Windows resize event not properly detected - javascript

I have a navigation menu that should stay fixed at the top of the page using the sticky.js plugin for window-widths equal or larger than 992 px. For smaller windows, it should just go with the flow of the site. Now, as this is a responsive website, I would like to implement a dynamic window width detection when the window is resized.
The following code does not seem to correctly detect the resize event. I have to reload the page to stick / unstick the navbar at the correct width:
$(document).ready(function() {
var currentWindow = $(window);
function checkWidth() {
var windowSize = currentWindow.width();
if (windowSize >= 992) {
// Sticky.js
topSpacing: 0,
getWidthFrom: '.upper-header',
responsiveWidth: true
} else {
alert('Window is smaller');
// Execute on load
// Bind event listener
Would appreciate your guidance.

You need to unstick the navbar when the window shrinks.
$(document).ready(function() {
var currentWindow = $(window);
var stuck = false; // So we only call the plugin when necessary
function checkWidth() {
var windowSize = currentWindow.width();
if (windowSize >= 992 && !stuck) {
// Sticky.js
topSpacing: 0,
getWidthFrom: '.upper-header',
responsiveWidth: true
stuck = true;
} else if (windowSize < 992 && stuck) {
alert('Window is smaller');
stuck = false;
// Execute on load
// Bind event listener


Detect when window resize event is done

I have a site that needs to reload after resizing and have found my own limit of coding a script, that automatically reloads the page:
I want the script to behave like follows:
if window width was < 768px and stays < 768px I do not want to reload the page
if window width was >= 768px and goes < 768px I want to reload the page once
if window width was < 768px and goes >= 768px I want to reload the page
if window width was >= 768px and stays >= 768px it always should reload
The last part is done easy using the following code:
// After resize events
var id;
$(window).resize(function() {
id = setTimeout(doneResizing, 500);
function doneResizing(){
if($(window).width() > 767) {
if (window.RT) clearTimeout(window.RT);
window.RT = setTimeout(function()
this.location.reload(false); /* false to get page from cache */
}, 200);
I think I have to create a var that stores the current $(window).width(); and than check with if {} else if {} else {}, but from this point my mind looses the control.
// After resize events
var id;
var startWidth = window.innerWidth; //get the original screen width
$(window).resize(function() {
id = setTimeout(doneResizing, 500);
function doneResizing(){
if ($(window).width() > 767) {
} else {
if (startWidth > 767){

Grand/sticky jQuery plugin only activate below 771px

I am using Grand/sticky jQuery plugin to make my nav bar stick to top of page. I was wondering if I could make this piece of code work only below 771px?
this is my what im using to make the nav stick:
jQuery("nav").sticky({ topSpacing: -77});
and this is what I was thinking I could put the above code in to make it only work below 771px but It doesn't work when i put it in.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function checkWidth() {
var windowSize = jQuery(window).width();
if (windowSize >= 771) {
else if (windowSize < 771) {
Am i on the right track? does the disable function have anything to do with it
There was a forked version that included a .unstick, this was my soulution:
jQuery("nav").sticky({ topSpacing: -77});
if (jQuery(window).width() >= 771){
if (jQuery(window).width() < 771){
jQuery("nav").sticky({ topSpacing: -77});

How to 'open' Bootstrap Dropdown menus on pageload on screens smaller than 600px

im trying to get my bootstrap dropdowns to be open by default at screens at or smaller than 600px (mobile).
this seems to get it to try but it looks like something overrides it and closes it again:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function () {
var width = $(window).width();
if (width >= 0 && width <= 600) {
else {
any ideas on how to make this work?
I can get it to work on resize with this, but i need it to work on pageload/doc ready..
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).resize(function () {
console.log('resize called');
var width = $(window).width();
if (width >= 0 && width <= 600) {
else {
You can move them into the same handler, by triggering on multiple events.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).on('load resize',function () {
console.log('resize called');
var width = $(window).width();
if (width >= 0 && width <= 600) {
else {
I had the same issue,
here is another approach using jquery that doesn't involve messing with less code or css.
I just added a trigger to open the dropdown menu inmediately after menu is opened.
There's a timeout that waits until the main menu is opened.
(there will be 100 ms delay until dropdown is opened), If you like it to don't wait I guess that can be changed in less.
$(".navbar-toggle").click(function() {
if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 768px)").matches) {
// on mobile, dropdown default opened:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);

