Catching SQL errors and preventing a form from being submitted - javascript

I have a little application that allows users to search for locations on a mac submit comments to a CartoDB SQL database (PostgreSQL) using an HMTL form, JavaScript and SQL (and a little PHP to make the API connection to CartoDB). It works great for vast majority of users, but some submissions are not coming through.
I have no idea why the SQL submissions are working sometimes and not others, works perfectly every time for me. Although I have tracked one issue down to Safari 5.1, but I think it must be happening in other browsers too. The main problem is I can't see any errors ANYWHERE, so it's impossible to track down.
So here are my questions:
1. Is there any way of catching SQL errors and preventing the form from being submitted?
2. Is there any way of seeing SQL errors so I can track down the problem?
Below is a snippet of the code I am using to submit the comments:
var tblName = "comment_collection"
var usrName = "***dney"
$("#allSubmitBtn").click(function (e) {
//CHECK IF has a comment
if (!notEmpty(document.getElementById('description1'))) {
alert('Please enter a comment.');
return false;
if (!notEmpty(document.getElementById('latlongit1'))) {
alert('Sorry, there has been an error, please search for a location again.');
return false;
} else {
currentNeighborhood = $('#neighborhoodName1').val();
parcel = $('#parcel_id1').val();
address = $('#pre_address1').val();
userAddress = $('#UserAddress1').val();
phoneNum = $('#phone1').val();
emailAdd = $('#emailAddress1').val();
userType = $('#userType1').val();
otherUser = $('#otherUserType1').val();
currentDescription = $('#description1').val();
latlongy = $("input[name='latlongit1']").val();
explainType = $('#explainType').val();
currentProject =;
commentType = new Array();
$("input:checkbox[name=commentType]:checked").each(function () {
var sql = "INSERT INTO " + tblName + " (the_geom, project, description, name,comment_address,parcel_id,phone_number,email_address,comment_type,comment_type_other,user_type,user_type_other,profile_address,flag,loved) VALUES (ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('";
// var a = layer.getLatLng();
// console.log(a);
var sql2 = '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[' + latlongy + "]}'),4326),'" + currentProject + "','" + (currentDescription.replace(/'/g, "''")).replace(/"/g, "''") + "','" + (currentNeighborhood.replace(/'/g, "''")).replace(/"/g, "''") + "','" + address + "','" + parcel + "','" + phoneNum + "','" + emailAdd + "','" + commentType + "','" + explainType + "','" + userType + "','" + otherUser + "','" + userAddress + "','false','0')";
var pURL = sql + sql2;
alert("Your Comments have been submitted");
return true;

here is the Github repo the tutorial is based off. Security is a MAJOR issue and is mentioned right off the bat with this tutorial. It is more of an illustration than anything, anyone implementing it should modify the scripts to be more secure.
Check out this pull request and try to create a solution from it. It addresses the issue to a degree. It moves more of the query into the PHP scripts and only allows field names in from the browser.

This is incredibly dangerous/bad code. You're building sql on the client and sending it to the server to be executed. What's to stop someone from popping up their js console and doing submitToProxy('DROP DATABASE DATABASE()')?
Boom goes your site, boo hoo, too bad.
And even if you DON'T nuke this code from orbit, just to be sure it's really dead, and keep using it, you can't trap SQL exceptions, because they occur on the server, not in your client. At best your SERVER has to check for errors, and send back an appropriate message, e.g.
result = run_query(dangerous ql from user);
if (error occured) {
return json_encode('error' => true, 'reason' => 'someone set us up the bomb'));
} else {
return json_encode('error' => false, 'data' => query results);
and then your client-side ajax has to do
success: function (data) {
if (data.error) { alert('boom!'); }
else {... do stuff with data ...}


