If statement not returning as supposed - javascript

I might seem really dumb but this piece of code is really frustating me.
return "removed";
return "doesn't exist"
The thing is, the fs.remove() is actually called but the function is returning "doesnt't exist", Am I missing something?
I'm not using nodejs, this is from one library i made, is asynchronously.
It's not modifying the parametters but it does change the condition, might be that?
Well I'm posting my fs object although I don't think this will change anything.
fs = {
load: function() {
if (localStorage[0] == undefined || localStorage[0] == "undefined" || localStorage[0] == "") {
localStorage[0] = JSON.stringify(fs.files);
} else {
fs.files = JSON.parse(localStorage[0]);
save: function() {
localStorage[0] = JSON.stringify(fs.files);
files: [],
newFile: function(name, content, overwrite) {
if (overwrite == undefined)
overwrite = true;
if (fs.exist(name) && overwrite) {
fs.find(name).content = content;
if (!(fs.exist(name))) {
name: name,
content: content
exist: function(fileName) {
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name == fileName)
return true;
return false;
find: function(fileName) {
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name == fileName)
return fs.files[i];
return false;
format: function() {
fs.files = [];
localStorage[0] = undefined;
write: function(name, content, overwrite) {
if (overwrite == undefined)
overwrite = true;
if (fs.exist(name) && overwrite) {
fs.find(name).content = content;
if (!(fs.exist(name))) {
name: name,
content: content
remove: function(file) {
var arrToreturn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name != file)
fs.files = arrToreturn;
return arrToreturn;
Resolved -
After a few days of inspecting the code I found the bug where the function was called twice, the amount of code was really huge so it took me a while.

You need to add a semi-colon to return "doesn't exist", it should read return "doesn't exist";

If this is an Object, still it works.
We can assume this to be an File object ARRAY, indexOf still works to find if the item exists.
Please have a look upon below example:
var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
var a = fruits.indexOf("Apple");
Result is 2 in case Apple is found
Result is -1 in case Apple is not found
You can have some more options at this link: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_indexof_array.asp

Use This Code For Solving This Problam. thanks
var fs = require('fs-extra')
fs.remove('/tmp/myfile', function (err) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
fs.removeSync('/home/jprichardson') //I just deleted my entire HOME directory.

You can try javascript indexOf function to check if the value really exists, BEFORE REMOVE Operation.
Example below:
var str = "Hello world, welcome to the universe.";
var n = str.indexOf("welcome");
=> Gives 13 if found
if we search for "welcome1" -> will give -1


React object property assignment only works the first time

For the following code, parameters are js objects whose structures are initialized as follows:
statePiece = {
field_name: { disabled: false, exampleValue: "arbitrary" },
field_name2: {
/* ... */
field_nameN: {
/* ... */
userField = "field_name_string";
sesarValues = {
format: "one2one",
selectedField: "latitude",
disabledSelf: true,
addField: 0
This function works correctly and returns the modified statePiece as returnTemp the first time a particular statePiece.field_name is modified
export let setUserField = (statePiece, userField, sesarValues) => {
console.log("set user field", userField, "set mappval", sesarValues);
var temp = { ...statePiece }; //(this.state.fields[each].mappedTo != null) ? (this.state.fields[userField].mappedTo) : [];
var XUnit = statePiece[userField];
if (typeof userField != "string") {
console.log("not string");
for (var each of userField) {
if (sesarValues) {
temp[each].mappedTo = sesarValues.selectedField;
temp[each].disabled = true;
} else {
temp[each].disabled = !temp[each].disabled;
delete temp[each].mappedTo;
} else {
//is string
console.log("is string");
if (sesarValues) {
if (XUnit.disabled === true) XUnit.disabled = false;
XUnit.disabled = true;
XUnit.mappedTo = sesarValues.selectedField;
} else {
temp[userField].disabled = !temp[userField].disabled;
delete temp[userField].mappedTo;
let returnTemp = { ...temp, [userField]: XUnit };
console.log("set UF debug ", returnTemp);
return returnTemp;
But after that, changing the statePiece.userField.mappedTo value fails to alter the object property. Or at least alter it permanently. When I console log the returnTemp variable, I see the entry has lost its mappedTo entry(as should happen) without it being replaced with the new userField.
However, when I console.log(returnTemp[userField]) it shows the entry values with the expected mappedTo key: value pair.
Not sure what's going on here.
From the usage of userField, I can work out that it could be an Array or a String.
However you have done something curious with it in the following expression:
var XUnit = statePiece[userField];
Given userField is a String, the above expression is fine.
However, where it is an array, XUnit will be undefined.
Also doing the same where userField is an Array in the following line means that you're setting the userField.toString() as a key mapped to undefined.
let returnTemp = { ...temp, [userField]: XUnit };
I'd assign XUnit where the condition checks out that userField is a String and just return temp.
else {
//is string
var XUnit = statePiece[userField];
return temp;

Call functions from sources directly in Chrome console?

