Javascript number guessing game - javascript

I can't seem to make this code alert the user when the correct answer is found, nor can I make the pop-ups continue to loop to play again. I coded this as a learning exercise. In JS i'm very noob.
Can someone review my code and offer constructive criticism?
// noprotect
var targetNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 1);
var userGuess = prompt("Pick a number from 1 to 100 to guess which one I'm thinking about!" + " (6 guesses left.)");
for (var i=5; i>0; i--) {
if (i === 0) {
prompt("Out of guesses!" + " (" + i + " guesses left.)" + " My number was: " + targetNumber);
if (isNaN(userGuess) === true) {
userGuess = prompt("That value was not a number! Please pick a number from 1 to 100 to guess which one I'm thinking about!" + " (" + i + " guesses left.)");
if (userGuess < 1 || userGuess > 100) {
userGuess = prompt("That number was not between 1 and 100 inclusive! Please pick a number from 1 to 100 to guess which one I'm thinking about!" + " (" + i + " guesses left.)");
if (userGuess === targetNumber) {
userGuess = alert("You're correct! My number was: " + targetNumber);
if (userGuess < targetNumber) {
userGuess = prompt("You're too low, guess again" + " (" + i + " guesses left.)");
if (userGuess > targetNumber) {
userGuess = prompt("You're too high, guess again!" + " (" + i + " guesses left.)");

You're comparing the string value prompt() returns with a number using ===. That's not going to work.
var userGuess = parseInt(prompt(...))
It's worth noting that prompt is an extremely clunky way to do this. What would be better is creating a form where you have a proper <input> field and a place to put the responses.

Just to add a quick note before I head home from the office. Your for loop will never allow i === 0condition to pass because the loop only continues if i > 0. You likely want to change this to i >= 0 or adjust your conditions within the loop.


My code isn't recognizing a condition

I am trying to solve this following problem (Udacity's Intro to Javascript):
Write a loop that prints out the following song. Starting at 99, and ending at 1 bottle.
99 bottles of juice on the wall! 99 bottles of juice! Take one down, pass it around... 98 bottles of juice on the wall!
98 bottles of juice on the wall! 98 bottles of juice! Take one down, pass it
around... 97 bottles of juice on the wall!
2 bottles of juice on the wall! 2 bottles of juice! Take one down, pass it around... 1 bottle of juice on the wall!
1 bottle of juice on the wall! 1 bottle of juice! Take one down, pass it around... 0 bottles of juice on the wall!
and my code doesn't appropriately output the last line (it doesn't include "s" after "bottle"):
My code looks like this:
var num = 99;
while (num >= 1) {
num == 1 ? ((plural = "") && (nextPlural = "s")) :
num == 2 ? ((plural = "s") && (nextPlural = "")) :
((plural = "s") && (nextPlural = "s"));
console.log (num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice on the wall! " + num + "bottle" + plural + " of juice! " + "Take one down, pass it around... " + (num - 1) + " bottle" + nextPlural + " of juice on the wall!");
num = num - 1
why is this code ignoring my condition for "num == 2?" at the last line of output?
FYI, I was able to solve this using the following code, but it didn't look clean so I wanted to optimize this:
var num = 99;
var plural = "s";
var nextNum = num - 1;
var nextPlural = "s";
while (num >= 1) {
if (num > 1 && nextNum > 1){
plural = "s";
nextPlural = "s";
else if (num > 1 && nextNum == 1){
plural = "s";
nextPlural = "";
else if (num == 1 && nextNum <= 1){
plural = "";
nextPlural = "s";
console.log(num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice on the wall! " + num + " bottle"+ plural + " of juice! " +
"Take one down, pass it around... " + nextNum + " bottle" + nextPlural + " of juice on the wall!");
num = num - 1;
nextNum = num - 1;
Alright, so the question, if I understand it right, is why the last line for the first code sample outputs "0 bottle" instead of "0 bottles".
So let's translate what you attempted to achieve with your code into English and figure out what the interpreter does:
Set num to 99.
While num greater or equal to 1, do the following:
2.1 If num equals 1, set plural to "" and nextPlural to "s".
2.2 Else if num equals 2, set plural to "s" and nextPlural to "".
2.3 Else set both plural and nextPlural to "s".
The console output is trivial, so I won't mention it here.
Set num equal to num-1.
You might notice that substituting the ternary operator with an if statement yields the correct result:
var num = 1;
var plural = '';
var nextPlural = '';
while (num >= 1) {
if(num==1) { plural = ''; nextPlural='s'; }
/*num == 1 ? ((plural = "") && (nextPlural = "s")) : (num == 2 ? ((plural = "s") && (nextPlural = "")) : ((plural = "s") && (nextPlural = "s")));*/
console.log (num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice on the wall! " + num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice! " + "Take one down, pass it around... " + (num - 1) + " bottle" + nextPlural + " of juice on the wall!");
num = num - 1
What does that mean? That there is a syntax error with your use of the ternary operator. What could it possibly be? Let's declare a new variable and try setting and outputting it along with the others.
var num = 1;
var plural = '';
var nextPlural = '';
var test = '';
while (num >= 1) {
//if(num==1) { plural = ''; nextPlural='s'; }
num == 1 ? ((plural = "") && (nextPlural = "s") && (test = "test")) : (num == 2 ? ((plural = "s") && (nextPlural = "")) : ((plural = "s") && (nextPlural = "s")));
console.log (num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice on the wall! " + num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice! " + "Take one down, pass it around... " + (num - 1) + " bottle" + nextPlural + " of juice on the wall!");
num = num - 1
You will notice that test remains equal to an empty string, just like nextPlural. That's because using && is not the correct way of instantiating variables inside ternary constructions, so this code will work as intended:
var num = 99;
var plural = '';
var nextPlural = '';
while (num >= 1) {
//if(num==1) { plural = ''; nextPlural='s'; }
num == 1 ? (plural = "", nextPlural = "s") : (num == 2 ? (plural = "s", nextPlural = "") : (plural = "s", nextPlural = "s"));
console.log (num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice on the wall! " + num + " bottle" + plural + " of juice! " + "Take one down, pass it around... " + (num - 1) + " bottle" + nextPlural + " of juice on the wall!");
If you are interested, this is how I would probably program the solution:
for(var i=99, w=' on the wall!'; i>0; i--) {
console.log(returnEmpties(i)+w+' '+returnEmpties(i)+'! Take one down, pass it around... '+returnEmpties(i-1)+w);
function returnEmpties(n) { return n+' bottle'+(n==1?'':'s')+' of juice'; }
The ternary operator stuff is just a big mess, I've tried to figure it out, but it's really worth trying to fix since it's just not a good idea to use ternary operators like that. You've nested a ternary inside another ternary and basically have an if, else if, else condensed into 3 lines.
You can avoid doing extra logic and realize that you need only add an 's' when the number is not 1.
By extracting this logic into a function that returns the string 's' or the empty string '', you can simply plug this function into your loop and provide it with n and n-1.
function plural(n) {
return n == 1 ? '' : 's'; // note this is the appropriate usage of a ternary operator
You can then simply your loop to just
while (num >= 1) {
console.log('...'); // left as an exercise for you to fill in the required function call and string concatenations.
num--; // same thing as num = num - 1;

