Map/Object in javascript does not support Element as key - javascript

My question is how to use Element as a key in vanilla javascript. Before ES6, Object and other map-liked structures use toString() to identify the keys -- which means it is impossible to distinguish Elements. is for google closure library, but vanilla javascript has exactly the same issue.
ES6 Map resolves this, which is great! But as usual, how about old browsers that does not support ES6...

The usual solution to this problem in ES5 is to generate a unique string key (A monotomically increasing number turned into a string works just fine), assign it to the DOM object as a custom property and to then use that string as the key in the Object/Map.
This gives you a unique string, you can use as the map key and if you are given the DOM object again and asked to look it up in the map, you can just check it for the special key and, if found, use it to check the map. If the DOM object does not have the unique key, then it must not have been in one of these maps yet.
Here's a Javascript object that implements this automatically (objectSet): which is related to the code in this answer: Mimicking sets in JavaScript?.
Or, here's a partial polyfill for the ES6 Set object that implements this string key generation automatically when using objects in the Set.


Hashtable vs objects In javascript

I’m new to data structure and I’m learning it in Javascript.
My Question is:
Why do we need hash tables when we 've objects in javascript?
Can anybody give me a situation where hash tables will be more useful than objects?
"Hashtable" is called different things in different languages. Java has Hashtable and HashMap, Ruby has Hash, Python has dict... in JavaScript, it's called Map.
Objects' keys are limited to strings; Map keys can be anything.
Objects support inheritance; a Map only contains what is specifically put into it.
Think you means Map instead of HashTable. IMHO Map may be more useful and perform better if you need one of that:
keep order of insertions of key/value pairs;
frequent additional and removal;
key which not String/Symbol.
I think you can obtain more information at MDN
The MDN docs on this are quite helpful:
Most notably, using a map gives you the advantage of using anything as a key, maps retain order, and may perform better when constantly adding and removing values.

Is there any method to check memory address of Javascript variable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I get the memory address of a JavaScript variable?
(4 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
Is it possible to find the memory address of a JavaScript variable in modern Javascript? Or address of Typescript variable.
I am confused about the pass by value and pass by reference, using memory address it is easy to understand the reality. Now we have now ES8 and Typescript but still unable to get memory address of variable and Object.
From this post:
It's more or less impossible - Javascript's evaluation strategy is to always use call by value, but in the case of Objects (including arrays) the value passed is a reference to the Object, which is not copied or cloned. If you reassign the Object itself in the function, the original won't be changed, but if you reassign one of the Object's properties, that will affect the original Object.
All JavaScript runtimes that I know of hide this from you.
However, you can simulate the behavior of a memory pointer by using Typed Arrays and an appropriate buffer view based on the type of data you wish to store. You can simulate a pointer by saving your data at a particular offset, and then passing that offset around to different functions that manipulate the data directly in the typed array: aka the offset acts sort of like a low-level pointer.
JavaScript itself is meant to be implementation-agnostic, so concepts like memory addresses are intentionally absent from the language itself. Outside of the language, you can use the browser's debugging tools to take a memory snapshot, and that might contain the information. Note, however, that there is no real guarantee that an object will retain its address.

What is the difference between a dictionary and a Map in Javascript 6? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Map vs Object in JavaScript
(15 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
How is a Map different from a dictionary/object?
In other words, what is the difference between let x = {} and let x = new Map() ?
Objects and maps compared (from MDN):
Objects are similar to Maps in that both let you set keys to values,
retrieve those values, delete keys, and detect whether something is
stored at a key. Because of this (and because there were no built-in
alternatives), Objects have been used as Maps historically; however,
there are important differences between Objects and Maps that make
using a Map better:
An Object has a prototype, so there are default keys in the map.
This could be bypassed by using map = Object.create(null) since ES5,
but was seldomly done.
The keys of an Object are Strings and Symbols, where they can be
any value for a Map.
You can get the size of a Map easily while you have to manually
keep track of size for an Object.
This does not mean you should use Maps everywhere, objects still are
used in most cases. Map instances are only useful for collections, and
you should consider adapting your code where you have previously used
objects for such. Objects shall be used as records, with fields and
methods. If you're still not sure which one to use, ask yourself the
following questions:
Are keys usually unknown until run time, do you need to look them up dynamically?
Do all values have the same type, and can be used interchangeably?
Do you need keys that aren't strings?
Are key-value pairs often added or removed?
Do you have an arbitrary (easily changing) amount of key-value pairs?
Is the collection iterated?
Those all are signs that you want a Map for a collection. If in
contrast you have a fixed amount of keys, operate on them
individually, and distinguish between their usage, then you want an

Is it possible to disable Firebase's auto-conversion to native arrays?

