Delegation VS Concatenation in Javascript - javascript

Javascript lacks a class construct, however you can still achieve inheritance many different ways.
You can mimic classes by utilizing prototypes to create constructor functions and thus implementing inheritance via delegation.
The most common way to do this is with the new keyword, but you can also implement object.create().
Alternatively, you can take a concatenative approach and copy behavior that you want your object to inherit directly into the object itself, rather than by pointing its [[prototype]] to another object.
What are the advantages and drawbacks of each pattern in JS?
It seems many experts are advocating the concatenative approach, like Doug Crockford for example. The delegation pattern is clearly more popular at the moment, however.
I know that, in general, the concatenative approach is going to be more flexible, but will consume more memory because your copying methods all over the place rather than just referencing a common set.
However, I also know that the V8 engine has ways of optimizing this stuff.
Besides performance, is there anything that you can achieve via delegation that you can achieve via concatenation? For example, in delegation, I can have a method in a super class that implements some basic functionality and in my subclass methods I can call the super's method and then do some subclass-specific computations before returning the final result. I can't think of a way to do this with the concatenative approach without just using a different method name.

The main differences are object size and flexibility. Inheriting properties instead of copying them will lead to smaller objects, especially if your method API is relatively large. Also, inheriting properties from a single object that can still be manipulated is much more dynamic (see Does some JavaScript library use dynamic aspects of the prototype system?). It might be more complicated to optimize than inheriting from static objects, but it is still faster than not sharing between objects.


Class syntax in javascript and OOP paradigm [duplicate]

One of the major advantages with Javascript is said to be that it is a prototype based language.
But what does it mean that Javascript is prototype based, and why is that an advantage?
Prototypal inheritance is a form of object-oriented code reuse. Javascript is one of the only [mainstream] object-oriented languages to use prototypal inheritance. Almost all other object-oriented languages are classical.
In classical inheritance, the programmer writes a class, which defines an object. Multiple objects can be instantiated from the same class, so you have code in one place which describes several objects in your program. Classes can then be organized into a hierarchy, furthering code reuse. More general code is stored in a higher-level class, from which lower level classes inherit. This means that an object is sharing code with other objects of the same class, as well as with its parent classes.
In the prototypal inheritance form, objects inherit directly from other objects. All of the business about classes goes away. If you want an object, you just write an object. But code reuse is still a valuable thing, so objects are allowed to be linked together in a hierarchy. In javascript, every object has a secret link to the object which created it, forming a chain. When an object is asked for a property that it does not have, its parent object will be asked... continually up the chain until the property is found or until the root object is reached.
Each function in JavaScript (which are objects themselves) actually has a member called "prototype", which is responsible for providing values when an object is asked for them. Having this member allows the constructor mechanism (by which objects are constructed from functions) to work. Adding a property to the prototype of a function object will make it available to the constructed object, as well as to all of the objects which inherit from it.
There may not be a hard and fast rule as to why prototypal inheritance is an advantageous form of code-reuse. Code reuse itself is advantageous, and prototypal inheritance is a sensible way of going about it. You might argue that prototypal inheritance is a fairly simple model of code reuse, and that code can be heavily reused in direct ways. But classical languages are certainly able to accomplish this as well.
Sidenote: #Andrew Hedges makes a good point, that there are actually many prototypal languages. It's worth noting that these others exist, but also worth noting that none of them are anything close to mainstream. NewtonScript seemed to have some traction for a while, but died with its platform. It's also possible to extend some modern languages in ways which add prototypal capabilities.
A prototype-based language, does not make the distinction of classes vs objects: it simply has objects. A prototype-based language has the notion of a prototypical object, an object used as a template from which to get the initial properties for a new object. Any object can specify its own properties, either when you create it or at run time. In addition, any object can be associated as the prototype for another object, allowing the second object to share the first object's properties.
Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming where classes are not present, and behavior reuse (or inheritance in class-based languages) is performed by cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes.
The advantage/disadvantage is that, we can create new kinds of objects at run time without need for defining classes (static code). Like most features it is upto the developer to turn it to a advantage/disadvantage.
Above is possible because objects are essentially functions in java script (closures too).
Instead of declaring a class structure, you can create objects of the same type, and add to their definition any time you like using the object's prototype.
It's more flexible than the normal way of doing things.
After reading all the answers this is the conclusion
1) Inheritance in which objects are inherited directly from other objects
2) That does not use classes
3) Also called instance based programming or classless prototype oriented programming
4) Behaviour reuse is performed by cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes
5) Object used as template from the new object get initial properties
If you just use objects at runtime instead of a class at compile to build new objects, this opens up the possibility of extending an object without knowing any details about it. Of course, it may become a disadvantage pretty quickly depending on usage. I make no assumptions about the language here, so it is applicable to languages other than javascript which are not as dynamic.
You may get the object from just about anywhere; your own code, from the network, from the database, from external linkage and so on.
Note that, a language don't have to implement prototype inheritance like javascript. In javascript, a prototype object is merely shared, so is its properties, among the inheritors. The alternative is copying over all the properties of the prototype to the new object. Each approach has its strengths in different situations. I like the second more but it isn't what javascript does.
Memory conservation is one of the benefits of prototypal inheritance in JS. In a language like Java, objects generate their own copies of the superclass' instance variables and methods, while in JS, the "super"-object offers get-access to its variables and methods to each "sub"-object that inherits from it without the need to recreate them.

