Define a custom hash() method for use with ES6 maps - javascript

To illustrate the problem, consider the following simple object
function Key( val ) {
this._val = val;
Now I create a ES6 Map instance and feed one entry into it like this
var map = new Map(),
key1 = new Key( 'key' );
map.set( key1, 'some value' );
console.log( 'key1: ', map.has( key1 ) );
// key1: true
So far everything is fine. The challenge, however, comes up, if I create a nearly identical object key2 like this
var key2 = new Key( 'key' );
So basically both keys are identical, but obviously key2 is not part of the map
console.log( 'key2: ', map.has( key2 ) );
// key2: false
JavaScript uses the object references as a key here, so the two separate objects will not point towards the same value.
What I would like to do now is, to add something like a hash() method to key's prototype, so that both object would point to the same key. Is something like this possible?
I know, that there would be a way to circumvent the problem using a factory pattern for the Key generation together with some caching. However, this results in a lot of problem regarding immutability of the objects and the cache preventing old objects from being garbage collected. So I think that is not really an option.

Is something like this possible?
No, this is a known flaw of ES6 Collections. All they do is check for reference identity, and there is no way to change that.
The best thing you can do (if hash consing the instances is not an option as you say) is not to use objects for the keys. Instead, use strings that encode the Key values, and convert back and forth between the two representations. Given that you consider your keys to be immutable, this should not pose a problem.

I've created a class called CanonMap in my library big-m to encapsulate mapping by hash instead of reference.
By default, it works with tuples, Dates, and simple objects:
const { CanonMap } = "big-m";
const myMap = new CanonMap();
["Farooq", "867-5309"],
["Farooq", "867-5309"]
) === 36.59;
{name: "Farooq", number: "867-5309"},
{number: "867-5309", name: "Farooq"} // Insensitive to key ordering
) === 36.59;
myMap.set(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "Tuesday");
myMap.get(new Date(2012, 6, 5)) === "Tuesday";
It can also be extended with a custom "canonizer" function that determines how to hash values:
import {naiveCanonize, jsonCanonize, JsonCanonMap, CanonMap} from "big-m";
// Same as default canonizer, but with greater recursion depth (default is 2)
new CanonMap([], 6);
// Canonize by ID with fallback to naive
const customCanonMap = new CanonMap([
[{id: "TEST1", x: 7}, 77],
[{ x: 7 }, 88]
], lookup => || naiveCanonize(lookup));
customCanonMap.get({id: "TEST1", x: 8}) === 77; // Ignores other values, uses ID
customCanonMap.get({x: 8}) === undefined; // Uses all fields, so lookup fails
// Default canonizer with JSON.stringify
new CanonMap([], jsonCanonize);
// equivalent to
new CanonMap([], lookup => JSON.stringify(lookup));
// also equivalent to
new JsonCanonMap();
Finally, to implement a CanonMap that makes use of a prototype hash function on the object itself, as you described, you could do something like this:
const selfHashingCanonMap = new CanonMap([], lookup => {
if ("hash" in lookup) {
return lookup.hash();
} else {
return naiveCanonize(lookup);


How to add objects in Set with having comparison on basis of any defined value of object in JavaScript? [duplicate]

New ES 6 (Harmony) introduces new Set object. Identity algorithm used by Set is similar to === operator and so not much suitable for comparing objects:
var set = new Set();
console.log([...set.values()]); // Array [ Object, Object ]
How to customize equality for Set objects in order to do deep object comparison? Is there anything like Java equals(Object)?
Update 3/2022
There is currently a proposal to add Records and Tuples (basically immutable Objects and Arrays) to Javascript. In that proposal, it offers direct comparison of Records and Tuples using === or !== where it compares values, not just object references AND relevant to this answer both Set and Map objects would use the value of the Record or Tuple in key comparisons/lookups which would solve what is being asked for here.
Since the Records and Tuples are immutable (can't be modified) and because they are easily compared by value (by their contents, not just their object reference), it allows Maps and Sets to use object contents as keys and the proposed spec explicitly names this feature for Sets and Maps.
This original question asked for customizability of a Set comparison in order to support deep object comparison. This doesn't propose customizability of the Set comparison, but it directly supports deep object comparison if you use the new Record or a Tuple instead of an Object or an Array and thus would solve the original problem here.
Note, this proposal advanced to Stage 2 in mid-2021. It has been moving forward recently, but is certainly not done.
Mozilla work on this new proposal can be tracked here.
Original Answer
The ES6 Set object does not have any compare methods or custom compare extensibility.
The .has(), .add() and .delete() methods work only off it being the same actual object or same value for a primitive and don't have a means to plug into or replace just that logic.
