Jquery pagination which dont load all data at once - javascript

I am searching this for an hour but I dont get any perfect solution for it. I want pagination which doesnot load all data at once and loads only what are currently showing on the page. I dont want to refresh whole page while going from 1st page to any other page of pagination. And I am preffering to use JQuery. Just give me any good pagination link. I dont have tables I have divisions for pagination

This would be pretty simple to do by hand, no libraries needed. You'd put an event listener on the buttons
$('#button').on('click', function(){
var changePage = function(pageNumber)
url: 'whatever.php',
data: {
page_number: pageNumber
success: function(r){
var html = //build html based on ajax respone
Realistically though if there are not going to be a huge amount of pages, you should get the data for ALL the pages and simply store it in Javascript variables and then access those variables when you click a page number.


load new content without refresh page, JavaScript after function

var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
type: "GET",
url: "ajax.php?id="+id+"&action=remove"
I have a shopping cart that has - and + next to the quantity of the cart item. it works & updates fine ONLY after location.reload(), as above.
I would like to try and update the content without using the location.reload(), as it causes my toggle cart to hide after reloading the page. Would it be easy to refresh this div or the content on the page without reloading the entire page ?
many thanks
This is possible, but it seems like you don't understand what it would entail.
In order to update the "toggle", you need to re-render (or re-create it) this can be accomplished with JavaScript templating (like handlebars or underscore template). Or you can refresh just the part of the page that needs updating. You might want to try out something called pjax.

JavaScript load faster?

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
var siteTitle = $.ajax({
url: 'http/',
type: 'POST',
data: { http: 'siteTitle' },
success: function(title) {
I have a site title and it's grabbed through jQuery's $.ajax() call. The title of the site needs to be configurable. So I grab the title through the ajax request but it doesn't show up on the site for about ~1.5s.
Is there anyway to decrease this time?
The site title is in about 6 places so it looks awkward with nothing there for ~1.5s.
I would recommend that you handle the configurable title on the server and render it with the page instead of requesting it through ajax.
Not sure what server side language you're using, but most will have a way to generate dynamic content on the server and pass it back to the browser.
Have some default text like "loading..." as your title value. Then it won't be so bad when the ajax call updates it 1-2 seconds later.
If it is a span element (instead of a window title) then maybe even a loading gif. I think users are getting used to seeing those spinners now and won't question the extra 1-2 seconds wait time for the actual title

Passing php variables on click without refresh

The problem:
I have a series of 'accept' buttons, on click it opens a lightbox (a modal- using bootstrap), of course this is done without refreshing the page.
On the lightbox I need to show information regarding what is being accepted (therefore I need to pass a PHP variable to the lightbox). So the problem is how can I pass on a variable on click without refreshing the page? I tried using javascript, but the thing is once I set up a variable in JS I can't get that variable to PHP without refreshing the page.
The button has this code.
<button class="btn btn-acceptColor m-t-lg">Accept</button>
The other code isn't relevant for the purpose of this question. I just need the concept of how to actually do it.
Any help!?
there are many examples.
I provides some links, you can use them in your code as you suitability..
1). Ajax Tutorial
2). jQuery Ajax POST example with php
3). jQuery Ajax POST example with php
4). show data in lightbox
5). How to add jquery lightbox to content added to page via ajax?
I hope above links helpful for you
$(".btn-acceptColor").click( function (){
var person = {
name: $("#id-name").val(),
type: "POST",
url: "exaple.php",
data: person,
success: function(msg) {
var msg = $.parseJSON(msg);
return true;
// fill you light-box form get value from example.php page
alert('Server error');
return false;