Page reload not reflecting database updates

I have a dropdown list on an update agent profile form where a user can select an item, referred to as a "master" in the database. However, if they select the item "Create New Master", they can enter a value in a blank text field and click a corresponding button. This updates the "Create New Master" value in the database to be whatever the value they entered is, and creates a new value in the database as the new "Create New Master" value. This also updates the agent table in the database to have the new master's ID saved to it, changing whatever the previous ID was. All of the database functionality works, and all the changes are made. However, I need to reload the form with the new values. How can I reload this? We use spring and hibernate, but I'm using Javascript for most of the functionality on this form page.
I've tried using window.location.reload(true), but this doesn't work. If the page kicks the user from the profile and then the user manually re-enters the profile of the same agent, the updated values show, but this is obviously less than ideal.
function addMaster(obj){
//Create lots of relevant variables that are used for the database update.
if(newName == null || newName == ""){
alert("You have to enter a new name to add it.");
var jsonURL = '${urlBase}/addMaster/' + newName + '/' + updated + '/' + updateID + '/' + created + '/' + createID + '/' + create + '/' + agentID + '.json?jsoncallback=?';
var xhttp = jQuery.getJSON(jsonURL, function(obj, textStatus){
This calls to another file, which updates the database accordingly and correctly, but the reload doesn't change the new selection in the dropdown list. It shows the old one, even though checking the database shows that it has truly been updated. How can I make the current database values be reflected on the page without having to make the user leave the profile?
The method jQuery.getJSON is asynch so you reload the page before the call is completed. You should reload the page after that you request completed so you should do something like this:
function addMaster(obj){
//Create lots of relevant variables that are used for the database update.
if(newName == null || newName == ""){
alert("You have to enter a new name to add it.");
var jsonURL = '${urlBase}/addMaster/' + newName + '/' + updated + '/' + updateID + '/' + created + '/' + createID + '/' + create + '/' + agentID + '.json?jsoncallback=?';
var xhttp = jQuery.getJSON(jsonURL, function(obj, textStatus){
//this is the success function.. asynch call is done

Insert Record in Database Using Textboxes in JavaScript

I'm trying to in Insert Record in Database Using Textboxes in JavaScript. I'm referring this link
This solution is working only on internet explorer but I want to use this program for all browser.
Here is my piece of code:
function InsertRecord()
var txtid = document.getElementById('txtid').value;
var txtname = document.getElementById('txtname').value;
var txtsalary = document.getElementById('txtsalary').value;
var txtcity = document.getElementById('txtcity').value;
if (txtid.length != 0 || txtname.length !=0 || txtsalary.length !=0|| txtcity.length !=0)
var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var connectionstring = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=EmpDetail;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=****;Provider=SQLOLEDB";
var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
rs.Open("insert into Emp_Info values('" + txtid + "','" + txtname + "','" + txtsalary + "','" + txtcity + "')", connection);
alert("Insert Record Successfuly");
txtid.value = " ";
alert("Please Enter Employee \n Id \n Name \n Salary \n City ");
If anyone know then let me know that how will be execute this code for all browser.
There is no way to achieve this on other browsers.
The code is instantiating an ActiveX control that connects to the database and that technology is not supported on any browser but Internet Explorer. Actually, the new Microsoft Edge browser doesn't support it either.
Only IE supports it
Future browsers from Microsoft will not support it
The code above contains the username and password to a database which could be a huge security risk.
Don't do that, use another technology (like AJAX) to send the info to a backend and write it from there to a database.