You could presumably derive your own object from a Set and replace .has(), .add() and .delete() methods with something that did a deep object comparison first to find if the item is already in the Set, but the performance would likely not be good since the underlying Set object would not be helping at all. You'd probably have to just do a brute force iteration through all existing objects to find a match using your own custom compare before calling the original .add().
Here's some info from this article and discussion of ES6 features:
5.2 Why can’t I configure how maps and sets compare keys and values?
Question: It would be nice if there were a way to configure what map
keys and what set elements are considered equal. Why isn’t there?
Answer: That feature has been postponed, as it is difficult to
implement properly and efficiently. One option is to hand callbacks to
collections that specify equality.
Another option, available in Java, is to specify equality via a method
that object implement (equals() in Java). However, this approach is
problematic for mutable objects: In general, if an object changes, its
“location” inside a collection has to change, as well. But that’s not
what happens in Java. JavaScript will probably go the safer route of
only enabling comparison by value for special immutable objects
(so-called value objects). Comparison by value means that two values
are considered equal if their contents are equal. Primitive values are
compared by value in JavaScript.
As mentioned in jfriend00's answer customization of equality relation is probably not possible.
Following code presents an outline of computationally efficient (but memory expensive) workaround:
class GeneralSet {
constructor() { = new Map();
this[Symbol.iterator] = this.values;
add(item) {, item);
values() {
delete(item) {
// ...
Each inserted element has to implement toIdString() method that returns string. Two objects are considered equal if and only if their toIdString methods returns same value.
As the top answer mentions, customizing equality is problematic for mutable objects. The good news is (and I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet) there's a very popular library called immutable-js that provides a rich set of immutable types which provide the deep value equality semantics you're looking for.
Here's your example using immutable-js:
const { Map, Set } = require('immutable');
var set = new Set();
set = set.add(Map({a:1}));
set = set.add(Map({a:1}));
console.log([...set.values()]); // [Map {"a" => 1}]
Maybe you can try to use JSON.stringify() to do deep object comparison.
for example :
const arr = [
{name:'a', value:10},
{name:'a', value:20},
{name:'a', value:20},
{name:'b', value:30},
{name:'b', value:40},
{name:'b', value:40}
const names = new Set();
const result = arr.filter(item => !names.has(JSON.stringify(item)) ? names.add(JSON.stringify(item)) : false);
To add to the answers here, I went ahead and implemented a Map wrapper that takes a custom hash function, a custom equality function, and stores distinct values that have equivalent (custom) hashes in buckets.
Predictably, it turned out to be slower than czerny's string concatenation method.
Full source here:
Comparing them directly seems not possible, but JSON.stringify works if the keys just were sorted. As I pointed out in a comment
JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}) !== JSON.stringify({b:2, a:1});
But we can work around that with a custom stringify method. First we write the method
Custom Stringify
Object.prototype.stringifySorted = function(){
let oldObj = this;
let obj = (oldObj.length || oldObj.length === 0) ? [] : {};
for (let key of Object.keys(this).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))) {
let type = typeof (oldObj[key])
if (type === 'object') {
obj[key] = oldObj[key].stringifySorted();
} else {
obj[key] = oldObj[key];
return JSON.stringify(obj);
The Set
Now we use a Set. But we use a Set of Strings instead of objects
let set = new Set()
set.add({a:1, b:2}.stringifySorted());
set.has({b:2, a:1}.stringifySorted());
// returns true
Get all the values
After we created the set and added the values, we can get all values by
let iterator = set.values();
let done = false;
while (!done) {
let val =;
if (!done) {
done = val.done;
Here's a link with all in one file
For Typescript users the answers by others (especially czerny) can be generalized to a nice type-safe and reusable base class:
* Map that stringifies the key objects in order to leverage
* the javascript native Map and preserve key uniqueness.
abstract class StringifyingMap<K, V> {
private map = new Map<string, V>();
private keyMap = new Map<string, K>();
has(key: K): boolean {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);
get(key: K): V {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);
set(key: K, value: V): StringifyingMap<K, V> {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);, value);
this.keyMap.set(keyString, key);
return this;
* Puts new key/value if key is absent.
