Creating json in specific format using javascript - javascript

I have a complex javascript code which when simplified is as below..
function getjson1() {
return {
'json1': {
id: 'jsonid1'
function getjson2() {
return {
'json2': {
id: 'jsonid2'
myjson = [];
function finaljson() {
return {
'json': myjson
Now the result of this code is
Now this code I need to change such that I can get rid of the array and can traverse the json object like.., etc..
One example could be as below..
Any help is sincerely appreciated.

Well if you don't want an array, don't use one. First, a jQuery-based solution:
myjson = {};
myjson = $.extend(myjson, getjson1());
myjson = $.extend(myjson, getjson2());
In native JavaScript, you can use the following function:
function extend (target, source) {
Object.keys(source).map(function (prop) {
target[prop] = source[prop];
return target;
This way, the first code becomes this:
myjson = {};
myjson = extend(myjson, getjson1());
myjson = extend(myjson, getjson2());

You are pushing it to an array so you are getting an array.
use this simple add function to push it in an object in the format you want.
First key in the function returns will be the key in the end object.
function getjson1() {
return {
'json1': {
id: 'jsonid1'
function getjson2() {
return {
'json2': {
id: 'jsonid2'
function add(obj, toadd) {
for(var key in toadd) {
if(toadd.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
obj[key] = toadd[key];
return obj;
myjson = {};
function finaljson() {
return {
'json': myjson


How to access a nested property of an object using a string?

I have the following string:
const str = "prop1.prop2.prop3"
I want to use this string to access the property prop3 of the following object:
const obj = {
prop1: {
// ---- destination point
But I'm not able to figure out how to do it?
there must be something that keeps adding the obj[currentProp] so on and so on. and.. isn't there a quicker method? I'm afraid I'm wasting my time on something that can be achieved more easily
This would be my approach:
const access = (path, object) => {
return path.split('.').reduce((o, i) => o[i], object)
const obj = {
prop1: {
prop2: {
prop3: {
value: 'foo'
const str = 'prop1.prop2.prop3'
console.log(access(str, obj)) // {"value": "foo"}
You can combine split with forEach as follows:
const str = "prop1.prop2.prop3"
const obj = {
prop1: {
a: "b",
c: "d"
var srch = obj;
str.split(".").forEach(item => (srch = srch[item]));
console.log(srch); // { a: "b", c: "d"}
split converts str's value into an array, which is then looped and on each iteration, srch gets one level deeper.
different ways to access a nested property of an object
using a function accessDeepProp with two arguments the object and path of the nested property!
Recursive way:
function accessDeepProp(obj, path) {
if (!path) return obj;
const properties = path.split(".");
return accessDeepProp(obj[properties.shift()], properties.join("."));
For-loop way:
function accessDeepProp(obj, path) {
const properties = path.split(".");
for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
if (!obj) return null;
obj = obj[properties[i]];
return obj;
Eval way: never_use_eval!
function accessDeepProp(objName, path) {
try {
return eval(`${objName}.${path}`);
} catch (e) {
return null;
you could also use lodash get method
This is the shortest solution, and it supports arrays and ['bracket notation']. Just don't run it against malicious user input.
Update: a better(?) version without eval.
const obj = {
prop1: {
prop2: {
prop3: {
value: 'foo'
const str = 'prop1.prop2.prop3'
//console.log(eval("obj." + str))
// a code without eval
var value = (Function("return obj." + str))();

json recursive function does not send back complete Json Object

I have the following JsonObject
let jsonObject = {
"augmentedReality": {
"enabled": false,
"augmentedRealitySettings" : [
"assetId": 7
I am have written a recursive function that looks the following
isAssetId(jsonObject: any) {
for (let key in jsonObject) {
if (typeof jsonObject[key] === "object") {
jsonObject[key] = this.isAssetId(jsonObject[key]);
} else {
}} }
return jsonObject;
My goal is to change the assetId wherever it exists in the jsonObject. This JSON is just an example, while assetId could be far in the deeper.
The problem with the code is that when it's successfully executed it returns the following JSON object
I call the function with the following:
jsonObject= isAssetId(jsonObject);
and I get the following results.
augmentedReality: { enabled: false, augmentedRealitySettings: [
[Object] ] }
The Object should show the data it has not the object.
I cannot figure out what seems to be the problem. Any help would be appreciated?
I wrote the code into the following site
Weirdly it's working fine here, but it does not work on my typescript on NestJs? Now what is the reason?
There is something wrong with the logic of your code. At one point you are looping through an array like an object. You could do something like:
var json = isAssetId(jsonObject);
function isAssetId(jsonObject) {
for (let key in jsonObject) {
for (const [i ,element] of jsonObject[key].entries()) {
jsonObject[key][i] = isAssetId(element);
else if (typeof jsonObject[key] === "object") {
jsonObject[key] = isAssetId(jsonObject[key]);
} else {
}} }
return jsonObject;
The problem is "this" keyword in the function. For more information please check post.
let jsonObject = {
"augmentedReality": {
"enabled": false,
"augmentedRealitySettings" : [
"assetId": 7
var json = isAssetId(jsonObject);
isAssetId(jsonObject) {
for (let key in jsonObject) {
if (typeof jsonObject[key] === "object") {
jsonObject[key] = isAssetId(jsonObject[key]);
} else {
}} }
return jsonObject;

