how to display multiple json data in html - javascript

I am working with weather api, my intention is to display the json data into simple html view....
The problem is that (perhaps) the above script not working at all, even alert, if i am doing it wrong please someone guide....
Script and html
<div id ="fj"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var teams;
$.getJSON("", function(dataDD) {
//do some thing with json or assign global variable to incoming json.
var tasks = $.parseJSON(;
$.each(tasks, function(key, value) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="fj"></div>
Any kind of hep or reference will be appreciated
Thanks for your time

Here you go,
I am not sure what you are trying to list but I think this is what you want.
$(document).ready(function() {
var teams;
$.getJSON("", function(dataDD) {
//$.getJson parses for you, dont try to parse it again.
var tasks = dataDD.list //tasks is list property of dataDD
$.each(tasks, function(key, value) { //for each value in list will be in value
$("#fj").append([0].description); //I used the value as a specific item from list.
<script src=""></script>
<div id ="fj"></div>


how to pass checkboxes to mysql using ajax(jquery)?

I want to pass values of multiple checkboxes to mysql using array via ajax(Jquery).
Any ideas?
I wrote two pices of code , maybe some one help me to combine them?
var selected = [];
$('#checkboxes input:checked').each(function() {
$(document).ready(function () {
var name = $(this).val();
$.post('load.php', {name:name}, function(data){
2nd code: in "load.php" you can access the sent values by using $_POST['name'], etc and put them in the database with a simple mysqli-query. dont Forget to check the values, before you put them into the database.

Jqgrid inline mode with select2

I have found the #Olegs answer for FORM based select2 integration to jQgid, but I need help to get it to work in inline mode,, this jsfiddle is my attempt to get my problem online somehow I'm new with fiddle so please be patient :)
function(){ ... } // empty fn, take a look on jsfiddle
On this fiddle I can't make it to work to simulate the issue I have in my local network but the problem with this select2 component is that when I update some record(via local or ajax), the grid does not pick up my change and it sends null for values where select2 fields are!
I'm sorry that I can't make jsfiddle to work like on my PC :(
Thanks for any help you can think off that may be the issue here..
P.S. one veeeery strange thing is that when I console.log( select2-fields ), before, and after the value is picked up correctly but I suspect that the grid loose that value somewhere in between .. and send null values to server..
I'm posting this in a good will that I think will help anyone if come to close incounter with similar problem like me..
I'll try to bullet this problem out step by step..
first, on my server side I generate one html tag somewhere near grid table that holds info what columns, fields are lookup type.. like this:
<div id="hold_lookup_<?=$unique_id?>" style="display: none"><?php echo $lokki; ?></div>
that gives me output like this:
<div id="hold_lookup_table1" style="display: none">col1+++col2+++col3</div>
define onselectrow event somewhere
$onSelectRow = "function(){
f = $(this).attr('id'); // grid name
n = $('#hold_lookup_' + f).text().split('+++');
rez = ''; // results
temp = 'textarea[name='; // template
$.each(n, function(index, item){
rez += temp + item + '],'
rez = rez.slice(0,-1); // rezemo zadnji zarez
$( rez ).select2({ .. define my ajax, my init etc.. });
$dg->add_event("jqGridInlineEditRow", $onSelectRow);
last but very tricky part is here.. I destroy select2 columns before sending to database in jqgrid.src file where function for SAVE inline method is.. like this
if ( {
$($t).jqGrid('navButtonAdd', elem, {
caption: o.savetext || '',
title: o.savetitle || 'Save row',
buttonicon: o.saveicon,
position: "first",
id: $ + "_ilsave",
onClickButton: function() {
var sr = $t.p.savedRow[0].id;
rez = rez.split(',');
rez1 = '';
$.each(rez, function(index, item) {
rez1 += item + ','
rez1 = rez1.slice(0, -1);
rez1 = rez1.split(',');
$.each(rez1, function(index, item) {
you can see that I inserted the code onclickbutton event via same 'rez' variable that was defined in my php file where I created grid..
That's it, I hope that helped someone, event if not in this particular problem, but with methods that was used here :)
cheers, kreso

