Backspace key issue in firefox - javascript

I have an text box and applied Allow Alphabets With Space only using jquery. Its working in chrome But in firefox the backspace key is not working.
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="id1">
$('#id1').keypress(function (event) {
if ((event.which >= 65 && event.which < 91) || (event.which > 96 && event.which < 123) || event.which === 32 || event.which===0) {
return true;
else {
Here it is Plnkr

It is a difference in how the browsers handle the backspace character. In Chrome, backspace never makes it to the keypress event handler, but in Firefox it does.
If you add || event.which === 8 to your conditional, you'll allow backspace and return true, which will get it working in Firefox.
EDIT: Arrow Up, Down,Left, Right and Tab also doesn't work in firefox.
var ignoredKeys = [8, 9, 37, 38, 39, 40];
if (ignoredKeys.indexOf(event.which) >=0 || (event.which >= 65 && event.which < 91) || (event.which > 96 && event.which < 123) || event.which === 32 || event.which===0) {
return true;
} else {

This should work in all [major] browsers:
$('#id1').keydown(function (event) {
if (event.which == 8) {
// ...
} else {
Note the use of keydown instead of keypress, which is essential for it to work.


How can I force numbers only on a dynamically created field?

I am trying to restrict a dynamic field to numbers only but if I try:
$(document).on('keydown', '.numberOnly', function() {
if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [46, 8, 9, 27, 13, 110, 190]) !== -1 || (e.keyCode == 65 && (e.ctrlKey ===
true || e.metaKey === true)) || (e.keyCode >=
35 && e.keyCode <= 40)) {
if ((e.shiftKey || (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode >
57)) && (e.keyCode < 96 || e.keyCode > 105)) {
But it doesn't work. it does work if I replace the top line with:
$(".numberOnly").keydown(function(e) {
however, that only works for static fields.
Your method looks just fine, and should work correctly. There was one small typo that you left out the EventObject e from the delegated event binder ( but included it in the direct event binder, which is why it worked ).
Changing the first line to:
$(document).on('keydown', '.numberOnly', function(e) {
should fix your problem

JQuery to allow only numeric input in text box using key code

I am trying to allow only numbers [0-9] to be typed in a text box. If an alpha or special character is typed, I do not want it to be shown in the text box. Currently my code is as follows:
$('#TEXTBOX').on("keydown", function(event){
var keyCode = event.which;
if(!((keyCode > 47 && keyCode < 58) || (keyCode > 95 && keyCode < 106) || keyCode == 08)){
I am having a few problems.
This function is still allows special characters [i.e (SHIFT + 1) gives !, (SHIFT + 2) gives #] I do not want these key combinations to allow insert into text box
I am using magic numbers. I would prefer not to use magic numbers and logic but this is the only way I was able to get the input validation to work.... are there any suggestions on other methods?
My main concern is my first problem with the special characters.
$('#TEXTBOX').on("keydown", function(event){
var keyCode = event.which;
var charCode = (event.charCode) ? event.charCode : ((event.keyCode) ? event.keyCode: ((event.which) ? evt.which : 0));
var char = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
var re = new RegExp("[0-9]", "i");
if (!re.test(char))
Use as
$('#TEXTBOX').on("keydown", function(event){
return false;
var keyCode = event.which;
if(!((keyCode > 47 && keyCode < 58) || (keyCode > 95 && keyCode < 106) || keyCode == 08)){
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#txtboxToFilter").keydown(function (e) {
// Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, enter and .
if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [46, 8, 9, 27, 13, 110, 190]) !== -1 ||
// Allow: Ctrl+A
(e.keyCode == 65 && e.ctrlKey === true) ||
// Allow: home, end, left, right, down, up
(e.keyCode >= 35 && e.keyCode <= 40)) {
// let it happen, don't do anything
// Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress
if ((e.shiftKey || (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57)) && (e.keyCode < 96 || e.keyCode > 105)) {
Worked For me (Only Numbers are allowed)
var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;
if (key < 48 || key > 58)
return false;