* #param key key
* #param defaultValue default value factory
putIfAbsent(key: K, defaultValue: () => V): boolean {
if (!this.has(key)) {
let value = defaultValue();
this.set(key, value);
return true;
return false;
keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
return this.keyMap.values();
keyList(): K[] {
return [...this.keys()];
delete(key: K): boolean {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);
let flag =;
return flag;
clear(): void {;
size(): number {
* Turns the `key` object to a primitive `string` for the underlying `Map`
* #param key key to be stringified
protected abstract stringifyKey(key: K): string;
Example implementation is then this simple: just override the stringifyKey method. In my case I stringify some uri property.
class MyMap extends StringifyingMap<MyKey, MyValue> {
protected stringifyKey(key: MyKey): string {
return key.uri.toString();
Example usage is then as if this was a regular Map<K, V>.
const key1 = new MyKey(1);
const value1 = new MyValue(1);
const value2 = new MyValue(2);
const myMap = new MyMap();
myMap.set(key1, value1);
myMap.set(key1, value2); // native Map would put another key/value pair
myMap.size(); // returns 1, not 2
A good stringification method for the special but frequent case of a TypedArray as Set/Map key is using
const key = String.fromCharCode( Uint16Array(myArray.buffer));
It generates the shortest possible unique string that can be easily converted back. However this is not always a valid UTF-16 string for display concerning Low and High Surrogates. Set and Map seem to ignore surrogate validity.
As measured in Firefox and Chrome, the spread operator performs slowly. If your myArray has fixed size, it executes faster when you write:
const a = new Uint16Array(myArray.buffer); // here: myArray = Uint32Array(2) = 8 bytes
const key = String.fromCharCode(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]); // 8 bytes too
Probably the most valuable advantage of this method of key-building: It works for Float32Array and Float64Array without any rounding side-effect. Note that +0 and -0 are then different. Infinities are same. Silent NaNs are same. Signaling NaNs are different depending on their signal (never seen in vanilla JavaScript).
As other guys said there is no native method can do it by far.
But if you would like to distinguish an array with your custom comparator, you can try to do it with the reduce method.
function distinct(array, equal) {
// No need to convert it to a Set object since it may give you a wrong signal that the set can work with your objects.
return array.reduce((p, c) => {
p.findIndex((element) => equal(element, c)) > -1 || p.push(c);
return p;
}, []);
// You can call this method like below,
const users = distinct(
{id: 1, name: "kevin"},
{id: 2, name: "sean"},
{id: 1, name: "jerry"}
(a, b) => ===
As others have said, there is no way to do it with the current version of Set.
My suggestion is to do it using a combination of arrays and maps.
The code snipped below will create a map of unique keys based on your own defined key and then transform that map of unique items into an array.
const array =
{ "name": "Joe", "age": 17 },
{ "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
{ "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
const key = 'age';
const arrayUniqueByKey = [ Map( =>
[item[key], item])).values()];
{ "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
{ "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
// Note: this will pick the last duplicated item in the list.
To someone who found this question on Google (as me) wanting to get a value of a Map using an object as Key:
Warning: this answer will not work with all objects
var map = new Map<string,string>();
map.set(JSON.stringify({"A":2} /*string of object as key*/), "Worked");
console.log(map.get(JSON.stringify({"A":2}))||"Not worked");

ES6 dispose of the object destructuring left-over (object trimming)

One nice use-case of the destructuring feature when used with rest parameters is that you can get trimmed clones.
var source = { w1: 'val1', w2: 'val2', unwanted1: 'val3', unwanted2: 'val4'};
var {unwanted1, unwanted2,} = source;
console.log(target); // `{ w1: 'val1', w2: 'val2' }` Exactly what you want
However, the side effect is that your scope is now polluted with two variables that you never care to use: unwanted1 and unwanted2.
If _ meant don't care, you could do something like this
var {
unwanted1:_, // throw away
unwanted2:_, // throw away
} = source;
However, in Javascript _ is a proper identifier.
If used once in that manner (unwanted: _), you'll end up with one unwanted variable called _, which goes against the goal.
If used more than once, like above, an error is issued:
SyntaxError: Identifier '_' has already been declared.
Is there any way I can throw away the undesired artifacts/variables of destructuring?
Of course, the following solutions are always available.
var target = {
w1: source.w1,
w2: source.w2,
var target = {...source};
delete target.unwanted1;
delete target.unwanted2;
However doing this with destructuring only seems to be the cleanest way if you're cloning an object with many parameters and you need to exclude just a couple.
Introducing _, __, ___, etc to drop 1,2,3 or more properties doesn't make much difference as it still creates the variables, which ' will never care to use' and moreover, it threatens to add a flavor of spaghetti to your code.
