Jquery how to trigger after load when changing popups href - javascript

On my page I open up a popup using:
sideWindow = window.open(address,'pop',"height=200,width=200,scrollbars=1");
And it triggers the function loadComplete after loading correctly.
After opening the window the user can change it address after and I redirect the popup using:
However it is not triggering loadComplete after it finishes loading as desired. What is the best way to perform the redirect so it will trigger loadComplete after the new page finishes loading?
I do not have access to the source of the pages I am loading.
loadComplete should not run until after the images are loaded so $(sideWindow.document).ready would trigger to early.

Figured I'd turn this into an answer. Here is how you'd open in a new window:
As you can see it waits till a successful response to open the new window. I haven't used this because I'm not big on pop ups (I prefer to keep it in the DOM). That being said this should do the trick.
// AJAX window.open()
$('#btnAJAX').on("click", function(){
url: "/user/login/",
context: document.body,
async:false, //NOTE THIS very important turns call to blocking
success: function(){
success = true
window.open('http://google.com') //opens new page on success
There is a lot of posts on the subject in stackoverflow like:
window.open() works different on AJAX success


Bootstrap remote Modal doesn't update content after first run

It comes javaScript and jQuery are beeing a big challenge for me. Like it's not enough I've started to use ajax to get over my problem - which is:
I've got some empty tables on my page. Each cell of a table has got its own id. A php-script is parsing a .xlsx file and puts the right link to the cell of my html table through javaScript code like:
document.getElementById("cellNrXY").innerHTML = "someLink";
If the link is clicked, then a Modal (Bootstrap) appears and loads the remote content (which is different depending on the clicked link).
My problem was that the remote content was cached in modal, so it worked only on first run. After closing the modal and choosing another link the previous modal appeared und didn't change to the new remote content.
I've read a lot solutions here that are based on:
but had no luck with it. After some trying with different solutions one worked properly. The only problem was: when I've clicked the second time on some other link, the modal opened up with previous content and it took some seconds for the modal beeing updated. This is why I wanted to show a rotating element while the new modal content is beeing loaded. Somewhere here I've read a solution tu use ajax for this, which I've added "on luck" and ... it worked:
$("#myModal").on("show.bs.modal", function(e) {
beforeSend: function() { $('#myModal')
.html('<div class="rotatingElement"></div>')
.show(); },
complete: function() { $('#myModal').html.hide(); }
var link = $(e.relatedTarget);
The only thing is - I've no idea why this is working. Is there any chance that somebody here explain the functionality of this code to me?
if you read about the event show.bs.modal you will know that this event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event. Learn more about Events
so what is happening is every time you open a modal this event triggers and makes an ajax call which you see like this $.ajax({ wchi has 2 options set
A pre-request callback function beforeSend
A function to be called when the request finishes complete
so whenever the modal triggeres the ajax requet is made and every time ajax request i made just before sending the request the modal html is overridden $('#myModal').html('<div class="rotatingElement"></div>').show(); and a loader is added in form of a div element with class rotatingElement and as soon as the requet completes that loader is removed via complete function $('#myModal').html.hide(); and then the e.relatedTarget property as described above gets the anchor object and the href of that anchor .../remoteContent.php is loaded in side the modal body in the following 2 steps
var link = $(e.relatedTarget);

Change contents of fancybox iframe with ajax data

I have a template site which contents I want to change with data from an ajax call.
I have a button which opens an fancybox 3 iframe. The content of this page is what I want to change.
Button to open fancybox:
'<i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-2x inv-details" invoiceId="' + data[index].invoiceid + '"' +
'aria-hidden="true" data-fancybox data-type="iframe" data-type="iframe" href="javascript:;" data-src="/invoice_details/"</i>'
click event to trigger ajax call:
$('#my_in').on('click', 'i.inv_details', function () {
var inv_id = $(this).attr("invoiceId");
url: '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'invoice_details_ajax',
inv_id: inv_id
done: function (data) {
// $('.fancybox-iframe').contents().find("#test #bankgiro").text('test');
// This above works in console, if I load jquery first, it does not work here.
The jquery selector for the iframe is correct, since i can edit the page via the chrome console. So I think the problem is that it tries to change the page before it has loaded? Is there any solution for this?
All answers I've read assums you have an empty fancybox iframe page and simply append data to it. But in my case I already have an template site which contents i want to change. Links I have read:
How to show ajax response in fancybox iframe
Loading dynamic AJAX content into Fancybox
It is not clear from your description - you want to open iframed page inside fancybox and you want to make ajax request that changes contents of that page - at the same time? Would it not be more sensible to just load final page?
I think you just have to pass invoice id using url, like /invoice_details/?invoiceId=YOUR_ID and avoid messing with two requests.
If you've already tried document.ready and window.onload etc which I assume you have seems as you're using jQuery:
The way I tend to get around things like this is I but a setInterval() that fires every 0.5 seconds or whatever, checks if the needed info is there and if it is, does what it needs to and then turns itself off. Could work for you for needing to wait for page load?

