Appending a query string to the url on refresh using javascript - javascript

I am trying to read a label and append its value as a query string once the user hits the refresh button on their browser. The code I have so far is:
function AppendQueryString() {
var currUrl = document.location;
var trackingNbr = $("#lblTrackingNbr").text();
if (window.location.href.indexOf("?TrackingNumber=") <= 0 && trackingNbr !== null) {
document.location = currUrl + "?TrackingNumber="+ trackingNbr;
window.onbeforeunload = AppendQueryString();
The problem is, the trackingNbr variable is always null even though the label has the value before I hit refresh. What am I doing wrong or is there a better way of doing this ?

SessionStorage would be a good solution, with something like this:
sessionStorage.setItem("trackingNbr", trackingNbr);
When the refresh button is clicked, you can pull this value back from session storage easily:
var trackingNbr = sessionStorage.getItem("trackingNbr");
Security: Because this is session storage rather than local storage, the value will be cleared from the browser when the session ends. Note that only your domain can access whatever you put into either session or local storage. However, a knowledgeable end user can read the value by using developer tools in any of the major browsers.


How do I display prompt once

I am trying to make this function be one time for each user upon the conditions met, I want each user to only see this message once and never again
function pdfZero(){
var fileName = "myDocument.pdf";
var fileExtension = fileName.split('.').pop("pdf");
var balance = document.getElementById("userBal");
if ( balance = '0.00$' && fileExtension){
return confirm('This is a complimentary free translation of your document for a first page only. Add money to order an entire document.');
You can add a global variable at the top of your code flagging whether or not a prompt has been sent
var hasBeenAsked = false;
and later
hasBeenAsked = true;
Alternatively, if you want it to only ask even after a page refresh, you can store something in session/local storage. Session storage will disappear after a browser restart, local will remain.
sessionStorage.setItem("hasAsked", 1)
With either of these methods, you can add an if statement to check the value of the flag, and only call the confirm() function if it is false.

On reload of the application, localStorage data will clear or not?

I want to use some data in my entire application. I am using localStorage to store the data .I am using it in my application but here is my issue , on Reload my entire localStorage values are removed from browser. Can anyone please tell me, localStoage values are removed when user reloads the application? If yes suggest me any other solution to use the data in entire application.
Localstorage is stored in the system, reload application would not erase it.
There are two variables localStorage and sessionStorage .
The difference between two is that data in localStorage has no expiration while sessionStorage clears your data when the page session ends.It depends whatever variable you want to use as per your requirement.
So localStorage will not clear your data when your page is reloaded.
You can use Cookies for store data until the session clears. That way your data will not be cleared when the app reload every time.
Use below code to store data in cookies,
document.cookie = "";
document.cookie = "sampleUser=user001";
use below code to retrieve data from cookies,
function getCookieData(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return null;
function getSampleSite() {
var _st = getCookieData("sampleData");
return (_st != null) ? _st : "";
function getUser() {
var _st = getCookieData("sampleUser");
return (_st != null) ? _st : "";
Check for window.localStorage.clear() in your file and see if it is getting called on reload, as thats the only way to clear our localStorage and you might be hitting on it accidentally.
The read-only localStorage property allows you to access a Storage object for the Document's origin; the stored data is saved across browser sessions. localStorage is similar to sessionStorage, except that while data stored in localStorage has no expiration time, data stored in sessionStorage gets cleared when the page session ends — that is, when the page is closed.
so Ideally it should not clear the values of localStorage unlee you have manually triggered something to clear that (check for any method which is clearing it and triggered on page reload) if all looks good then there are next cases like exceptions:
The request violates a policy decision, or the origin is not a valid scheme/host/port tuple (this can happen if the origin uses the file: or data: scheme, for example). For example, the user may have their browser configured to deny permission to persist data for the specified origin.
Reference :

Using Localstorage to store and retrieve javascript variables from one html page to another (DOM)

