JS what happens to my number [duplicate] - javascript

I've been trying to debug a problem today and I finally found out what the problem is. For some reason, when a number has a leading zero JavaScript does something really weird.
var test = 0132;
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/U8sFu/3/
The first popup says "132," the second "90," and the third says "90."
My question is, why does the number 0132 become the number 90? This is really baffling to me!

A number with a leading 0 is parsed as an octal literal, which is in base 8.


5.constructor.name - SyntaxError [duplicate]

For example,
1.toFixed(2) // Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
(1).toFixed(2) // "1.00"
let num = 1
num.toFixed(2) // "1.00"
At the same time, you don't have to wrap parenthesis around strings to call methods on them
'yo'.repeat(3) // "yoyoyo"
What is the rule at play here and where else does it apply? Guessing it has something to do with the dot being misinterpreted as a decimal for numbers?
Because the interpreter is looking for more digits (decimal values), not keywords or methods.
As others have stated, JavaScript is looking for more numbers after the decimal point. It thinks you are trying to type a float like 1.2 and it doesn't like that t there, it's not a number.
Interestingly, you can do this without parenthesis or making variable by using 2 decimal points. Like this: 1..toFixed(2). I guess you can also do 1.0.toFixed(2) if you want.
When using a variable, Javascript is confident that you're not going to add decimals after the point.
When not using a variable, Javascript thinks that you are going to add decimals after the point.
When you wrap your number with parenthesis, you say that the number is finished, and everything is fine again.
You can also use .. if you don't like parenthesis. The first one for decimals, the second one to call the method.
let num = 1;
// console.log(1.toFixed(2)); // ERROR

Adding a whole number and a decimal in Javascript results in removal of the decimal?

I'm sure this is simple, but in my javascript code, I have two numbers. One contains a decimal, and the other doesn't, and I add them together (ie. 7.5 + 5), I am getting a result with NO decimal value.
Do I need to cast each number variable as a double? I know that all numbers are doubles in javascript - which is why I do not understand this behavior...
For instance, I have var answer = week1 + week2;. Does this make sense?
Thanks in advance!
I am sorry for wasting time - turns out I was using parseInt instead of parseFloat to gather the "week" values I spoke about.
Can someone please close this question or delete it? Before the shame consumes me?

Why does qUnit's assert.equal think these 2 strings are different in IE?

I am working with some qUnit tests written by another developer and am having some trouble understanding why a particular test in IE is failing.
There is a function that can convert a number of differently formatted string dates into a UTC date and it seems to function correctly. However, I am having some issues with testing it in IE.
In order to test it I am taking the return of the function (which is a number rather than a standard formatted date), creating a new date from it and then using JavaScript's toLocaleString() function to get a string I can compare to another string I created. An example of the test is below; minus the call to the function, I have replaced the call to the function with the output I get from it.
var expectedResult = "11/11/2000 12:56:00";
var actualResult = new Date(973947360000).toLocaleString():
assert.equal(expectedResult, actualResult);
This fails but I cannot see why, I am not using a deepEqual() and the types are the same anyway (I have debugged and checked). I think it may be down to IE's encoding but am not sure of 1, how to ascertain this is the case and 2, get around it/effectively test it. It is worth noting that this test passes fine in FF and Chrome, though Chrome appends "PM" to the end of the date.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Below is a snapshot of the output from IE.
qUnit output difference
Seeing as no one else is coming forward with an explanation I am going to simply submit my workaround as an answer.
It would appear that .toLocaleString() in Internet Explorer is encoding the space between the 2 dates differently to how a string initialised by JavaScript does. Using the following code replaces the .toLocaleString() space and allows an effective evaluation of the equality of the 2 values.
.replace(/[^ -~]/g, '');
As I only need to know that the displayed date has the same value as the input date this is acceptable.

What happens when a number has a leading zero?

I've been trying to debug a problem today and I finally found out what the problem is. For some reason, when a number has a leading zero JavaScript does something really weird.
var test = 0132;
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/U8sFu/3/
The first popup says "132," the second "90," and the third says "90."
My question is, why does the number 0132 become the number 90? This is really baffling to me!
A number with a leading 0 is parsed as an octal literal, which is in base 8.

toFixed hanging my code

I am taking practice exercises and ran into this issue.
This problem asks:
“Prompt for a number greater than 1 and to 4 decimal places. Format
and write the number to the page displaying with only 2 digits past
the decimal point using the toFixed() method. (e.g. 12.35, not
Since this method is very new, it doesn't work in older browsers. See
if you can get only 2 digits past the decimal point to show without
using toFixed().”
I found the answer to the hard part through the archives here, Math.round(n*100)/100. Thanks for that. But when I tried the “easy” way, I get nothing. My work is at jsFiddle, but in a nutshell:
var num = prompt("Give me a number greater than one, with 4 decimal places.");
var num2 = prompt("Great! Do one more, please!");
num = Math.round(num*100)/100;
num2 = num2.toFixed(2);
The exercise did not ask for a second number, but I wanted to use both methods in separate incidences. When I run this it does not alert anything. I know that it is hanging at the toFixed statement, because when I comment it out it alerts both as expected, num1 at 2 decimal places, and num2 as it was prompted (i.e. 1.2345).
So here is what I have done so far:
Mozilla’s developer page shows this format: n.toFixed(1);// Returns "12345.7": note rounding
Seems exactly what I am doing.
I copied and pasted all of it in my Sublime, making sure that I called the .js file just before the closing body tag, to make sure it wasn’t some loading problem I don’t understand.
Plus all sorts of little tweaking.
Sorry to keep asking these questions, but since I am self-study, I have where else to go!
You need to use parseFloat. Using the function will convert the string to a float type variable, allowing for the toFixed function to work properly.
num2 = parseFloat(num2).toFixed(2);