Javascript: How to execute through entire code and loop again

How do I make the code reprompt in a loop? I want to make the code prompt, and then with the prompted number, execute the following code. However, it continues to just keep prompting, even when I input a number.
In short, I want it to execute num1 prompt, then execute the for loop and display the content on the web browser as well as looping to reprompt for num1 at the same time.
var num = 10;
do {
var num1 = prompt("Enter a number");
for (num2 = 0; num2 < 11; num2++) {
var sum = Number(num1) * Number(num2);
document.write("<p>" + num1 + " X " + num2 + " = " + sum + "</p>");
while (num == 10);
Edit: If you are looking to add a delay between each iteration, here's how I would do that:
(function display (p) {
var num1 = +prompt("Enter a number")
for (var num2 = 0; num2 < 11; num2++) {
p.textContent = num1 + " X " + num2 + " = " + (num1 * num2)
(num1 == 10) || setTimeout(display, 500, p)
Your problem is that num never changes. You should be checking whether num1 matches a specific number (like 10) in your do-while loop and then exit based on that condition:
do {
var num1 = prompt("Enter a number");
for (num2 = 0; num2 < 11; num2++) {
var sum = Number(num1) * Number(num2);
document.write("<p>" + num1 + " X " + num2 + " = " + sum + "</p>");
while (num1 != 10);
First of all your end condition is on a variable you don't use at all, and it should be in the opposite sense, since the condition determines when to continue the loop, not when to exit (hence, while).
Secondly, Chrome processes Javascript first before updating the browser page, and as prompt completely blocks Javascript, you don't see the page being updated with what just has been written with document.write. Only when the loop can exit will you see the actual change on the page. This is how it works in Chrome. Other browsers do display the results on the page in combination with prompt (e.g. Firefox).
Here is a work-around based on a timer:
var timer = setInterval(function () {
var num1 = prompt("Enter a number");
for (num2 = 0; num2 < 11; num2++) {
var sum = Number(num1) * Number(num2);
// Add HTML. Don't use document.write as it will clear the page.
"<p>" + num1 + " X " + num2 + " = " + sum + "</p>");
if (num1 == 10) clearInterval(timer); // stop repeating
}, 100); // Allow 100ms time for Chrome to update page
As your code now runs asynchronous, you should step away from using document.write, which would clear your page if run asynchronously. It is better to always avoid the use of document.write because of this.

