How to fix template paths in templateCache? (gulp-angular-templatecache) - javascript

I'm using gulp-angular-templatecache to generate a templateCache.js file which combines all my HTML template files into 1. (my full gulpfile)
After injecting that new module into my app, my Directives will automatically pick up the templates and I won't need to add the partial .html files into my build folder.
The problem is that the leading folder path is getting cut off, see my example below:
The paths in my Directives:
templateUrl : "panels/tags/tagsPanel.html"...
templateUrl : "header/platform_header/platformHeader.html"...
The paths in my produced templateCache file:
^ panels and header are getting lost.
I'm trying to write a function that will fix that in my Gulpfile.
The config section of my Gulpfile:
var config = {
destPartials: 'app/templates/'
My html-templates gulp.task
gulp.task('html-templates', function() {
return gulp.src(config.srcPartials)
.pipe(templateCache('templateCache.js', {
root: updateRoot(config.srcPaths)
{ module:'templateCache', standalone:true })
function updateRoot(paths) {
for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
// console.log(paths);
return paths[i];
^ The above is working, in that it uses the root option in gulp-angular-templatecache to append a new string in front of the template paths.
Problem is my code above returns once and updates all the paths to the first item in the paths Array which is beta/.
How would you write this so that it correctly replaces the path for each file?

Figured it out! I should not have been using exact folder names, but globs ** in my config
var config = {
destPartials: 'app/templates/'
The updated gulp.task:
gulp.task('html-templates', function() {
return gulp.src(config.srcTemplates)
.pipe(templateCache('templateCache.js', { module:'templateCache', standalone:true })
Now the output is correct:

I ran into a similar issue, but in my case, it wasn't possible to use the same directory for all the gulp.src entries.
There is a solution that will work all those folders
return gulp.src(['public/assets/app1/**/*.tpl.html', 'public/assets/common_app/**/*.tpl.html'])
root: "/",
base: __dirname + "/public",
module: "App",
filename: "templates.js"
That presumes the gulpfile is one directory up from the public directory. It will remove the base string from the full path of the files from src.
Base can also be a function that will be passed the file object which could be helpful in more complicated situations. It's all around line 60 of the index.js in gulp-angular-templatecache

You can also use this gulp plugin which can read your routes, directives and replace the templateUrl with the template referenced in the templateUrl.
This will remove all headache regarding handling templateUrl in your application. This uses relative url to directive js files instead of absolute url.
angular.module('test').directive('helloWorld', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
// relative path to template
templateUrl: 'hello-world-template.html'
Hello world!
var gulp = require('gulp');
var embedTemplates = require('gulp-angular-embed-templates');
gulp.task('js:build', function () {
gulp-angular-embed-templates will generate the following file:
angular.module('test').directive('helloWorld', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template:'<strong>Hello world!</strong>'


webpack with ocLazyload fails to load both controller and template files

var templatePath = require('../templatePath');
var controllerPath = require('../ControllerPath');
$scope.loadNgModules = function(templatePath, controllerPath) {
var files = [];
if (templatePath) files.push({ type: 'html', path: templatePath });
if (controllerPath) files.push({ type: 'js', path: controllerPath});
if (files.length) return $ocLazyLoad.load(files)
ocLazyLoad is not working When I use webpack for minification. Since I guess ocLazyLoad accepts only path of the template and controller but webpack is bundling both template and controller into the single minified file so it fails to load.
Webpack plugin name : uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'
Is there any way to accomplish this problem using ocLazyLoad.? Can I load a string of template and controller file other than considering path.?
As per my understanding basically ocLazyLoad accepts only path of the script and template files
So I have resolved this issue by using $templateCache
if (angular.isString(templatePath) && templatePath.length > 0) {
angular.forEach(angular.element(templatePath), function (node) {
if (node.nodeName === "SCRIPT" && node.type === "text/ng-template") {
$templateCache.put(, node.innerHTML);
Hope this will helps to someone :-)

Module '' is not available error in AngularJS

I have an AngularJS web application. Everything works fine but I've noticed this error during start up on the console log:
Basically it complains about a module not being found, a module with an empty name?
Module '' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or
forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the
dependencies as the second argument.
the exception creates automatically a URL to the online help, of course the p0 parameter is emtpy$injector/nomod?p0=
Inspecting further if I follow the stack trace I end up in this file here (it's very long, so for convenience I'll crop it
angular.module("").run(['$templateCache', function(a) { a.put('/app/components/upload/upload.html', '<et-top-nav></et-top-nav><div class="uploadPage"><div style="margin-top:3.7em"><et-uploader></et-uploader>....
The parameter for the module() function looks to be an empty string
The name of the app is "app", not an empty string
any clue on what's going on here?
App initialization:
(function() {
.module("app", ["ngNewRouter", "ngSanitize", "ngFileUpload", "ngToast", "ngAnimate", "ui.bootstrap"])
.config(["$locationProvider", configureLocationProvider])
.config(["$httpProvider", configureHttpProvider])
.config(["ngToastProvider", configureToastProvider])
.controller("AppController", ["$router", "$rootScope", "onChartUrlChange", appController])
.run(["onWindowResize", setup]);
function appController($router, $rootScope, onChartUrlChange) {
{ path: "/", components: {"default":"chartPicker"} },
{ path: "/upload", components: {"default":"upload"} },
{ path: "/batch/:groupId", components: {"default":"chart"} }
// AngularJS doesn't update components on frag change, so we do it ourselves
$rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function() {
$rootScope.$on("$zoomUrlChanged", function() {
The template file generated by Broccoli doesn't include the name of the app (which sould be "app")
angular.module("").run(['$templateCache', function(a) { a.put('/app/components/chart-picker/chart-pi...
and this is causing the exception

How can I correctly read in multiple files inside a Gulp task?

