Using ColdFusion variable with line breaks in JavaScript - javascript

I have a text area that accepts line breaks. The content of that text area is saved in a coldfusion variable (lets call it #fieldVal#). So, my variable contents look like
textline 1
textline 2
Later on, I use that variable in JavaScript
document.all.fieldName.value = "#fieldVal#";
However, when the JavaScript hits the page, it looks like this:
document.all.fieldName.value = "textline 1
textline 2";
and the script breaks because the first line doesn't end in a semicolon.
I tried setting a JavaScript variable to the ColdFusion text then doing a replace(), but I still hit the same issue with the line not ending correctly.
I think I'm missing something obvious but I am just not seeing it. Can someone tell me what I'm missing here?

Use the JSStringFormat() function. It is designed to escape meta characters in JavaScript
Escapes special JavaScript characters, such as single-quotation mark,
double-quotation mark, and newline.
document.all.fieldName.value = "#JSStringFormat( fieldVal )#";
If you're using ColdFusion 10+ or Lucee Server, use EncodeForJavaScript().

Option 1
document.all.fieldName.value = "#Replace(trim(fieldVal), chr(10) & chr(13), ' ', 'ALL')#";
Option 2 (Possible that the same issue occur in this too.)
Try using ToScript()
ToScript(fieldVal, valueVar)
Toscript initializes a variable with the coldfusion variable value and you can use like any JS global variable.
document.all.fieldName.value = valueVar;
Option 3 (If you need in HTML form)
Use coldfusion function ParagraphFormat() which changes line breaks into <br/>.

I stumbled upon a code snippet that worked. Its a bit...convoluted, but it works.
document.all.fieldName.value = "#Replace(Replace(URLDecode(Replace(Replace(URLEncodedFormat(fieldVal), "%0D", " ", "ALL"), "%0A", "", "ALL")),CHR(34),"", "ALL"),CHR(39),"", "ALL")#"


How to store variable and set the variable in field

I'm using Selenium 3.17.0.
I want to type a text from a javascript, but it doesn't work!
I have tried this (this types the text "undefined")
and this (this types the entire script as text)
but nothing works! maybe I'm doing wrong the javascript but I don't know, I'm new in all of this, please help!
btw this is my first post, sorry if I'm doing it wrong.
If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to generate a random string using javascript and then store the value in a variable. Then enter that variable value using type.
you have to use execute script command to run the javascript and target (your javascript) should be return "free text" + Math.floor(Math.random()*100) as shown in the below screenshot.

JDBC in Google Script "&" to "&"

When getting the values from MySql database in Google Spreadsheets using JDBC service and I get the ampersand character as & instead of &. I would like to know how should I make the call so I directly get & as value.
I am using the following connection: "jdbc:mysql://ip:port/server?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8". Also, I am using rs.getString() method to take the data from the query.
Thanks a lot!
I am not sure where you are outputting your data, but this is usually a cause:
In HTML, the ampersand character (“&”) declares the beginning of an
entity reference (a special character). If you want one to appear in
text on a web page you should use the encoded named entity “&”
This seems like a simple rule, but what about urls in HTML, javascript files, javascript in HTML, etc… Here’s a little guide to help clear up that ampersand HTML confusion:
Text in HTML:
<p>Jack & Jill ran up the hill.</p>
A link in HTML (or any HTML attribute value):
tired meme
A link in javascript:
window.location = '';
If you’re using a web framework that escapes variables for you and you pass in a url as a variable into javascript, then you’ll have to make sure it doesn’t encode the ampersands. In Django, you would write something like this: window.location = '{{ url|escapejs }}';
Also, if this is inline javascript—in an HTML document, not a separate .js file—then you still shouldn’t escape the ampersand, which means the document will not validate as XHTML. Either throw it into a separate .js file or stop worrying so much about validating your code.
Inside an onclick in HTML:
<a href="#" onclick="window.location='?l=1&q=rick+roll';return false">
This is redundant to the second example, but worth pointing out since it’s javascript inside an attribute of an HTML tag.
Dynamically in Javascript (example using jQuery):
$('#result').text('Jack & Jill'); // .text() escapes the text for you
$('#result').html('Jack & Jill'); // .html() sets the HTML directly
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = 'Jack & Jill';
Reference information: Click Here