I want to write javascript code to get a addition countdown

so basically this the prompt:
Addition countdown
you enter a number and the code should be adding a number while countingdown, for example if the user enter 10, then the result should be:
10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 +3 +2 +1=55.
This is what I have so far:
var num = Number(prompt("Enter a Number Greater than zero"));
while (num > 0){
first = num;
second = num-=1;
document.write(first + " +" + second + " +");
value = first + num;
but I keep on getting something like this:
4 +3 +72 +1 +3 (let's say 4 is the number the user inputs)
I'm stuck can someone please help me????!!
You can keep total in one variable outside of while loop.
var num = Number(prompt("Enter a Number Greater than zero"));
var total = 0;
while (num > 0) {
total += num;
document.body.innerHTML += (num == 1 ? num + ' = ' + total : num + ' + ');
You could change the algorithm a bit, because for the first value, you need no plus sign for the output.
var num = Number(prompt("Enter a Number Greater than zero")),
value = 0;
value += num;
while (num > 0) {
document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' + ' + num));
value += num;
document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' = ' + value));

I am having trouble with a few javascript do while loops

I am writing a code guessing program to test the security of some iPhone passwords (This is not in anyway connected to anything illegal or is used to break into actual iPhones). The do/while loops just end all response once they occur and the last two lines don't print to the console.
print("I am a password security tester.");
var tries = 0
var guess1 = 0
var guess2 = 0
var guess3 = 0
var guess4 = 0
var guess = (guess1 * 1000) + (guess2 * 100) + (guess3 * 10) + guess4;
var password1 = (Math.floor(Math.random()*9));
var password2 = (Math.floor(Math.random()*9));
var password3 = (Math.floor(Math.random()*9));
var password4 = (Math.floor(Math.random()*9));
var password = (password1 * 1000) + (password2 * 100) + (password3 * 10) + password4;
print("This is the randomly genorated password: " + password);
print("And now begins the guessing");
guess1 + 1;
tries + 1;
}while (password1 != guess1);
guess2 + 1;
tries + 1;
}while (password2 != guess2);
guess3 + 1;
tries + 1;
}while (password3 != guess3);
guess4 + 1;
tries + 1;
}while (password4 != guess4);
print("Complete in " + tries + " tries");
print("The answer is: " + guess);
Jacob Ewing's answer is correct, but another problem is that guess will still be 0 at the end, because it doesn't automatically update. You'll need to do:
var guess = (guess1 * 1000) + (guess2 * 100) + (guess3 * 10) + guess4;
print("Complete in " + tries + " tries");
print("The answer is: " + guess);
You need to be using a += operator instead of just +
Saying guess1 + 1 returns the value of guess1 + 1, but does not increment that value directly, so you get an infinite loop.

Find the sum of a Javascript array and divide by its length

I'm almost embarrassed to ask this.
I'm a beginner programmer, and Javascript is very confusing to me. I managed to put together this much with the help of my instructor, but there are some simple things I can't get right.
I tried search Stack Overflow for a thread that would answer my question, but all of them I've seen contain code that I haven't learned about yet, so they're all just gibberish to me.
What I'm trying to do is add all the values of an Array and divide the sum by the array's length, ergo, find the average. The description of the assignment is find the average of any number of students' grades.
My two problems are
I can't figure out how to get the sum of all numeric values in the Array and,
For some reason, array.length returns one more than the actual length of the Array, even if I add a -1. (ex. if I enter 6 values, the array.length would return 7.)
I know where the problem is but I can't figure out what I need to enter. This assignment is due tomorrow, so anyone's time and effort is appreciated.
Here is my script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var allGrades = new Array();
var g = 0;
var l = 0;
var s = 0;
var t = 0;
do {
allGrades[g] = window.prompt("Please enter one grade for each window. After you enter a grade, enter an 'x' to see the average of the grades you entered.", "")
while (allGrades[g - 1] != "x")
for (l = 0; l < allGrades.length - 1; l++) {
s += allGrades[l] // Where I think the problem is
t == s / g - 1;
g == allGrades.length - 1; //
switch (t) {
case (t >= 90):
window.alert("Your average grade is " + (t) + ". " + "This is an A.")
case (t >= 80 && t < 90):
window.alert("Your average grade is " + (t) + ". " + "This is a B.")
case (t >= 70 && t < 80):
window.alert("Your average grade is " + (t) + ". " + "This is a C.")
case (t >= 60 && t < 70):
window.alert("Your average grade is " + (t) + ". " + "This is a D.")
case (t <= 60):
window.alert("Your average grade is " + (t) + ". " + "This is a failing grade.")
I'm sorry if what I'm asking seems dumb. I've only been taking web programming for about two months, so I could really use some help!
== is the comparison operator. You need to use the assignment operator (=) here:
And the lines near it.
Also, for your own sake, do not use single-letter variable names unless you have a good reason for doing so.
Here's a cleaner way of writing the script:
var grades = [];
do {
var input = window.prompt("Please enter one grade for each window. After you enter a grade, enter an 'x' to see the average of the grades you entered.", "");
} while (input != 'x');
var sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
sum += grades[l];
var average = (sum / grades.length) * 100;
var grade;
if (average >= 90) {
grade = 'A';
} else if (average >= 80) {
grade = 'B';
} else if (average >= 70) {
grade = 'C';
} else if (average >= 60) {
grade = 'D';
} else {
grade = 'failing grade';
alert('Your average grade is ' + average + '. ' + 'This is a ' + grade);
g==allGrades.length-1; //
Are both Comparisons, for assignment they should be