However, since you need to indicate explicitly which exactly properties you want to drop, one may consider other object trimming techniques, e.g.
filter unwanted properties
const obj = {prop1: 1, prop2:2, prop3: 3, prop4: 4, prop5: 5},
keysToDrop = ['prop2', 'prop3', 'prop4'],
trimmedObj = Object.fromEntries(
.filter(([key,val]) => !keysToDrop.includes(key)
make use of Array.prototype.reduce(), which may even give you certain performance boost, compared to destructuring
const obj = {prop1: 1, prop2:2, prop3: 3, prop4: 4, prop5: 5},
keysToDrop = ['prop2', 'prop3', 'prop4'],
trimmedObj = Object
.reduce((r,key) =>
(!keysToDrop.includes(key) && (r[key] = obj[key]), r),{})
Use _, __,___ or Just method to exclude: :D haha
function prop(source, excluded) {
if (source == null) return {};
var target = {};
var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
var key, i;
for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
key = sourceKeys[i];
if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
var source = {
w1: "val1",
w2: "val2",
unwanted1: "val3",
unwanted2: "val4"
var target = prop(source, ["unwanted1", "unwanted2"]);
Is there any way I can throw away the undesired artifacts/variables of destructuring?
The only way that's also not too terrible would be to define a function that does the same thing:
const clone = ({unwanted1, unwanted2,}) => target;
const target = clone(source);
The variables are still created but their visibility is limited to the function which terminates immediately.
However doing this with destructuring only seems to be the cleanest way if you're cloning an object with many parameters and you need to exclude just a couple.
The disadvantage of the above approach is that the function is specific to a specific object. You cannot reuse it for other objects. Sure, it's rather small so maybe that's not a big deal. But having a more generic helper function might be easier to understand.

How do I get Javascript Sets/Maps to test for object/array equality? [duplicate]

New ES 6 (Harmony) introduces new Set object. Identity algorithm used by Set is similar to === operator and so not much suitable for comparing objects:
var set = new Set();
console.log([...set.values()]); // Array [ Object, Object ]
How to customize equality for Set objects in order to do deep object comparison? Is there anything like Java equals(Object)?
Update 3/2022
There is currently a proposal to add Records and Tuples (basically immutable Objects and Arrays) to Javascript. In that proposal, it offers direct comparison of Records and Tuples using === or !== where it compares values, not just object references AND relevant to this answer both Set and Map objects would use the value of the Record or Tuple in key comparisons/lookups which would solve what is being asked for here.
Since the Records and Tuples are immutable (can't be modified) and because they are easily compared by value (by their contents, not just their object reference), it allows Maps and Sets to use object contents as keys and the proposed spec explicitly names this feature for Sets and Maps.
This original question asked for customizability of a Set comparison in order to support deep object comparison. This doesn't propose customizability of the Set comparison, but it directly supports deep object comparison if you use the new Record or a Tuple instead of an Object or an Array and thus would solve the original problem here.
Note, this proposal advanced to Stage 2 in mid-2021. It has been moving forward recently, but is certainly not done.
Mozilla work on this new proposal can be tracked here.
Original Answer
The ES6 Set object does not have any compare methods or custom compare extensibility.
The .has(), .add() and .delete() methods work only off it being the same actual object or same value for a primitive and don't have a means to plug into or replace just that logic.
You could presumably derive your own object from a Set and replace .has(), .add() and .delete() methods with something that did a deep object comparison first to find if the item is already in the Set, but the performance would likely not be good since the underlying Set object would not be helping at all. You'd probably have to just do a brute force iteration through all existing objects to find a match using your own custom compare before calling the original .add().
Here's some info from this article and discussion of ES6 features:
5.2 Why can’t I configure how maps and sets compare keys and values?
Question: It would be nice if there were a way to configure what map
keys and what set elements are considered equal. Why isn’t there?
Answer: That feature has been postponed, as it is difficult to
implement properly and efficiently. One option is to hand callbacks to
collections that specify equality.
Another option, available in Java, is to specify equality via a method
that object implement (equals() in Java). However, this approach is
problematic for mutable objects: In general, if an object changes, its
“location” inside a collection has to change, as well. But that’s not
what happens in Java. JavaScript will probably go the safer route of
only enabling comparison by value for special immutable objects
(so-called value objects). Comparison by value means that two values
are considered equal if their contents are equal. Primitive values are
compared by value in JavaScript.
As mentioned in jfriend00's answer customization of equality relation is probably not possible.
Following code presents an outline of computationally efficient (but memory expensive) workaround:
class GeneralSet {
constructor() { = new Map();
this[Symbol.iterator] = this.values;
add(item) {, item);
values() {
delete(item) {
// ...
Each inserted element has to implement toIdString() method that returns string. Two objects are considered equal if and only if their toIdString methods returns same value.
As the top answer mentions, customizing equality is problematic for mutable objects. The good news is (and I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet) there's a very popular library called immutable-js that provides a rich set of immutable types which provide the deep value equality semantics you're looking for.
