Script not running in modal window - javascript

I've got a script that changes the background when an anchor touches the top of the page.
var targetOffset = $("#anchor-point").offset().top;
var $w = $(window).scroll(function () {
if ($w.scrollTop() > targetOffset) {
} else {
However, it does not work when it's inside the modal window.

I believe you need to attach the scroll event to the element that's scrolling.
$('.remodal').scroll(function () {
if ($('.remodal').scrollTop() > targetOffset) {
} else {
Updated fiddle


Side navigation menu responsive class to hide on window resize

Hey stackoverflow community!
I have a small issue regarding this JS logic to add a class name to my body tag to hide the side navigation menu upon window resizing. Let me try to explain the issue as clearly as I can. Currently I'm using a UI template by creativetime called Argon. The page when loaded on a full scaled width looks like this:
When I resize the window after the page has loaded it looks like this:
But when I refresh the page, the side navigation is no longer there as how it should be, which is like this:
After refreshing the page, resizing the window thereafter makes the side navigation to hide as it should. The sidenav just doesn't go hidden on first page load for some reason.
The JS for this is as follows:
var Layout = (function() {
function pinSidenav() {
$('.sidenav-toggler').data('action', 'sidenav-unpin');
$('body').removeClass('g-sidenav-hidden').addClass('g-sidenav-show g-sidenav-pinned');
$('body').append('<div class="backdrop d-xl-none" data-action="sidenav-unpin" data-target='+$('#sidenav-main').data('target')+' />');
// Store the sidenav state in a cookie session
Cookies.set('sidenav-state', 'pinned');
function unpinSidenav() {
$('.sidenav-toggler').data('action', 'sidenav-pin');
// Store the sidenav state in a cookie session
Cookies.set('sidenav-state', 'unpinned');
// Set sidenav state from cookie
var $sidenavState = Cookies.get('sidenav-state') ? Cookies.get('sidenav-state') : 'pinned';
if($(window).width() > 1200) {
if($sidenavState == 'pinned') {
if(Cookies.get('sidenav-state') == 'unpinned') {
$(window).resize(function() {
if( $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-show') && !$('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) {
if($(window).width() < 1200){
$(window).resize(function() {
if( $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-show') && !$('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) {
$("body").on("click", "[data-action]", function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var action = $'action');
var target = $'target');
// Manage actions
switch (action) {
case 'search-show':
target = $'target');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 150);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300)
case 'search-close':
target = $'target');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 150);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
// Add sidenav modifier classes on mouse events
$('.sidenav').on('mouseenter', function() {
if(! $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) {
$('.sidenav').on('mouseleave', function() {
if(! $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
// Make the body full screen size if it has not enough content inside
$(window).on('load resize', function() {
if($('body').height() < 800) {
$('body').css('min-height', '100vh');
Working JS Fiddle:

trying to make a sticky header stick on page load, before scrolling

I have this header that is working fine. My issue is that when you reload the page when the scroll position is passed 114, the header is not fixed until you scroll. I'm trying to get it to detect the scroll position of the page before the user scrolls.
function initHeader() {
var Header = document.querySelector(".header");
var HeaderContainer = document.querySelector(".header-container-after");
document.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
if (window.scrollY > 114) {
} else {
window.onload = initHeader;
There can be an even easier solution, use position: sticky; top: 0
It will act as an relative element until it hits the top (or before, change the top value) and from that point it will act as a fixed element.
In case you want to stick with JS for this, wrap it in a function and call it on load
let header;
let headerContainer;
function fixNav(){
if (window.scrollY > 114) {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ()=>{
header = document.querySelector(".header");
headerContainer = document.querySelector(".header-container-after");
document.addEventListener('scroll', fixNav);
Looks like you are only running the code when the user scrolls. Try running it when the user scrolls AND when the page loads. Like so:
function initHeader() {
var Header = document.querySelector(".header");
var HeaderContainer = document.querySelector(".header-container-after");
// extract the logic to a function
var updateNav = function () {
if (window.scrollY > 114) {
} else {
// run that function on scroll
document.addEventListener('scroll', updateNav);
// but also run it right now (page load)
window.onload = initHeader;

jquery works on scroll

I attach the link of my code here. in this, the slider animates correctly when clicking on the corner but I need is that working on the scroll.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.corner').click(function() {
var $parent = $(this).parent();
if (${
} else {
Try out this:
$('.corner').bind('mousewheel',function() {
var $parent = $(this).parent();
if (${
} else {

Timeline change css on enter view port

Am trying to change the background color of the timeline on scroll like on this site.My replication of the sample is development site. Take a look at the codepen I tried using. The closest I have come to replicating it is with the code below which makes the change in color on each timeline circle flicker on/off on scroll.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
function onScroll() {
$('.cd-timeline-block').each( function() {
if( $(this).offset().top <= $(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height()*0.05 && $(this).find('.cd-timeline-img').hasClass('cd-inactive') ) {
} else {
I have made some modification to the above code.
CodePen link:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $timeline_block = $('.cd-timeline-block');
var firstelm = $timeline_block.first();
//on scolling, show/animate timeline blocks when enter the viewport
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var _win = $(window), iselm = null;
$timeline_block.each(function(index) {
var _this = $(this);
if (((_this.offset().top - _win.height())) <= (_win.scrollTop())) {
iselm = _this;
if (_win.scrollTop() < $(firstelm).offset().top) {
iselm = $(firstelm);
if (iselm) {
if ((iselm.offset().top - _win.height()) > (_win.scrollTop() * 0.75)) {
Continuing each loop on scroll might not work properly.

Cannot stop javascript function with conditional statement?

I have a fixed top navigation bar that uses a javascript function to shrink in size along with changing a couple other styles when the user scrolls past a certain anchor point. I also have a mobile hamburger icon that expands the navigation into a fullscreen menu for mobile. I would like the javascript function for shrinking the top nav to stop working whenever I click on the hamburger (opening the menu) and to resume when clicked again (closing the menu), however I am not able to get the scroll function to start or stop.
This is the code I've written so far:
var win = $(window),
nw = $('.navBgWrapper'),
sw = $('.scrollWaypoint'),
pos = sw.offset().top;
var sticky = function(){
if (win.scrollTop() > pos) {
$('.navContent').on('hover', '.navLink', function () {
else {
$('.navContent').on('hover', '.navLink', function () {
//burger script
var sc = true;
if (!sc) {
sc = true;
} else {
sc = false;
if (sc) {
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
See comments of question for details, thanks Pointy.
var sticky = function(){ if (!sc) { return; } else {...}