jquery: making & json call work together but keeping them separated

I have a contact form that encrypts the form message:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<form name="form_contact" method="post" action="/cgi/">
// other input fields here
<textarea name="message" id="message" required></textarea>
<button id="sendbutton" type="submit">Send</button>
The following Javascript script works and does things with the form message when people click on the Send-button:
$(document).ready(function() {
//check if the message has already been encrypted or is empty
var i = document.form_contact.message.value.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----');
if((i >= 0) || (document.form_contact.message.value === ''))
document.form_contact.submit(); return;
document.form_contact.message.value='\n\n'+ document.form_contact.message.value + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + "--------------------------" + "\n"
if (typeof(navigator.language) != undefined && typeof(navigator.language) != null) {
document.form_contact.message.value=document.form_contact.message.value + '\n'+ "Language: " + (navigator.language);}
else if (typeof(navigator.browserLanguage) != undefined && typeof(navigator.browserLanguage) != null) {
document.form_contact.message.value=document.form_contact.message.value + '\n'+ "Language: " + (navigator.browserLanguage); }
// and here's where the geoip service data should be appended to the form message
//finally the resulting message text is encrypted
document.form_contact.message.value='\n\n'+doEncrypt(keyid, keytyp, pubkey, document.form_contact.message.value);
function addGEOIPdata(){
$.get('', function(response)
$("#message").val( $("#message").val() + "\n\n" + "IP: "+ response.ip + "\n" + "Location: " + + ", " +;
}, 'jsonp');
Well, it works except: it does not add the response from the Geoip service to the form message before encrypting it.
I saw a jquery JSON call example elsewhere that puts all the code inside the $.get('', function(response){...})
but that's not what I want.
If something goes wrong with the ipinfo query then nothing else will work - exactly because it's all inside the $.get('', function(response){...}).
In other words: how can I make my and my $.GET-JSON call work together so the script works but keep them separate (JSON outside so that if the JSON call fails for some reason the button click function and everything in it still work?
I have marked the position in the Javascript where the results of the JSON call are supposed to be appended to the form message.
Thank you for your help.
After 1bn hours of trial & error, I eventually stumbled across a way to make it work:
so I put the geoipinfo query into a separate script that gets the info when the page is loading.
$.getJSON("", function (location) {
var results = "\n\n" + "IP: "+ location.ip + "\n" + "Location: " + + ", " + location.region_name + ", " + location.country_name;
window.$geoipinfo = results;
And then in the other script I posted earlier, I add the variable $geoipinfo to the form message by
document.form_contact.message.value=document.form_contact.message.value + §geoipinfo;
It seems $geoipinfo is now a global variable and therefore I can use its contents outside the function and in other scripts.
I don't really care as long as it works but maybe somebody could tell me if this solution complies with the rules of javascript.
The jQuery API:
specifies that you can put a handler in .always() and it will be called whether the get succeeds or fails.
$.get('', , function(response)
$("#message").val( $("#message").val() + "\n\n" + "IP: "+ response.ip + "\n" + "Location: " + + ", " +;
}, 'jsonp').always(function(){
document.form_contact.message.value='\n\n'+doEncrypt(keyid, keytyp, pubkey, document.form_contact.message.value);

how to trap an error and save error detail in database and redirect to custom error page in classic asp?

how to trap an error and save error detail in database and redirect to custom error page in classic asp?
I want that I should include a asp page in all page of my website and if any error occur it get that error detail, saved it to database or mail it to mail id and redirect to custom error page.
Please if you have any idea then please help me.
Classic ASP has no try/catch.
It also uses VBscript by default and the answer above is, I'm guessing, C#?
Here is VBscript ASP for what you are trying to do:
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
SQL_server_string = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=myMachine; Initial Catalog=pubs; User ID=sa; Password=pw"
ConnectionString = SQL_server_string
conn.Open ConnectionString
s = s & " tablename "
s = s & "("
s = s & " fieldname1 "
s = s & ",fieldname2 "
s = s & ") "
s = s & "VALUES"
s = s & "( "
s = s & "'" & stringvalue1 & "'"
s = s & ",'" & stringvalue2 & "'"
s = s & ") "
if (err.number<>0) then
m = "error on page ___ line ____<br>"
m = m & "error number: " & err.number & "<br>"
m = m & "error description: " & err.description & "<br>"
m = m 7 "sql: " & s & "<br>"
session("msg") = m
set conn=nothing
end if
'got past error checking... do stuff...
use try catch methods in javascript to catch the errors. Within the catch block post the data to the server. In server have an aspx page or php page which one you are familiar. Get the data to be inserted as parameters from this post back in that aspx/php file and from that file insert into DB.
var txt="";
function ProcessData()
var message = err.message;
data:"{error: '" + message + "'}",
clientType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",
async: false,
success: function () { alert("success"); },
error: function(){alert("error");}
The server side code appears like this.
public static void InsertErrordetails(string error)
SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(#"Server=db;Integrated Security=True;" + "Database=userdb");
string query = "INSERT INTO [LogTable]([Message])" +
"VALUES (#error)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, Con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Message", error);
catch (Exception)

