Change img src value on page load - javascript

I have a piece of jQuery that changes the value of a hidden field when the user form is saved, as below:
$('button').click(function () {
I also need it to work in reverse (kind of). So that when the user goes back to there user page, it will take the value of whats in the hidden field and put it into the img src of the default avatar image (in the div avatar-view, picture.jpg)
I tried add the below but I can't get it to work
$(document).ready(function() {
<div class="avatar-view" title="Change the avatar">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-block avatar-save">
Change Avatar
<img src="/scripts/cropper/img/picture.jpg" alt="Avatar" >
<input name="avatar" value="../cropper/img/20150729105134.png" id="avatar-val" type="hidden">

.src() doesn't exists in jQuery, You should use .prop(propertyName, value) function
Set one or more properties for the set of matched elements.
And to read input value use .val() method.
$(".avatar-view > img").prop('src', $("#avatar-val").val());
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".avatar-view > img").prop('src', $("#avatar-val").val());
<script src=""></script>
<div class="avatar-view" title="Change the avatar">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-block avatar-save">
Change Avatar
<img src="" alt="Avatar">
<input name="avatar" value="" id="avatar-val" type="hidden">

You can use .attr(attributename, value) instead of src()
$(".avatar-view > img").attr('src' ,$("#avatar-val").val());
--Working DEMO--

<img src='images/sample.jpg' />
if you want to change from page load then make html image tag to runat server
<img id='myImage' runat='server' src='images/sample.jpg' />
and write bellow code on page load
myImage.src = 'image path here';


Select a button by its value and click on it

How can I select a button based on its value and click on it (in Javascript)?
I already found it in JQuery:
$('input [type = button] [value = my task]');
My HTML Code for the Button is :
<button type="submit" value="My Task" id="button5b9f66b97cf47" class="green ">
<div class="button-container addHoverClick">
<div class="button-background">
<div class="buttonStart">
<div class="buttonEnd">
<div class="buttonMiddle"></div>
<div class="button-content">Lancer le pillage</div>
<script type="text/javascript" id="button5b9f66b97cf47_script">
jQuery(function() {
jQuery('button#button5b9f66b97cf47').click(function () {
jQuery(window).trigger('buttonClicked', [this, {"type":"submit","value":"My Task","name":"","id":"button5b9f66b97cf47","class":"green ","title":"","confirm":"","onclick":""}]);
What is the equivalent in JS and how may i click on it
(probably like this:; ) .
And how do i run the javascript of the button clicked ?
Use querySelector to select it. Then click()
Your HTML has a button and not an input element so I changed the selector to match the HTML.
let button = document.querySelector('button[value="my task"]');;
<button type="submit" value="my task" id="button5b9f54e9ec4ad" class="green " onclick="alert('clicked')">
<div class="button-container addHoverClick">
<div class="button-background">
<div class="buttonStart">
<div class="buttonEnd">
<div class="buttonMiddle"></div>
<div class="button-content">Launch</div>
Otherwise, use this selector:
document.querySelector('input[type="button"][value="my task"]')
Note that if you have multiple buttons with the same value you'll need to use querySelectorAll and you'll get a list of all the buttons.
Then you can loop over them and click() them all.
Edit - new snippet after question edit
jQuery(function() {
jQuery('button#button5b9f66b97cf47').click(function() {alert('success')});
document.querySelector('button[value="My Task"]').click();
<script src=""></script>
<button type="submit" value="My Task" id="button5b9f66b97cf47" class="green ">
<div class="button-container addHoverClick">
<div class="button-background">
<div class="buttonStart">
<div class="buttonEnd">
<div class="buttonMiddle"></div>
<div class="button-content">Lancer le pillage</div>
you can try:
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("input[type = button][value=something]");
note that querySelectorAll returns array so to get the element you should use indexing to index the first element of the returned array and then to click:
and to add a event listener u can do:
elements[0].addEventListener('click', function(event){
//do anything after button is clicked
and don't forget to add onclick attribute to your button element in html to call the equivalent function in your javascript code with event object
I am not recommended this way because of excess your coding but as you mentioned, below are the equivalent way.
$(document).ready(function() {
var selectedbuttonValue = "2"; //change value here to find that button
var buttonList = document.getElementsByClassName("btn")
for (i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) {
var currentButtonValue = buttonList[i];
if (selectedbuttonValue == currentButtonValue.value) {;
function callMe(valuee) {
<script src=""></script>
<input type="button" class="btn" value="1" onclick="callMe(1)" />
<input type="button" class="btn" value="2" onclick="callMe(2)" />
<input type="button" class="btn" value="3" onclick="callMe(3)" />
Using JavaScripts querySelector in similiar manner works in this case
document.querySelector('input[type="button"][value="my task" i]')
You might save your selection in variable and attach eventListener to it. This would work as you desire.
Notice event.preventDefault() -function, if this would be part of form it would example prevent default from send action and you should trigger sending form manually. event-variable itselfs contains object about your click-event
var button = document.querySelector('input[type="button"][value="my task" i]')
button.addEventListener('click', function(event){
event.preventDefault() // Example if you want to prevent button default behaviour

