Get subdomain and query database for results - Meteor - javascript

I am pretty new to Meteor now.
I want to:
get the sub-domain of the url
check if a client exists matching the sub-domain
if client exists query the database and get some results (say client settings) from the database.
I am sure that this would be a piece of cake if we use MongoDB, however, we have to move an existing application (built on PHP) that has MySQL backend.
I have found a package numtel:mysql for meteor and I have added it to the project.
Here is the source code written so far:
if(!Session.get('client_details')) {
var hostnameArray = document.location.hostname.split('.');
if(hostnameArray[1] === "localhost" && hostnameArray[2] === "local") {
var subdomain = hostnameArray[0];
if(subdomain) {
currentClientDetails = new MysqlSubscription('getClientDetailsFromUrl', subdomain).reactive();
Tracker.autorun(function() {
if(currentClientDetails.ready()) {
if(currentClientDetails.length > 0) {
var clientDetails = currentClientDetails[0];
Session.setPersistent('client_details', clientDetails);
var clientId =;
if(!Session.get('client_settings')) {
clientSettings = new MysqlSubscription('clientSettings', clientId).reactive();
Tracker.autorun(function() {
if(clientSettings.ready()) {
if(clientSettings.length > 0)
Session.setPersistent('client_settings', clientSettings[0]);
Session.setPersistent('client_settings', {});
the session.setPersistent comes from u2622:persistent-session to store Sessions on client side
and here is the publish statement:
Meteor.publish("getClientDetailsFromUrl", function(url) {
if(typeof url === undefined) {
var clientDetails =
'select * from clients where client_url = "'+ url +'"',
[{table: 'clients'}]
return clientDetails;
Meteor.publish("clientSettings", function(clientId) {
if(typeof clientId === undefined) {
throw new error('ClientId cannot be null');
var clientSettings =
'select * from client_settings where client_id = ' + clientId, [{
table: 'client_settings'
return clientSettings;
and the database is initiated as
Meteor.readLiveDb = new LiveMysql(<MySQL Settings like host, user, passwords, etc>);
I get client_details into the session successfully, however, cannot get client_settings into the session. End up with an error:
Exception from Tracker recompute function:
Error: Subscription failed!
at Array.MysqlSubscription (MysqlSubscription.js:40)
at app.js?6d4a99f53112f9f7d8eb52934c5886a2b7693aae:28
at Tracker.Computation._compute (tracker.js:294)
at Tracker.Computation._recompute (tracker.js:313)
at Object.Tracker._runFlush (tracker.js:452)
at onGlobalMessage (setimmediate.js:102)
I know the code is messy and could get a lot better, please suggestions welcome


Why is the AuthType function being skipped on my Community Connector?

I'm using the following code for the authentication (which I took from a sample code that works, I only changed the URL
on checkForValidKey() )
function getAuthType() {
var cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector();
return cc.newAuthTypeResponse()
function resetAuth() {
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
function isAuthValid() {
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
var key = userProperties.getProperty('dscc.key');
return checkForValidKey(key);
function setCredentials(request) {
var key = request.key;
var validKey = checkForValidKey(key);
if (!validKey) {
return {
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
userProperties.setProperty('dscc.key', key);
return {
errorCode: 'NONE'
function checkForValidKey(key) {
var token = key;
var url = [
var requestOptions = {
method: 'GET',
redirect: 'follow',
muteHttpExceptions: true
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url.join(''),requestOptions);
if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
But once I run the community connector, it seems to skip all these functions and go straight to the getConfig() part, which stops me from proceeding on my connector because I need to input an API Key to get my data. An interesting observation is that if I remove the query part of the url (so url =, the AuthType input is triggered when I run the connector. This is no good though, because that url doesn't lead anywhere and so the API key authentication fails.
What causes this and how can I fix this? I've found a workaround, which is asking for the API key on the getConfig, but this is not the correct way to do it, and I need to do it via getAuthType to get my Community Connector verified.
Try these steps:
Click Create > Data Source.
From the 'Partner Connector' list, find your connector. Click on the vertical ellipses on the top right of the connector card and click 'Revoke Access'.
Try authorizing your connector again.

NodeJs Assertion failed on HTTP call (Mac)

var client = require('http');
var endpoint = apiEndpoint;
var request = client.get(endpoint, function(responseFromApi) {
var responseString = '';
responseFromApi.on('data', function(data) {
responseString += data;
// To reformat the string response into Json...
responseFromApi.on('end', function() {
var jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseString);
I am making API calls using the method above, however on random instances my call fails due to the Assertion fail like below. Anyone has any idea how to fix this?
Assertion failed: (handle->type == UV_TCP || handle->type == UV_TTY || handle->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE), function uv___stream_fd, file ../deps/uv/src/unix/stream.c, line 1568.
Environment: Mac, Nodejs
Note: I have tested the same code on an AWS lambda server and never faced this issue. I am guessing this is a Mac only instance. Lord Google informed me that it is a Mac desync issue.
Same is true if trying to get data from a dynamoDB sitting on Amazon server using the code below...
// To get userID.
var userId = getUserIdFromContext(this);
if (!userId) {
callback('userId is not set.');
// To get table name.
var table = constants.dynamoDBTableName;
if(!table) {
callback('DynamoDB Table name is not set.');
// To set the DocumentClient.
if(!doc) {
doc = new aws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'});
// To set the params.
var params = {
Key: {
CustomerId: userId
TableName: table,
ConsistentRead: true
// To get data from table.
var skillContext = this;
doc.get(params, function(err, data){
if(err) {
console.log('get error: ' + JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
} else {
if(isEmptyObject(data)) {
callback('The object is empty.');
} else {
var userData = JSON.parse(data.Item['Data']);
extractUserData(skillContext, userData, callback);

