AngularJS: Getting updated data from service before saving in controller - javascript

I am working on a section of an AngularJS (1.4.2) app and trying to get my head around how to get a controller updated data from a service when its data changes.
I have set up this plunker to demonstrate the problem. I hope the example doesn't seem too convoluted, but in the app I have a main tables view like the one in the plunker, but with five tabs, each with its own partial html file and controller. Right now there's one service that holds all the fields data, much like in the plunker. The idea is that users can check the box next to a given field to activate/deactivate it as it suits their data, and only active fields should be persisted in the database, thus the service returning filtered data to the controller. The verifyFields() function in MainCtrl simulates the save function in my app, and the controller should be populating the newConnectionData object with updated data from the fields service.
I've included a pre to show that the service model data does indeed update when the checkbox is checked and unchecked or when the input value changes. But I've so far been unable to get the data to update in the main controller.
I tried to incorporate separately in the plunker solutions from this stack overflow question that suggests returning a function rather than a primitive from the service:
test.service('fields', function() {
var fields = this;
return {
activeOrders : function() { return filteredOrders },
activeShipment : function() { return filteredShipment },
activeActivity : function() { return filteredActivity }
test.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'fields',
function($scope, $rootScope, fields) {
$scope.activeShipment = function () {
return fields.activeShipment();
$scope.activeActivity = function () {
return fields.activeActivity();
...and this one that suggests using a $watch:
$scope.$watch(function () { return fields.activeOrders() }, function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (typeof newVal !== 'undefined') {
$scope.activeOrders = fields.activeOrders();
$scope.newConnectionData = {};
$scope.verifyFields = function () {
$scope.newConnectionData = {
orders : $scope.activeOrders,
shipment : $scope.activeShipment(),
activity : $scope.activeActivity()
...but neither has thus far solved the issue of updating the data in the controller. If you have any suggestions, I would be much obliged. Thank you for your time!

let the service expose data as properties. Don't over complicate usage in controller. Just use directly. If you need to show data in html, add reference to the service in $scope.
test.service('fields', function() {
var fields = this;
return {
activeOrders : filteredOrders ,
activeShipment : filteredShipment ,
activeActivity : filteredActivity
In controller
test.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'fields',
function($scope, $rootScope, fields) {
$scope.fields = fields;
In template

It looks like you may need to recalculate your _.where with the function calls.
Your factory service's would have lines like:
activeOrders : function() { return _.where(fields.ordersSchema, {active: true} ); },
Here is what I ended up with.


Loading view configuration

I would like to do something like this:
$routeProvider.when('products/list', {
controller: 'ProductListCtrl',
templateUrl : 'products/list/view.html',
resolve : { data : function(){
loadingTemplateUrl : 'general/loader.html'
I would like to have the loading page in a different view.
This would make the code in the view and controller of every page cleaner, (no < ng-show="loading"...>). This would also mean that I don't have to $scope.$watch the data for changes. Is there a clean solution to do something similar (not necessarily in the .config method) or an alternative library to do this?
Assuming you want to show some general template for all state transitions while the data is resolved, my suggestion is to listen to the events fired by the routing library. This allows to use one central point to handle all state transitions instead of polluting the routing config (which I think will not be that easy to do).
Please see the docs for $routeChangeStart, $routeChangeSuccess and of course $routeChangeError at the angular router docs
Maybe someone could be interested in what I did: I created a new service and a new view directive. It could seem like a lot of work, but doing this was much easier than I had expected. The new service enables me to separate the main view from the loading view, that I could reuse in all pages of the application. I also provided the possibility to configure an error template url and error controller, for when the loading failed.
The Angular $injector, $templateRequest and $controller services do most of the work. I just had to connect a directive, that depends on these services, to the right event ($locationChangeSuccess), and to the promise, retrieved (using $q.all) from the resolve object's functions. This connection was done in the route service. The service selects the right template url and comtroller, and passes it on for the directive to handle.
A shortened version (with the getCurrentConfig method left out):
(function () {
'use strict';
// provider:
.provider('pikaRouteService', [function () {
var routeConfigArray;
var otherwiseRouteConfig;
//configuration methods
this.when = function (url, routeConfig){
routeConfigArray.push({url: url, routeConfig: routeConfig});
return this;
this.otherwise = function(routeConfig){
otherwiseRouteConfig = routeConfig;
return this;
// service factory:
this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$location', '$q', '$injector', '$templateRequest',
function ($rootScope, $location, $q, $injector, $templateRequest) {
function RouteService() {
this.setViewDirectiveUpdateFn = function(){ /*...*/ }
function init(){
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', onLocationChangeSuccess);
function onLocationChangeSuccess(){
// get the configuration based on the current url
// getCurrentConfig is a long function, because it involves parsing the templateUrl string parameters, so it's left out for brevity
var currentConfig = getCurrentConfig($location.url());
if(currentConfig.resolve !== undefined){
// update view directive to display loading view
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.loadingTemplateUrl, currentConfig.loadingController);
// resolve
var promises = [];
var resolveKeys = [];
for(var resolveKey in currentConfig.resolve){
$q.all(promises).then(resolveSuccess, resolveError);
function resolveSucces(resolutionArray){
// put resolve results in an object
var resolutionObject = {};
for(var i = 0; i< promises.length;++i){
resolved[resolveKeys[i]] = resolutionArray[i];
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.errorTemplateUrl, currentConfig.errorController);
function resolveError(){
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.errorTemplateUrl, currentConfig.errorController);
return new RouteService();
View directive
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('pikaView', ['$templateRequest', '$compile', '$controller', 'pikaRouteService', function ($templateRequest, $compile, $controller, pikaRouteService) {
return function (scope, jQdirective, attrs) {
var viewScope;
function init() {
function updateView(templateUrl, controllerName, resolved) {
if(viewScope!== undefined){
viewScope = scope.$new();
viewScope.resolved = resolved;
var controller = $controller(controllerName, { $scope: viewScope });
function onTemplateLoaded(template, newScope) {
var compiledTemplate = $compile(template)(newScope);

