Test authenticated Cloud Endpoints methods offline - javascript

I'm going on a long flight tomorrow and I'd like to be able to keep testing my cloud endpoints REST API while offline. The problem is that the User object is integral to most of my methods, and I need an internet connection to create valid OAuth tokens to call them from the client side (JavaScript).
On the Dev server though, no matter what account you log in on, the user is always the same (with email example#example.com). But if you feed it bogus tokens, it throws an OAuthRequestException.
Is there any way I can generate valid test tokens offline for the dev server or a way to access the User object without providing tokens at all?
Here's an example of a method I'd like to test while offline:
#ApiMethod(name = "hylyts.get")
public Hylyt getHylyt(#Named("url") String url, #Named("id") long id, User user)
throws OAuthRequestException, UnauthorizedException {
return ofy().load().type(Hylyt.class).parent(util.getArticleKey(url, user)).id(id).now();

There's a little documented way to inject a custom Authenticator class in Cloud Endpoints. This allows you to change the way the User is detected.
Here's how it works :
#Api(name = "myapi", version = "v1", authenticators = {MyDummyAuthenticator.class})
public class MyAPI {
#ApiMethod(name = "hylyts.get")
public Hylyt getHylyt(#Named("url") String url, #Named("id") long id, User user)
throws OAuthRequestException, UnauthorizedException {
return ofy().load().type(Hylyt.class).parent(util.getArticleKey(url, user)).id(id).now();
And here's what your Authenticator implementation could look like :
public class MyDummyAuthenticator implements Authenticator {
public User authenticate(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
return new User("mytestuser#domain.com");
You can of course make it more complicated. Since you have access to the HttpServletRequest you can get the user's email from a HTTP header or something like it.
Note that with an Authenticator you have access to the session in the local server but not in production. In production, httpServletRequest.getSession() will return null. THere's a trick to still fetch the session from the datastore, which I explain here.
Then there's the question of how to keep both the normal authentication solution and your DummyAuthenticator implementation. I think you can chain authenticators, but I'm not sure how it works. In the worst case, you can just swap the Authenticator implementation during your flights.


OIDC - Extra parameters in sign-in URL query string

I have a Javascript client which uses OIDC for authentication. I'm using the authorization code flow. Here is a code snippet:
var config = {
authority: "http://localhost:5000",
client_id: "js",
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:5003/callback.html",
response_type: "code",
scope:"openid profile web_api",
post_logout_redirect_uri: "http://localhost:5003/index.html"
var mgr = new Oidc.UserManager(config);
I would like to be able to add extra parameters in the config object above which would be available in the query string of the URL that I have access to in the Login method of my Authorization Server (http://localhost:5000/Account/Login):
(C# code):
// <summary>
/// Entry point into the login workflow
/// </summary>
public async Task<IActionResult> Login(string returnUrl)
(I can access the URL query string in the code above by both the returnUrl parameter or the HttpContext.Request.Query property)
Unfortunately, if I set new (non-standard) parameters in the config object on the Javascript client, their are not passed to the URL query string.
Contextualizing: The reason I need this feature is because there are extra parameters that are mandatory for me to authenticate the user, besides username and password. However, these parameters are not explicitly informed by the user. They have their values assigned inside the client Javascript code (Ex: the device ID (like a cell phone's IMEI) of the client). If there is any other easier way to achieve this, I would be glad to know about.
I'm able to achieve this using Postman, based on this discussion on GitHub:
Because in Postman you can change the authorization endpoint URL to:
Ex: http://localhost:5000/connect/authorize?device_id=XYZ
But I'm not able to do this in the Javascript client because I do not specify the authorization endpoint explicitly, only the authority (as seen in the config object above).
OBS: I don't intend to use any other type of authorization flow, like using an Extension Grant, since it's more insecure and not recommended.
Found the solution after reading this discussion. Method Oidc.UserManager.signinRedirect accepts an extraQueryParams argument that has this exact purpose:
(Javascript client):
extraQueryParams: {
device_id: "XYZ"
This is very useful for anyone searching for a solution for Authorization Code Flow in which you need to pass custom parameters for validation before issuing the code/token.

Angular AuthGuard - is it a right solution?

