How save image with canvas in fabric.js - javascript

I am creating an application for T-shirt customization in which I have put the canvas on image using CSS, but the problem is saving that image as canvas. toDataURL just gives part of the canvas area, but I want the whole image. There are other solutions on Stack Overflow but they do not solve this problem.

you have to create an image object (tshirt) with a text object that holds the message.
to do that , load the image with fabric.Image.fromURL() function and inside the function , also create a text object that is going to show the tshirt message.
so, your image and text belong to a group object.
every time you want to load new text , you call the loadText function and you change the text object.
i also added 4 buttons in order to manupulate up/down/left/right the text .
you can export the canvas + image+ text into the function saveImg(),
but on the jsfiddle you will get a security message for Tained canvases.
that happens because on the example i load the image from another domain and the code runs on another domain, you can run that code on your web application with no problem at all.
that is the code :
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
var scaleFactor=0.4
canvas.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
var myImg = '';
fabric.Image.fromURL(myImg, function(myImg) {
var img1 = myImg.scale(scaleFactor).set({ left: 0, top: 0 });
var text = new fabric.Text('the_text_sample\nand more', {
fontFamily: 'Arial',
var group = new fabric.Group([ img1,text ], { left: 10, top: 10 });
function loadText(){
canvas._objects[0]._objects[1].text = $('#logo').val();
function saveImg(){
console.log('export image');
if (!fabric.Canvas.supports('toDataURL')) {
alert('This browser doesn\'t provide means to serialize canvas to an image');
else {'png'));
that is the jsfiddle example:
hope helps, good luck.


How to find and replace color in canvas for image?

I have use fabric js and set one canvas with background image.
Now i want to change color of image that i have set in my canvas background.
For example Image with 3 different colors. but i want change only one color area and invert another color.
It's Possible to do with canvas ? and How ? if any knows pls help me
My Level as learner in canvas and javascripts.
My Code is here.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('imagesection');
function getImagebg()
var source = $('').attr('data-src');
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {
var f_img = new fabric.Image(image);
image.src = source;
/*For Change Color of image section*/
function ChangeColor(){
/*Change Color code sholud be like this.*/
Before change colors
After change color
maybe this link might help it uses the same technique you are using
link to solution

FabricJS adding Image to Group causes odd control behavior

I'm attempting to add a loaded image into a fabric Group object. Everything looks ok, but the selection controls aren't selectable and I can't drag the object around. The top left control works though and after clicking it everything is fine.
Here is a jsfiddle that demonstrates the behavior.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas', {
width: 200,
height: 200
var group = new fabric.Group();
fabric.Image.fromURL('', function(img) {
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
For some performance reason, fabricjs does not call setCoords automatically after adding objects to a group ( in case of many object added you can call setCoords just once ).
So after doing addWithUpdate, just call group.setCoords();
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas', {
width: 200,
height: 200
var group = new fabric.Group();
fabric.Image.fromURL('', function(img) {
I came across this post because I was having trouble getting the positioning of images to work properly. I ended up finding that it's easier to just create create an image element using document.createElement and set the src, then feed that into fabric.Image with all the options you need (instead of using fabric.Image.fromURL which was too much of a headache to use), before adding it to the group.
var oImg = document.createElement("img");
oImg.setAttribute('src', '');
var i = new fabric.Image(oImg, {
originX: 'center',
originY: 'center',
left: left+35,
top: top-30,
g = new fabric.Group([r, t, i]); // where r and t are other fabric objects