AngularJS - Using Model in Controller causing Model to update

I have an Angular application where in I'm pulling from a model some data which is saved on the load of the app. For simplicity sake, I've explicitly defined the data which is being pulled.
The issue I have is that in one of my controllers I am running a function on load of the controller which modifies the data pulled from the model. The point is that I want that extra data for that page which is using that controller only. I don't want that data to be saved back into the model (which is what's happening).
My model:
'use strict';
(function () {
var PotsMod = function ($log, _) {
return {
pots: [
{"comp" : "comp1"},
{"comp" : "comp2"}
getPots: function () {
return this.pots;
.factory('PotsMod', PotsMod);
My controller:
(function () {
function AdmCtrl($log, $routeParams, PotsMod) {
var vm = this;
vm.pots = PotsMod.getPots();
vm.init = function() {
// populate pot.competition
_.forEach(vm.pots, function(pot) {
pot.comp = "test";
.controller('AdmCtrl', AdmCtrl);
The final line in vm.init(), PotsMod.getPots(), returns to me the updated model, with the values of "comp" as test.
So I tried this instead - I put the debug line under vm.pots like so:
var vm = this;
vm.pots = PotsMod.getPots();
vm.init = function() {....
This also returns to me the array where the object values are test...
So I tried one final thing and added an extra debug line in the vm.init() function too:
var vm = this;
vm.pots = PotsMod.getPots();
vm.init = function() {
// populate pot.competition
_.forEach(vm.pots, function(pot) {
pot.comp = "test";
The result of this confuses me... The output in the console reads:
I must be missing something here because I don't understand how it can be defining a variable using a model's value, printing that variable with the updated values, then using the old values and printing them, then printing the updated values again from the model (even though nothing in this code touches the model).
Any help would be brilliant please, I see to be making a fundamental mistake somewhere. Thank you.
You're referencing the service's pots object in your controller, so your controller code is also modifying the service's code.
I created a Plunker to demonstrate how angular.copy() creates a deep copy of your service's 'pots', and thus your controller's model is no longer referencing the original.
In your case, all you need to change is vm.pots = angular.copy(getPots());