Here's your example using immutable-js:
const { Map, Set } = require('immutable');
var set = new Set();
set = set.add(Map({a:1}));
set = set.add(Map({a:1}));
console.log([...set.values()]); // [Map {"a" => 1}]
Maybe you can try to use JSON.stringify() to do deep object comparison.
for example :
const arr = [
{name:'a', value:10},
{name:'a', value:20},
{name:'a', value:20},
{name:'b', value:30},
{name:'b', value:40},
{name:'b', value:40}
const names = new Set();
const result = arr.filter(item => !names.has(JSON.stringify(item)) ? names.add(JSON.stringify(item)) : false);
To add to the answers here, I went ahead and implemented a Map wrapper that takes a custom hash function, a custom equality function, and stores distinct values that have equivalent (custom) hashes in buckets.
Predictably, it turned out to be slower than czerny's string concatenation method.
Full source here:
Comparing them directly seems not possible, but JSON.stringify works if the keys just were sorted. As I pointed out in a comment
JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}) !== JSON.stringify({b:2, a:1});
But we can work around that with a custom stringify method. First we write the method
Custom Stringify
Object.prototype.stringifySorted = function(){
let oldObj = this;
let obj = (oldObj.length || oldObj.length === 0) ? [] : {};
for (let key of Object.keys(this).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))) {
let type = typeof (oldObj[key])
if (type === 'object') {
obj[key] = oldObj[key].stringifySorted();
} else {
obj[key] = oldObj[key];
return JSON.stringify(obj);
The Set
Now we use a Set. But we use a Set of Strings instead of objects
let set = new Set()
set.add({a:1, b:2}.stringifySorted());
set.has({b:2, a:1}.stringifySorted());
// returns true
Get all the values
After we created the set and added the values, we can get all values by
let iterator = set.values();
let done = false;
while (!done) {
let val =;
if (!done) {
done = val.done;
Here's a link with all in one file
For Typescript users the answers by others (especially czerny) can be generalized to a nice type-safe and reusable base class:
* Map that stringifies the key objects in order to leverage
* the javascript native Map and preserve key uniqueness.
abstract class StringifyingMap<K, V> {
private map = new Map<string, V>();
private keyMap = new Map<string, K>();
has(key: K): boolean {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);
get(key: K): V {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);
set(key: K, value: V): StringifyingMap<K, V> {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);, value);
this.keyMap.set(keyString, key);
return this;
* Puts new key/value if key is absent.
* #param key key
* #param defaultValue default value factory
putIfAbsent(key: K, defaultValue: () => V): boolean {
if (!this.has(key)) {
let value = defaultValue();
this.set(key, value);
return true;
return false;
keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
return this.keyMap.values();
keyList(): K[] {
return [...this.keys()];
delete(key: K): boolean {
let keyString = this.stringifyKey(key);
let flag =;
return flag;
clear(): void {;
size(): number {
* Turns the `key` object to a primitive `string` for the underlying `Map`
* #param key key to be stringified
protected abstract stringifyKey(key: K): string;
Example implementation is then this simple: just override the stringifyKey method. In my case I stringify some uri property.
class MyMap extends StringifyingMap<MyKey, MyValue> {
protected stringifyKey(key: MyKey): string {
return key.uri.toString();
Example usage is then as if this was a regular Map<K, V>.
const key1 = new MyKey(1);
const value1 = new MyValue(1);
const value2 = new MyValue(2);
const myMap = new MyMap();
myMap.set(key1, value1);
myMap.set(key1, value2); // native Map would put another key/value pair
myMap.size(); // returns 1, not 2
A good stringification method for the special but frequent case of a TypedArray as Set/Map key is using
const key = String.fromCharCode( Uint16Array(myArray.buffer));
It generates the shortest possible unique string that can be easily converted back. However this is not always a valid UTF-16 string for display concerning Low and High Surrogates. Set and Map seem to ignore surrogate validity.
As measured in Firefox and Chrome, the spread operator performs slowly. If your myArray has fixed size, it executes faster when you write:
const a = new Uint16Array(myArray.buffer); // here: myArray = Uint32Array(2) = 8 bytes
const key = String.fromCharCode(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]); // 8 bytes too
Probably the most valuable advantage of this method of key-building: It works for Float32Array and Float64Array without any rounding side-effect. Note that +0 and -0 are then different. Infinities are same. Silent NaNs are same. Signaling NaNs are different depending on their signal (never seen in vanilla JavaScript).
As other guys said there is no native method can do it by far.