how does prototype differ from oop [duplicate]

In JavaScript, every object is at the same time an instance and a class. To do inheritance, you can use any object instance as a prototype.
In Python, C++, etc.. there are classes, and instances, as separate concepts. In order to do inheritance, you have to use the base class to create a new class, which can then be used to produce derived instances.
Why did JavaScript go in this direction (prototype-based object orientation)? what are the advantages (and disadvantages) of prototype-based OO with respect to traditional, class-based OO?
There are about a hundred terminology issues here, mostly built around someone (not you) trying to make their idea sound like The Best.
All object oriented languages need to be able to deal with several concepts:
encapsulation of data along with associated operations on the data, variously known as data members and member functions, or as data and methods, among other things.
inheritance, the ability to say that these objects are just like that other set of objects EXCEPT for these changes
polymorphism ("many shapes") in which an object decides for itself what methods are to be run, so that you can depend on the language to route your requests correctly.
Now, as far as comparison:
First thing is the whole "class" vs "prototype" question. The idea originally began in Simula, where with a class-based method each class represented a set of objects that shared the same state space (read "possible values") and the same operations, thereby forming an equivalence class. If you look back at Smalltalk, since you can open a class and add methods, this is effectively the same as what you can do in Javascript.
Later OO languages wanted to be able to use static type checking, so we got the notion of a fixed class set at compile time. In the open-class version, you had more flexibility; in the newer version, you had the ability to check some kinds of correctness at the compiler that would otherwise have required testing.
In a "class-based" language, that copying happens at compile time. In a prototype language, the operations are stored in the prototype data structure, which is copied and modified at run time. Abstractly, though, a class is still the equivalence class of all objects that share the same state space and methods. When you add a method to the prototype, you're effectively making an element of a new equivalence class.
Now, why do that? primarily because it makes for a simple, logical, elegant mechanism at run time. now, to create a new object, or to create a new class, you simply have to perform a deep copy, copying all the data and the prototype data structure. You get inheritance and polymorphism more or less for free then: method lookup always consists of asking a dictionary for a method implementation by name.
The reason that ended up in Javascript/ECMA script is basically that when we were getting started with this 10 years ago, we were dealing with much less powerful computers and much less sophisticated browsers. Choosing the prototype-based method meant the interpreter could be very simple while preserving the desirable properties of object orientation.
A comparison, which is slightly biased towards the prototypes based approach, can be found in the paper Self: The Power of Simplicity. The paper makes the following arguments in favor of prototypes:
Creation by copying. Creating new objects from prototypes is accomplished by a simple operation, copying, with a simple biological
metaphor, cloning. Creating new objects from classes is accomplished
by instantiation, which includes the interpretation of format
information in a class. Instantiation is similar to building a house
from a plan. Copying appeals to us as a simpler metaphor than
Examples of preexisting modules. Prototypes are more concrete than classes because they are examples of objects rather than descriptions
of format and initialization. These examples may help users to reuse
modules by making them easier to understand. A prototype-based system
