express serve js files separately - javascript

My webapp loads far too slowly when using the express.static middleware to serve
all my js files so I wanted to try to serve each js file only when needed (when serving the html from jade that uses the js file). I've tried using .sendFile() but it doesn't seem to be working, though I can't tell if that's because it can't be used for my purpose or if I just don't know how to use it.
Is there a way to dynamically serve up js files so as not to require load time until necessary, or should I just suck it up, minimize my js, and serve it all up staticly at the beginning?

I think that the simplest solution for you problem is to use the
async attribute in script tag
A script that will be run asynchronously as soon as it is available:
<script src="demo_async.js" async></script>
Or use defer attribute
A script that will not run until after the page has loaded:
<script src="demo_defer.js" defer></script>

if you use in server, setup nginx for serve static file :D


Cannot get js file to execute from html with Flask in PyCharm

I'm trying to get a html page to run a js script from the static files of the host using Flask (as it's a test project it's a localhost) and for some reason every script comes back as a 404 - I'm using this file structure
I've followed as many guides and other queries on fixing this but I don't get what else I'm missing. I've used <script src="js/script.js"></script> to call it, I've used src="{{url_for('static', filename='js/script.js') }}" in place of src="js/script.js, I've tried using just script.js instead of js/script.js, I've tried putting it in different places in the file tree and using as many ways as I can think of to call it from these places, I've downloaded plugins, I looked at official sites explaining how to create html and js and etcetera... Can't get anything to work
EDIT - solved, for some reason clearing my cache for the 2000th time fixed it. Copied the project to another device, same problem, fixed it by replacing js/script.js with static/js/script.js. That doesn't seem like that's how it should be but it works I guess
Static content in Flask loaded as follows:
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/script.js') }}"></script>
But in this case your html-template should be located in separate folder:
Folder templates is the default place where all html-templates are located in Flask.

Can A Javascript File Load Itself Asynchronously?

I use Squarespace as my CMS. I'd like to know if there's a way to have the actual .JS file load itself asynchronously to ultimately reduce the site load time.
For those who don't know, Squarespace gives very limited access to backend content and files. So I'd like to know if there are any alternatives to reduce render-blocking resources.
The file is located in [websitename]/scripts/site-bundle.js found through SFTP.
EDIT: Here's the full code, as you can see I can't find any script tags to insert the defer or async values.
!function(e){function t(o){if(n[o])return n[o].exports;var r=n[o]={exports:{},id:o,loaded:!1};return e[o].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,t),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}var n={};return t.m=e,t.c=n,t.p="",t(0)}([function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(1)},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}n(2);var r=n(6),i=o(r),a=n(60),u=n(65),c=o(u),l=n(85),s=o(l);n(86);var d=n(87),f=o(d),p=n(100),h=o(p),v=n(101),y=o(v),m=n(104),A=o(m),g=n(121),b=o(g),w=n(189),_=o(w),x=n(190),E=o(x),k=n(191),S=o(k),T=n(192),L=o(T),O=n(193),M=o(O),P=n(194),j=o(P),C=n(195),R=o(C),I=n(103),F=o(I),V=n(196),N=o(V),D=n(199),B=o(D),G=n(200),U=o(G),H=n(207),z=o(H);i.default.register("AncillaryLayout",f.default),i.default.register("FooterBreakpoints",h.default),i.default.register("HashManager",y.default),i.default.register("IndexFirstSectionHeight",A.default),i.default.register("IndexGallery",b.default),i.default.register("IndexGalleryVideo",_.default),i.default.register("IndexNavigation",E.default),i.default.register("HeaderNavFolderTouch",S.default),i.default.register("HeaderOverlay",L.default),i.default.register("MobileClassname",M.default),i.default.register("MobileOverlayFolders",j.default),i.default.register("MobileOffset",R.default),i.default.register("MobileOverlayToggle",F.default),i.default.register("Parallax",N.default),i.default.register("ScrollIndicator",B.default),i.default.register("SiteLoader",U.default),i.default.register("UserAccountLink",z.default),i.default.register("VideoBackground",function(e){return(0,c.default)(e,function(e){var t=e.handleResize,n=e.handleTweak;(0,s.default)(t,105),"tweak-overlay-parallax-enabled",n)})}),window.addEventListener("controller:refresh",i.default.refresh)},function(e,t,n){n(3).polyfill()},function(e,t,n){(function(t){for(var o=n(4),r="undefined"==typeof window?t:window,i=["moz","webkit"],a="AnimationFrame",u=r["request"+a],c=r["cancel"+a]||r["cancelRequest"+a],l=0;!u&&l<i.length;l++)u=r[i[l]+"Request"+a],c=r[i[l]+"Cancel"+a]||r[i[l]+"CancelRequest"+a];if(!u||!c){var s=0,d=0,f=[],p=1e3/60;u=function(e){if(0===f.length){var t=o(),n=Math.max(0,p-(t-s));s=n+t,setTimeout(function(){var e=f.slice(0);f.length=0;for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++)if(!e[t].cancelled)try{e[t].callback(s)}catch(e){setTimeout(function(){throw e},0)}},Math.round(n))}return f.push({handle:++d,callback:e,cancelled:!1}),d},c=function(e){for(var t=0;t<f.length;t++)f[t].handle===e&&(f[t].cancelled=!0)}}e.exports=function(e){return,e)},e.exports.cancel=function()
This can be accomplished for the Brine/Wright family of templates by doing the following:
Enable Developer Mode (Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode)
Using SFTP or Git, obtain access to the template files.
Within site.region file, change:
<squarespace:script src="site-bundle.js" combo="false" />
<squarespace:script src="site-bundle.js" combo="false" async="true"/>
Use SFTP or Git to update your template files on Squarespace's servers.
You may also use <script src="/scripts/site-bundle.js" async></script> instead of using Squarespace's script loader. Simply replace the aforementioned line in step 3.
As an aside, the unbundled code can be found in Squarespace's Wright GitHub repository.
For other templates not in the Brine/Wright family, similar steps may apply, though file names may differ.
There are two properties on a script tag to do exactly what you want to do:
specifying defer will defer the loading of the script until the page has been fully parsed (and rendered)
specifying async will indicate to the browser that this script can be loaded asynchronously at any point of its choosing.
Those two properties are both well supported (defer, async) and as such, you can and should make use of them to achieve this.