Prevent click on form button while file is loading

I am using the following snippet which allows a person to upload up to 3 files with a single upload button. While the file is being uploaded an animation runs in place of the upload button.
My requirement is that I need to prevent the user from clicking on any of the input field buttons while the file is getting uploaded. I do not wan't to use the hide() function for this. Is there a way in jQuery to stop the input field buttons from getting clicked on while the file is getting uploaded/the loading animation is running.
Recently started to use jQuery so still a beginner and hence would love to use a simple solution for this. Thanks!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on("click", ".UploadBtn", function(event) {
$(".p").each(function(file) {
if ($(this).val()) {
My HTML code is below. The "p" class is used for {{ form.photo1 }}, {{ form.photo2 }} & {{ form.photo3 }} ;
<div class="mtl mbl">
{{ form.photo1 }}
<div class="loader">
<div class="spinner"></div>
<input type="submit" class="UploadBtn btn bm bco mbs mts" style="border-color:#f57c00;" value="Upload">
<div class="mtl mbl">
{{ form.photo2 }}
<div class="loader">
<div class="spinner"></div>
<input type="submit" class="UploadBtn btn bm bco mbs mts" style="border-color:#f57c00;" value="Upload">
<div class="mtl mbl">
{{ form.photo3 }}
<div class="loader">
<div class="spinner"></div>
<input type="submit" class="UploadBtn btn bm bco mbs mts" style="border-color:#f57c00;" value="Upload">
When the upload button, which the red button is pointing at, is
clicked an animation starts to run in its place while the file is
getting uploaded. During this I want to prevent anyone from clicking
on the choose file (), the blue arrow is pointing at it.
Try using prop to disable upload buttons
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on("click", ".UploadBtn", function(event) {
$(".p").each(function(file) {
if ($(this).val()) {
$(".UploadBtn").prop("disabled", "true");
In jQuery 1.6+ you can dynamically add the atrribute attr='disabled' or attr='readonly' to your input field until you confirm that your files are loaded:
// put this within the code that checks if the files are still loading
$(".UploadBtn").prop('disabled', true);
// within the code that checks if the files have successfully loaded, make sure to use the following
$(".UploadBtn").prop('disabled', false);
Also take a quick look at what prop does in this detailed answer.

change img that in class in class in id

I read about it but still I'm not able to make it work.
I have an image (empty heart) that I would like to change to a different image (full heart) in order to indicate it was added to the wish list.
here is my code:
<tbody class="mainImgs">
<div ng-repeat="party in showtop5">
<img ng-src="{{party.image}}">
<h2 id="title">{{party.title}}</h2>
<h3 id="description">{{party.description}}</h2>
<button href="#" class="imageClick" ng-click="click(party.title, party.description, party.image)">
<img ng-src="../images/emptyHeart.png" id="heart" click="myFunction(, imageClick)">
<img ng-src="{{party.img}}" id="pace">
and my script:
function myFunction(myclass1, myclass2){
document.getElementByClass(myclass1).getElementByClass(myclass2).getElementById("heart").src = "../images/fullHeart.png";
what did I do wrong?
without sending the class - and trying to find image only by id - t works only for the first object heart that is printed
I think if its just about changing image then it can be handled pretty straight forward:
In html
<button href="#" class="imageClick" ng-click="click(party.title, party.description, party.image)">
<img ng-src="{{imgPath}}" id="heart" ng-click="myFunction(, imageClick)">
In Controller:
$scope.imgPath = "../images/emptyHeart.png";
$scope.myFunction= function (name,imageClick){
// use promise to monitor the server response of adding product to Wishlist
$scope.imgPath = "../images/fullHeart.png"; // Bingo !!
// take appropriate action

html of span.label should change automatically whenever value of attribute attr('title') changes

I have html
<div class="save-ad-btn">
<a class="fi_make_favorite" title="Make favorite">xyz
<span class="label">Favorited</span>
and javascript
It works perfectly but I want whenever value of attribute attr('title') changes the html of span.label should change automatically.
Put the code in a function and call it on load and where you change the title
function copyTitle() {
$('.save-ad-btn').each(function() {
$(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="save-ad-btn">
<a class="fi_make_favorite" title="Make favorite">xyz
<span class="label">Favorited</span>
Also look here:
Detecting attribute change of value of an attribute I made

passing as parameter the value of a component html

Maybe is my question trivial, but I could not found a answer. Maybe I have been to much hours in front of the monitor :)
I have this situation:
<div class="col-xs-3" style='margin-left: -50px;'>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="?c=Student&a=list" id="protokol"> List Studens</a>
This represent a button and with the click event, using MVC, the controller Student is called and the function list executed. But I need to send a parameter to this function that is the value of a HTML component.
<input type='text' id='parm' value=''>
How I can do this using the same structure? I tryed this, but is not correct
<div class="col-xs-3" style='margin-left: -50px;'>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="?c=Student&a=list&v=<script>$('param').val();</script>" id="protokol"> List Studens</a>
If you're using jQuery you can attach a click handler to that element which appends the current value of the input. Try this:
$(function() {
$('#protokol').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser going to the default URL
var url = $(this).attr('href') + '&v=' + $('#param').val();
try this instead
<div class="col-xs-3" style='margin-left: -50px;'>
<a id="targetLink" class="btn btn-primary" href="?c=Student&a=list&v=<script></script>" id="protokol"> List Studens</a>
//document ready
var parameter = $('param').val();
$('#targetLink').attr('href', '?c=Student&a=list&v=' + parameter);

