1$d" y="%2$d"/>',$tb1xcoord, $tbycoordoffset,$ID);
Then change the JS to:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function showID(elt)
var test=elt.id;
alert("Exercise ID is:" + test);

javascript set variable from .text method

I'm new in javascript development and I want to ask how to set variable from text method.
Example: in this code have a text method
in the Html file, when I create any class from these will print the value from JSON file.
Example :
<div class='phone'></div>
Output: (000)000-9999
source code:
<div class='phone'>(000)000-9999</div>
I try to set this in variable but it doesn't work.
My try:
var phone = theRestaurant.phone
I want to set it in variable because I need to put it inside href value like so:
var phone = 'tel:' + phone
document.getElementById("phone").href = phone;
I hope everything clear. and If have an other solution please tell about it.
Have you wrapped your jQuery code in a document.ready() wrapper?
If not, then the javascript might run before the page has had time to create the elements in the DOM, and nothing will work.
//all javascript/jQuery code goes in here
Also, see my comment above about mixing up "ByClassName" and "ByID"
Answer came from #itsgoingdown
this code in main javascript file:
var phone=document.getElementById('phone').innerHTML; document.getElementsByClassName("phone")[0].href = phone;

Link for printing image

Actually I need a bit of Java Script, but I am definitely not good at it. So I would really need your help.
My problem is, that I would need a script, which saves me the url from an id to a variable and outputs the variable something like this: LINK.
Note, that the ID, where I would like to get the link from, is somewhere in the page and the script likely at the bottom.
<div id="http://www.example.com" name="url">
<p>Some content</p>
variable = getIdWhereNameIsURL;
Would really appreciate your help!
First of all, id="http://www.example.com" may seems odd, but it should be OK per the HTML 5 specs. It is also unusual to have a NAME attribute for a DIV element.
Second, it will be easier to specify another id for your LINK, perhaps something like <a id="link_id">LINK</a>.
Then, you can have the below in your script block
var theDIV = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
// here assuming it is the first DIV, otherwise, loop through the elements
// document.getElementsByName("url")[0].id may not work
if (theDIV.name == "url") {
var theLink = document.getElementById("link_id");
theLink.href = theDIV.id;

How can I pick up a value from php to put it into input-element via javascript?

I am a pure beginner of Javascript. I got some advanced experience with php but until now I refused to work with JS.
So now I have a question. I wanted to make possible to pickup date-value from a php-generated calendar and put it into a form input field just below of the same page / script.
My idea was to create an onlick-event for each date data. So in my calendar I have this:
$date = date('Y-m-d',$daystamp);
$post = '<div class="cal_day">'.$day.'</div>';
What I thought to do with Javascript is the following:
function dateclick(var x)
document.getElementById("date_entry").innerHTML = var x;
And my html-input field where I like to have the choosen date-values:
<input type="text" id="date_entry" name="abs_date" size="15" max-length="15"/>
I am sure the solution is simple. At W3Schools I saw that the output of JS doesn't require a return all the time? Should I add it?
Thank you for any answer or help.
So I tried what you mentionned as solution/s:
- I removed the "var" before the x.
- I have encapsed the $date.
It is still not working. When I look up the element with OPERA it tells me it is a event handler but source file missing. But I have included the functions.js and another function in the same file is working well.
I tried the same thing in the try-field on W3Schools and it worket there..
So I guess that there is something in my structure around it that isn't working.
The calendar source line is included above the form element. Is this a problem?
I don't know if I zapped something.
The problem was that I needet to put the value into an input element.
The following code works:
function dateclick(x)
return false;
Thanks for all your help!
Your php should be:
$date = date('Y-m-d',$daystamp);
$post = '<div class="cal_day">'.$day.'</div>';
And you javascript should be:
function dateclick(x)
document.getElementById("date_entry").innerHTML = x;
return false; // This will force the browser not to load the url.
You don't have to go through all that trouble, this should work:
var phpDate = "<?php echo $date; ?>";

Javascript id question

I have a beginner question. I have a shoutbox, an Ajax shoutbox.
I made a form where i can update the users depending on them being a DJ or not.
If that option is selected then a small image appears after the user's name.
Is working but I can't make it work but my problem is, that if I set it on my profile, it adds the image to everybody's name.
Here is my code:
var radios = document.getElementById("radios");
if(radios.innerHTML == 'yes') {
radios = "<img src='http://www.site/pic/radios.gif'>";
My question is: How to insert the current user's id in this if statement?
In the code sample you've included, there appears to be an error.
With this line of code:
var radios = document.getElementById("radios");
you get the DOM object that has an id="radios". Then, you try to set that same variable to be a piece of HTML:
radios = "<img src='http://site/pic/radios.gif'>";
That won't accomplish anything other than setting a variable that you were previously using to store a DOM object to now be a string. That line of code does not modify the DOM in any way. Did you mean to write it this way?
radios.innerHTML = "<img src='http://site/pic/radios.gif'>";

