leaflet popup not opening for a particular marker - javascript

Using leaflet, I call below function when I add a layer to the map. This function adds popups to each feature.
They work when I click on them but I can't get the bindPopup.openPopup() to work so it opens without being clicked on.
There aren't any errors but the popup doesn't open without being clicked on.
var popupToOpen = null;
var clickedLocationId = 0;
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
if (feature.properties && feature.properties.UserName) {
if (feature.properties.MarkerId == clickedLocationId) {
layer.bindPopup("<div id='unlockLocationId'>" + feature.properties.MarkerId + "</div><div>" + feature.properties.UserName + "</div>").openPopup();
} else {
layer.bindPopup("<div id='unlockLocationId'>" + feature.properties.MarkerId + "</div><div>" + feature.properties.UserName + "</div>");

I've tried the way you're trying but the popup doesn't open. Well, you can try opening popup another way.
Create a function where you iterate your geojson layer and open the popup if the id matches. Here is the function
function openMarkerPopup(id){
Simply pass the required id to this function, and it'd work.
Here is a working fiddle


How to call Javascript function inside leaflet popup HTML

What I'm trying to do is have a popup box when you click on a marker on the leaflet map. In this popup box are five elements present.
Button (Next Image)
Button (Previous Image)
So what I tried to do was add a custom pop which for each feature:
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
layer.bindPopup(insertDataPopUp(feature), customPopUpOptions);
But in my pop up settings when I call a onclick function in my HTML, the function is not recognized. So what I'm trying to do if someone clicks the next image button a new image is displayed. But the issue right now is that the function in the HTML is not found....
Here is the code for the popup where the issue lies:
function insertDataPopUp(feature) {
if (feature.properties.pictures != null) {
var picturePath = feature.properties.pictures[0];
var picture = "<img id='popupFoto' src=" + picturePath + " alt=''/>";
} else {
picture = "";
var customPopup =
"<div id='infoBox'><h2>" +
feature.properties.name +
"</h2><p>" +
feature.properties.description +
"</p>" +
picture +
'<button onclick="nextFoto()">Back</button> <button onclick="nextFoto()">Forward</button></div>';
return customPopup;
I'm using leaflet, javascript and the vue framework.
I fixed this by using DOM elements. The answer can be found here:
Adding buttons inside Leaflet popup

show popups correctly with external hyperlinks in openlayers 4

I have an openlayers map that loads a couple of kml files containing about 120 polygon placemarks each. As they're too many to show a popup for each, I had to create an outside-map menu, so the user can click on any one of these features and see it's info / location.
I use this function to create the outside-map menu, containing all the features:
vEnergeticos.getSource().on('change', function(evt){
var source = evt.target;
if (source.getState() === 'ready') {
var energeticos = source.getFeatures();
for (var i in energeticos) {
var figura = energeticos[i].getGeometry().getExtent();
var myCenter = ol.extent.getCenter(figura);
$("#containerLeft").append("<a href=javascript:showMenuPopup(" + myCenter + "," + energeticos[i].get('ID') + ")>" + energeticos[i].get('name') + "</a><br>");
and then when the user clicks on any of these options, this function is called:
function showMenuPopup(xx, yy, theID){
var myPixel = map.getPixelFromCoordinate([xx, yy]);
var elNombre = "";
var laDescripcion = "";
map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(myPixel, function(feature, layer) {
if (feature.get('ID') == theID){
elNombre = feature.get('name');
laDescripcion = feature.get('description');
popupTitle.innerHTML = elNombre;
popupContent.innerHTML = laDescripcion;
This works in some situations, however, when the selected feature is outside of the current map view, the map relocates successfully (overlay.setPosition([xx,yy]);), the popup is shown, but the popup is empty. If the feature is visible when the user clicks from the left menu, then the popup is shown correctly.
Just to be clear enough, imagine you're seeing a map where you can see part of Europe, and then you click on some item located in Canada (using the off-map menu), you'll see the map relocates in Canada, but the popup that is shown is empty. If you click again on that very same off-map link, or any other feature that is visible at that location/zoom view, then the popup is shown correctly.
I tried to use the "moveend (ol.MapEvent)" in order to fix this, so the popup was loaded after the map is relocated, but it didn't work for me. The moveend event is called before the map starts to move using overlay.setPosition([xx,yy]), and I haven't been able to find some other "after-relocation" event that I could use.
I've been struggling with this for many days now, so any help will be really appreciated.
The problem is that the features outside of the current map view are not "AtPixel", so you won't catch them with map.forEachFeatureAtPixel.
I suggest you to avoid passing coordinates to showMenuPopup: you just need the feature id, than you can retrieve the feature's coordinates inside showMenuPopup.
$("#containerLeft").append("<a href=javascript:showMenuPopup('" + energeticos[i].getId() + "')>" + energeticos[i].get('name') + "</a><br>");
function showMenuPopup(featureId){
var feature = vEnergeticos.getSource().getFeatureById(featureId);
var elNombre = feature.get('name');
var laDescripcion = feature.get('description');
var figura = feature.getGeometry().getExtent();
var myCenter = ol.extent.getCenter(figura);
popupTitle.innerHTML = elNombre;
popupContent.innerHTML = laDescripcion;