allows the user to examine a typical representative rather than
requiring him to make sense out of its description.
Support for one-of-a-kind objects. Self provides a framework that can easily include one-of-a-kind objects with their own behavior.
Since each object has named slots, and slots can hold state or
behavior, any object can have unique slots or behavior. Class-based
systems are designed for situations where there are many objects with
the same behavior. There is no linguistic support for an object to
possess its own unique behavior, and it is awkward to create a class that is guaranteed to have only one
instance [think singleton
pattern]. Self suffers from neither of these disadvantages. Any object
can be customized with its own behavior. A unique object can hold the
unique behavior, and a separate "instance" is not needed.
Elimination of meta-regress. No object in a class-based system can be self-sufficient; another object (its class) is needed to express
its structure and behavior. This leads to a conceptually infinite
meta-regress: a point is an instance of class Point, which is an
instance of metaclass Point, which is an instance of metametaclass
Point, ad infinitum. On the other hand, in prototype-based systems
an object can include its own behavior; no other object is needed to
breathe life into it. Prototypes eliminate meta-regress.
Self is probably the first language to implement prototypes (it also pioneered other interesting technologies like JIT, which later made its way into the JVM), so reading the other Self papers should also be instructive.
You should check out a great book on JavaScript by Douglas Crockford. It provides a very good explanation of some of the design decisions taken by JavaScript creators.
One of the important design aspects of JavaScript is its prototypal inheritance system. Objects are first class citizens in JavaScript, so much that regular functions are also implemented as objects ('Function' object to be precise). In my opinion, when it was originally designed to run inside a browser, it was meant to be used to create lots of singleton objects. In browser DOM, you find that window, document etc all singleton objects. Also, JavaScript is loosely typed dynamic language (as opposed to say Python which is strongly typed, dynamic language), as a result, a concept of object extension was implemented through the use of 'prototype' property.
So I think there are some pros for prototype-based OO as implemented in JavaScript:
Suitable in loosely typed environments, no need to define explicit types.
Makes it incredibly easy to implement singleton pattern (compare JavaScript and Java in this regard, and you'll know what I am talking about).
Provides ways of applying a method of an object in the context of a different object, adding and replacing methods dynamically from an object etc. (things which are not possible in a strongly typed languages).
Here are some of the cons of prototypal OO:
No easy way of implementing private variables. Its possible to implement private vars using Crockford's wizardry using closures, but its definitely not as trivial as using private variables in say Java or C#.
I don't know how to implement multiple inheritances (for what its worth) in JavaScript yet.
The difference between mainstream OOP class-based languages such as c# or java and prototype bases languages such as javascript is the ability to modify object types at runtime whilst in c# or java they gave up this ability in favor of static type checking by making classes fixed at compile time. JS has always been closer to the first original design of OOP of alan Kay and languages such as Smalltalk or simula.
this is achieved by making the blueprint itself an instance, types in prototype-based are actual instances that can be accessed and modified at runtime, in Javascript this is really easy using the prototype object, since every object type has this object.
example: type funcName.prototype.myNewMethod= function{ console.log("hello world")}