How to dynamically bound value to a link using AngularJS

The problem that I need to generate link on the fly since the link is set in ng-repeat. I think I need to execute custom function inside ng-repeat loop which gets data from $http and pushes link to $scope.array. Then bound href to $scope.array[someIndex]....The problem I don't know if:
it's the only way
a good design
how to implement it
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items">
the link
// here execute $scope.getUrl(item ) somehow
<div class="extra-div">
<div ng-repeat-end=""></div>
$scope.arrayOfUrls= [];
$scope.getUrl = function(url){
How to execute getUrl during ng-repeat cycle?
PS. I cannot bound href directly to getUrl function since there is $http which eventually result in infinite digest loop.
Also promises can be returned not in order so expecting that first call to getUrl will push link to $scope.arrayOfUrls[0] is false assumption.
As #Claies suggested I trie to prefetch links like this:
Contoller executes $scope.loadFeed();
$scope.loadFeed = function() {
http.jsonp('feed url').then(function(res) {
$scope.feeds =;
$scope.feeds.forEach(function(e) {
// prefetch content and links for each feed
//hook new entryStateUrl property to feed objects
e['entryStateUrl'] = $scope.getEntryStateUrl(; // e['entryStateUrl'] is undefined
$scope.getEntryStateUrl = function(inputUrl) {
$http.get(inputUrl).then(function(data) {
// do stuff
Now seems like I am trying pre-fetch urls but getting undefined for e['entryStateUrl']...
The problem maybe about assigning scope variable when $http is not done getting results... Also it seems like there are nested promises: $http.jsonp and inside it $http.get.
How to fix it?
As this requires UI enhancement, a directive would be a good approach. How about a directive like this ( JSFiddle here ). Please note that I am calling $ here - you can replace this with whatever the application requires. :-
todoApp.directive('todoLinks', ['$window',function ($window) {
var directive = {};
directive.restrict = 'A';
directive.transclude = 'true';
directive.scope = { ngModel: '=ngModel', jsOnClick:'&' };
directive.template = '<li ng-repeat="item in ngModel">{{}}</li>'; = function ($scope, element, attributes) {
$scope.openLink = function (idx) {
$$scope.ngModel[idx].link); //Replace this with what your app. requires
if (attributes.jsOnClick) {
//console.log('trigger post jsOnClick');
$scope.jsOnClick({ 'idx': idx });
return directive;
When the controller fills the todo items like this:-
todoApp.controller("ToDoCtrl", ['$scope','$timeout','dbService',function($scope, $timeout, dbService)
Usage of this directive is simple:-
<div todo-links ng-model="todo"></div>

How to set a variable in different controller in AngularJS?

I'd like to do simple notifications in angular. Here is the code I've written.
The question is:
Why if I add a new alert in hasAlerts() method it works, but if I add a new alert in NoteController it doesn't. I've tried something with $scope.$watch but it also doesn't work or I've done something wrong.
How can I do that?
Check out this plnkr I made a while back
I show a couple of ways controllers can use data from services, in particular the first two show how to do it without a watch which is generally a more efficient way to go:
// Code goes here
angular.module("myApp", []).service("MyService", function($q) {
var serviceDef = {};
//It's important that you use an object or an array here a string or other
//primitive type can't be updated with angular.copy and changes to those
//primitives can't be watched.
serviceDef.someServiceData = {
label: 'aValue'
serviceDef.doSomething = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
label: 'an updated value'
}, serviceDef.someServiceData);
return deferred.promise;
return serviceDef;
}).controller("MyCtrl", function($scope, MyService) {
//Using a data object from the service that has it's properties updated async
$scope.sharedData = MyService.someServiceData;
}).controller("MyCtrl2", function($scope, MyService) {
//Same as above just has a function to modify the value as well
$scope.sharedData = MyService.someServiceData;
$scope.updateValue = function() {
}).controller("MyCtrl3", function($scope, MyService) {
//Shows using a watch to see if the service data has changed during a digest
//if so updates the local scope
$scope.$watch(function(){ return MyService.someServiceData }, function(newVal){
$scope.sharedData = newVal;
$scope.updateValue = function() {
}).controller("MyCtrl4", function($scope, MyService) {
//This option relies on the promise returned from the service to update the local
//scope, also since the properties of the object are being updated not the object
//itself this still stays "in sync" with the other controllers and service since
//really they are all referring to the same object.
MyService.doSomething().then(function(newVal) {
$scope.sharedData = newVal;
The notable thing here I guess is that I use angular.copy to re-use the same object that's created in the service instead of assigning a new object or array to that property. Since it's the same object if you reference that object from your controllers and use it in any data-binding situation (watches or {{}} interpolation in the view) will see the changes to the object.

Update a module value or re-register a filter in AngularJS

Is it possible to have a filter that depends on a lazy-loaded value?
In my case, a language pack is loaded asynchronously and the filter should reflect the loaded values once values are loaded.
// setup the i18n filter
app.filter('i18n', ['localizedTexts', function(localizedTexts) {
return function(localeKey) {
console.log(localeKey, localizedTexts) // prints out nulls for the second argument
return localizedTexts && localizedTexts[localeKey];
// setup the defualt value
app.value('localizedTexts', null);
// load values['$http', function($http) {
$http.get('values.json').success(function(response) {
app.value('localizedTexts', response);
I've also prepared a Plunker example:
You can use a factory instead of using a value.
Associated Plunker
app.factory('localizedTexts', ['$http', function($http) {
var localizedTexts = {};
$http.get('values.json').success(function(res) {
angular.extend(localizedTexts, res);
return localizedTexts;
UPDATE: if this seemed a bit dirty then you can alternatively use the $provide Provider during the configuration phase and use a decorator to change value of the localizedTexts value. Check this updated PLUNKER
app.value('localizedTexts', null);
app.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('localizedTexts', ['$delegate', '$http', function($delegate, $http) {
var localizedTexts = {};
$http.get('values.json').success(function(values) {
angular.extend(localizedTexts, values);
return localizedTexts;