I have one html page 1.html and i want to get some text content and store it to a js.js file using jquery to get the text by id.
This code only works in 1.html page, where the text I want to copy from is but not in 2.html file.
Here is my code. Note that it works if I store text inside localstorage setter second parameter.
$( document ).ready(function() {
var c1Title= $('#r1c1Title').text();
//changing c1Title to any String content like "test" will work
var result = localStorage.getItem("t1");
Here is the complete demo I am working on Github:
You need to use either localStorage or cookies.
With localStorage
On the first page, use the following code:
localStorage.setItem("variableName", "variableContent")
That sets a localStorage variable of variableName for the domain, with the content variableContent. You can change these names and values to whatever you want, they are just used as an example
On the second page, get the value using the following code:
That will return the value stored in variableName, which is variableContent.
There is a 5MB limit on the amount of data you can store in localStorage.
You can remove items using localStorage.removeItem("variableName").
Depending on where you are, you may need to take a look at the cookie policy (this effects all forms of websites storing data on a computer, not just cookies). This is important, as otherwise using any of these solutions may be illegal.
If you only want to store data until the user closes their browser, you can use sessionStorage instead (just change localStorage to sessionStorage in all instances of your code)
If you want to be able to use the variable value on the server as well, use cookies instead - check out cookies on MDN
For more information on localStorage, check out this article on MDN, or this one on W3Schools
Please try to use this code. It's better to use local storage.
Here you need to make sure that you are setting this local storage
value in parent html page or parent js file.
create local storage
localStorage.setItem("{itemlable}", {itemvalue});
localStorage.setItem("variable1", $('#r1c1Title').text());
localStorage.setItem("variable2", $('#r1c2Title').text());
Get local storage value
alert(localStorage.getItem("variable1") + ' Second variable ::: '+ localStorage.getItem("variable2"));
For more information follow this link
If you wanted to store in div then follow this code.
Html Code
<div class="div_data"></div>
Js code:
$(document).ready(function () {
localStorage.setItem("variable1", "Value 1");
localStorage.setItem("variable2", "Value 2");
$(".div_data").html(' First variable ::: '+localStorage.getItem("variable1") + ' Second variable ::: '+ localStorage.getItem("variable2"));
Hope this helps.
You can use local storage as mentioned in above comments. Please find below how to write in javascript.
Local Storage Pros and Cons
Web storage can be viewed simplistically as an improvement on cookies, providing much greater storage capacity.
5120KB (5MB which equals 2.5 Million chars on Chrome) is the default storage size for an entire domain.
This gives you considerably more space to work with than a typical 4KB cookie.
The data is not sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc) - reducing the amount of traffic between client and server.
The data stored in localStorage persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.
It works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be available on the same origin.
// Store value in local storage
localStorage.setItem("c1Title", $('#r1c1Title').text());
// Retrieve value in local storage
Your html div
<div id="output"></div>
Add Javascript Code
Let me know if it not works
Create a common.js file and modified this and save.
Session = (function () {
var instance;
function init() {
var sessionIdKey = "UserLoggedIn";
return {
// Public methods and variables.
set: function (sessionData) {
window.localStorage.setItem(sessionIdKey, JSON.stringify(sessionData));
return true;
get: function () {
var result = null;
try {
result = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(sessionIdKey));
} catch (e) { }
return result;
return {
getInstance: function () {
if (!instance) {
instance = init();
return instance;
function isSessionActive() {
var session = Session.getInstance().get();
if (session != null) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function clearSession() {
Insert like this.
$(function () {
if (!isSessionActive()) {
var obj = {};
obj.ID = 1;
obj.Name = "Neeraj Pathak";
obj.OrganizationID = 1;
obj.Email = "";
get like this way
LoggedinUserDetails = Session.getInstance().get();

sessionStorage is gone when browser is refreshed - Javascript

I am trying to keep some data in sessionStorage, but if I refresh the page or leave from a link then come back, the sessionStorage no longer exists.
I am new to sessionStorage, so sorry if this is an obvious fix.
Essentially I store an array into the sessionStorage.
$scope.addPlant = function(plant) {
for (i = 0; i < $scope.userPlantList.length; i++) {
if ($scope.userPlantList[i] === plant) {
alert("You have already added this plant");
And then when I want to see what is all stored
$scope.retreiveList = function() {
var retrieved = sessionStorage.getItem("Plants");
$scope.userPlantList = JSON.parse(retrieved);
And this works fine when I do not refresh the page/app at all.
Question: How can I get my sessionStorage to last during a refresh/immediate re-visit?
Check if the data are really gone by looking at the developer tools
If you using chrome: F12 -> Resources tab -> Session Storage.
sessionStorage lives with the browser tab. whenever you close a tab the sessionstorage data will be wiped out.
if you want something that will be shared across tabs, look for localStorage.
I would recommend using the $window provider from angular
// set
$window.sessionStorage.setItem('Plants', angular.toJson($scope.userPlantList));
// get
$scope.userPlantList = angular.fromJson($window.sessionStorage.getItem('Plants')) || [];

How to delete a localStorage item when the browser window/tab is closed?

