How to get second column value of invoked row in table? - javascript

In below context menu example .. how to get value of second column that invoked it?
Refer Link
tried with $(this).find('td:second').text() but it didnt work. :P
How to do this?

No need to write such this long code here. Just assign a class name to each <tr> like row then add click event listener like this:
$(".row").click(function () {
var txt = $(this).children().eq(1).text();

You can get your row or invoked row then use cells proberty to access second column
$(".row").click(function () {
var colText = $(this).cells[1].textContent;
// or-> var colText = row.cells[1].textContent;


How to pass value dynamically in JavaScript

I have a table which has the column name "12" Instead of that value I want to pass it dynamically and for that I have a created item "P_Itm_val" see attached image for reference.
$('td[headers = "12"]').each(function() {
Just put the value there instead of "10"
$('td[headers = P_Itm_val]').each(function() {
If that doesn't work, try appending the value into the call
$('td[headers = "'+P_Itm_val+'"]').each(function() {
I'm not quite sure what I did for this however, I've done something similar to this.

Same button for 2 tables selection jquery

i have a page and i got 2 tables in that page. I want to pass the value from rows to one .php page but with the same button. My code is this:
JS code:
var flag;
function highlight(e) {
if (selected[0]){
selected[0].className = '';
else if (selected2[0]){
selected2[0].className = '';
} = 'selected';
var table = document.getElementById('data-table'),
selected = table.getElementsByClassName('selected');
var table2 = document.getElementById('data-table-aux'),
selected2 = table2.getElementsByClassName('selected');
table.onclick = highlight;
var value =$(".selected td:first").html();
value = value || "Nenhuma coluna selecionada";"info_detalhada.php? data2="+value,'_blank','toolbar=0,location=no,menubar=0,height=550,width=650,lef t=200, top=300'); }
else if(flag=='0'){
var value =$(".selected td:first").html();
value = value || "Nenhuma coluna selecionada";"info_detalhada2.php? data2="+value,'_blank','toolbar=0,location=no,menubar=0,height=550,width=650,lef t=200, top=300');
creating 2 tables
<table style="float: left" id="data-table"></table>
<table style="float: left" id="data-table-aux"></table>
(Dynamic tables )
<input type="button" id="tst" value="Detailed information" />
The problem is that first time i select a row the variable flag will have the old value and not the new value from click.
For example, first time i click a row flag = undefined , second time got the value of the table selected (0 or 1) , if i click on other row the flag wont change and will got the old value (or 0 or 1).
Any tips ?
edited: i didnt put the html in first place because i dont think it's an html solution, I dont have a fiddle created because i'm using dynamic table's but i will try to make a fiddle with my example and i will put here when it's done ;)
Fiddle :
Let me suggest a more generic approach
First of all wrap your tables in a div
<div class="data-tables">
<table style="float: left" id="data-table"></table>
<table style="float: left" id="data-table-aux"></table>
Then delegate the click event handlers
$('.data-tables').delegate('table', 'click', function(event) {
$this = $(this)
This function does the following:
Add class active and remove inactive (if exists) to the selected item/table
Remove the class active and add class inactive from all adjacent tables
In this way you will only have one active table at the time
Then declare your button handler
var value = $('.active').html()
// Use the value as you want
This code will work no matter how many tables you add to the div
You're setting the class name of the element after the condition statement. Hence, the first time, your flag variable is undefined.
Try putting it in the beginning of the highlight function.
function highlight(e) { = 'selected';
if (selected[0]){
selected[0].className = '';
else if (selected2[0]){
selected2[0].className = '';
Add it before and after the condition. Adding it before the condition gives you the class name to initialize the flag variable. Adding it after gives the formatting bar.
Ok, after some tests on Kostas Pelelis functions, i found a solution that is valid for my problem.
here is the code of JS:
var flag;
$("#data-table tr").click(function(){
$("#data-table-aux tr").addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected');
$("#data-table-aux tr").click(function(){
$("#data-table tr").addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected');
$('#tst').on('click', function(e){
if (flag=='1')
alert($("#data-table tr.selected td:first").html());
else if (flag=='0')
alert($("#data-table-aux tr.selected td:first").html());
Here is the fiddle --> fiddle
Thank you all for the help ;)

How to get value from dropdown in datatables cell

I've got two datatables and there is a dropdown created in the second one with data from the first. I've created a jsbin here
If you add a couple of instructions to the first table (add any text and then click Add Instruction) - then click on the Load Copied Data button, you will see the dropdown box is populated from the first table.
If I do:
$('#btnTest').on('click', function (e) {
var tsor = $('#tblSORSInstall').dataTable();
var ins = tsor.fnGetData();
It basically gives me the html for the dropdown - how do I get which value they have chosen? I was thinking of having a hidden column and updating that on the onchange of the dropdown, but is there a better way?
Thanks in advance
You may use to generate an array of selected text/value, like below.
$('#btnTest').on('click', function (e) {
//var tsor = $('#tblSORSInstall').dataTable();
var ins = $('#tblSORSInstall').find("tbody select").map(function() {
return $(this).find(":selected").text() // get selected text
//return $(this).val() // get selected value
alert ( JSON.stringify(ins, null, 2) )
Here is your JS Bin - updated
Using tsor.fnGetNodes() you can get all table row nodes, then you can loop through those and get the select values.
Final code will look something like
$('#btnTest').on('click', function (e) {
var tsor = $('#tblSORSInstall').dataTable();
var ins = tsor.fnGetData();
var a = tsor.fnGetNodes();
$.each(tsor.fnGetNodes(), function (index, value) {

Split values from table into different text inputs?