Recent Camera gets overrided with the default image

I have an image grid, which was designed to have Add more button, when clicked on it. A new image placeholder should appear with a default image, when clicked on it the camera gets invoked and should update the default image with the picture taken. In my case, the camera picture is not getting updated but the default picture stays. When clicked on the add more, instead of the default picture the recent camera picture is getting appeared. I think there is a problem with rendering part of the code.
Here is my code
var Summary = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){
return {
picTriggers: [],
camera: function(){
var that = this;
var image = this.state.image;, onFail, { quality: 50,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
function onSuccess(imageData) {
var finalimage = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
that.setState({image: finalimage});
function onFail(message) {
alert('Failed because: ' + message);
newButton: function(){
var number = this.state.number;
number = number+1;
var picTriggers = this.state.picTriggers;
picTriggers.push(<img id={"div"+number} src={this.state.image} onClick={} className="addpicture"/>);
this.setState({picTriggers: picTriggers, number:number});
render: function(){
<button onClick={this.newButton}>
{this.state.number>0?"Add More":"Add a picture"}
<button className="uploadselected"> Upload Selected </button>
If I'm following this correctly, the flow here looks like:
First render: Add a picture button is rendered
If that button is clicked, a default image is shown via #newButton
If that image is clicked, the #camera function gets an image asynchronously and updates state with the image.
This will trigger #render. But you haven't done anything at this point to add a new item to picTriggers with the new image, so the old image displays.
When you click Add More, it runs #newButton again and you get your image rendered.
I think you could make your life much easier by just maintaining an array of imgSrcs instead of an array of rendered components. When you get the camera image, add to the array:
var finalImage = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
// Better not to mutate state directly, so make a new array
// with slice, dropping the default image
var imgSrcs = this.state.imgSrcs.slice(0, -1);
this.setState({ imgSrcs: imgSrcs });
And in #newButton, you just add the default image to the end of the array:
var imgSrcs = this.state.imgSrcs.concat([this.state.defaultImage]);
this.setState({ imgSrcs: imgSrcs });
Now you have a simple rendering problem, rendering a list of images, instead of a hard state problem, making sure your pre-rendered components are in sync each time #render is called.

Save canvas to image via toDataURL failed

I create a test code below and you can manipulate it on Jsfiddle:
<canvas id="test_canvas" style="background-color : #FFFF00" ; width="500px"
; height="340px"></canvas>
<button id="test_put_btn">Put an image</button>
<button id="save_dataURL">Save to dataURL</button>
<button id="draw_back">Final step: draw 3 images back.</button>
<img id="first_img"; width="100px" ; height="100px" ;></img>
<img id="second_img"; width="100px" ; height="100px" ></img>
<img id="third_img"; width="100px" ; height="100px" ;></img>
var drawing_plate;
var context;
var dataURL_arr = new Array();
$(document).ready(function () {
drawing_plate = document.getElementById("test_canvas");
context = drawing_plate.getContext('2d');
$("#test_canvas").bind("mousedown", Touch_Start);
$("#test_canvas").bind("mousemove", Touch_Move);
$("#test_canvas").bind("mouseup", Touch_End);
}); //document ready.
function Touch_Start(event) {
touch = event;
touch_x = touch.pageX;
touch_y = touch.pageY;
line_start_x = touch.pageX - 0;
line_start_y = touch.pageY - 0;
context.moveTo(line_start_x, line_start_y);
function Touch_Move(event) {
touch = event; //mouse
line_end_x = touch.pageX - 0;
line_end_y = touch.pageY - 0;
context.lineTo(line_end_x, line_end_y);
$("#test_put_btn").click(function () {
var test_img = new Image();
test_img.src = " ad-header-so-crop.png";
context.drawImage(test_img, 0, 0);
$("#save_dataURL").click(function () {
$("#draw_back").click(function () {
var f_image= $("#first_img")[0];
var s_image= $("#second_img")[0];
var t_image= $("#third_img")[0];
f_image.onload= function()
f_image.src= dataURL_arr[0];
f_image.src= dataURL_arr[0];
s_image.onload= function()
s_image.src= dataURL_arr[0];
s_image.src= dataURL_arr[0];
t_image.onload= function()
t_image.src= dataURL_arr[0];
t_image.src= dataURL_arr[0];
I develop a drawing plate on Android system, saving the drawings to a dataURL string. They can draw something on the canvas and put images on the canvas. And I need to let the users see their drawings on small icons.
I use canvas.toDataURL("image/png") to save the base64 string. And I choose <img> as the small icon container. However, what I got is only the drawings can be shown on the icon, and usually, when I write img.src= canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); the image shows nothing!
I investigate the issue for long time.
1. I think the problem might be the dataURL string is too long?
2. The support of the OS: Android?
The code in Jsfiddle here shows a similar procedure on my Android PhoneGap development.
First , you just draw something on the canvas, and press Press an image, and then Save to dataURL. But you should do the process three times. In this condition, the string array contains the base64 string generated by the drawings and the image.
In the final, you press Final step: draw 3 images back., nothing will be shown on the image icon.
In conclusion:
In my experience, as I write img.src= canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); (no matter the img is an dom element or var img = new Image();). It can't always work: sometimes it works... but sometimes not...(I work on Android 4.0.1, phonegap 1.7.0)
Second, especially if I store lots of base64 strings to an array, assigning them to lots of image DOM element, it definitely fails.
Third, if the user only draw something on the canvas, it can always work.( Except the example code in the Jsfiddle, but it works on my Android system...)
But if he draw an image context.drawImage(~) the image wouldn't show the pic.
Too much confusions...
I need to let the user can view their drawings in small icon, any alternative?
Some References:
I just stumbled across this question.
Click Put an image, then click Save to dataURL, then check your JavaScript console for something like:
SecurityError: DOM Exception 18
It's a browser security feature. Because you've inserted an image from a different domain, it counts as a cross-origin request.
If you eliminate the security error, you can export the canvas to a data URL.
Another thing in your code.
The image you try to draw onto the canvas into your test_put_btn onclick event handler, your image will never show up (or it will sometimes work accidentally) because you don't wait for your image to be loaded to draw it onto the canvas.
You have to handle the "onload" event of your image and draw it into the handler to permit the drawing of your image.
Before your test_img.src statement, you have to put :
test_img.onload = function()
context.drawImage(test_img, 0, 0);
Plus, the image you try to access is not accessible --> For me it does not work