Making ajax call on navigating away from page

I am working on a site that has multiple links to other sites. What I want is to send an ajax call to report that the user is going away when someone clicks and navigates away from the page. I put an alert on click of the links, which works but for some reason the controller never gets the ping.
Any assistance will be appreciated on how to achieve it.
Can't be done.
When you go to navigate away, there is only one event that can catch that, the onbeforeunload event, and that is quite limited in what it can do.
Not to mention there are other ways of leaving the page without navigating away:
Losing network connection
Closing the browser.
Losing power.
The only thing you can do is to set up a heartbeat kind of thing that pings the server every so many milliseconds and says 'I'm Alive.'
Depending on what you are trying to do, there is usually a better option, however.
You can try to simply set click event handler which will check the href attribute of every link before navigating. If it goes to another website, the handler sends AJAX request and then (after server responding) redirects to the page.
var redirect = '';
$('a').click(function() {
if (this.href.host != document.location.host) {
if (redirect) return false; // means redirect is about to start, clicking other links has no effect
redirect = this.href;
url: '/away',
success: function(){document.location.href = redirect;}
return false;
However it can't work properly, if user has opened your page in multiple tabs.
The only reliable way to do this these days is by hooking (i.e. add event listener) your code in so called sendBeacon method from Beacon API on beforeunload event (i.e. when user tries to navigate away from page).
The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends a small amount of data over HTTP to a web server. It’s intended to be used for sending analytics data to a web server, and avoids some of the problems with legacy techniques for sending analytics, such as the use of XMLHttpRequest:
var URL = 'https://your.domain/your-page.php';
// on 'beforeunload'
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {
// more safely is to wait a bit
var wait_until = new Date().getTime() + 500;
while (new Date().getTime() <= wait_until);
You can try:
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(){
return "This should create a pop-up";
You can achieve it by capturing clicks on all the links on the page (or all the relevant links) and then call ev.preventDefault() on it to prevent the browser from navigating directly to that page.
Instead, you can make an AJAX call to your server and when that call returns, you can set window.location to the URL the user was trying to navigate to.
Here is a workaround you could try.
At the loading of the page, use jquery to move all href attributes to tempHref attribute. Then, attach a method to catch the click event.
This way, clicking on the links will not automatically move to the intended destination.
When the click occurs, simply perform the ajax call, and then using javascript, move to the other page.
$('a').each(function () {
var link = $(this);
link.attr('tempHref', link.attr('href'));
$(document).on('click', 'a', function ()
//perform ajax call;
location.href = $(location).attr('tempHref');

Check for page refresh or close with jQuery/javascript

I am looking to check if a page has been refreshed or closed with jQuery or javascript.
What I have currently is I have some database values that I want to delete if the user either navigates away or refreshes the page.
I am using AJAX calls to delete the values.
Right now, I have the following code:
The handler:
window.beforeunload = cleanUp;
The cleanUp() method:
function cleanUp() {
// Check to see if it's an actual page change.
if(myActualLeave) {
type: "POST",
url: "/api/cleanup",
data: { id: myLocalId },
success: function (data) {
console.log(myLocalId + " got removed from the database.");
// Reset the flag, so it can be checked again.
myActualLeave = true;
Where myActualLeave is a flag that I set to false when AJAX calls are made, so they don't trigger the beforeunload handler.
The problem I am running into is that when I click a link on my page, so for instance a link to Google, the window.beforeunload doesn't trigger. I may have a misunderstanding of this, but I have tried using jQuery's $(window).unload(...); and the onbeforeunload trigger as well.
What should I use to call javascript when:
the user refreshes the page,
when the user navigates away from the page, or
when the user closes the page?
Edit: It came up in a comment that I could use a click() jQuery handler to detect navigating away. I should have made it more specific that I don't mean when the user clicks a link only then I want it to proc. I want it to trigger when they change pages in any way. So if the address bar gets typed in, for instance.
You should try "onbeforeunload" :
But i think you can't put "active" (ajax call) code in this callback function. All you can do is defining a confirm modal window that will be displayed to the user before leaving like :
Are you sure you want to leave because...
So you should do as #Leeish said : put a code in the .on('click') of the link so it can launch the ajax call before sending to another page.
But for the "refresh" or "close" scenario, you can consider marking your database row as "draft" (or whatever) and if not saved when on the next page, delete the draft line.

Callback when web page download completes

When the user click on a tab in a web page, the tab opens and its corresponding page downloads from the server.
I want to add some UI in this page through JavaScript or jQuery. I know how I can add this but problem is if I execute my JavaScript function for adding UI on click of the tab, it does not work because the corresponding page has not been downloaded yet.
Basically, what I want to know such function that is called when the page completely downloads.
Have you used JQuery success ?? success handler will be called only after your response is ready.
Try this :
url: "test.html",
context: document.body,
success: function(){
//Do the stuff here, hence downloading has been completed and response from server is ready
add this in the body of your page..
<body onload="init()">
Basically your calling your init function -- which initiates all the other functions which you want only after the body of the webpage is loaded..
I have face this problem too.. Problem here is your content is not yet available before you could work on it.
any reference you give will result in returning Null
The solution can be .bind() & .live()
suppose this is your dynamic content
$('body').append('<div class="clickme">Another element</div>');
you can bind the element by,
$('.clickme').bind('click', function() {
// Bound handler called.
or register it for live content, by
$('.clickme').live('click', function() {
// Live handler called.
when no longer needed, you may unsubscribe the event on dynamic content by .die()
you may also find .delegate() & undelegate() useful as there are little issues with .live() & .die().
Check http://www.alfajango.com/blog/the-difference-between-jquerys-bind-live-and-delegate/ for choosing the one you need for your application.
Remember not to forget you ensure that content is loaded by ajax success as programmer_1 here, mentioned.
Good luck :)
Any further clarifications pls comment.