Populating select element with external javascript file

Trying to popluate a dropdown box from a list of data from my js file. I've found a few examples out there but not exactly what I'm trying to do. I would like it to show 'DataText' in the drop down itself.
<select id="select" </select>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/data/datafile.js"></script>
Could it not be done as simple as this?
file format
var Mydata=[{"ID":"00","DataText":"Text1"}, {"ID":"01","DataText":"Text2"}, {"ID":"02","DataText":"Test3"}]
I'd suggest:
return $.map(Mydata, function(v) {
return '<option id='+ v.ID +'>'+ v.DataText +'</option>';
You need to loop your data and then insert it into your select, in this case i needed to parse the data.
var Mydata='[{"ID":"00","DataText":"Text1"}, {"ID":"01","DataText":"Text2"}, {"ID":"02","DataText":"Test3"}]';
var data = $.parseJSON(Mydata);
$.each(data, function(k,v){
$('#test').append('<option value="'+v.ID+'">'+v.DataText+'</option>');
Working example: jsfiddle
Sure it can be done, but you have to iterate over the data and add what's needed.
$(document).ready(function () {
for (var i = 0, count= Mydata.length; i < count; i++) {
This is a quick solution, so add error checking. Also, just in case this isn't a bad paste job, the HTML provided is invalid. The opening select tag needs a >

jQuery .each() prints only last value from json

I have an issue with jQuery.each(). I retrieve json data from another php file then I want to print specific key from it.
here is the js :
<div class="row" id="fetchmember">
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('#group').change(function() {
var id_group = this.value;
var memberjson = "fetchmember.php?group="+id_group;
jQuery.each(data, function(i, item) {
JSON result from one of the selected option :
[{"id":"1645819602","name":"Michael Great","first_name":"Michael","last_name":"Great"},
{"id":"100000251643877","name":"George Pambudi","first_name":"George","last_name":"Pambudi"}]
I want to print all of name from the json, but it print only last name key of the json. I have tried to use .html() and it also returns only last name key. What's wrong with my code?
Any advice and helps would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much
You are emptying the div first and then appending :
Instead just use :
Don't empty it in the loop if you don't want to keep only the last data. Change your callback to
jQuery.each(data, function(i, item) {
Note that you can make one append if you want :
return '<li>''</li>'

Parse JSON field names and values

I've looked half a day for a solution to this, but nothing seems to work. I want to use jQuery to load JSON from a file that essentially looks like this:
[{"field_a":"1","field_b":"1000","field_c":"PRINCIPAL CASH"},
{"field_a":"2","field_b":"2000","field_c":"TRUST ASSETS"},
{"field_a":"3","field_b":"3000","field_c":" BONDS"},
{"field_a":"4","field_b":"4000","field_c":" STOCKS"}]
What I want to do is parse the JSON to dynamically populate input fields, so something like (please note that ??field?? and ??field value?? is what I need to know):
<input id="field_a" name="field_a" value="">
<input id="field_b" name="field_b" value="">
<input id="field_c" name="field_c" value="">
<script type="text/javascript">
$.getJSON('../coreScripts/selectGeneralLedger.php', function(data) {
$.each(data, function(index) {
$("#"+data[index].??field name??).attr("value", data[index].??field value??);
}); //End get JSON
I know how to access the field values manually using data[index].field_a, but can't for the life of me figure out how to parse this dynamically. Any help would be appreciated.
adeneo gave me the solution below in the comments. Simple. Here's the script:
var data = [{"field_a":"1","field_b":"1000","field_c":"PRINCIPAL CASH"}, {"field_a":"2","field_b":"2000","field_c":"TRUST ASSETS"}, {"field_a":"3","field_b":"3000","field_c":" BONDS"}, {"field_a":"4","field_b":"4000","field_c":" STOCKS"}];
$.each(data, function(index, obj) {
$.each(obj, function(key, value) {
$('<input />', {id: key, name:key, value:value}).appendTo('body');
If i'm not understand you, it can be an answer.
$.each(data, function(index) {
$.each(data[index] ,function(key,value){
console.log("key :" + key + " value :" + value );
key variable is the answer what you request for.