But if you would like to distinguish an array with your custom comparator, you can try to do it with the reduce method.
function distinct(array, equal) {
// No need to convert it to a Set object since it may give you a wrong signal that the set can work with your objects.
return array.reduce((p, c) => {
p.findIndex((element) => equal(element, c)) > -1 || p.push(c);
return p;
}, []);
// You can call this method like below,
const users = distinct(
{id: 1, name: "kevin"},
{id: 2, name: "sean"},
{id: 1, name: "jerry"}
(a, b) => ===
As others have said, there is no way to do it with the current version of Set.
My suggestion is to do it using a combination of arrays and maps.
The code snipped below will create a map of unique keys based on your own defined key and then transform that map of unique items into an array.
const array =
{ "name": "Joe", "age": 17 },
{ "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
{ "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
const key = 'age';
const arrayUniqueByKey = [ Map( =>
[item[key], item])).values()];
{ "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
{ "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
// Note: this will pick the last duplicated item in the list.
To someone who found this question on Google (as me) wanting to get a value of a Map using an object as Key:
Warning: this answer will not work with all objects
var map = new Map<string,string>();
map.set(JSON.stringify({"A":2} /*string of object as key*/), "Worked");
console.log(map.get(JSON.stringify({"A":2}))||"Not worked");

What's the best way to get rid of duplicates in a JavaScript list?

I wrote a couple of methods to add items to an array in such a manner that if they were already in the array, they would be ignored. After doing some research on Data Structures, I realized I can get rid of the duplicates by simply putting them in a set (especially because I don't care about the order of the objects). However, after playing with JavaScript, I noticed that identical objects are added to a set, example:
var mySet = new Set();
Set {Object {a: 23}}
Set {Object {a: 23}, Object {b: 14}}
Set {Object {a: 23}, Object {b: 14}, Object {a: 23}}
In this example, I add object with key->a and value->23, then another one with a completely different key,value set and then the original one again. I would expect to only have a->23 and b->14 in my set.
What's the best way to get rid of duplicates in a list?
Those objects, although having the same structure, are distinct. Each represents a separate space in memory and is a unique reference to that memory.
{ a: 23 } === { a: 23 } // false
This is how you would add the same object to a set twice and the second addition would get ignored.
var obj = { a: 23 };
var s = new Set();
// first addition
// second addition of the same object is ignored
If you want to support your use case of comparing objects based on the data they contain instead of reference equality, what you might want to look into is deep object comparison.
For example, here's one way of utilizing the deep-equal library to check if an object exists in an array before adding it:
!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var t;t="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,t.deepEqual=e()}}(function(){return function e(t,r,n){function o(u,i){if(!r[u]){if(!t[u]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!i&&c)return c(u,!0);if(f)return f(u,!0);var p=new Error("Cannot find module '"+u+"'");throw p.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",p}var l=r[u]={exports:{}};t[u][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var r=t[u][1][e];return o(r?r:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,r,n)}return r[u].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof require&&require,u=0;u<n.length;u++)o(n[u]);return o}({1:[function(e,t,r){function n(e){return null===e||void 0===e}function o(e){return!(!e||"object"!=typeof e||"number"!=typeof e.length)&&("function"==typeof e.copy&&"function"==typeof e.slice&&!(e.length>0&&"number"!=typeof e[0]))}function f(e,t,r){var f,l;if(n(e)||n(t))return!1;if(e.prototype!==t.prototype)return!1;if(c(e))return!!c(t)&&(,,p(e,t,r));if(o(e)){if(!o(t))return!1;if(e.length!==t.length)return!1;for(f=0;f<e.length;f++)if(e[f]!==t[f])return!1;return!0}try{var s=i(e),a=i(t)}catch(e){return!1}if(s.length!=a.length)return!1;for(s.sort(),a.sort(),f=s.length-1;f>=0;f--)if(s[f]!=a[f])return!1;for(f=s.length-1;f>=0;f--)if(l=s[f],!p(e[l],t[l],r))return!1;return typeof e==typeof t}var u=Array.prototype.slice,i=e("./lib/keys.js"),c=e("./lib/is_arguments.js"),p=t.exports=function(e,t,r){return r||(r={}),e===t||(e instanceof Date&&t instanceof Date?e.getTime()===t.getTime():!e||!t||"object"!=typeof e&&"object"!=typeof t?r.strict?e===t:e==t:f(e,t,r))}},{"./lib/is_arguments.js":2,"./lib/keys.js":3}],2:[function(e,t,r){function n(e){return"[object Arguments]"}function o(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&"number"==typeof e.length&&,"callee")&&!,"callee")||!1}var f="[object Arguments]"==function(){return}();r=t.exports=f?n:o,r.supported=n,r.unsupported=o},{}],3:[function(e,t,r){function n(e){var t=[];for(var r in e)t.push(r);return t}r=t.exports="function"==typeof Object.keys?Object.keys:n,r.shim=n},{}]},{},[1])(1)});
function addToSet(s, value) {
for (const curr of s.values()) {
if (deepEqual(curr, value)) {
var mySet = new Set();
// first addition works
addToSet(mySet, {a:23});
// second addition works
addToSet(mySet, {b:14});
// addition of an object of the same structure is ignored
addToSet(mySet, {a:23});
Important consideration in this case is the time/space complexity of the deepEqual function. With this approach, the time complexity for adding an element to a set increases from linear to at least quadratic, i.e. O(setSize * numberOfPropsInLargestObject). Since most versions of deep object comparison methods are written in a recursive fashion, assuming it's not a tail recursive function in a modern environment, this also increases space complexity from constant to linear.