Restrict to numeric values rather than integer values

How do I restrict input fields to numeric values rather than integer values?
<input type="text" class="numericOnly">
$(".numericOnly").keypress(function (e) {
if (String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).match(/[^0-9]/g)) return false;
Try this
$(".numericOnly").keypress(function(e) {
var code = e.which;
if(($(this).val().indexOf(".") == -1 && code == 46) || (code >= 48 && code <= 57) || (code == 51) || (code == 8) || (code >= 37 && code <= 40))
return true;
return false;
.bind("paste",function(e) {
If you want to allow decimal points, add them to the character class you're using. E.g. /[^0-9.]/g if a decimal point in your locale is ., or /[^0-9,]/g if it's , (as it is in some).
Of course, that would let someone type ., you'll want whole-value checks on the field as well as keystroke-level checks.
Separately, remember there are lots of ways for values to get into fields other than typing (pasting, for instance), so (again) whole-value checks at some stage will be a good idea.
Side note: Use e.which, not e.keyCode. jQuery normalizes the event object, setting e.which on browsers that don't set it natively.
With Dot
Get this js file
<input class="numeric" type="text">
in Script
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#txtboxToFilter").keydown(function (e) {
// Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, enter and .
if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [46, 8, 9, 27, 13, 110, 190]) !== -1 ||
// Allow: Ctrl+A
(e.keyCode == 65 && e.ctrlKey === true) ||
// Allow: home, end, left, right
(e.keyCode >= 35 && e.keyCode <= 39)) {
// let it happen, don't do anything
// Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress
if ((e.shiftKey || (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57)) && (e.keyCode < 96 || e.keyCode > 105)) {

validation not working in Firefox but works in IE,Chrome

I use the following java script function for integer validate which means the text box can allow to enter only the integer values alone.*It was work fine in Internet explorer and google chrome*.But I use this same function in FireFox the text box didn't allow to enter any characters in that which means it doesn't allow characters,numbers,space,anything else..How to solve this problem?
javascript function
$('.intValidate').live('keypress', function(event) {
var integervalidate = intValidate(event);
if (integervalidate == false)
return false;
function intValidate(event) {
if ( event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 9 || event.keyCode == 27 || event.keyCode == 13 ||(event.keyCode == 65 && event.ctrlKey === true) ||(event.keyCode >= 35 && event.keyCode <= 39))
if (event.shiftKey || (event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) && (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105 ))
I use the class like,
<input type="text" id="abcd" style="width:30px" maxlength="2"class="intValidate""/>
Your problem is the inconsistent way that browsers use the keypress event.
Read this post to get a good explanation with an example of a work around.
You're examining keycodes in the keypress event. You should be looking at charCode values instead.

Is the shiftkey held down in JavaScript

I have written a JS function that only allow numbers to be entered. A copy of that function is below:
function NumbersOnly(e) {
var evt = e || window.event;
if (evt) {
var keyCode = evt.charCode || evt.keyCode;
//Allow tab, backspace and numbers to be pressed, otherwise return false for everything.
//(keyCode>=96 && keyCode<=105) are the numpad numbers
if ((keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) || (keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 105) || keyCode === 9 || keyCode === 8) {
else {
evt.returnValue = false;
This function works fine with all the numbers but my problem happens when the shift key is held down and one of the number keys is pressed. The value returned is one of the characters above the numbers. So for example if I hold down shift and press 7, '&' is returned but the keyCode is still 55!! I would have expected that to be different.
So my question is how do I check if the shift key is being held down.
I've tried the following check but this didn't work:
if (keyCode === 16) {
evt.returnValue = false;
else {
if ((keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) || (keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 105) || keyCode === 9 || keyCode === 8) {
else {
evt.returnValue = false;
I'm using ASP.NET 4.0.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.
You can check if shift key is pressed using :
if(evt.shiftKey) {
... //returns true if shift key is pressed
Use event.key instead of charCode. No more magic numbers!
function onEvent(event) {
const key = event.key; // "a", "1", "Shift", etc.
if (isFinite(key)) { // Is number
// Do work
Mozilla Docs
Supported Browsers
use keypress for holding any key isntead of keydown