I would like to create a route guard for protecting routes against unauthorized users.
I am using jsonwebtoken for authorization, and at the moment storing that in localStorage.
My idea is, when a user wants to access a protected admin route, authguard sends the token for validation to the nodeJS/Express server that after validation returns a true or 401 (whether the user is admin) to the client side.
auth service:
let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('x-auth-token',localStorage.getItem('token') || '');
return this.http.post('http://localhost:3000/api/users/check-auth', {}, { headers: headers }).toPromise();
authGuard service:
return this.sign.isLoggedIn().then(res => {return res;}).catch(ex => {return ex});
My purpose would be to avoid manually setting a token key in the localstorage by the user to see the guarded route, even if he would not be able to implement any XHR request.
Could you please verify if its a good or bad idea and come up with better solution on security side?
Many thanks!
A good practice would be to manage roles (or permissions) at the model level on the server-side. For example a User class could have a roles property, such as :
myUser.roles = ['ROLE_ADMIN']
This way, when your user logins, you can store the information in your auth.service.ts
// auth.service.ts
get isAdmin() {
return this.user.roles.includes('ROLE_ADMIN')
Note that usually you want to store this information in you app state management, whether it be plain rxjs, ngrx, ngxs...
Finally you would add an AuthInterceptor which would redirect your user if your API returns a 401.

Testing (Firebase) FCM

In order to understand how to use Firebase Cloud Messaging, I am following this document:
Precisely I am looking at this section: Send to individual devices
I can see in the code that I need a registrationToken. My question is how do I concretely get one?
I first want to send a message to my own iPhone, laying on my desk and later to all iPhones of registered users.
When I work in IOS-Swift, you have to add this method in your AppDelegate.swift file:
func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: String) {
print("Firebase registration token: \(fcmToken)")
let dataDict:[String: String] = ["token": fcmToken]
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name("FCMToken"), object: nil, userInfo: dataDict)
// TODO: If necessary send token to application server.
// Note: This callback is fired at each app startup and whenever a new token is generated.
If you need to access the token directly, use this:
InstanceID.instanceID().instanceID { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Error fetching remote instange ID: \(error)")
} else if let result = result {
print("Remote instance ID token: \(result.token)")
self.instanceIDTokenMessage.text = "Remote InstanceID token: \(result.token)"
For more information visit:
When working with FCM notifications, the devices generate tokens, which are renewed every so often, so if you need to send a push to a device you must know your token, you must implement a class that inherits FirebaseMessagingService, and overwrite an onNewToken method, this method is called in the background every time the device token is updated.
* Called if InstanceID token is updated. This may occur if the security of
* the previous token had been compromised. Note that this is called when the InstanceID token
* is initially generated so this is where you would retrieve the token.
public void onNewToken(String token) {
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + token);
// If you want to send messages to this application instance or
// manage this apps subscriptions on the server side, send the
// Instance ID token to your app server.
It is recommended that this token be sent to your server so that from there you can send the push to the devices with registered tokens. If you want to force a first token, you can use:

Connecting to websocket using C# (I can connect using JavaScript, but C# gives Status code 200 error)