In the Firebase documentation, it says:
Firebase stores all data as Objects, even Arrays are stored as objects with numerical keys.
As a convenience, the Firebase Web API automatically converts Array-like Objects into Arrays
for use JavaScript.
This "convenience" is a royal pain, in my opinion. Is there any way to disable the automatic conversion, while still using array-like objects with numerical keys? I am using the arrayjs library, and would like to maintain those array-like objects throughout the application.
It also says in the docs: "It's not currently possible to change or prevent this behavior." So no, you can't disable it.
You can work around it as follows:
add any non-numeric key to the path (e.g. "ignoreme": true), which will prevent any keys from being treated as numeric
prefix the item keys with a string (e.g. "rec1", "rec2"...)
make the numbers non-consecutive
But in reality, sequential numeric ids in distributed real-time data are ill advised and should be avoided for most cases. They cause nothing but heartache.

Object vs Arrays in Javascript is as Python's Dictionaries vs Lists?

I know in python I can use lists in order to make fast sortings and dictionaries in order to search things faster (because immutable objects can be hashed). Is that the same for javascript too? I haven't seen anything about the performance of datatypes in javascript after much search.
Yes. "Object vs Arrays in Javascript is as Python's Dictionaries vs Lists".
Performance pros and cons are also the same. With lists being more efficient if numeric indexes are appropriate to the task and dictionaries being more efficient for long lists that must be accessed by a string.
var dict = {};
dict['apple'] = "a sweet edible fruit";
dict['boy'] = "a young male human";
var list = [];
I have been looking for some bibliography and other sources that could answer this question. I Know that this isn't the best answer, but let me try an answer that involve some concepts that lend us to discuss this topic.
Javascript and inheritance
Although the it could suggest that arrays and objects in javascript are like lists and dictionaries, they are different because each language are written in different ways, with different underlying philosophies, concepts and purposes.
In the case of Javascript, it seems that both Arryas and Objects are more like hash tables. Contrary to the intuition, Arrays are just an other type of built in object of javascript. In fact, as they say in the ECMAScript Specification 6.1.7
The Object Type
An Object is logically a collection of properties. Each property is
either a data property, or an accessor property:
A data property associates a key value with an ECMAScript language
value and a set of Boolean attributes. An accessor property associates
a key value with one or two accessor functions, and a set of Boolean
attributes. The accessor functions are used to store or retrieve an
ECMAScript language value that is associated with the property.
Properties are identified using key values. A property key value is
either an ECMAScript String value or a Symbol value. All String and
Symbol values, including the empty string, are valid as property keys.
A property name is a property key that is a String value.
An integer index is a String-valued property key that is a canonical
numeric String (see 7.1.16) and whose numeric value is either +0 or a
positive integer ≤ 253 - 1. An array index is an integer index whose
numeric value i is in the range +0 ≤ i < 232 - 1.
Property keys are used to access properties and their values. There
are two kinds of access for properties: get and set, corresponding to
value retrieval and assignment, respectively. The properties
accessible via get and set access includes both own properties that
are a direct part of an object and inherited properties which are
provided by another associated object via a property inheritance
relationship. Inherited properties may be either own or inherited
properties of the associated object. Each own property of an object
must each have a key value that is distinct from the key values of the
other own properties of that object.
And,about the arrays, it specifies:
22.1Array Objects
Array objects are exotic objects that give special treatment to a certain class of property names.
Following the logic above, and as it says in the specification, the language was thinked in such way that all types in javascript extends a global object, and then new methods and properties are added to have differents behaivors.
Memory Management
There are a gap between the language specifications and how they must be implemented in an actual runtime enviroment. Altought each implementation has its own logics, it seems that most of them has similarities.
As This Article Explains:
Most JavaScript interpreters use dictionary-like structures (hash
function based) to store the location of object property values in the
memory. This structure makes retrieving the value of a property in
JavaScript more computationally expensive than it would be in a
non-dynamic programming language like Java or C#. In Java, all of the
object properties are determined by a fixed object layout before
compilation and cannot be dynamically added or removed at runtime
(well, C# has the dynamic type which is another topic). As a result,
the values of properties (or pointers to those properties) can be
stored as a continuous buffer in the memory with a fixed-offset
between each. The length of an offset can easily be determined based
on the property type, whereas this is not possible in JavaScript where
a property type can change during runtime.
As this make javascript kind of ineffitient, the engineers had to came with some clever workarounds in order to solve this problem. Following this other article:
If you access a property, e.g. object.y, the JavaScript engine looks
in the JSObject for the key 'y', then loads the corresponding property
attributes, and finally returns the [[Value]].
