Multiple sorts operation triggered by 2 different select box - javascript

I need to implement 2 different sort operation on two different columns of datagrid, Its becoming tough by using 2 different select boxes. I tried with below code, as I new to this i couldn't solved this...
<select ng-model="reverse">
<option value="false">Top Sr</option>
<option value="true">Bottom Sr</option>
<select ng-model="reverse">
<option value="false">Top Rank</option>
<option value="true">Bottom Rank</option>
In datagrid:
<tr ng-repeat="items in empList | orderBy : ['-TR', 'SR']" >
In controller:
In controller : $scope.reverse = false;

I would recommend you following solution:
<select ng-model="sr">
<option value="+sr">Top Sr</option>
<option value="-sr">Bottom Sr</option>
<select ng-model="tr">
<option value="+tr">Top Rank</option>
<option value="-tr">Bottom Rank</option>
Then you should apply following ng-repeat statement to table:
<tr ng-repeat="items in empList | orderBy : [tr, sr]" >
And also set default values in controller:
$ = '+sr';
$ = '+tr';
You should substitute 'sr' and 'tr' with your objects (single element from empList) properties names that you want to sort by.
When you modify $scope variables via selecting other option in select then it's automatically evaluated into correct orderBy statement, ex:
<tr ng-repeat="items in empList | orderBy : [sr, tr]" >
Here is updated plunker. I've modified property name to 'tr' and now it works, but I'm not sure if that's what you wanted -> currently it'll sort by first column and only if values are equal then it'll compare objects by another property (which is 'tr').
If you want to always sort by property associated with recently changed dropdown then you need to change a bit (another plunker):
1)add this initialization:
$scope.srRecentlyChanged = true;
2)add event on selects change:
<select ng-model="sr" ng-change="srRecentlyChanged = true;">
<option value="+sr">Top Sr</option>
<option value="-sr">Bottom Sr</option>
<select ng-model="tr" ng-change="srRecentlyChanged = false;">
<option value="+tr">Top Rank</option>
<option value="-tr">Bottom Rank</option>
3)modify orderBy expression:
<tr ng-repeat="items in empList | orderBy : (srRecentlyChanged? sr : tr)" >


angular2 getting the whole object selected in a select box

In the past I was able to pass out the 'object' that was used for the select options. I'd like to capture that information off a regular select, but I cannot remember how.
So When you do an *ngFor in your select option, you specify a N of N's like this
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" value= {{}}>
{{}} - {{}}
I'm hoping I can get that 'whole' thing that was selected, by calling a function on change.
<select class="form-control input-sm "
formControlName="thing" >
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" value= {{}}>
{{}} - {{}}
because I want to change some form options based on the 'family' of the thing, not the value that gets passed.
my function looks like this.
changeThing (thing) {
console.log('thing:', thing);
selectedFamily = ??;
The $event is probably the wrong thing to be looking at - I can get the value selected there, but I cannot find the whole "thing" that was selected.
Thanks for any help.
You can do that with the help of index
Template Side :
<select class="form-control input-sm "
name="thing" >
<option *ngFor="let thing of things; let i = index;" [value]="i">
{{}} - {{}}
Component Side :
alert(this.things[index].family +' '+this.things[index].name );
I hope it will help
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" value= {{thing}}>
{{}} - {{}}
You can use ngModel with ngModelChange
<select [(ngModel)] ="selectedType" (ngModelChange)="changeThing(selectedType)">
<option *ngFor="let thing of things" [ngValue]="thing ">

Angular 2 Html Select model not matching to option value

I have 2 arrays out of which 1 array values are bound to select dropdown values.
On clearing of another array, I want to render only one option.
Following is the code:
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl : 'app/app.html'
export class AppComponent {
arrToClear = [1,2,3,4];
arrToBind = ["NONE", "SOME", "OTHER"];
modelToBind = 'NONE';
MODEL -> {{modelToBind}}
<button type='button'(click)="arrToClear.length = 0; modelToBind = 'NONE'">Clear Array </button>
<select class="form-control"
<ng-container *ngIf="arrToClear.length">
<option *ngFor="let data of arrToBind"
[ngValue]="data"> {{data}}
<option value="NONE" *ngIf="!arrToClear.length">
Problem is, when I clear "arrToClearArr" array, my selected value is empty. It should get bound to "A" because my model contains "A".
Additionally, I want only one-way binding hence I have used [ngModel].
What am I missing here? Any help will be appreciated.
Plunker Link
Expected behavior:
Change dropdown value
Click 'Clear array' button
Dropdown value should be "A", currently, it is ""
This is optional but personally I would not use the [ngModel] and try using Template-driven forms for this issue as I believe it would be clearer to just bind the variable directly.Just as you did with the for loop.
<select class="form-control" id="someId" formControlName="someName" name="someName">
<ng-container *ngIf="arrToClear.length">
<option *ngFor="let data of arrToBind" [value]="data"> {{data}}</option>
<option [value]="modelToBind" *ngIf="!arrToClear.length">{{modelToBind}</option>
Alternatively could you not keep everything the same and just edit the last option.
<select class="form-control" id="someId" [ngModel]="modelToBind" #someName="ngModel" name="someName">
<ng-container *ngIf="arrToClear.length">
<option *ngFor="let data of arrToBind" [ngValue]="data"> {{data}}</option>
<option [value]="modelToBind" *ngIf="!arrToClear.length">{{modelToBind}</option>