I am new in the area of websocket.
I can connect to websocket server using JavaScript using this code:
var webSocket = new WebSocket(url);
But for my application, I need to connect to the same server using c#. The code I am using is:
ClientWebSocket webSocket = null;
webSocket = new ClientWebSocket();
await webSocket.ConnectAsync(new Uri(url), CancellationToken.None);
3rd line of the code results following error:
"Server returned status code 200 when status code 101 was expected"
After little bit of survey, I realised that somehow server can't switch http protocol to websocket protocol during connection process.
Am I doing anything stupid in my C# code or there is something going wrong with the server. I don't have any access to the server, as the url I am using is a third party one .
Could you please give me any suggestion regarding the issue?
Use ReceiveAsync() in loop until Close frame is received or CancellationToken is canceled. That's how you get your messages. Sending is straightworward, just SendAsync(). Do not use CloseAsync() before CloseOutputAsync() - because you want to stop your receiving loop first. Otherwise - either the CloseAsync() would hang, or if you use CancellationToken to quit ReceiveAsync() - the CloseAsync() would throw.
I learned a lot from https://mcguirev10.com/2019/08/17/how-to-close-websocket-correctly.html .
Full answer:
Use Dotnet client, here, have an example cut out from my real life code, that illustrate how the handshaking is made. The most important thing most people don't understand about how the thing operates is that there is no magic event when a message is received. You create it yourself. How?
You just perform ReceiveAsync() in a loop that ends, when a special Close frame is received. So when you want to disconnect you have to tell the server you close with CloseOutputAsync, so it would reply with a similar Close frame to your client, so it would be able to end receiving.
My code example illustrates only the most basic, outer transmission mechanism. So you send and receive raw binary messages. At this point you cannot tell the specific server response is related to the specific request you've sent. You have to match them yourself after coding / decoding messages. Use any serialization tool for that, but many crypto currency markets use Protocol Buffers from Google. The name says it all ;)
For matching any unique random data can be used. You need tokens, in C# I use Guid class for that.
Then I use request / response matching to make request work without dependency on events. The SendRequest() methods awaits until matching response arrives, or... the connection is closed. Very handy and allows to make way more readable code than in event-based approach. Of course you can still invoke events on messages received, just make sure they are not matched to any requests that require response.
Oh, and for waiting in my async method I use SemaphoreSlim. Each request puts its own semaphore in a special dictionary, when I get the response, I find the entry by the response token, release the semaphore, dispose it, remove from the dictionary. Seems complicated, but it's actually pretty simple.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Example {
public class WsClient : IDisposable {
public int ReceiveBufferSize { get; set; } = 8192;
public async Task ConnectAsync(string url) {
if (WS != null) {
if (WS.State == WebSocketState.Open) return;
else WS.Dispose();
WS = new ClientWebSocket();
if (CTS != null) CTS.Dispose();
CTS = new CancellationTokenSource();
await WS.ConnectAsync(new Uri(url), CTS.Token);
await Task.Factory.StartNew(ReceiveLoop, CTS.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
public async Task DisconnectAsync() {
if (WS is null) return;
// TODO: requests cleanup code, sub-protocol dependent.
if (WS.State == WebSocketState.Open) {
await WS.CloseOutputAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.Empty, "", CancellationToken.None);
await WS.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", CancellationToken.None);
WS = null;
CTS = null;
private async Task ReceiveLoop() {
var loopToken = CTS.Token;
MemoryStream outputStream = null;
WebSocketReceiveResult receiveResult = null;
var buffer = new byte[ReceiveBufferSize];
try {
while (!loopToken.IsCancellationRequested) {
outputStream = new MemoryStream(ReceiveBufferSize);
do {
receiveResult = await WS.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CTS.Token);
if (receiveResult.MessageType != WebSocketMessageType.Close)
outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, receiveResult.Count);
while (!receiveResult.EndOfMessage);
if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close) break;
outputStream.Position = 0;
catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
finally {
private async Task<ResponseType> SendMessageAsync<RequestType>(RequestType message) {
// TODO: handle serializing requests and deserializing responses, handle matching responses to the requests.
private void ResponseReceived(Stream inputStream) {
// TODO: handle deserializing responses and matching them to the requests.
public void Dispose() => DisconnectAsync().Wait();
private ClientWebSocket WS;
private CancellationTokenSource CTS;
BTW, why use other libraries than the .NET built in? I can't find any reason other than maybe poor documentation of the Microsoft's classes. Maybe - if for some really weird reason you would want to use modern WebSocket transport with an ancient .NET Framework ;)
Oh, and I haven't tested the example. It's taken from the tested code, but all inner protocol parts were removed to leave only the transport part.
Since WebsocketSharp is not .NET Core compatible I suggest using websocket-client instead.
Here's some sample code
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var url = new Uri("wss://echo.websocket.org");
var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
using (var client = new WebsocketClient(url))
client.MessageReceived.Subscribe(msg => Console.WriteLine($"Message: {msg}"));
await client.Start();
await client.Send("Echo");
Be sure to use ManualResetEvent. Otherwise it doesn't work.
If you connect with a WebSocket client and you get an HTTP 200 as response, means that probably you are connecting to the wrong place (host, path and/or port).
Basically, you are connecting to a normal HTTP endpoint that is not understanding your WebSocket requirement, and it is just returning the "OK" response (HTTP 200). Probably the WebSocket server runs in another port or path in the same server.
Check your URL.
Not quite sure what happened to WebSocketSharp nuget package, however I noticed that now WebSocket# is showing up as most relevant result in nuget repo. It took me some time before I realized that Connect() is now returning Task, hopefully this example will be useful to someone:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WebSocketSharp;
namespace Example
class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
using (var ws = new WebSocket(url: "ws://localhost:1337", onMessage: OnMessage, onError: OnError))
ws.Send("Hey, Server!").Wait();
private static Task OnError(ErrorEventArgs errorEventArgs)
Console.Write("Error: {0}, Exception: {1}", errorEventArgs.Message, errorEventArgs.Exception);
return Task.FromResult(0);
private static Task OnMessage(MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs)
Console.Write("Message received: {0}", messageEventArgs.Text.ReadToEnd());
return Task.FromResult(0);
All the libraries mentioned above are Wrappers. The .Net Frameworks class doing this is System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket
Websocket URLs should start with ws:// or wss:// where the latter is secure websocket.

