Can two people work on the same javascript project simultaneously? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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me and my friend have this develop a game in 18 hour competition on friday, and we have to use javascript (I don't know why) and it isn't very pleasant to work on the same project from two computers and exchange code over a network share folder, is there any way to have a sort of Google docs for javascript coding? Where we can both edit the same document in real time from two different computers? Any time appreciated.

You're referring to "version control".
A good tool (usually the de-facto) for that is Git.
You can then push your code to something like GitHub.
Lots of stuff you can do with this... You can both have individual branches, push them to GitHub, and then "diff" them, meaning you can see individual changes line-by-line and decide what you want to keep or discard. These can be merged to, say, a master branch which represents your final product.

use some sort of source control! Github is an excellent site to use GIT with. Other options include, but are not limited to, SVN and mecurial

SVN, GitHub, TFS are good tools for source control. They will also provide you the ability to check in/check out so that things can be merged in the background. So, if you and your friend are working on the same file and both commit the changes, they would be merged together. However, if you're wanting to see your buddies changes as he types, you're going to need to write something to do this. If you want this type of functionality, there's a cool library out there called signalR ( This may be a little overkill but I don't know any text editors out there that will allow you to see someone elses changes as they type. You could probably spin something up with ajax calls but again, that would be overkill and performance would be an issue.


Is there a tool, program, extension to prevent and find code repetition in a project? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've been looking for a VS Code / Git extension, add-on or anything that can help me prevent but to also identify code that is already repeated so I can abstract it away and reuse it.
You know, maybe even build a library for the darn app but I haven't found anything useful and fresh yet.
There is, but it is not free. WebStorm IDE or any there JetBrains IDE show code repetition and also give you a very good insight into your code. you can try it for free for 30 days and if you liked it then buy it.
WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE
Sonarlint is one of the best tool. It says code duplications and makes sure the code is good shape based on the best practices. You can also add that as a plugin in the VS Code.
SonarCube is the actual product you are looking for, it provide lot more than code duplication details.
Sonar Cube will do following things for you
Code Quality Check, it actually analyses your entire code and provides you information about Bugs and vulnerabilities
it also provides you code coverage on new-code which get pushed
it provides you information and graphs about code coverage, bugs etc.
it provides you information about code duplication

How To Obfuscate Javascript to Unreadable, but Valid [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm soon releasing my paid Electron application.
I have worked for many months on it now, and i need protection on my source code.
i have 2 files, 1. file 5000 lines, and 2. file around 4000 lines.
I need very good obfuscation on this, so it can't be read, and cant be cracked easily.
I'm willing to pay a little bit for a good obfuscator, if anyone knows any good ones that isn't free.
I have tried some different online javascript obfuscators, and most isn't very good, and is easily to read afterwards.
Thank you.
The short and sweet is: what you're looking for does not exist.
At its core, electron is very little but a repackaged webview executing javascript/html/css. The moment you execute your application, the said webview has to have full, concurrent access to the files required by it.
This means your code is there, open, unencrypted, and the only defense you have against somebody peeking is obfuscation. Which, let's admit one thing, falls short pretty quickly when the person digging into the code knows javascript.
If you were using a framework for your app that allowed purely native code, you could write a DRM-esque toolchain for it, but sadly, that's not even an option. Beyond uglifying your code and moving as much of it towards WASM as possible, there's no real other option, just compromises and trade-offs.

How to Remove Unused javascript From Website [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to speed up my website. I used to trim away excess CSS, but I cannot find anything similar for JavaScript. Is there an online service that can detect the js code being used and then trim away the unused code?
Here is the website with the problem: IQ Tests for Kids
I'm using bootstrap code and it is very bloated. I'm sure that I'm only using a fraction of js because I trimmed down my HTML as well.
The best you are going to get is running the JavaScript itself through a dead code removal process, such as the one provided by the Google Closure Compiler with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS enabled or Uglify's dead_code option. Some people even combine both of these.
Tree shaking is an even better process you will hear people talk about. But this is more difficult to achieve in your case, because tree shaking involves using ES6 modules, which the code you are dealing with almost certainly is not. Thus it would be a lot of work to get that going, as you would have to modify the code.
Don't know any online tool for that, but there are techniques to do what is called "tree shaking". You can google about it more.
Best my used tools to have it working are webpack and Flow
Webpack is quite general tool to make all kind of magic with JS, while Flow is type checking tool which, if you have type checking active can provide very good tree shaking.
But as you mentioned, you are using Bootstrap, so best place to start looking at would be customize your build:

Online, real-time, shared JavaScript console? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to use an online tool to work remotely with people to do Javascript learning and testing exercises.
The solution could be a shared, public Javascript console.
Does such a thing exist? I have seen This works ok, but we have to keep updating our URL every time the other person changes code so it is not real-time and requires an update step on both sides.
I think a low-feature real-time shared console would be a pretty trivial solution to build. I'm thinking of building it myself if it doesn't exist, but I wanted to check first and see if anyone has heard of something like this.
Here are some links for you:
Collabedit, Online Code Editor
Stypi, a realtime editor (not about coding)
ShareJS, Live concurrent editing in your app. (not about coding)
Tutti, Test Javascript on different browsers simultaneously (not collaborative ?)
Bonus: a JS console for mobile
Hope you'll find something useful in there :)
This answer is 3 years late, but should help if you are still checking this post. JSFiddle now has collaboration mode - it allows you to voice chat and IM, while editing together. Just click the button in the header and set it up! is exactly what you're looking for. Simple clean interface that syncs real-time, but also functions as well as any other site out there. But be careful to save your code, it seems to delete your code after enough inactivity.
Almost two years later, a few great alternatives exist. The real-time enhancements to jsfiddle and plunkr are great, but for this use case, I haven't found any easier than Coderpad. It's marketed for doing code interviews and saves a history. Has JS/Coffeescript/Ruby/Java and more.
JSBin is very close to what your looking for. provides HTML, CSS, JS and Console code practices.
JSConsole on the other hand is very simple only used for console coding ofcourse.

Source code annotation tool [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool with which I can annotate source code.
I have some 3rd party source code (JavaScript) I need to understand and I don't want to change it (add inline comments) so that
line numbers can stay intact (for communication with others),
I can avoid accidentally changing something and
my annotations stand out compared to the authors comments.
Normally I would print the whole thing out an scribble on it, but the code is too long for that and I need to share it per email. I would be great if one could do some like that including being able to create "links" between so places in the code, possibly even visually with a lines or arrows.
If you would usually print it (if it were shorter), why not print it to a PDF and then use a PDF viewer that supports comments, like Foxit Reader? :)
I would use email to comment and pastebin to host and highlight #h# lines with links in the email text.
some code-review tool (like codestricker or reviewboard for example)
You can certainly do what you want to with LaTeX and its listings package. But if you are not already a LaTeX user you might think that a hard way to go.
start a github project and post the code there, github includes annotation abilities OOB.
You have difficult requirements. I don't know of such tool. Nevertheless as a more general purpose tool, I can recommend Yui Doc (download here).
I'd build a glamour browser for it. (If spending half a day building it wouldn't be too much).
Glamour is a toolkit for building browsers on a model. The model would here consist of the various parts of the file(s) and the comments and attributes you'd like to add. This would allow you to easily navigate through the source and comments, to select only parts with (or without) certain attributes. There is a video and slides. Official page, Source
How about using google wave with syntaxy ( bot?