Better way to map a deep object to new object

This code works for converting the JSON to an object where each name object turns into the key for either its value, or if it instead has its own element object breaks that out and does the same to its contents.
Is there a better way to do this that would also allow for more extensiblity of the JSON schema?
Is there a way I can get it all down to a simpler function that I can pass the first element and have it convert it down to whatever depth the schema goes?
const fs = require('fs');
let scheme = JSON.parse('{"$schema":{"root":{"name":"THINGY","dtd":{"name":"DOCTYPE","value":"something.dtd","commentBefore":["?xml version='1.0'?","Version NULL"]},"ele":{"name":"REPORT","ele":[{"name":"SEGMENT0","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":""},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":""}]},{"name":"SEGMENT1","ele":[{"name":"RECORD1","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":""},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":""}]}]},{"name":"SEGMENT2","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT3","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT4","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT5","ele":[]}]}}}}').$schema.root;
let depth = 0;
var compiled = {
[]: {
if (typeof i.ele != 'undefined') {
return {
[]: {
if (typeof k.ele != 'undefined') {
return {
[]: {
if (typeof p.ele != 'undefined') {
return {
[]: p.ele
} else {
return {
[]: p.value
} else {
return {
[]: k.value
} else {
return {
[]: i.value
console.log(JSON.stringify(compiled, 0, 2));
I should add, this is intended to eventually also apply validation and grab real data when it gets to the string objects.
The output looks like this:
"NUMBER1": ""
"NUMBER2": ""
"RECORD1": [
"NUMBER1": ""
"NUMBER2": ""
"SEGMENT2": []
"SEGMENT3": []
"SEGMENT4": []
"SEGMENT5": []
You could destructure the object, get name, ele and value and return a new object with name as key and either an array by mapping the objects of ele or the value.
getData = ({ name, ele, value }) => ({
[name]: Array.isArray(ele)
: value
var scheme = JSON.parse('{"$schema":{"root":{"name":"THINGY","dtd":{"name":"DOCTYPE","value":"something.dtd","commentBefore":["?xml version=\'1.0\'?","Version NULL"]},"ele":{"name":"REPORT","ele":[{"name":"SEGMENT0","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":""},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":""}]},{"name":"SEGMENT1","ele":[{"name":"RECORD1","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":""},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":""}]}]},{"name":"SEGMENT2","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT3","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT4","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT5","ele":[]}]}}}}').$schema.root,
result = getData(scheme.ele);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Nina's answer is cleaner but this looks a bit more like your code so I figured I'd post it anyway.
let scheme = JSON.parse('{"$schema":{"root":{"name":"THINGY","dtd":{"name":"DOCTYPE","value":"something.dtd","commentBefore":["?xml version=\'1.0 \'?","Version NULL"]},"ele":{"name":"REPORT","ele":[{"name":"SEGMENT0","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":""},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":"1"}]},{"name":"SEGMENT1","ele":[{"name":"RECORD1","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":"2"},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":""}]}]},{"name":"SEGMENT2","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT3","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT4","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT5","ele":[]}]}}}}').$schema.root;
let newScheme = JSON.parse('{"$schema":{"root":{"name":"THINGY","dtd":{"name":"DOCTYPE","value":"something.dtd","commentBefore":["?xml version=\'1.0 \'?","Version NULL"]},"ele":{"name":"REPORT","ele":[{"name":"SEGMENT0","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":"1"},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":"3"}]},{"name":"SEGMENT1","ele":[{"name":"RECORD1","ele":[{"name":"NUMBER1","value":"4"},{"name":"NUMBER2","value":""}]}]},{"name":"SEGMENT2","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT3","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT4","ele":[]},{"name":"SEGMENT5","ele":[]}]}}}}').$schema.root;
//Yay, recursion!
function mapObj(a, o = {}) {
let array = o[] || [];
for (let i = 0; i < a.ele.length; i++) {
let b = a.ele[i];
array[i] = b.ele ?
mapObj(b, array[i]) : {
[]: b.value
o[] = array;
return o;
let obj = mapObj(scheme.ele);
console.log(mapObj(newScheme.ele, obj));

Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined

to begin with, I have a multilevel of entities as in
country unit ----> customer reporting group ----> customers
each country unit has different customer reporting groups and each of the later has different customers
in the code the variable names are
cu ----> crg ---> customer
this is represented in a multilevel object called menuData:
menuData = {
cu1: {
CRG3: {
Customer1: {},
Customer5: {}
CRG7: {
Customer3: {},
Customer2: {},
Customer7: {}
cu4: {
CRG1: {
Customer2: {},
Customer4: {}
CRG3: {
Customer4: {}
what I wanted to do is to construct unique id for each level in a multilevel objects as well as in for example the ids for the customer units will be the same
cu1 and cu2 and so on
for the customer reporting groups the ids will consist of the cu + the crg as in
for the customer:
what I did is a function called getIds
var getIds = function(menuData) {
var ids = {};
for (cu in menuData) {
ids[cu] = cu;
for (crg in menuData[cu]) {
if (!(ids[cu] in ids)) {
ids[cu] = {};
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
} else ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
for (customer in menuData[cu][crg]) {
if (!ids[cu][crg]) {
ids[cu][crg] = {};
ids[cu][crg][customer] = ids[cu][crg].concat(customer);
} else ids[cu][crg][customer] = ids[cu][crg].concat(customer);
return ids;
the error I got is
Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
what I have tried is that, because it says that it's undefined, I try to define it if its not already defined as in
if (!(ids[cu] in ids)) {
ids[cu] = {};
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
if its not defined, define it and insert the value, but if its defined, only assign the value
else ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat (crg );
why do I get this error? and how to get the the ids in multilevel objects ?
edit, excpected output is
ids = {
"cu1": {
"cu1+CRG3": { "cu1+CRG3+Customer1":{}, "cu1+CRG3+Customer5":{} },
"cu1+CRG7": { "cu1+CRG7+Customer3":{}, "cu1+CRG7+Customer2":{}, "cu1+CRG7+Customer7":{} }
"cu4": {
"cu4+CRG1": { "cu4+CRG1+Customer2":{}, "cu4+CRG1+Customer4":{} },
"cu4+CRG3": { "cu4+CRG3+Customer4":{}}
The Problem with your Code is that you are using Objects to store your data and Objects don´t have the Method "concat" only Arrays have the "concat" Method. Your Object must look like these to work:
menuData = [
"cu1": [
"CRG3": [ "Customer1":{}, "Customer5":{} ],
"CRG7": [ "Customer3":{}, "Customer2":{}, "Customer7":{} ]
"cu4": [
"CRG1": [ "Customer2":{}, "Customer4":{} ],
"CRG3": [ "Customer4":{}]
Here´s a reference : MDN Array.concat()
What can be confusing in JS is that an Object Property can be accessed like an Array.
Update after Expected Output was added:
okay than i think concat is not the right solution for your Problem.
Try it with something like this:
var ids = {};
var menuData = {
cu1: {
CRG3: {
Customer1: {},
Customer5: {}
CRG7: {
Customer3: {},
Customer2: {},
Customer7: {}
cu4: {
CRG1: {
Customer2: {},
Customer4: {}
CRG3: {
Customer4: {}
for (propKeyLevel1 in menuData){
ids[propKeyLevel1] = {};
var propLevel1 = ids[propKeyLevel1];
for(propKeyLevel2 in menuData[propKeyLevel1]){
propLevel1[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2] = {};
var propLevel2 = propLevel1[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2];
for(propKeyLevel3 in menuData[propKeyLevel1][propKeyLevel2]){
propLevel2[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2+"+"+propKeyLevel3] = {};
concat is a method for for a String or an Array, here you call it on an object hence the error.
What you're trying to do is a bit unclear to me, but maybe you could try that :
ids[cu][crg] = crg;
instead of :
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat (crg );
Because that's what you seem to be trying.
I’d try it this way:
function getIds(dataIn, idsIn) {
idsIn = idsIn || [];
var dataOut = {}, idOut;
for (var idIn in dataIn) {
idsOut = idsIn.concat([idIn]);
dataOut[idsOut.join('+')] = getIds(dataIn[idIn], idsOut);
return dataOut;
Perfect use case for a recursive function passing down an array (idsOut) of the ids of the previous layers to generate the intended object keys. Pretty straight forward.

Knockout mapping for objects in an array whose property name is dynamic

I have a service that returns data of the following form (I can add fields to this, but I can't change the hierarchical structure):
Sections: {
3a: [
/* Item definition */
ID: 1,
Text: "Completed Form INNSAMEM002",
3b: [
I would like to use the mapping plugin to call a custom constructor for each of the item definitions, but am having trouble because it is split into sections; so, a mapping would work like this:
var _mapping = {
'3a': {
create: function(o) { return new ItemModel(; }
However, the section names cannot be known ahead of time.
I can go through the AJAX data, find all the sections, and generate the mapping config from that before I run it, but just wanted to know if there is a better way?
SOLUTION: The answer from CrimsonChris gave me the way to do it; final mapping is this:
var _mapping = {
'Sections': {
var res = {};
function(sectionkey, section)
var secres = [];
function(itemindex, item)
secres.push(new ItemModel(item));
res[sectionkey] = secres;
return res;
You can loop over the properties of Sections in the response to get each section. Then map each section's items to an ItemModel.
var _mapping = {
'Sections': {
create: function (options) {
var sections = [];
for (var sectionName in {
sections.push(new SectionModel([sectionName], sectionName);
return sections;
function SectionModel(items, sectionName) {
this.items = => new ItemModel(item));
this.sectionName = sectionName;