For a website there is this function under sources with the code:
betSlipView.prototype.stakeOnKeyUp = function(_key) {
var model = ob.slip.getModel(),
defval = ob.cfg.default_bet_amount;
selector = toJqId(["#stake-", _key].join('')),
stake_box = $(selector),
spl = stake_box.val();
if(spl != defval) {
spl = ob.slip.cleanFormatedAmount(spl);
if(spl === '' || isNaN(spl)) {
spl = 0;
model.setBetStake(_key, spl);
$(toJqId(['#ob-slip-estimate-', _key].join(''))).html(
model.getBet(_key, 'pretty_returns')
} else {
model.setBetStake(_key, defval);
$(toJqId(['#ob-slip-estimate-', _key].join(''))).html(
model.getBet(_key, 'pretty_returns')
//Update bonus amount
try {
var offers = model.getBet(_key, 'offers');
catch(err) {
var offers = "";
if(offers !== "" && typeof offers['STLWIN'] !== "undefined") {
this._handleAccumulatorBonusElements(_key, offers['STLWIN']);
// potential returns for this bet
I cannot figure out how to (if possible) call this function directly from the console. Firstly, when I try to write betSlipView in the console, it cannot be found. Consequently if I copy the code to the console to define the function, betSlipView is still not found and if I try to change the function name, there are some names in the function body that cannot be found either. I wish to call this function with certain arguments, is this possible?
The whole code can be found here https://obstatic1.danskespil.dk/static/compressed/js/ob/slip/crunched.pkg.js?ver=0305f181cb96b61490e0fd2adafa3a91

How do I ensure an array has no null values?

I would like test my Array (input value) before submit my form.
My array with value :
const fields = [
I've try this :
_.forEach(fields, (field) => {
if (field === null) {
return false;
alert('Can submit !');
I think my problem is because i don't use Promise. I've try to test with Promise.all(fields).then(());, but i'm always in then.
Anyone have idea ?
Thank you :)
The problem is that even though you're terminating the lodash _.forEach loop early, you don't do anything else with the information that you had a null entry.
Instead of lodash's _.forEach, I'd use the built-in Array#includes (fairly new) or Array#indexOf to find out if any of the entries is null:
if (fields.includes(null)) { // or if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1)
// At least one was null
} else {
// All were non-null
alert('Can submit !');
For more complex tests, you can use Array#some which lets you provide a callback for the test.
Live example with indexOf:
const state = {
workshopSelected: [],
countrySelected: [],
productionTypeSelected: [],
numEmployeesSelected: [],
startAt: []
const fields = [
if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1) {
console.log("Before: At least one was null");
} else {
console.log("Before: None were null");
fields[2] = null;
if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1) {
console.log("After: At least one was null");
} else {
console.log("After: None were null");
You do not need to use promises unless there is an asynchronous operation (for example if you are getting that array from your server).
If you already have that array you can do something like:
// Using lodash/underscore
var isValid = _.every(fields, (field) => (field!==null)}
// OR using the Array.every method
var isValid = fields.every((field)=>(field!==null))
// Or using vanilla JS only
function checkArray(array){
for(var i = 0; i < array.length ; i ++){
return false;
return true;
var isValid = checkArray(fields);
// After you get that value, you can execute your alert based on it
alert('Something went wrong..');
Try this simple snippet
var isAllowedToSubmit = true;
_.forEach(fields, (field) => {
if (!field) {
isAllowedToSubmit = false;
alert('Can submit !');
You can do that without library:
if (fields.some(field => field === null)) {
alert('Cannot submit');
} else {
alert('Can submit');
You don't need to use lodash, you can do this in simple vanilla javascript. Simply iterate over each field and if an error occurs set your errors bool to true
let errors = false;
fields.forEach(field) => {
if(field === null || field === '') {
errors = true;
if (!errors) {
alert('Yay no errors, now you can submit');
For an es6 you can use.
const hasNoError = fields.every((field, index, selfArray) => field !== null);
if (!hasNoError) {
alert('yay It works');
Have a look at Array.every documentation Array every MDN documentation