how to send message to particular websocket connection using java server

I am new to WebSockets.
I have already made a simple server-client chat in WebSockets.
And now I am trying to make client-server-client chat application.
I have a question that in java server how can we send a message to particular WebSocket connection.
If user-A want to send a message to User-B.
Then how can I manage that User-B is using this or that connection or send a message to that particular connection?
I am searching too much for this on google but could not find anything good.
You have to design an architecture for that.
When a client establishes a connection with the server (opens the WebSocket), the server has to keep the connection somewhere (howsoever you're identifying a specific connection with the Java backend you're using), in a data structure that will depend on what you're trying to do. A good identifier would be an ID the user provides (like a nickname that's not already picked by another peer connected to the same server). Otherwise, simply use the socket object as a unique identifier and, when listing other users on the frontend, associate them with their unique identifier so that a client can send a message to a specific peer.
A HashMap would be a good choice for a data structure if a client is going to chat with another specific client, as you can map the unique ID of a client to the socket and find an entry with in O(1) in a hash table.
If you want to broadcast a message from a client to all other clients, although a HashMap would also work pretty well (with something like HashMap.values()), you may use a simple List, sending the incoming message to all connected clients except the original sender.
Of course, you also want to remove a client from the data structure when you lose connection with it, which is easy using a WebSocket (the Java framework you are using should call you back when a socket closes).
Here's an (almost complete) example using a Jetty 9 WebSocket (and JDK 7):
package so.example;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotations.OnWebSocketClose;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotations.OnWebSocketConnect;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotations.OnWebSocketMessage;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotations.WebSocket;
public class MyWebSocket {
private final static HashMap<String, MyWebSocket> sockets = new HashMap<>();
private Session session;
private String myUniqueId;
private String getMyUniqueId() {
// unique ID from this class' hash code
return Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode());
public void onConnect(Session session) {
// save session so we can send
this.session = session;
// this unique ID
this.myUniqueId = this.getMyUniqueId();
// map this unique ID to this connection
MyWebSocket.sockets.put(this.myUniqueId, this);
// send its unique ID to the client (JSON)
this.sendClient(String.format("{\"msg\": \"uniqueId\", \"uniqueId\": \"%s\"}",
// broadcast this new connection (with its unique ID) to all other connected clients
for (MyWebSocket dstSocket : MyWebSocket.sockets.values()) {
if (dstSocket == this) {
// skip me
dstSocket.sendClient(String.format("{\"msg\": \"newClient\", \"newClientId\": \"%s\"}",
public void onMsg(String msg) {
* process message here with whatever JSON library or protocol you like
* to get the destination unique ID from the client and the actual message
* to be sent (not shown). also, make sure to escape the message string
* for further JSON inclusion.
String destUniqueId = ...;
String escapedMessage = ...;
// is the destination client connected?
if (!MyWebSocket.sockets.containsKey(destUniqueId)) {
this.sendError(String.format("destination client %s does not exist", destUniqueId));
// send message to destination client
this.sendClient(String.format("{\"msg\": \"message\", \"destId\": \"%s\", \"message\": \"%s\"}",
destUniqueId, escapedMessage));
public void onClose(Session session, int statusCode, String reason) {
if (MyWebSocket.sockets.containsKey(this.myUniqueId)) {
// remove connection
// broadcast this lost connection to all other connected clients
for (MyWebSocket dstSocket : MyWebSocket.sockets.values()) {
if (dstSocket == this) {
// skip me
dstSocket.sendClient(String.format("{\"msg\": \"lostClient\", \"lostClientId\": \"%s\"}",
private void sendClient(String str) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private void sendError(String err) {
this.sendClient(String.format("{\"msg\": \"error\", \"error\": \"%s\"}", err));
The code is self explanatory. About JSON formatting and parsing, Jetty has some interesting utilities within package org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax.
Also note that if your WebSocket server framework is not thread-safe, you will need to synchronize the data structure to make sure there's no data corruption (here MyWebSocket.sockets).