Conditionally showing options in a select with Angular

I am creating a template for showing Select fields in my app. However I have 4 different types of select field. value = id, value = name, value = static_id and value = static_name (it's complicated...).
I plan to migrate these to ngOptions if possible in the future, but for now I am attempting to have a single select template, that will handle all 4 types of field.
I currently use an ng-if to show the different 'static' code for a select, but this creates a lot of code that I want to reduce into this single template.
Here's some code:
// shows a basic select field where option value = id
<div ng-if="field.type=='select'" class="form-group">
// shows a basic select field where option value = name
<div ng-if="field.type=='select_name'" class="form-group">
// shows a basic select field where option value = static_id
<div ng-if="field.type=='select_static_id'" class="form-group">
// shows a basic select field where option value = static_name
<div ng-if="field.type=='select_static_name'" class="form-group">
Here, all the field attributes are identical, except for the generated options. Hence why I want to template this.
I am attempting to have this single template have another ng-if inside that will detect the field type, from the JSON it reads, and then change the options displayed accordingly, like this (2 of the 4 examples shown):
class="form-control form-field {{relationshipUrl}}"
<option value="" selected>Please select...</option>
<span ng-if="field.type=='select'">
ng-repeat="option in cache[field.relationshipURL] | orderBy:'name || firstName'"
ng-selected="formData[] ==">
{{ || option.firstName}}
<span ng-if="field.type=='select_static_name'">
ng-repeat="option in cache[field.relationshipURL] | orderBy:'name'"
ng-selected="formData[] ==">
Possibly horrible code to use a span within the select, but that's why I am coming to you good people. Currently this works in that it shows the correct options, however, it shows the options listed out twice, and I assume it will list them 4 times once all the option types are included. I hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance.
Well no sooner had I posted, the answer was blindingly obvious. Instead of the above approach by removing the span and putting the ng-if on the <option> instead fixed the issue and it works perfectly!
class="form-control form-field {{relationshipUrl}}"
<option value="" selected>Please select...</option>
<option ng-if="field.type=='select'"
ng-repeat="option in cache[field.relationshipURL] | orderBy:'name || firstName'"
ng-selected="formData[] ==">
{{ || option.firstName}}
<option ng-if="field.type=='select_name'"
ng-repeat="option in cache[field.relationshipURL] | orderBy:'name'"
ng-selected="formData[] ==" >
<option ng-if="field.type=='select_static_id'"
ng-repeat="option in cache[field.relationshipURL] | orderBy:'name'"
ng-selected="formData[] ==" >
<option ng-if="field.type=='select_static_name'"
ng-repeat="option in cache[field.relationshipURL] | orderBy:'name'"
ng-selected="formData[] ==">
Thank you anyway #charlietfl very quick response.
I'm a bit late for the answer, but I managed to make a working JSFIDDLE of what I hoped you tried to accomplish.
I factorized your code into a single select and added another select to show you how to display either only one, or all of them.
<select ng-model="selector">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="">Show everything</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in Options" value="{{option.type}}">{{option.type}}</option>
<div ng-repeat="option in Options" ng-show="$parent.selector == option.type || $parent.selector == ''">
<option ng-repeat="choice in option.choices" value="{{choice}}">{{choice}}</option>
And the data :
$scope.Options = [
{type:"id", choices:["0", "1", "2"]},
{type:"name", choices:["John", "Doe", "Smith"]},
{type:"static_id", choices:["3", "4", "5"]},
{type:"static_name", choices:["Static 1", "Static 2", "Static 3"]},

how to get array elements in angular js?

In html
<select class="element-margin-top" ng-model="vm.selectedRole" ng-options="(roleName,enabled) in vm.roleNames">
<option value="">All Roles</option>{{vm.roles[0]}}
I want to display all the array elements in select options.I dont understand what is going on in this.It is giving me error related to (roleName,enabled) in vm.roleNames
In js:
var vm = this;
vm.roleNames = ['SuperAdmin','Admin','Retailer','Manufacturer'];
vm.selectedRole = vm.roleNames[-1];
I want first element to be selected by default.
ng-options="(roleName,enabled) in vm.roleNames" in this case, vm.roleNames is an array, so, roleName is the index and enabled is the real "roleName"
So your code should looks like this:
<select class="element-margin-top" ng-model="vm.selectedRole" ng-options="(index,roleName) as roleName in vm.roleNames">
<option value="">All Roles</option>
try this , for first selected by defult you can use $first
<select ng-model="selectedRole">
<option ng-repeat="name in roleNames "
ng-selected="$first" value="{{name}}">{{name}}</option>
In html:
<select class="element-margin-top" ng-model="vm.selectedOption">
<option value="">All Roles</option>
<option ng-repeat="item in vm.optionNames" value="{{item}}">{{item}}</option>
in js:-
vm.optionNames = ['User', 'Account', 'Brand'];
vm.selectedOption = vm.optionNames[-1];
try reading

Two select picker that doesn't show the selected value in the other

is there in AngularJS a nice way that it is possible to hide the selected value from the first select picker in the second one?
If I select another value in the first one it need's to be visible again in the second one.
I wrote something with pure javascript that works but it's like magic code that you never want to touch.
Thanks for your help.
You just need to add a filter to the second <select>. The negative filter's syntax is as follows:
items | filter: "!somevalue"
items | filter: "!" + var
for var variable that contains the filtered out string.
So, the full solution looks like so:
<select ng-model="select1"
ng-options = "item for item in items" ng-change="select2 = undefined">
<option value="">select 1</option>
<select ng-model="select2"
ng-options = "item for item in items | filter: '!' + select1">
<option value="">select 2</option>
If the order of the selection should not matter, then you could filter as follows:
<select ng-model="select1" ng-options="item for item in items | filter: filter1"
ng-change="filter2 = select1 ? '!' + select1 : undefined">
<option value="">select 1</option>
<select ng-model="select2" ng-options="item for item in items | filter: filter2"
ng-change="filter1 = select2 ? '!' + select2 : undefined">
<option value="">select 2</option>
(when filter expression is undefined the filter doesn't apply)
plunker 2