I want to stop using OOP in javascript and use delegation instead

After dabbling with javascript for a while, I became progressively convinced that OOP is not the right way to go, or at least, not extensively. Having two or three levels of inheritance is ok, but working full OOP like one would do in Java seems just not fitting.
The language supports compositing and delegation natively. I want to use just that. However, I am having trouble replicating certain benefits from OOP.
How would I check if an object implements a certain behavior? I have thought of the following methods
Check if the object has a particular method. But this would mean standardizing method names and if the project is big, it can quickly become cumbersome, and lead to the java problem (object.hasMethod('emailRegexValidatorSimpleSuperLongNotConflictingMethodName')...It would just move the problem of OOP, not fix it. Furthermore, I could not find info on the performance of looking up if methods exist
Store each composited object in an array and check if the object contains the compositor. Something like: object.hasComposite(compositorClass)...But that's also not really elegant and is once again OOP, just not in the standard way.
Have each object have an "implements" array property, and leave the responsibility to the object to say if it implements a certain behavior, whether it is through composition or natively. Flexible and simple, but requires to remember a number of conventions. It is my preferred method until now, but I am still looking.
How would I initialize an object without repeating all the set-up for composited objects? For example, if I have an "textInput" class that uses a certain number of validators, which have to be initialized with variables, and a class "emailInput" which uses the exact same validators, it is cumbersome to repeat the code. And if the interface of the validators change, the code has to change in every class that uses them. How would I go about setting that easily? The API I am thinking of should be as simple as doing object.compositors('emailValidator','lengthValidator','...')
Is there any performance loss associated with having most of the functions that run in the app go through an apply()? Since I am going to be using delegation extensively, basic objects will most probably have almost no methods. All methods will be provided by the composited objects.
Any good resource? I have read countless posts about OOP vs delegation, and about the benefits of delegation, etc, but I can't find anything that would discuss "javascript delegation done right", in the scope of a large framework.
Further explanations:
I don't have code yet, I have been working on a framework in pure OOP and I am getting stuck and in need of multiple inheritance. Thus, I decided to drop classes totally. So I am now merely at theoretical level and trying to make sense out of this.
"Compositing" might be the wrong word; I am referring to the composite pattern, very useful for tree-like structures. It's true that it is rare to have tree structures on the front end (well, save for the DOM of course), but I am developing for node.js
What I mean by "switching from OOP" is that I am going to part from defining classes, using the "new" operator, and so on; I intend to use anonymous objects and extend them with delegators. Example:
var a = {};
compositor.addDelegates(a,["validator", "accessManager", "databaseObject"]);
So a "class" would be a function with predefined delegators:
function getInputObject(type, validator){
var input = {};
return input;
Does that make sense?
1) How would I check if an object implements a certain behavior?
Most people don't bother with testing for method existance like this.
If you want to test for methods in order to branch and do different things if its found or not then you are probably doing something evil (this kind of instanceof is usually a code smell in OO code)
If you are just checking if an object implements an interface for error checking then it is not much better then not testing and letting an exception be thrown if the method is not found. I don't know anyone that routinely does this checking but I am sure someone out there is doing it...
2) How would I initialize an object without repeating all the set-up for composited objects?
If you wrap the inner object construction code in a function or class then I think you can avoid most of the repetition and coupling.
3) Is there any performance loss associated with having most of the functions that run in the app go through an apply()?
In my experience, I prefer to avoid dealing with this unless strictly necessary. this is fiddly, breaks inside callbacks (that I use extensively for iteration and async stuff) and it is very easy to forget to set it correctly. I try to use more traditional approaches to composition. For example:
Having each owned object be completely independent, without needing to look at its siblings or owner. This allows me to just call its methods directly and letting it be its own this.
Giving the owned objects a reference to their owner in the form of a property or as a parameter passed to their methods. This allows the composition units to access the owner without depending on having the this correctly set.
Using mixins, flattening the separate composition units in a single level. This has big name clash issues but allows everyone to see each other and share the same "this". Mixins also decouples the code from changes in the composition structure, since different composition divisions will still flatten to the same mixed object.
4) Any good resources?
I don't know, so tell me if you find one :)

Javascript: Module Pattern vs Constructor/Prototype pattern?