But where are these property attributes stored in memory? Should we
store them as part of the JSObject? If we assume that we’ll be seeing
more objects with this shape later, then it’s wasteful to store the
full dictionary containing the property names and attributes on the
JSObject itself, as the property names are repeated for all objects
with the same shape. That’s a lot of duplication and unnecessarily
memory usage. As an optimization, engines store the Shape of the
object separately.
This Shape contains all the property names and the attributes, except
for their [[Value]]s. Instead the Shape contains the offset of the
values inside of the JSObject, so that the JavaScript engine knows
where to find the values. Every JSObject with this same shape points
to exactly this Shape instance. Now every JSObject only has to store
the values that are unique to this object.
The benefit becomes clear when we have multiple objects. No matter how
many objects there are, as long as they have the same shape, we only
have to store the shape and property information once!
All JavaScript engines use shapes as an optimization, but they don’t
all call them shapes:
Academic papers call them Hidden Classes (confusing w.r.t. JavaScript classes)
V8 calls them Maps (confusing w.r.t. JavaScript Maps)
Chakra calls them Types (confusing w.r.t. JavaScript’s dynamic types and typeof)
JavaScriptCore calls them Structures
*SpiderMonkey calls them Shapes
Python uses a different aproach for the implementation of lists, it seems that lists are more like some dynamics arrays than an actual array that you could find in C, But they are sill are focussed on saving spaces of time and complexity in a runtime. As this FAQ cited form the PyDocs says:
Python’s list objects are really variable-length arrays, not
Lisp-style linked lists. The implementation uses a contiguous array of
references to other objects, and keeps a pointer to this array and the
array’s length in a list head structure.
This makes indexing a list (L[i]) an operation whose cost is
independent of the size of the list or the value of the index.
When items are appended or inserted, the array of references is
resized. Some cleverness is applied to improve the performance of
appending items repeatedly; when the array must be grown, some extra
space is allocated so the next few times don’t require an actual
Like javascript, Python's lists are not required to be homogeneous, so they are not an actual implementation of other "strong typed" data structures that does have to contain only the same entities such as integers, strings, etc.
Same as javascript, the specifications of the language the actual implementation are two separate things. Depending on if you are using Cpython, Jython, IronPython, etc, the memory management and the actual functions that runs behind the scenes will be making diferent things in the process of interpreting python to machine code.
I know that this isnt the best source, but as I found discussed in Quora:
Contrary to what their name implies, Python lists are actually arrays(...).
Specifically, they are dynamic arrays with exponential
over-allocation, which allows code like the following to have linear
lst = []
for i in xrange(0, 100000):
Alternative implementations like Jython and IronPython seem to use
whatever native dynamic array class their underlying language
(respectively Java and C#) provides, so they have the same performance
characteristics (the precise underlying classes seem to be ArrayList
for Jython and C# List for IronPython).
(...)arrays technically store pointers rather than the objects
themselves, which allows the array to contain only elements of a
specific size. Having pointers all over the place in the underlying
implementation is a common feature of dynamically typed languages, and
in fact of any language that tries to pretend it doesn't have
As the official docs puts in their "History and Design FAQ"
CPython’s dictionaries are implemented as resizable hash tables.
Compared to B-trees, this gives better performance for lookup (the
most common operation by far) under most circumstances, and the
implementation is simpler.
Dictionaries work by computing a hash code for each key stored in the
dictionary using the hash() built-in function. The hash code varies
widely depending on the key; for example, “Python” hashes to
-539294296 while “python”, a string that differs by a single bit, hashes to 1142331976. The hash code is then used to calculate a
location in an internal array where the value will be stored. Assuming
that you’re storing keys that all have different hash values, this
means that dictionaries take constant time – O(1), in computer science
notation – to retrieve a key. It also means that no sorted order of
the keys is maintained, and traversing the array as the .keys() and
.items() do will output the dictionary’s content in some arbitrary
jumbled order.
In Conclution
There are two separate things about a language: one involves how it should work, with it syntax, semantics, logic and philosophy. On the other hand you have the actual implementation of that language in a specific runtime, interpreter or compilation.
This way, although (in theory) you have one Python or one Javascript, you could have CPython, IronPython Jython, etc; and in the other hand, you have SpiderMonkey, V8, etc.
But referring to how each runtime implements the language features of Arrays/Lists and Objects/Dictionaries and how analogous they are, it seems that Javascript has chosen a inheritance model based on prototypes that makes everithing a kind of object; so both Objects and Dictionaries are more like a hash table than an actual array.
On the other hand, Python has a more flavores in respect of data structures, both in their libraries and in how the interpreters deal with them, making use of arrays or dynamic arrays to bring to life the Pyton's Lists, and using hash tables for the dictionaries, making them more similar to the objects in javascript.