Nicer way to get nested object attributes

Often in a response from a remote API call, I receive nested objects:
var response = {
data : {
users : [
name : 'Mr. White'
I want to check whether the first user's name is 'Mr. White', and would naturally want to write something like.
var existed = response.data.users[0].name === 'Mr. White'
However I cannot be sure if all the objects are present, so to avoid exceptions instead I end up writing:
var existed = response && response.data && response.data.users && response.data.users[0].name === 'Mr. White'
Is there a nicer way to do this? Another ugly option that comes to mind is:
var existed = false;
try {
var existed = response.data.users[0].name === 'Mr. White';
} catch(e) { }
In addition to vanilla javascript, I usually have underscore.js and jquery available too.
Oops, noticed I asked a dupe of javascript test for existence of nested object key.
An interesting option based on those answers is:
var existed = (((response || {}).data || {}).users || [{}])[0].name === 'Mr. White';
You could hide this naughty try/catch block inside a function like this one :
function resolve(root, path){
try {
return (new Function(
'root', 'return root.' + path + ';'
} catch (e) {}
var tree = { level1: [{ key: 'value' }] };
resolve(tree, 'level1[0].key'); // "value"
resolve(tree, 'level1[1].key'); // undefined
More on this : https://stackoverflow.com/a/18381564/1636522
I would use the try catch approach but wrap it in a function to hide the ugliness.
Instead of a try/catch, this should be done via checking whether each level in the object is defined or not.
go for
&& typeof(response.data)!="undefined"
&& typeof(response.data.users)!="undefined"
&& typeof(response.data.users[0])!="undefined"
&& typeof(response.data.users[0].name)!="undefined"
) {
//executes only if response.data.users[0].name is existing
Here is a function which I used in one of my projects http://jsfiddle.net/JBBAJ/
var object = {
data: {
users: [
firstName: "White"
firstName: "Black"
var read = function(path, obj) {
var path = path.split(".");
var item = path.shift();
if(item.indexOf("]") == item.length-1) {
// array
item = item.split("[");
var arrayName = item.shift();
var arrayIndex = parseInt(item.shift().replace("]", ""));
var arr = obj[arrayName || ""];
if(arr && arr[arrayIndex]) {
return read(path.join("."), arr[arrayIndex]);
} else {
return null;
} else {
// object
if(obj[item]) {
if(path.length === 0) {
return obj[item];
} else {
return read(path.join("."), obj[item]);
} else {
return null;
console.log(read("data.users[0].firstName", object)); // White
console.log(read("data.users[1].firstName", object)); // Black
console.log(read("data.test.users[0]", object)); // null
The idea is to pass your path as a string along with your object. The idea was to prevent the throwing of an exception and receive just null as result of the path is wrong. The good thing is that the function works with every path and you don't need to write long if statements.

Calling the filter method on a JQuery object is not working when done inside of a function

My knowledge of jQuery and more specifically javascript has always been very limited and I am working hard to get better.
With that in mind I am trying to create some sort of "extensible validation framework" in that I can create an object with a validation function and its error message, push it into an array and then call all those methods and report the messages from the ones that fail.
So first I did something very simple just to see that the basic validation worked which was this:
var selectedTourDate = $("#tourDate").val();
var list = $("#bookedTourDate *");
var isDateBooked = list.filter(function () {
return (this.innerHTML == selectedTourDate) ;
}).length !== 0;
if (isDateBooked) {
alert("Date invalid");
This works fine.
Then I created my "framework" which is this:
function Validator(fn, errorMessage) {
this.validationFunction = fn;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
var validationRunner = {
validators: [],
errorMessages: [],
validationResult: true,
addValidation: function (validator) {
validate: function () {
for (var validator = 0; validator < validationRunner.validators.length; validator++) {
if (validationRunner.validators[validator] instanceof Validator) {
var result = validationRunner.validators[validator].validationFunction();
validationResult = validationRunner.validationResult && result;
if (!result)
getErrorMessage: function () {
var message = "<ul>";
for (var errorMessage = 0; errorMessage > validationRunner.errorMessages.length; errorMessage++) {
message += "<li>" + errorMessage + "</li>";
message += "</ul>";
return message;
And then modified the first block of code as follows:
var selectedTourDate = $("#tourDate").val();
var list = $("#bookedTourDate *");
var tmp = new Validator(function () {
return list.filter(function () {
return (this.innerHTML == selectedTourDate);
}).length !== 0;
}, "Date already booked");
var msg = validationRunner.getErrorMessage();
This does not work at all.
It seems that the problem is that in this statement:
return (this.innerHTML == selectedTourDate);
The "this" is the Validator object instead of the html element from the list which confuses me since as its inside the function of the "filter" method it should be.
Is there a way to correct this so I can accomplish what I am trying to do here?
this does have the correct value but there are some mistakes in the getErrorMessage function.
To check the value of this don't rely on a debugger's "watch variable" function but do a console.log which will give you the value at a specific point of the code execution.
My changes:
for (var errorMessage = 0; errorMessage < validationRunner.errorMessages.length; errorMessage++) {
message += "<li>" + validationRunner.errorMessages[errorMessage] + "</li>";
The errorMessage variable is only a index and not the actual error message. Also you used a "bigger than" instead of a "smaller than" sign.
Here's a fiddle
That is very odd, as this should be the current DOM element per jquery api.
The function should take an index as a parameter, though. So what about trying
return list.filter(function (i) {
return (list.get(i).innerHTML == selectedTourDate);
}).length !== 0;