I would like to know if the module pattern or Constructor/protoType pattern is more applicable to my work.
Basically I am using unobtrusive javascript -- the HTML document has a reference to the .js file.
My understanding of the module pattern:
call an INIT method (which is basically a public method i can create and return using the module pattern)
In the INIT method, assign all click events etc.
This sounds like the perfect pattern for my situation, as I don't need to create Objects and inheritance hierarchies etc.
My understanding of the Constructor/Prototype pattern:
for creating objects
for using inheritance (i.e. Subtypes of a supertype)
Am I correct, that for providing unobtrusive javascript, the module pattern is ideal?
Constructor-functions and prototypes are one of the reasonable ways to implement classes and instances. They don't quite correspond to that model so you typically need to choose a particular scheme or helper method to implement classes in terms of prototypes. (Some background on classes in JS.)
The module pattern is typically used for namespacing, where you'll have a single instance acting as a store to group related functions and objects. This is a different use case from what prototyping is good for. They're not really competing with each other; you can quite happily use both together (eg put a constructor-function inside a module and say new MyNamespace.MyModule.MyClass(arguments)).
Module pattern is by far easier and more elegant than prototype. However, thinking mobile first. It is not a relevant pattern for medium/large objects because the initialization needs to parse the whole block before starting. The multiple closures also create circular dependencies that the garbage collector does not free (especially IE), it results in a heavier memory footprint not freed until the window (or tab) is closed - check chrome task manager to compare-
The loading time is inversely proportional to the object size using module pattern while this is not the case for prototypal inheritance.
Statements above are verified through multiple benchmarks like this one:
As seen in last test. Small objects are better off being initialized as plain object ( without these patterns). It is suitable for single objects not requiring closure nor inheritance. It is wise to assess if you even need these patterns.
Prototype pattern helps us to extend the functionality and there is only one instance of functions in a memory irrespective of the number of objects. In Module patter, each object creates a new instance of functions in memory but it provides with concept of private/public variables and helps in encapsulating the variables and functions.