My Case: localStorage with key + value that should be deleted when browser is closed and not single tab.
Please see my code if its proper and what can be improved:
//create localStorage key + value if not exist
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.myPageDataArr = {
"name" => "Dan",
"lastname" => "Bonny"
//when browser closed - psedocode
$(window).unload(function() {
localStorage.myPageDataArr = undefined;
should be done like that and not with delete operator:
Use with window global keyword:-
You should use the sessionStorage instead if you want the key to be deleted when the browser close.
You can make use of the beforeunload event in JavaScript.
Using vanilla JavaScript you could do something like:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return '';
That will delete the key before the browser window/tab is closed and prompts you to confirm the close window/tab action. I hope that solves your problem.
NOTE: The onbeforeunload method should return a string.
localStorage.removeItem(key); //item
localStorage.clear(); //all items
There is a very specific use case in which any suggestion to use sessionStorage instead of localStorage does not really help.
The use-case would be something as simple as having something stored while you have at least one tab opened, but invalidate it if you close the last tab remaining.
If you need your values to be saved cross-tab and window, sessionStorage does not help you unless you complicate your life with listeners, like I have tried.
In the meantime localStorage would be perfect for this, but it does the job 'too well', since your data will be waiting there even after a restart of the browser.
I ended up using a custom code and logic that takes advantage of both.
I'd rather explain then give code. First store what you need to in localStorage, then also in localStorage create a counter that will contain the number of tabs that you have opened.
This will be increased every time the page loads and decreased every time the page unloads. You can have your pick here of the events to use, I'd suggest 'load' and 'unload'.
At the time you unload, you need to do the cleanup tasks that you'd like to when the counter reaches 0, meaning you're closing the last tab.
Here comes the tricky part: I haven't found a reliable and generic way to tell the difference between a page reload or navigation inside the page and the closing of the tab.
So If the data you store is not something that you can rebuild on load after checking that this is your first tab, then you cannot remove it at every refresh.
Instead you need to store a flag in sessionStorage at every load before increasing the tab counter.
Before storing this value, you can make a check to see if it already has a value and if it doesn't,
this means you're loading into this session for the first time, meaning that you can do the cleanup at load if this value is not set and the counter is 0.
use sessionStorage
The sessionStorage object is equal to the localStorage object, except that it stores the data for only one session. The data is deleted when the user closes the browser window.
The following example counts the number of times a user has clicked a button, in the current session:
if (sessionStorage.clickcount) {
sessionStorage.clickcount = Number(sessionStorage.clickcount) + 1;
} else {
sessionStorage.clickcount = 1;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "You have clicked the button " +
sessionStorage.clickcount + " time(s) in this session.";
Try using
Hope this works for you
There are five methods to choose from:
setItem(): Add key and value to localStorage
getItem(): Retrieve a value by the key from localStorage
removeItem(): Remove an item by key from localStorage
clear(): Clear all localStorage
key(): Passed a number to retrieve nth key of a localStorage
You can use clear(), this method when invoked clears the entire storage of all records for that domain. It does not receive any parameters.
for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
if (localStorage.key(i).indexOf('the-name-to-delete') > -1) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
8.5 years in and the original question was never actually answered.
when browser is closed and not single tab.
This basic code snippet will give you the best of both worlds. Storage that persists only as long as the browser session (like sessionStorage), but is also shareable between tabs (localStorage).
It does this purely through localStorage.
function cleanup(){
// place whatever cleanup logic you want here, for example:
// window.localStorage.removeItem('my-item')
function tabOpened(){
const tabs = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('tabs'))
if (tabs === null) {
window.localStorage.setItem('tabs', 1)
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem('tabs', ++tabs)
function tabClosed(){
const tabs = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('tabs'))
if (tabs === 1) {
// last tab closed, perform cleanup.
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem('tabs', --tabs)
window.onload = function () {
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
why not used sessionStorage?
"The sessionStorage object is equal to the localStorage object, except that it stores the data for only one session. The data is deleted when the user closes the browser window."
Although, some users already answered this question already, I am giving an example of application settings to solve this problem.
I had the same issue. I am using module in my angularjs application. If you configure your app as follows, it will save variable in session storage instead of local storage. Therefore, if you close the browser or close the tab, session storage will be removed automatically. You do not need to do anything.