Multiple GET requests using JQuery and AJAX

Very new to JQuery AJAX here. I have been looking around for a answer for awhile on this and can't find an answer.
I have a form that users would fill out. Once filled click on submit. This starts an ajax call to an asp page and basically just displays the information that was entered and fades out the user form. A confirm button below that takes the user to another .asp page that puts it into a database and gives them a ticket number.
My issue is that on the second call ( page that does the input ) , I notice in firebug that the get is happening twice. If I try the asp page alone it is only doing the input once so it's not my sql code. If I switch the second .asp page with the first it works fine.
Here is my jquery. I appreciate any comments. Thanks
$('#submit').click(function (event){
event.preventDefault(); // DECLARE EVENT IN THE CLICK FUNCTION
//Get the data from all the fields
var posting = 'no';
var firstname = $('input[name="firstname"]');
var lastname = $('input[name="lastname"]');
var phone = $('input[name="phone"]');
var email = $('input[name="email"]');
var family_size = $('select[name="family_size"]');
var date_3 = $("#date3");
var date_4 = $("#date4");
var book_option = $('input[name=book_option]:radio:checked');
var payment_type = $('input[name=payment_type]:radio:checked');
var comments = $('textarea[name="comments"]');
if (firstname.val()=='') {
return false;
} else
if (lastname.val()=='') {
return false;
} else
if (phone.val()=='') {
return false;
} else
if (email.val()=='') {
return false;
} else
var email_pattern=new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$");
var email_result = email_pattern.test(email.val());
if( email_result == true ) {
return false;
var phone_pattern=
new RegExp("^(\\(?\\d\\d\\d\\)?)?( |-|\\.)?\\d\\d\\d( |-|\\.)?\\d{4,4}(( |-|\\.)?[ext\\.]+ ?\\d+)?$");
var phone_result = phone_pattern.test(phone.val());
if( phone_result == true ) {
return false;
var dataString= 'firstname=' + firstname.val() + '&lastname=' + lastname.val() + '&phone=' + phone.val() + '&email=' + email.val() + '&family_size=' + family_size.val() + '&date3=' + date_3.val() + '&date4=' + date_4.val() + '&book_option=' + book_option.val() + '&payment_type=' + payment_type.val() + '&comments=' + comments.val() + '&posting=' + posting;
$('#ticketform').fadeOut('slow', function() {
$('#testdiv').load('../resources/confirm_ticket.asp', dataString, function() {
$('#gen').click(function (event){
event.preventDefault(); // DECLARE EVENT IN THE CLICK FUNCTION
var firstname = $('input[name="firstname"]');
var lastname = $('input[name="lastname"]');
var phone = $('input[name="phone"]');
var email = $('input[name="email"]');
var family_size = $('select[name="family_size"]');
var date_3 = $("#date3");
var date_4 = $("#date4");
var book_option = $('input[name=book_option]:radio:checked');
var payment_type = $('input[name=payment_type]:radio:checked');
var comments = $('textarea[name="comments"]');
var dataString= 'firstname=' + firstname.val() + '&lastname=' + lastname.val() + '&phone=' + phone.val() + '&email=' + email.val() + '&family_size=' + family_size.val() + '&date3=' + date_3.val() + '&date4=' + date_4.val() + '&book_option=' + book_option.val() + '&payment_type=' + payment_type.val() + '&comments=' + comments.val();
$('#testdiv, #generateform').fadeOut('slow', function() {
$('#message').load('../resources/generate_ticket.asp', function() {
First off, a better way to verify if a field is filled in is to use jQuery $.trim(), it will trim all white space in the beginning and end so if someone enters a bunch of spaces, it will return false still. This is how you would do it:
if ($.trim(firstname.val())) {
return false;
This is a much better way to verify if it is empty, but an even better idea is to use the jQuery Validation plugin, in which you can simple put class="required", class="required email", etc. for each rule (they can also be defined in the javascript if you prefer).
Also, I see that you keep using .load. Did you know a thing called $.get exists? It is a little more powerful way to send a get request and you don't have to load it into an element to make it work (there's also $.post). I used to use .load myself all the time a while back until I discovered $.get and $.post. This is an example with your code:
$.get('../resources/confirm_ticket.asp', dataString, function(data) { // data is what is returned from the request (html, etc.)
Anyway, now to your question.
I don't see any problems of why it would be doing that, but it could be a bug with the browser or something (usually not but this happened to me before too and I never found out how to fix it). Have you tried it in other browsers like Google Chrome or Safari?
I got the answer from a forum today. Can't remember where but the answer is....
$('#testdiv, #generateform').fadeOut('slow', function() {
$('#message').load('../resources/generate_ticket.asp', function() {
I have 2 selectors in the fadeOut. It was calling the load function twice for each selector. Changed it and now I'm only getting the one GET request. Thanks for the help though all! :) Happy Coding!