Meteor issue with recaptcha Google : verifyCaptcha is not a function

I use a package (appshore:recaptcha) to use the Google recaptcha system and I have trouble using it. I have an error that say verifyCaptcha is not a function.
I call my method from client side :
//get the captcha data
var captchaData = $('#g-recaptcha-response').val();
var resultCaptcha = Utils.captchaCheck(captchaData);
And I defined it in a Utils section in server side :
captchaCheck: function (captchaData) {
var ip = "";
if(Meteor.isServer) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Server Error: You must be connected.");
ip = this.connection.clientAddress;
var verifyCaptchaResponse = reCAPTCHA.verifyCaptcha(ip, captchaData);
if (!verifyCaptchaResponse.success) {
throw new Meteor.Error('422', 'reCAPTCHA Failed: ' + verifyCaptchaResponse.error);
else {
return true;
But when I submit my form I have the error above mentioned...

Asana Javascript Oauth Error no route found

So I keep Receiving an error when I'm trying to use OAuth with Asana's API. The error I'm receiving is "Error no route found". What am I doing wrong? I know that the request is most likely correct, but I believe it returns a hashed URL and i'm supposed to unhash it. This is sample code I am using from a Facebook OAuth though, so perhaps the code is incorrect and facebook api specific.
Here is my code:
$(function () {
$('#signon').click(function () {
var appID = ****************;
function asanaLogin() {
var path = '';
var queryParams = ['client_id=' + appID,
'redirect_uri=' + window.location,
var query = queryParams.join('&');
var url = path + query;
function checkHashLogin() {
if (window.location.hash.length > 3) {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if(hash.split('=')[0] == 'access_token')
var path = "";
var queryParams = [hash, 'callback=displayUser'];
var query = queryParams.join('&');
var url = path + query;
//use jsonp to call the graph
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
function displayUser(user) {
setTimeout(function () { }, 1000);
if ( != null && != "undefined") {
//Do Stuff
else {
alert('user error');
Here is a photo of my app credentials. My redirect location is just local because I am not hosting it on a server yet.
Looks like you're doing url = path + query when you might need to do url = path + "?" + query - the query string isn't separated, which means you end up requesting a path like which isn't recognized: hence, "no route found".
Hope that helps! How to uniquely identify a connection on client and server?

My app supports multiple clients from the same host (IP address). For diagnostics, I need to be able correlate client and server logs to identify which client the server is talking to. Does provide a way to uniquely identify a connection?
What I do is that within /routes/socket.js, I have these added to my requires:
var thisApp = require('../app');
var cookieSig = require('express/node_modules/cookie-signature');
var cookie = require('cookie');
var connect = require('express/node_modules/connect')
, parseSignedCookie = connect.utils.parseSignedCookie;
This answer assumes you have a session store of some kind that you can access via thisApp.thisStore. In my case, in the main app.js, I set up a session store using kcbanner's connect-mongo (available via npm and using a MongoDB back-end hosted on MongoLab for mine. In the session store, for each session, you can have a unique username, or some other identifier that goes along with that session. Really, you can tack any data you want to that session. That's how you'd tell them apart.
The code I use looks like this:
module.exports = function (socket) {
socket.on('taste:cookie', function (data, callback) {
console.log("taste:cookie function running");
//get the session ID
var sid = data.sid;
sid = parseSignedCookie(sid['connect.sid'], "mySecret");
console.log("sid: ",sid);
//get the handshake cookie
var hssid = cookie.parse(socket.handshake.headers.cookie);
hssid = parseSignedCookie(hssid['connect.sid'], "mySecret");
console.log("hssid: %s",hssid);
if(sid) {
if(sid['connect.sid']) {
sid = sid['connect.sid'].slice(2);
console.log("sliced the sid: %s",sid);
sid = cookieSig.unsign(sid, "mySecret");
hssid = sid;
if(hssid != sid) {
console.log("browser cookie not set right; rectifying...");
data.sid = hssid;
sid = hssid;
else console.log("browser cookie was set right");
thisApp.thisStore.get(sid, function(err, gotsession) {
if(err || !gotsession) {
//handle error
} else {
if(gotsession.username) {
callback(0, {username:gotsession.username});
else callback(1, {username:""});
Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this, but this does work.
You can use session+cookies: Here's a library that you can use or learn from:
You'll find plenty of examples on their README page.