Javascript var with a newline using MVC Model property

I have to set a Javascript variable to equal a property in my MVC model.
I am doing this to detect if any changes were made to a textbox, this is setting the "original" value.
My Javascript code looks like this:
var initVal = '#Model.ReferralHistoryDetail[1].ReferralComments';
I am getting an error, which I assume is due to this containing carriage returns in the comments.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
The HTML being rendered in this case is putting the closing quote on a newline, and that is the error being shown in the developer console.
For example, the rendered HTML is:
var initVal = 'blah blah blah
What is the proper way to handle this?
You want to use the JavaScriptStringEncode command to encode the string in a javascript compatible way.
var initVal = '#HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(Model.ReferralHistoryDetail[1].ReferralComments)';
If you replace \n character by \,
you will have a valid syntax for multiple lines string.
So that should work
var initVal = '#Model.ReferralHistoryDetail[1].ReferralComments.Replace("\n","\\")';
I found other ways to allow multiple line string in javascript,
in this answer.
You need to create an extension method that replaces the new line character with tags.
Or use the method HtmlEncode
like this:
var initVal = #Html.Raw(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(#Model.ReferralHistoryDetail[1].ReferralComments).Replace("\n", "<br />"))
You cannot access Model properties from JavaScript like that, JavaScript cannot do anything with your model.
Create a variable up the page
#{ var value = #Model.ReferralHistoryDetail[1].ReferralComments;
Then access value in javascript, though not sure why you don't just render directly on page why do you need javascript unless I am missing something

Javascript indexOf not finding text in a variable

I am sure there is something simple that I am missing but I am stumped here.
The issue is that I am looping through an array of strings and using the string value to search for a part of that string using indexOf. The first time around the loop the index of is finding what I am looking for but the second time it is not.
Here is a fiddle -
the line that seems to be not working is this
var aliasIndex = fromclause.indexOf(" " + tableAlias + " " );
I am trying to build a SQL parser for a cloud app and the use case here is that when a table is aliased I need to get the original table name so that I can look up the table columns. The first time around the loop index of returns the index and then the table name. The second time around the index of is -1 and the table name is not retrieved.
If I need to provide more context please let me know.
It's not matching because on the second pass, tableAlias is the string " b" (note the space). So then you search for " b " (note two leading spaces), which isn't there.
Rather than using alert, use the debugger built into your browser. You can set breakpoints in the code, step through line by line, inspect variables, etc., etc. Doing that with this would have shown you, when looking at the variable tableAlias, that it had a leading space, hopefully helping you find the solution.
Here's what that looks like in Chrome's debugger, for instance:
(If you look at the jsFiddle source above the actual debugger's version, you'll see a debugger; statement in the code — normally you don't need that statement, you can just open your page, use the "Sources" tab to find your JavaScript file, navigate to the line, and click the margin to the left of it to set a breakpoint. But sometimes [for instance, when using jsFiddle], the debugger; statement is handy. What it does is, if the debugger is open, halts execution of the code at that point like a breakpoint does.)

How to print </script> as text using Javascript

Hi i am trying to assing this value to a variable in javascript but always get an error. I have no clue what is going on, my statement is something like:
var a = "</script>";
I tried everything but it does not work, what should i do instead??
You need to hide that from the HTML parser:
var a = '</' + 'script>';
If you don't, then the surrounding HTML parser — which knows nothing at all about JavaScript syntax — thinks that that's the end of the script block. After it sees the opening tag for the block, it literally scans for </script> (ignoring case of course).
(edit — though basically right I think, my claim that browsers are searching strictly for </script> is probably somewhat overstated; I suspect that they look for anything that's recognizable as a closing tag. The basic point still stands of course.)
I may be misunderstanding your question but if you are trying to output '' on the screen for the reader (human) to view, then you can use:
var a = "</script>";
Note that this won't work for executable scripts however - it won't be interpreted as a html/script tag.