prototype based vs. class based inheritance

In JavaScript, every object is at the same time an instance and a class. To do inheritance, you can use any object instance as a prototype.
In Python, C++, etc.. there are classes, and instances, as separate concepts. In order to do inheritance, you have to use the base class to create a new class, which can then be used to produce derived instances.
Why did JavaScript go in this direction (prototype-based object orientation)? what are the advantages (and disadvantages) of prototype-based OO with respect to traditional, class-based OO?
There are about a hundred terminology issues here, mostly built around someone (not you) trying to make their idea sound like The Best.
All object oriented languages need to be able to deal with several concepts:
encapsulation of data along with associated operations on the data, variously known as data members and member functions, or as data and methods, among other things.
inheritance, the ability to say that these objects are just like that other set of objects EXCEPT for these changes
polymorphism ("many shapes") in which an object decides for itself what methods are to be run, so that you can depend on the language to route your requests correctly.
Now, as far as comparison:
First thing is the whole "class" vs "prototype" question. The idea originally began in Simula, where with a class-based method each class represented a set of objects that shared the same state space (read "possible values") and the same operations, thereby forming an equivalence class. If you look back at Smalltalk, since you can open a class and add methods, this is effectively the same as what you can do in Javascript.
Later OO languages wanted to be able to use static type checking, so we got the notion of a fixed class set at compile time. In the open-class version, you had more flexibility; in the newer version, you had the ability to check some kinds of correctness at the compiler that would otherwise have required testing.
In a "class-based" language, that copying happens at compile time. In a prototype language, the operations are stored in the prototype data structure, which is copied and modified at run time. Abstractly, though, a class is still the equivalence class of all objects that share the same state space and methods. When you add a method to the prototype, you're effectively making an element of a new equivalence class.
Now, why do that? primarily because it makes for a simple, logical, elegant mechanism at run time. now, to create a new object, or to create a new class, you simply have to perform a deep copy, copying all the data and the prototype data structure. You get inheritance and polymorphism more or less for free then: method lookup always consists of asking a dictionary for a method implementation by name.
The reason that ended up in Javascript/ECMA script is basically that when we were getting started with this 10 years ago, we were dealing with much less powerful computers and much less sophisticated browsers. Choosing the prototype-based method meant the interpreter could be very simple while preserving the desirable properties of object orientation.
A comparison, which is slightly biased towards the prototypes based approach, can be found in the paper Self: The Power of Simplicity. The paper makes the following arguments in favor of prototypes:
Creation by copying. Creating new objects from prototypes is accomplished by a simple operation, copying, with a simple biological
metaphor, cloning. Creating new objects from classes is accomplished
by instantiation, which includes the interpretation of format
information in a class. Instantiation is similar to building a house
from a plan. Copying appeals to us as a simpler metaphor than
Examples of preexisting modules. Prototypes are more concrete than classes because they are examples of objects rather than descriptions
of format and initialization. These examples may help users to reuse
modules by making them easier to understand. A prototype-based system
allows the user to examine a typical representative rather than
requiring him to make sense out of its description.
Support for one-of-a-kind objects. Self provides a framework that can easily include one-of-a-kind objects with their own behavior.
Since each object has named slots, and slots can hold state or
behavior, any object can have unique slots or behavior. Class-based
systems are designed for situations where there are many objects with
the same behavior. There is no linguistic support for an object to
possess its own unique behavior, and it is awkward to create a class that is guaranteed to have only one
instance [think singleton
pattern]. Self suffers from neither of these disadvantages. Any object
can be customized with its own behavior. A unique object can hold the
unique behavior, and a separate "instance" is not needed.
Elimination of meta-regress. No object in a class-based system can be self-sufficient; another object (its class) is needed to express
its structure and behavior. This leads to a conceptually infinite
meta-regress: a point is an instance of class Point, which is an
instance of metaclass Point, which is an instance of metametaclass
Point, ad infinitum. On the other hand, in prototype-based systems
an object can include its own behavior; no other object is needed to
breathe life into it. Prototypes eliminate meta-regress.
Self is probably the first language to implement prototypes (it also pioneered other interesting technologies like JIT, which later made its way into the JVM), so reading the other Self papers should also be instructive.
You should check out a great book on JavaScript by Douglas Crockford. It provides a very good explanation of some of the design decisions taken by JavaScript creators.
One of the important design aspects of JavaScript is its prototypal inheritance system. Objects are first class citizens in JavaScript, so much that regular functions are also implemented as objects ('Function' object to be precise). In my opinion, when it was originally designed to run inside a browser, it was meant to be used to create lots of singleton objects. In browser DOM, you find that window, document etc all singleton objects. Also, JavaScript is loosely typed dynamic language (as opposed to say Python which is strongly typed, dynamic language), as a result, a concept of object extension was implemented through the use of 'prototype' property.
So I think there are some pros for prototype-based OO as implemented in JavaScript:
Suitable in loosely typed environments, no need to define explicit types.
Makes it incredibly easy to implement singleton pattern (compare JavaScript and Java in this regard, and you'll know what I am talking about).
Provides ways of applying a method of an object in the context of a different object, adding and replacing methods dynamically from an object etc. (things which are not possible in a strongly typed languages).
Here are some of the cons of prototypal OO:
No easy way of implementing private variables. Its possible to implement private vars using Crockford's wizardry using closures, but its definitely not as trivial as using private variables in say Java or C#.
I don't know how to implement multiple inheritances (for what its worth) in JavaScript yet.
The difference between mainstream OOP class-based languages such as c# or java and prototype bases languages such as javascript is the ability to modify object types at runtime whilst in c# or java they gave up this ability in favor of static type checking by making classes fixed at compile time. JS has always been closer to the first original design of OOP of alan Kay and languages such as Smalltalk or simula.
this is achieved by making the blueprint itself an instance, types in prototype-based are actual instances that can be accessed and modified at runtime, in Javascript this is really easy using the prototype object, since every object type has this object.
example: type funcName.prototype.myNewMethod= function{ console.log("hello world")}