$(window).resize() doesn't fire function

I wrote a function that's supposed to fire when the page first loads, and when a user resizes the window. It works fine when the page loads, but it doesn't work when the user resizes the window. What's weird is that if I put an alert inside the function, that alert shows up when the window gets resized, but the rest of the function doesn't fire. I'm not seeing any error's in Chrome's console. I've tried changing it to $(document).resize(), $("body").resize(), and $(".pricingHeader").resize(), and nothing's worked. This makes no sense to me.
function getTallest() {
var tallest = 0;
$(".pricingHeader").not(".features .pricingHeader").each(function(){
tallest = $(this).height() > tallest?$(this).height():tallest;
$(".pricingHeader").not(".features .pricingHeader").height(tallest);
$(".features .pricingHeader").height(tallest + 8);
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).resize(function() {
Try :
function getTallest() {
var tallest = 0;
$(".pricingHeader").not(".features .pricingHeader").each(function(i, elem){
if ( $(elem).height() > tallest ) tallest = $(elem).height();
$(".pricingHeader").height(function() {
var add = $(this).closest('.features').length ? 8 : 0;
return tallest+add;
$(function() {
$(window).on('resize', getTallest).trigger('resize');
Alright, I figured out what the problem was. I was setting the height of every .pricingHeader to a fixed height, which was preventing the tallest from resizing on window resize. Here's the fixed script:
function getTallest() {
var tallest = 0;
$(".pricingHeader").not(".features .pricingHeader").each(function(){
tallest = $(this).height() > tallest?$(this).height():tallest;
$(".pricingHeader").each(function() {
$(".pricingHeader").not(".features .pricingHeader").height(tallest);
$(".features .pricingHeader").height(tallest + 8);
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).resize(function() {

$(window).resize event not working 100% smoothly

I run the following code on a page (#home) that should smoothly inject a slider or if the page container is under 480px leave the page as is.
I cannot get the resize event to work 100% smoothly.
If I reduce the window the script (js.slide.js) wont get triggered but the content will be loaded in (slide.php). If I continue to reduce the window a little extra it will all work ok.
Could anyone please advise as to how I could get this working smoothly. The code is as follows
if ($("#home").length > 0 ){
var homeSlideShow = {
$promoArea: $('#promo-area'),
$currentContent: $('#promo-area').contents(),
$pageContainer: $('.page'),
init: function(){
var hSS = homeSlideShow;
if (hSS.$pageContainer.width() > 480 ){
} else{
setTheSlideShow: function(){
var hSS = homeSlideShow;
$.getScript(myscript_wp_vars.temp_dir + '/js/slide.js', function(){
hSS.$promoArea.load(myscript_wp_vars.temp_dir + '/libs/slide.php #c4u-slide',
var options = {
preloader: false,
nextButton: true,
prevButton: true,
animateStartingFrameIn: true,
transitionThreshold: 250
var sequence = $("#sequence").sequence(options).data("sequence"),
$slideShow = $("#c4u-slide");
// Check page size
if (homeSlideShow.$pageContainer.width() > 480 ){
// On window resize
$(window).resize(function() {
}// END home.length
});//End $(document).ready(function()
Thanks in advance for any assistance or advice.
window.resize event is triggered multiple times, depending of browser's behaviour. I'll suggest you to try this:
var timeoutResize;
if(typeof timeoutResize != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timeoutResize);
timeoutResize = setTimeout(function(){homeSlideShow.init();},50);