How to include a .js file into an html file that is served by a compojure server?

One of my html file needs to include a script file, as it often happens, and no matter what I do, the browser doesn't seem to get it.
following this answer: How to include css files into compojure project?
I created a public folder in my resource folder. The structure looks like this:
| |-myview.html
Inclusion of the file in myview.html looks like this:
<script src="/scripts/my.script.js"></script>
When I request myview.html from the server I get it, but all of the types in my.script.js are unknown. The html works as expected when I just load it in the browser (I have to adjust the path to the script file to be relative, of course, and no, that doesn't work either when I request it from my server).
So how do I get my script files (and later css files) to be found by the html in a typical compojure setup?
Turns out I was just missing
(route/resources "/")
in my routing. As that wasn't the problem with the topic I looked at, I didn't figure it out for a while.
Turns out sometimes you should read the code in the question just as carefully as the answer...

External javascript in html is sent incorrectly to the server

I'm running a Node.js server along with an Angular frontend. One of the Angular dependencies I'm using requires me to import a javascript file into my html page, by the name of swing.js. However, when I try to do this, it sends the required file as an http request to the server, resulting in requests that look like the following:
Obviously, this comes up as a 404. As an alternative, I've tried changing
<script src="/home/me/app/node_modules/angular-swing/dist/swing.js"></script>
<script src="swing.js"></script>
and then on the server-side, doing:
app.get('swing.js', function(req, res){
This works a little more, but then the file doesn't run properly, as I'm assuming it's no longer in the npm environment it needs to be in. I've tried multiple iterations of changing
<script src="/home/me/app/node_modules/angular-swing/dist/swing.js"></script>
into something that uses periods (.) to represent more relative paths, but that doesn't appear to work either. Overall, I'm very stuck, and would appreciate any insight. If it's of any use, I'm also using:
Making my comments into an answer...
node.js does not serve any files by default so any script files that you need sent from your server to the client upon request need an explicit route to handle them or they need some generic route that knows how to handle all the requested script files.
swing.js in the client is not part of any "NPM environment". It's running the browser at that point, not in any NPM enviornment. It's possible that swing.js itself needs some other scripts or resources that also need routes and that's why it doesn't work after you make an explicit route for it. You can probably examine the specific errors in the console to give you a clue why it isn't working.
You may also want to read this: How to include scripts located inside the node_modules folder?

Restart Apache Tomcat to serve changed Javascript files?

I was under the impression that if I deployed my application (using Ant) then JS files, along with HTML, CSS and images, would be automatically served by Tomcat.
However, after editing Javascript files I have to restart Tomcat in order for the changes to be updated.
My JS files are in a 'js' directory off of root (not in WEB-INF).
I am using FF3.6.
Any help?
I 've never worked with Tomcat but I find it hard to imagine it wouldn't serve changed JS files straight awayafter deployment. My guess is this is a caching issue on the browser's side. Can you try to force a refresh by opening the actual CSS file and pressing F5?
The usual approach to making sure a JS file gets updated is embedding it with a GET parameter that marks the version/revision:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/script.js?version=51"></script>
when you update the script's revision, and change the GET parameter, the browser should forget the cached version and re-load the file.
According to
cachingAllowed -
If the value of this flag is true, the cache for static resources will be used. If not specified, the default value of the flag is true.
I found out that Tomcat reload files from the /temp directory which was set by setting antiresourcelocking to true in the context xml's. Thanks guys.