As everyone else has said, the objects aren't equal, so they appear to be duplicated. If you can specify a key, which I'm assuming is a,b,c etc, then you can use a map. It is iterable too.
var myMap = new Map();
Map {"a" => 33, "b" => 123} (2)

Design pattern to check if a JavaScript object has changed

I get from the server a list of objects
[{name:'test01', age:10},{name:'test02', age:20},{name:'test03', age:30}]
I load them into html controls for the user to edit.
Then there is a button to bulk save the entire list back to the database.
Instead of sending the whole list I only want to send the subset of objects that were changed.
It can be any number of items in the array. I want to do something similar to frameworks like Angular that mark an object property like "pristine" when no change has been done to it. Then use that flag to only post to the server the items that are not "pristine", the ones that were modified.
Here is a function down below that will return an array/object of changed objects when supplied with an old array/object of objects and a new array of objects:
// intended to compare objects of identical shape; ideally static.
// any top-level key with a primitive value which exists in `previous` but not
// in `current` returns `undefined` while vice versa yields a diff.
// in general, the input type determines the output type. that is if `previous`
// and `current` are objects then an object is returned. if arrays then an array
// is returned, etc.
const getChanges = (previous, current) => {
if (isPrimitive(previous) && isPrimitive(current)) {
if (previous === current) {
return "";
return current;
if (isObject(previous) && isObject(current)) {
const diff = getChanges(Object.entries(previous), Object.entries(current));
return diff.reduce((merged, [key, value]) => {
return {
[key]: value
}, {});
const changes = [];
if (JSON.stringify(previous) === JSON.stringify(current)) {
return changes;
for (let i = 0; i < current.length; i++) {
const item = current[i];
if (JSON.stringify(item) !== JSON.stringify(previous[i])) {
return changes;
For Example:
const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const arr2 = [4, 4, 2, 4]
console.log(getChanges(arr1, arr2)) // [4,4,2]
const obj1 = {
foo: "bar",
baz: [
1, 2, 3
qux: {
hello: "world"
bingo: "name-o",
const obj2 = {
foo: "barx",
baz: [
1, 2, 3, 4
qux: {
hello: null
bingo: "name-o",
console.log(getChanges(, // barx
console.log(getChanges(, // ""
console.log(getChanges(obj1.baz, obj2.baz)) // [4]
console.log(getChanges(obj1, obj2)) // {foo:'barx',baz:[1,2,3,4],qux:{hello:null}}
const obj3 = [{ name: 'test01', age: 10 }, { name: 'test02', age: 20 }, { name: 'test03', age: 30 }]
const obj4 = [{ name: 'test01', age: 10 }, { name: 'test02', age: 20 }, { name: 'test03', age: 20 }]
console.log(getChanges(obj3, obj4)) // [{name:'test03', age:20}]
Utility functions used:
// not required for this example but aid readability of the main function
const typeOf = o =>;
const isObject = o => o !== null && !Array.isArray(o) && typeOf(o).split(" ")[1].slice(0, -1) === "Object";
const isPrimitive = o => {
switch (typeof o) {
case "object": {
return false;
case "function": {
return false;
default: {
return true;
You would simply have to export the full list of edited values client side, compare it with the old list, and then send the list of changes off to the server.
Hope this helps!
Here are a few ideas.
Use a framework. You spoke of Angular.
Use Proxies, though Internet Explorer has no support for it.
Instead of using classic properties, maybe use Object.defineProperty's set/get to achieve some kind of change tracking.
Use getter/setting functions to store data instead of properties: getName() and setName() for example. Though this the older way of doing what defineProperty now does.
Whenever you bind your data to your form elements, set a special property that indicates if the property has changed. Something like __hasChanged. Set to true if any property on the object changes.