Popups no longer function after filtering markers in mapbox

I have set up features from an external geoJson file in Mapbox and bound popups to these features following the example at https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/example/v1.0.0/custom-popup/
var myLayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer(bldgData).addTo(map);
myLayer.eachLayer(function(layer) {
// set up popup for each marker
var content = "";
var props = layer.feature.properties;
var imagePart = "<img class='popupPic' src='images/thumbnails/" + props.filename + "' ></img>";
var infoPart = "<h3 class='popupInfo'>" + props.bldgName + "</h3><p>" +
props.architect + "<br />" + props.year + "</p>";
content = imagePart + infoPart;
layer.bindPopup(content, {closeButton: false});
The popups are set up to display on mouseover...
myLayer.on('mouseover', function(e) {
myLayer.on('mouseout', function(e) {
I have also set up filtering to display selected features following the example at https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/example/v1.0.0/filtering-markers/
function chooseBldg(){
var bldgs = document.getElementById("buildingTypeMenu").value;
if(bldgs == "all") {
myLayer.setFilter(function(f) {return true;});
else {
myLayer.setFilter(function(f) {
return f.properties['buildingType'] === bldgs;
The popups display correctly when I first display the page, and the filters correctly select the subset of markers to display, but after the filter has been triggered the popups no longer display on mouseover. Do I need to rebind the popups (by explicitly triggering the eachLayer function or something) after the filter has been done?
Rebind popups solved this problem for me.

Clicking a polygon using Google Maps API 3 - Need to change to MouseOver (Geoxmlv3 & KML Layer)

I have a Google Maps (API 3) running a custom KML (geoxml3) with polygons containing titles and descriptions.
It all works fine, however I need to change the polygon click which reveals the infowindow to work on hover instead. It is easy enough to create a mouseover listener which runs the click function, however I need the click to run another function, so the click function would get overwritten using this method.
How can I find/copy the code that runs for the polygon click function and apply it to onmouseover instead? Is this possible?
Update: I found this section in the geoxmlv3.js file:
google.maps.event.addListener(gObj, 'click', function (e) {
var iW = this.infoWindow;
if (e && e.latLng) iW.setPosition(e.latLng);
else if (this.bounds) iW.setPosition(this.bounds.getCenter());
iW.setContent("<div id='geoxml3_infowindow'>" + iW.getContent() + "</div>");
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(iW, "domready", function () {
var node = document.getElementById('geoxml3_infowindow');
var imgArray = node.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < imgArray.length; i++) {
var imgUrlIE = imgArray[i].getAttribute("src");
var imgUrl = cleanURL(doc.baseDir, imgUrlIE);
if (kmzMetaData[imgUrl]) {
imgArray[i].src = kmzMetaData[imgUrl].dataUrl;
} else if (kmzMetaData[imgUrlIE]) {
imgArray[i].src = kmzMetaData[imgUrlIE].dataUrl;
iW.open(this.map, this.bounds ? null : this);
I have tried changing the 'click' event to 'mouseover' but that causes no mouseover or click to work
Here's the solution (after much trial and error!)
google.maps.event.addListener(poly,"mouseover",function(e) {
var iW = this.infoWindow;
if (e && e.latLng) iW.setPosition(e.latLng);
else if (this.bounds) iW.setPosition(this.bounds.getCenter());
iW.setContent("<div id='geoxml3_infowindow'>"+iW.getContent()+"</div>");
iW.open(this.map, this.bounds ? null : this);
Then just change your click function to something else. Remember to also set your mouseout function to close the infowindow too

jquery trigger on('click') of dynamically loaded content

I'm writing a webpage that uses an image map. The image and map are loaded dynamically. If I click on the area element new content is loaded. Also the url changes its hash (eg. index.php#somepage). I have three layers of pages, the main layer (homepage) has it's own image with a map (index.php), the second layer offers a new image + map (index.php#somepage) and the third layer opens an overlay on the second layer, therefore changing the hash (index.php#somepage_somesubpage).
I now want to be able to send someone a link to index.php#somepage_somesubpage. So I slice the hash and trigger the click-method of the imagemap on the first level to load index.php#somepage when the page is loaded. I added a callback to that, calling the desired click-method of the now updated imagemap. This does not work for some reason I can't figure out. I am able to open index.php#somepage, but when I enter index.php#somepage_somesubpage I end up getting the same result.
Here is the code of $(document).ready:
var cont = $('#content');
$( document ).ready(function() {
cont.load('pages/home.php', function(responseTxt,statusTxt,xhr){
lineparser('#content'); //Perform some fancy stuff on the page
var hash = location.hash.replace('#', '');
if (hash != ''){
if(hash.indexOf('_') > 0)
//open page with content
$('area[href~="#' + hash.slice(0, hash.indexOf('_')) + '"]').first().trigger("click", function(){
$('area[href~="#' + hash + '"]').first().trigger("click");
//open menu page
$('area[href~="#' + hash + '"]').first().trigger("click");
I solved the problem like this:
$('area[href~="#' + hash.slice(0, hash.indexOf('_')) + '"]').first().trigger("click", [hash]);
Then I added the following:
$(document.body).on('click', "map area", function(e, schachteln){
$('area[href~="#' + schachteln + '"]').first().trigger("click");

