jQuery Ajax doesn't work in PhantomJS - javascript

Whats wrong with this code?
I'm trying to send a post request using jQuery ajax from PhantomJS, but it returns nothing besides "post:"
var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();
page.includeJs('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js', function() {
$.post("http://httpbin.org/post", function(data) {

PhantomJS has two contexts. page.includeJs() instructs the DOM context (page context) to load the given JavaScript file. The callback is called when it is done. It means jQuery will only be available in the page context and never outside of it. You get access to the page context through page.evaluate().
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg){
console.log("remote> " + msg);
page.includeJs('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js', function() {
$.post("http://httbpin.org/post", function(data) {
// don't forget to exit
}, 2000);
You will have to run PhantomJS with the --web-security=false commandline option, otherwise it won't be able to send the request because of cross-domain restrictions:
phantomjs --web-security=false script.js
Please note that page.evaluate() is sandboxed. Please read the documentation fully.

The problem is related to security, you're trying to access a different domain.
In chrome it is possible to disable cross domain restrictions executing the following command in console:
chromium-browser --disable-web-security
Also you can add these flags to your direct access.


jQuery check if a file exist locally

I am developing a local site for a company (only local internal use, offline and without server). I have a main page that has a main div, that contain 3 different div. Each div is linked to a page and the "onclick" event of each div will load the page linked into the main div. So i have to check, with the document ready function, if each page exists and, if not, I want to delete the div linked to that page. How can I check if a page exist locally? I've found many answere that check with status of connection if a page exists, but my html will only work offline and locally, so I can't use that method.
I've solved this using the script of #che-azeh:
function checkIfFileLoaded(fileName) {
$.get(fileName, function(data, textStatus) {
if (textStatus == "success") {
// execute a success code
console.log("file loaded!");
If the file was successfully load, i'd change the content of a new hidden div that will tell to another script if it have to remove or not each of the three div.
This function checks if a file can load successfully. You can use it to try loading your local files:
function checkIfFileLoaded(fileName) {
$.get(fileName, function(data, textStatus) {
if (textStatus == "success") {
// execute a success code
console.log("file loaded!");
I suggest you run a local web server on the client's computer. (See also edit below on local XHR access).
With a local web server they can start it up as if it was an application. You could for example use node's http-server. You could even install it as an node/npm package, which makes deployment also easier.
By using a proper http server (locally in your case) you can use xhr requests:
type: "HEAD",
async: true,
url: "http://localhost:7171/myapp/somefile.html"
}).fail(function () {
console.log("not found");
Another post has (#che-azeh) has brought to my attention that firefox does allow XHR on the file "protocol". At the time of this writing the above works in firefox using a url of just somefile.html and using the file scheme.
Chrome has an option allow-file-access-from-files (http://www.chrome-allow-file-access-from-file.com/). This also allows local XHR request
This flag is intended for testing purposes:
you should be able to run your tests in Google Chrome with no hassles
I would still suggest the local web server as this make you independent of these browser flags plus protect you from regression once firefox/chrome decide to disable support for this.
You can attempt to load the page within a try-catch construct. If the page exists, it will be loaded though. If it doesn't, you can (within the catch) set the related div as hidden.
Try to access the page using $.ajax. Use the error: option to run a callback function that removes the DIV linked to the page.
url: "page1.html",
error: function() {
You can loop this code over all the DIVs.
You can use jquery load function
$("div").load("/test.html", function(response, status, xhr) {
if (status == "error") {
var msg = "Sorry but there was an error: ";
$(this).html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText);

Run Javascript in iFrame context

I am attempting to run a script in a webpage, that should be executed in an <iframe>. Right now I can call a function that is set within the <iframe>.. I'm just having issues running a script to the <iframe>'s context.
Here's how I run a function set in the <iframe>
Now instead of calling the preformSearch function, I wish to run a script - for this example, this is the script...
My actual script is a big one, so I won't put it here - for the sake of this question.
So, is there any way to run that script through the <iframe>'s context? For example, my first guess would be/was..
I've never messed with running functions through something like an <iframe> before though, so I'm stumped.
Thanks for any help in advance!
NOTE I am using NW.js (Node-Webkit) to remove all <iframe> restrictions.
NOTE v2 The preformSearch() function was just a reforence on how I call functions in the frame.
You could try and use the messaging mechanizm
which means that on the parent frame you could send the message with
var win =$("#iframe").contentWindow;
win.postMessage({ messageType: "predefinedMessage", features: data }, '*');
and than in the iframe you could get the message
function FrameCommunicator(attachManager) {
var mfilesFrame;
function _actOnMessage(data) {
if (data.messageType === "predefinedMessage") {
//perform here what you need
window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
var data = e.data;
mfilesFrame = e.source;
}, false);
now the thing is that the iframe and the parent fram can have the same code if they reference to the remotely.
Another way would be just to send the content of the message as JS and run it with eval , but that is risky , bad practice and lotsa other things :)

Javascript code isn't getting into my document ready listener. (forge iOS)