Data transition = Slide not working -dynamic list

I am new to Jquery mobile.
I am trying to get Sliding effect when i navigate to another page say # display2 from thie below code.
but i am not able to get slide effect.
If I remove the rel="external" i am able to slide but on the #display2(page whihc i would navigate to),the query string values are returned as null.
so if i put rel="external" the parameters are passed to #display2 but slide transition not working.
if i remove re="external" slide works but the querystring parameters are returned null.
can you please let me know is there a way where both of them work together.
('#display').on('pagebeforeshow', function () {
// $(this).find('[data-role=header] .ui-title').text(json.getLOBXMLResult[currentItem].FolderName);
$.ajax("AppstoreWS.svc/getLOBXML", {
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
complete: function () {
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
error: function () {
//alert('Something awful happened');
success: function (data) {
result1 = data.getLOBXMLResult;
$.each(result1, function (index, output) {
$('#categoryList').append('<li>' + output.FolderName + '</li>');
Part 1 - why rel=external worked & other options
The reason why rel=external works with no transition is because this expects the browser to open an external page and therefore, disable ajax. To counter-effect this, you've got numerous options :
By using Single page template
You could make your two pages into a single page. This is called a single page template and your second page's reference would be #page2 (or any name you'd give as the ID). This is how it'd look like :
<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<!--Stuff in page 1-->
<div data-role="page" id="page2">
<!--page 2 stuff-->
The DOM can leverage the power of ajax driven navigation.
This would make partial loading, script loading easy, as you'll need to refer all this only once.
Data-transfer between pages is very simple. You'll just have to store the data in you need in a global variable or in the data property of the #page2, and retrieve it in the pageinit or pageshow (or any event) of the second page.
Transitions, etc will work.
There will be no page refresh.
If the HTML content of the two pages are large, it'll be difficult for maintenance.
By using rel=external
As you might have seen, rel=external can be used only when a page refresh is absolutely needed. Its upto the user's choice. If an a tag is marked with rel=external it means the browser will treat it as an external link, and will ignore jQuery Mobile's ajax navigation system.
By referring all the scripts of page 2 in page 1
Generally, to be able to use page transitions, you must use ajax system of navigation in jQM. So the general behaviour of ajax is as follows :
page1 will request for page2 in page2.html.
The <body> of page2.html alone is taken from page2.html.
The <head> section( which might contain your scripts, which might have your query-string logic) will be ignored.
So to change this, you can refer to page2's scripts in page1.html's head so that these scripts will be loaded and ready when jQM's ajax system pulls the body of page2.html.
<script src="jqm.js"></script>
<script src="page1.js"></script>
<!--page 2 scripts-->
<script src="page2.js"></script>
Your transitions will be working properly.
The common scripts will not be referred to multiple times, hence much faster loading times.
Query strings will also work
If the two pages have very little in common, you'll end up having unwanted scripts in your first page.
What if you have more than two pages? What if you have 10 pages? Will you refer to all 10 pages' scripts in page1. I dont think thats the way.
By referring to page2 scripts inside "data-role=page" section of page2.html (recommended)
This will bring the scripts along with the page when ajax brings it in. This will also work with query strings. This will look something like this :
<div data-role="page" id="page2">
<script src="page2.js"></script>
<!--- your html-->
The scripts pertaining to a particular page are restricted to within that page.
Transitions will work.
Query strings will also work
Part 2 - alternative to query string
The reason I'm saying this because Query strings are archaic technology, because at that time, there was no way to store to data. They're also insecure because user can see the data you send over the URL. You must consider using something like localStorage. I'm not saying you must NOT use query strings. It's just that there are better options available for mobile data storage. See this link for more info about how you can use this localStorage. Also, see this for all the options you have. Now, looking at your query string :
platform=' + output.FolderName + '&sid=test
This could easily be made into an object. So in the click function of the anchor tag inside <li>,
$(document).on("click", "li a", function(e) {
//stop default action.
//take the href; Im assuming its page2.html?platform=outputFolder&sid=test
var params = this.href.split("?");
//now params[0] = page2.html
//param[1] = platform=outputFolder&sid=test
//set this in localStorage
localStorage["page2params"] = param[1];
//change to page2.html
$.mobile.changePage("page2.html", { transition : slide });
Then, in the page2.html's pageinit method, you could retrieve it for your use :
//assuming you have a page with page2 as id in page2.html
$(document).on("pageinit", "#page2", function() {
var params = localStorage["page2params"];
//do anything you want with params.

Autorefresh DIV, No PHP

I want to autorefresh a div on this page: http://americanart.si.edu/index_newsplash3r.cfm ("Places to Explore" area). Right now we have 3 different images and text that arbitrarily display when you reload the page. I'd like these elements to change automatically, without reloading the page.
The page is done in Coldfusion 9. Most AJAX autorefresh code assumes you're using PHP.
Does anyone have a link to code I could use to do this without PHP? I don't think it's necessary that it be Coldfusion code.
You can setup an Ajax call to the server side to get the photo path and the text.
Something like this.
function FillDivAtRandom(current){
//pass the current place to explore id to the server so you don't get the same back, if none then return anyone.
$.post("http://americanart.si.edu/Request/PlacesToExploreNext", current, function(data){
//fill the div with new data return from server
//you don't seem to have an ID on that div or elements so put one on it first then use it as a selector
//set the image
$('#placestoexplore_image').attr('src', data.image);
//set the text
//call the function again
}, 10000);

