Bootstrap modal not showing completely - javascript

I am using bootstrap modal for my website. Recently, I used a jQuery plugin to build nav bar and some problems showed up. First, after I use jQuery.noConflict(), the program not recognize $ anymore and I have to replace all $ which jQuery. Second, when execute the command .modal("show"), the modal not showing completely, the whole screen is fade and I can type anything to modal's inputs. Here the screen capture:
Can anybody explain to me what happened here? Thanks very much.

It seems their is a problem with the css. Make sure that you are loading bootstrap css only once.


Backdrop for mobile with Javascript

I need this kind of behavior like when we click on make we can open the next model list in the same section
Please can you help me with how I can achieve this?
Im not sure about vanilla js but u can achieve this in ReactJS using react-router-dom package. you can add Link to each section which will replace that modal in the section without page reloading/refreshing.
I have 2 ideas to to this with vanilla js but its a bit complicated and confusing.
using appenChild() change section child with onclick.
adding display: none to all and changing display: block for the once to display
this will not change reload or take to new page but u will need to add js for onclick for each route/model

Bootstrap don't have effect in angular 10.2.1

im trying to use some stuffs from bootstrap, but dont work at all, i realized that only buttons get effect , but the major things ins't work. for example i tried to add this dropdowlist bellow
but the result is that:
i add the cdn link direct in html page, and i already install boostrap via npm, but both cases the style boostrap and behavior isn't work properly.
try to add code below to your style.css
#import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
like the image below
enter image description here

My animation is not working in this slider which I made using html, css, js

This is what I tried!, tried to integrate two slider designs mentioned below. The gesture animation which is there in the 1st link is not working in my slider.
I think the error is in JavaScript but I don't know how to solve. If you have seen something similar to this then also please mention it.
Just click in the cog icon on the JavaScript panel, and add the jQuery CDN link
This error is because the jQuery library is not found in your code.

CKEditor text alignment toolbar buttons

Unable to make text alignment buttons show up on CKEDITOR inline implementation. Tried with v4.1.1 and v4.1.2 on p,div but no luck. Inlineall.html sample file works but as soon as CKEDITOR is loaded in our application(node.js), all works but the alignment buttons.
What could be wrong here? What should I be looking at?
thanks in advance
First of all: check whether CKEDITOR.instances.yourInstance.plugins.justify is present. This is the first thing you got to know.
If the plugin is loaded in your instance, then I'm sure that the problem is Advanced Content Filter. For some reason, your instance doesn't allow the content required by the justify plugin to run. In such case, the feature is out. You got to configure config.(extra)allowedContent for your instance to have it working. If you don't use config.indentClasses, most likely something like this would solve your problem:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'p,div{text-align}';
For CKeditor V4 to enable text alignment options in the toolbar add the bellow inside your config.
config={{extraPlugins: ['justify'],}}

Jquery loader not activating

I've got the following... Basically it's just a form which when the button is pressed a loading screen should appear using the javascript there and the resource I've added jquery.loader.js. However, It's not working and I can't seem to grasp why. Anyone got any ideas?
Just add div wrapper in the content parameter of the plugin, it works
See jsfiddle