This is my entire javascript file for the home page of my app. Any ideas as to why it never gets into the document ready listener?
var photos;
url: "http://photos-url.com/pics.json",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
photos = data;
error: function(error) {
forge.logging.info("Couldn't fetch pics!");
//logging output works here
$(function() {
//logging output doesn't work here
//I'm trying to append to the html here, but it never gets into this code
Cross-domain requests are prohibited for security reasons (same as in desktop browsers). You must configure environment to allow requests to your domain. Look at https://trigger.io/docs/current/api/modules/request.html for details.
json files are usually allowed to be read from cross domain and even if this one would't be, I still doubt it could affect ready event. I'm not using document ready function on my page as I was having simillar issues (it fires few minutes after page is loaded, or doesn't fire at all). You could try window.onload or document.onload events. I'd also try to find out how document.readyState behaves and eventually check it manually with interval or try to bind event listener to it.

jQuery.getScript() behaviour

Could someone please explain the behaviour of jQuery's getScript() function?
Consider a javascript file test.js:
var tmp = 'a variable';
When test.js is loaded via html's <script> tag, everything works fine: tmp variable is available in the global scope and a message box appears.
I'm trying to get the similar behavior via this code:
$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// at this point tmp should be available
// in the global scope
} , 2000); // 2 seconds timeout
But browser's error console reports an "Undefined variable tmp" error.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
$.getScript may be asynchronous, use the callback parameter:
$.getScript("static/js/proto/test.js", function() {
// here you are sure that the script has been executed
See the documentation for $.getScript: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getScript
The real problem with the script was my lack of experience with JS in general and particulary in AJAX: I was trying to run this script on a local machine without a web server.
Guess what: AJAX expects status '200' from a web server to load a document asynchronously. As there was no web server, the status of the async call was '0'.
Thank you everyone for answering.

Dynamic Script Tags for JSON requests... detecting if there is a XXX error?

I do a bunch of json requests with dynamic script tags. Is it possible to detect if there's an error in the request (eg. 503 error, 404 error) and run something on detection of the error?
use ajax instead. AFAIK there is no way to detect if a script tag loads or not, and if not, why it didn't load. Using ajax you can load the json and it will tell you why it didn't load.
Using a library like jQuery this becomes very simple:
type: "GET",
url: "test.js",
dataType: "script",
error: function(xhr, error, exception){
alert(xhr.status); //Will alert 404 if the script does not exist
AFAIK, there's no way to access status code of some external asset loaded from the document (such as script, style or image). Even detecting error (via, say, onerror event handler) is not that widely supported across browsers.
If whatever you're loading falls under SOP, use XHR which gives you access to response headers. Otherwise, you can try looking into recently introduced X-domain XHR.
I'm assuming you want this to work cross-domain, which is why you can't use XHR?
Try creating two script tags for each request, the first does your standard JSONP request, the second is basically an error handler.
If the first script tag executes, then clear the error handler in your callback. But if the first gets a 404, the error handler inside the second script tag will be run.
You probably also want to set a timeout, to cope with a slow JSONP response.
http://www.phpied.com/javascript-include-ready-onload/ ?
If you're using jQuery, check out jQuery-JSONP which is a jQuery plugin that does a fairly decent job of doing the <script> insertion for you as well as detecting fetch errors.
Quoting from the project page, jQuery-JSONP features:
error recovery in case of network failure or ill-formed JSON responses,
precise control over callback naming and how it is transmitted in the URL,
multiple requests with the same callback name running concurrently,
two caching mechanisms (browser-based and page based),
the possibility to manually abort the request just like any other AJAX request,
a timeout mechanism.
If you need to cross domains (and need the page to work portably), you have to use dynamic script tags.
If you have access to the remote server, you can pass back an error code from the server, and have the server page return 200.
Whether you have access or not, you can use setTimeout when you create the script tag, passing a function that will trigger an error if it expires before the jsonp handler is called. Make sure that the jsonp handler aborts if the error handler has been called.
You'll need to track each request through a global collection, but you'll gain the ability to cancel and count requests. This is similar to the way that XHR objects are managed by a library like jQuery.
If you want to detect errors, listen for an error event and compare the fileName property of the error with the file name of the script. If they match, you then handle the error. The thing is, I think that the fileName property is Firefox and Opera-only. Most browsers that have a stacktrace for errors can also simulate this behaviour.
Here's an example, as requested by Eric Bréchemier:
var getErrorScriptNode = (function () {
var getErrorSource = function (error) {
var loc, replacer = function (stack, matchedLoc) {
loc = matchedLoc;
if ("fileName" in error) {
loc = error.fileName;
} else if ("stacktrace" in error) { // Opera
error.stacktrace.replace(/Line \d+ of .+ script (.*)/gm, replacer);
} else if ("stack" in error) { // WebKit
error.stack.replace(/at (.*)/gm, replacer);
loc = loc.replace(/:\d+:\d+$/, "");
return loc;
anchor = document.createElement("a");
return function (error) {
anchor.href = getErrorSource(error);
var src = anchor.href,
scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
for (var i = 0, l = scripts.length; i < l; i++) {
anchor.href = scripts.item(i).src;
if (anchor.href === src) {
return scripts.item(i);