I have a table that is populated by user input. For example, there is a text input for First Name, and Last Name. John in one input and Smith in the next, will add the the table under the Name column as John Smith, one string of 2 values. This is working correctly, along with the Address column... but getting the values FROM the table TO the inputs is the issue. Clicking the corresponding row populates the inputs, but I need to split these values to populate the correct inputs (so that John Smith is split up again to first and last name for example). Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
/* Add a click handler to the rows - this could be used as a callback */
$("#example tbody tr").click(function (e) {
if ($(this).hasClass('rowSelected')) {
} else {
var properties; // all td from .row_selected
properties = fnGetSelected(oTable).find("td");
I advise you to wrap your data row elements in span with corresponding class names. Example given for first name and last name,
$('#addRow').click(function () {
var row =$('#example').dataTable().fnAddData([
'<span class="fname">'+$("#fName").val()+'</span> <span class="lname">' + $("#lName").val()+'</span>',
html of the fiddle
<td><span class='fname'>John</span> <span class='lname'>Smith</span></td>
Then it is straighforward and clear to retrieve the values independent from their textual format.
In the fiddle you will also find code for associating click function logic to new added rows so that they can be selected.
$('#addRow').click(function () {
var row =$('#example').dataTable().fnAddData([
'<span class="fname">'+$("#fName").val()+'</span> <span class="lname">' + $("#lName").val()+'</span>',
$("#company").val() + '<br>' + $('#address').val()]);
$(oTable.fnGetNodes(row)).click( function( e ) {
if ($(this).hasClass('rowSelected')) {
} else {
var properties; // all td from .row_selected
properties = fnGetSelected(oTable).find("td");
In order to keep your code DRY it is best to place the click function logic inside a function and call that directly, instead of copying the code.
If you are 100% sure that the last name and first name are seperated by a space, you can use this code :
$("#fName").val(properties.eq(0).text().split(' ')[0]);
$("#lName").val(properties.eq(0).text().split(' ')[1]);
For address :
Fiddle :
You can do a simple change like:
var properties; // all td from .row_selected
properties = fnGetSelected(oTable).find("td");
var names = properties.eq(0).text().split(' ');
JSFiddle Demo
But only if you're sure the First and Last name are separated by a constant single space, otherwise you'd have to change it a little bit more...

JQuery .parent click

The use of "this" and ".parent()" in jquery gets a bit confusing when it goes past simple divs or datatables. I have a table with the following structure: (I can't rename any of the classes or id)
<table class="table1">
<div class="detail">
<img class="picture_open" src="../location">
What I'm trying to do is have a click function on that img which will be able to grab the full RowElement.
What I have now:
$(".table1 tbody tr td img.picture_open").live('click', function () {
var overallTable = jQuery(this).parent("table").dataTable();
console.log("overallTable: " + overallTable);
var elementRow = this.parentNode.parentNode;
console.log("elementRow: " + elementRow);
var rowData = overallTable.fnGetData( elementRow );
console.log("rowData: " + rowData);
if ( this.src.match('img_name') )
//kills the table that was created if that row is opened
//runs ajax call to create another table since row is NOT opened
} );
However the code I have above prints out this:
overallTable: [object Object]
elementRow: [object HTMLTableRowElement]
TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'oSettings.aoData')
In my problem is the $(this) incorrect? (Not getting the img with class "picture_open")
Or is my overallTable variable set up incorrectly with the .parent()?
Or is it my elementRow variable set up improperly with the parentNode?
Any help to clarify my errors would be amazing.
parent() in jQuery will parse only one level up the DOM, you should use .parents()/.closest(). This will fix your issue.
NOTE: .live() is turned into .on() in latest jQuery versions. Better to use .on()/.click()
parent() in jQuery only moves one level up the DOM, so what you probably want there is parents('table'). This should fix your overallTable issue.
in jQuery, .parent() only goes up the DOM once. What you should be using it .parents() to look up the DOM until it finds table
You need to use .closest('table') to find the closest table
Similary to find the element row
var elementRow = $(this).closest('tr');
Try this :
$('.table1').on('click', '.picture_open', function(ev) {
this // is .picture_open element // is .picture_open element
ev.delegateTarget // is .table1 element
var $row = $(ev.delegateTarget).find('.detail tr').first();