I have a Gulp task that renders a file containing a Lodash template and puts it in my build directory. I use gulp-template to do the rendering.
To render correctly, my template needs to be passed a list of files from my build directory. I get this list using glob. Since the glob API is asynchronous, I'm forced to write my task like this:
gulp.task('render', function() {
glob('src/**/*.js', function (err, appJsFiles) {
// Get rid of the first path component.
appJsFiles =, function(f) {
return f.slice(6);
// Render the file.
scripts: appJsFiles,
styles: ['style1.css', 'style2.css', 'style3.css']
This seems inelegant to me. Is there a better way to write this task?
The easiest way to fix your specific problem is to use the synchronous mode for glob, which is in the docs you linked to. Then return the result of gulp.src.
gulp.task('render', function() {
var appJsFiles ='src/**/*.js'), function(f) {
return f.slice(6);
// Render the file.
return gulp.src('src/template.html')
scripts: appJsFiles,
styles: ['style1.css', 'style2.css', 'style3.css']
If you want a task to run asynchronously, take in a callback.
gulp.task('render', function(cb) {
glob('src/**/*.js', function (err, appJsFiles) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
// Get rid of the first path component.
appJsFiles =, function(f) {
return f.slice(6);
// Render the file.
scripts: appJsFiles,
styles: ['style1.css', 'style2.css', 'style3.css']
.on('end', cb);

How to load multiple JSON files into Jade templates using Grunt?

I can successfully load one JSON file as a data source for my Jade templates using Grunt, similar to this solution.
Now I need to load a set of JSON files from different folders inside my project so that all the data from them is accessible from Jade templates. How to do it better in context of Grunt tasks?
You can load as many json files as you like with this method:
// Jade => HTML
gruntConfig.jade = {
compile: {
options: {
data: {
object: grunt.file.readJSON('JSON_FILE.json'),
object1: grunt.file.readJSON('JSON_FILE_1.json'),
object2: grunt.file.readJSON('JSON_FILE_2.json'),
And then in the Jade template you simply need to reference the object. IE:
script(src= object.baseURL + "js/vendor/jquery.js")
script(src= object.baseURL + "js/vendor/elementQuery.js")
script(data-main="js/main", src= object.baseURL + "js/vendor/require.js")
I know this is being answered a bit late but for anyone who comes across this from a google search as I have, this is the answer to loading multiple JSON files into a Jade template using Grunt.js.
You need to combine the Objects before you serve them to Jade. For this I would recommend to use Underscore.js.
Personally I would write a method to fetch the data from the files, like this:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
function combineJSONFiles() {
var object = {};
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; ++i) {
return object;
jade: {
html: {
src: './*.jade',
dest: './index2.html',
options: {
client: false,
pretty: true,
data: combineJSONFiles(
grunt.registerTask('default', 'jade');
Hope that helps!

How to use relative paths in require.config?

I'd like to distribute a piece of code as an AMD module. The module depends on jQuery in a noConflict mode with two jQuery plugins.
I'd like the user to be able to use the module by simply requiring a single module file (module will be hosted on our servers), and let the dependencies be handled for them. However, for the dependencies to be loaded properly, I have to invoke require.config() and it seems to have the module paths relative to the web page, not to the invoking script. I could use the paths configuration to make all the paths absolute. That would solve the dependency problem, but would also make testing anywhere outside our production server a nightmare.
To be more specific, the module file looks roughly like this:
define (['./jquery-wrapper'], function ($) {
return module;
And the jquery-wrapper.js file in the same directory looks like this:
require.config ({
paths: {
'jquery-original': '//',
// ^ naturally, this one has to be absolute
shim: {
'jquery-original': {
exports: '$',
'../plugin/js/jquery.nouislider.min': {
// ^ this path is relative to the web page, not to the module
deps: ['jquery-original'],
'../plugin/js/': {
// ^ this path is relative to the web page, not to the module
deps: ['jquery-original'],
define (['jquery-original', './jquery.nouislider.min', './'], function ($, slider, cors) {
// ^ these paths are relative to the module
console.log ('types: ' + typeof slider + typeof $.noUiSlider + typeof cors);
return $.noConflict (true);
Is there any way I can use paths relative to the module everywhere?
I think you can use separate configs to get this to work:
file structure
The other/module path simulates the other server in this example.
¦ a.js
¦ b.js
¦ c.js
¦ test.html
Has a dependency, using a relative module name.
define(["./module-file-1"], function (mf1) {
console.log("load main", "deps", mf1);
return "main";
Has a dependency, using a relative module name.
define(["./b"], function(b) {
console.log("load a", "deps", b);
return "a";
b.js and c.js
define(function () {
console.log("load b");
return "b";
define(function () {
console.log("load module-file-1");
return "module-file-1";
Set up two require contexts, use each to load their own modules, and then wait for both sets of modules to load:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var localRequire = require({
context: "local"
var moduleRequire = require({
context: "module",
baseUrl: "http://localhost/other/module/"
function deferredRequire(require, deps) {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd) {
require(deps, function() {
dfd.resolve.apply(dfd, arguments);
$.when(deferredRequire(moduleRequire, ["main"]), deferredRequire(localRequire, ["a", "b", "c"])).then(function(deps1, deps2) {
// deps1 isn't an array as there's only one dependency
var main = deps1;
var a = deps2[0];
var b = deps2[1];
var c = deps2[2];
console.log("Finished", main, a, b, c);
load b
load a deps b
load c
load module-file-1
load main deps module-file-1
Finished main a b c