The old school bruteforce way: keep your original list of data that came from the server, deep copy it into another list, bind your form controls to the new list, then when the user clicks submit, compare the objects in the original list to the objects in the new list, plucking out the changed ones as you go. Probably the easiest, but not necessarily the cleanest.
A different take on #6: Attach a special property to each object that always returns the original version of the object:
var myData = [{name: "Larry", age: 47}];
var dataWithCopyOfSelf = {
Object.assign({}, data, { original: data });
// now bind your form to dataWithCopyOfSelf.
Of course, this solution assumes a few things: (1) that your objects are flat and simple since Object.assign() doesn't deep copy, (2) that your original data set will never be changed, and (3) that nothing ever touches the contents of original.
There are a multitude of solutions out there.
With ES6 we can use Proxy
to accomplish this task: intercept an Object write, and mark it as dirty.
Proxy allows to create a handler Object that can trap, manipulate, and than forward changes to the original target Object, basically allowing to reconfigure its behavior.
The trap we're going to adopt to intercept Object writes is the handler set().
At this point we can add a non-enumerable property flag like i.e: _isDirty using Object.defineProperty() to mark our Object as modified, dirty.
When using traps (in our case the handler's set()) no changes are applied nor reflected to the Objects, therefore we need to forward the argument values to the target Object using Reflect.set().
Finally, to retrieve the modified objects, filter() the Array with our proxy Objects in search of those having its own Property "_isDirty".
// From server:
const dataOrg = [
{id:1, name:'a', age:10},
{id:2, name:'b', age:20},
{id:3, name:'c', age:30}
// Mirror data from server to observable Proxies:
const data = => new Proxy(ob, {
set() {
Object.defineProperty(ob, "_isDirty", {value: true}); // Flag
return Reflect.set(...arguments); // Forward trapped args to ob
// From now on, use proxied data. Let's change some values:
data[0].name = "Lorem";
data[0].age = 42;
data[2].age = 31;
// Collect modified data
const dataMod = data.filter(ob => ob.hasOwnProperty("_isDirty"));
// Test what we're about to send back to server:
console.log(JSON.stringify(dataMod, null, 2));
Without using .defineProperty()
If for some reason you don't feel comfortable into tapping into the original object adding extra properties as flags, you could instead populate immediately
the dataMod (array with modified Objects) with references:
const dataOrg = [
{id:1, name:'a', age:10},
{id:2, name:'b', age:20},
{id:3, name:'c', age:30}
// Prepare array to hold references to the modified Objects
const dataMod = [];
const data = => new Proxy(ob, {
set() {
if (dataMod.indexOf(ob) < 0) dataMod.push(ob); // Push reference
return Reflect.set(...arguments);
data[0].name = "Lorem";
data[0].age = 42;
data[2].age = 31;
console.log(JSON.stringify(dataMod, null, 2));
Can I Use - Proxy (IE)
Proxy - handler.set()
Global Objects - Reflect
Without having to get fancy with prototype properties you could simply store them in another array whenever your form control element detects a change
Something along the lines of:
var modified = [];
var domNode = // whatever you use to match data to form control element
if(modified.indexOf(item) === -1){
Then send the modified array to server when it's time to save
Why not use Ember.js observable properties ? You can use the function to get and set changes in your data.
valueObserver:'value', function(sender, key, value, rev) {
// Executes whenever the "value" property changes
// See the addObserver method for more information about the callback arguments
The Ember.object actually does a lot of heavy lifting for you.
Once you define your object, add an observer like so:
object.addObserver('propertyKey', targetObject, targetAction)
My idea is to sort object keys and convert object to be string to compare:
// use this function to sort keys, and save key=>value in an array
function objectSerilize(obj) {
let keys = Object.keys(obj)
let results = []
keys.sort((a, b) => a > b ? -1 : a < b ? 1 : 0)
keys.forEach(key => {
let value = obj[key]
if (typeof value === 'object') {
value = objectSerilize(value)
return results
// use this function to compare
function compareObject(a, b) {
let aStr = JSON.stringify(objectSerilize(a))
let bStr = JSON.stringify(objectSerilize(b))
return aStr === bStr
This is what I think up.
It would be cleanest, I’d think to have the object emit an event when a property is added or removed or modified.
A simplistic implementation could involve an array with the object keys; whenever a setter or heck the constructor returns this, it first calls a static function returning a promise; resolving: map with changed values in the array: things added, things removed, or neither. So one could get(‘changed’) or so forth; returning an array.
Similarly every setter can emit an event with arguments for initial value and new value.
Assuming classes are used, you could easily have a static method in a parent generic class that can be called through its constructor and so really you could simplify most of this by passing the object either to itself, or to the parent through super(checkMeProperty).