app.config(function (localStorageServiceProvider) {
Hope it will help.
Here's a simple test to see if you have browser support when working with local storage:
if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") {
console.log("localStorage and sessionStorage support!");
console.log("About to save:");
localStorage["somekey"] = 'hello';
console.log("Key saved:");
localStorage.removeItem("somekey"); //<--- key deleted here
console.log("key deleted:");
console.log("DONE ===");
} else {
console.log("Sorry! No web storage support..");
It worked for me as expected (I use Google Chrome).
Adapted from:
I don't think the solution presented here is 100% correct because window.onbeforeunload event is called not only when browser/Tab is closed(WHICH IS REQUIRED), but also on all other several events. (WHICH MIGHT NOT BE REQUIRED)
See this link for more information on list of events that can fire window.onbeforeunload:-
After looking at this question 6 years after it was asked, I found that there still is no sufficient answer to this question; which should achieve all of the following:
Clear Local Storage after closing the browser (or all tabs of the domain)
Preserve Local Storage across tabs, if at least one tab remains active
Preserve Local Storage when reloading a single tab
Execute this piece of javascript at the start of each page load in order to achieve the above:
((nm,tm) => {
l = localStorage,
s = sessionStorage,
tabid = s.getItem(tm) || (newid => s.setItem(tm, newid) || newid)((Math.random() * 1e8).toFixed()),
update = set => {
let cur = JSON.parse(l.getItem(nm) || '{}');
if (set && typeof cur[tabid] == 'undefined' && !Object.values(cur).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) {
cur = {};
cur[tabid] = set;
l.setItem(nm, JSON.stringify(cur));
window.onbeforeunload = () => update(0);
Edit: The basic idea here is the following:
When starting from scratch, the session storage is assigned a random id in a key called tabid
The local storage is then set with a key called tabs containing a object those key tabid is set to 1.
When the tab is unloaded, the local storage's tabs is updated to an object containing tabid set to 0.
If the tab is reloaded, it's first unloaded, and resumed. Since the session storage's key tabid exists, and so does the local storage tabs key with a sub-key of tabid the local storage is not cleared.
When the browser is unloaded, all session storage will be cleared. When resuming the session storage tabid won't exists anymore and a new tabid will be generated. Since the local storage does not have a sub-key for this tabid, nor any other tabid (all session were closed), it's cleared.
Upon a new created tab, a new tabid is generated in session storage, but since at least one tabs[tabid] exists, the local storage is not cleared
This will do the trick for objects.
localStorage.setItem('key', 0 );
You can simply use sessionStorage. Because sessionStorage allow to clear all key value when browser window will be closed .
See there : SessionStorage- MDN
This is an old question, but it seems none of the answer above are perfect.
In the case you want to store authentication or any sensitive information that are destructed only when the browser is closed, you can rely on sessionStorage and localStorage for cross-tab message passing.
Basically, the idea is:
You bootstrap from no previous tab opened, thus both your localStorage and sessionStorage are empty (if not, you can clear the localStorage). You'll have to register a message event listener on the localStorage.
The user authenticate/create a sensitive info on this tab (or any other tab opened on your domain).
You update the sessionStorage to store the sensitive information, and use the localStorage to store this information, then delete it (you don't care about timing here, since the event was queued when the data changed). Any other tab opened at that time will be called back on the message event, and will update their sessionStorage with the sensitive information.
If the user open a new tab on your domain, its sessionStorage will be empty. The code will have to set a key in the localStorage (for exemple: req). Any(all) other tab will be called back in the message event, see that key, and can answer with the sensitive information from their sessionStorage (like in 3), if they have such.
Please notice that this scheme does not depend on window.onbeforeunload event which is fragile (since the browser can be closed/crashed without these events being fired). Also, the time the sensitive information is stored on the localStorage is very small (since you rely on transcients change detection for cross tab message event) so it's unlikely that such sensitive information leaks on the user's hard drive.
Here's a demo of this concept:
There are no such the way to detect browser close so probably you can't delete localStorage on browser close but there are another way to handle the things you can uses sessionCookies as it will destroy after browser close.This is I implemented in my project.
if(localStorage.getItem("visit") === null) {
localStorage.setItem('visit', window.location.hostname);
else if(localStorage.getItem('visit') == 'localhost'){
else {
localStorage.setItem('visit', '0');
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
localStorage.setItem("new_qus_id", $('.responseId').attr('id'));
var new_qus_no = localStorage.getItem('new_qus_id');
if (localStorage.getItem('new_qus_id') != '') {
var question_id = localStorage.getItem('new_qus_id');
} else {
var question_id = "<?php echo $question_id ; ?>";
you can try following code to delete local storage:
delete localStorage.myPageDataArr;