Removing an image from html5 canvas when it's dragged to a certain location

I have an HTML5 canvas that is displaying a number of images and four description boxes. It is currently possible to drag and drop the images around the canvas, but I want to add functionality to remove an image when it is dragged to its correct description box.
I've tried writing the following function, but it does not currently seem to be doing anything... i.e. if I drag an image to its description box and drop it, it still remains on the canvas:
function initStage(images){
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: "container",
width: 1000,
height: 500
var descriptionLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
//var imagesLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var allImages = [];
var currentScore = 0;
var descriptionBoxes = {
assetsDescriptionBox: {
x: 70,
y: 400
liabilitiesDescriptionBox: {
x: 300,
y: 400
incomeDescriptionBox: {
x: 530,
y: 400
expenditureDescriptionBox: {
x: 760,
y: 400
/*Code to detect whether image has been dragged to correct description box */
for (var key in sources){
/*Anonymous function to induce scope */
var privateKey = key;
var imageSource = sources[key];
/*Check if image has been dragged to the correct box, and add it to that box's
array and remove from canvas if it has */
canvasImage.on("dragend", function(){
var descriptionBox = descriptionBoxes[privateKey];
if(!canvasImage.inRightPlace && isNearDescriptionBox(itemImage, descriptionBox)){
/*Will need to add a line in here to add the image to the box's array */
The code I've written is based on the tutorial that I found at:
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong, and how I can ensure that the image is removed from the canvas when it's dragged to its corresponding description box?
That example bugged me because it seemed old, so I edited it a little...
...keep in mind that I cant be positive that all my edits are the best way to do things, Im new and all ;)
And here I've edited it again for you to show the image being removed...
animal.on("dragend", function() {
var outline = outlines[privKey + "_black"];
if (!animal.inRightPlace && isNearOutline(animal, outline)) {

