AngularJS security tokens vs sessions - javascript

I'm now two weeks into learning and building an AngularJS+ PHPsystem and I'm still struggling with authentication. I've been reading a lot of posts about AngularJSand not one of them seem to consider the security aspect of authentication. I also had an interesting response when I asked about the security of AngularJS storages on another post, and got two great links to Stormpath's blogs which cover areas of security when dealing with tokens.
Most tutorials and examples about AngularJS seem to be taking a JWT approach and sending that token to your REST API via HTTP headers, but given that the token is stored in Javascript this can expose it to multiple attack types. One of them being MITM. To be secure against this type of attack the solution is to set a cookie with HttpOnly and Secure flags. Now the token gets passed on every request, it's not being stored by Javascript and it's secure. However, this raises the question at the point where you authenticate the user: How is this any different than using sessions when you're only dealing with HTTP requests originating from the same server?
When checking if a user has already logged in we usually check if a $_SESSION variable exists, let's say uid. Now on a token based approach we send the token in HTTP headers and read that token, then validate it and get user information. In AngularJSwe then get the successful response and return a promise.
Sessions have the advantage of being handled by the server. They create a session and they handle it's destruction automatically if it still lingers there. When dealing with a token based authentication you have to take care of it's expiration, refreshing and destruction with a scheduled script if the user has not destroyed it himself. This seems like too much work.

The idea of using tokens is to allow for a server to be completely stateless. The server just provides a login service, that upon successful login returns a temporary token, and it immediately forgets the token, it does not store it anywhere (database, memory).
Then the client sends the token at each subsequent request. The token has the property that it's self-validating: it includes the validity, the username and a cryptographic signature.
Such signature proves that the token is valid to the server, even if the server had thrown away the token completely.
This way the server does not have to take care of expiration/destruction of tokens: it can inspect incoming tokens and validate them inspecting only the token (thanks to the signature).
And this is the advantage of JSON Web Tokens: they allow for a completely stateless server that does not have to manage authentication token lifecycle.


NodeJS CSRF Protection with Express, GraphQL and CORS enabled

I am creating a web service very much like shopify but using only JS. Nodejs express for an API with GraphQl and Cors enabled. VueJS for frontend. My authentication is running with JWT. But I have things like anonymous checkout so i need a CSRF protection. The thing is my API is not a router. My router is in the frontend and im only getting the data I need via Graphql through Axios calls to the API. I took a look at the csurf module and tried it out but currently the way im getting a CSRF token to the frontend is with a /getCSRFToken endpoint on the API which i've read is not a good practice and the other thing is It's enabled to access to everyone because of the CORS enabled.
This is the main source of information I have:
I don't know how to exactly set up the CSRF protection without having am API route for getting the CSRF token and sending it as a cookie through the response and generally make the whole thing secure with the best practices.
I was also thinking about restricting access to the API only for the domains of the shops that are in the system but don't now if that will be any good either.
Any suggestions are welcome
You can generate the cookie client side (using window.crypto), then have the JS read it and send it in a header, the server simply has to verify that they match. But this is vulnerable to the fact the cookie is not HttpOnly (because your JS needs to read it!). For this reason, this method is not best practice, but it is better than nothing.
It also does not prevent users from issuing requests from curl and such once they figure out that they only need to provide a matching cookie and header, but they still cannot issue requests on behalf of other users unless they have the target users authorisation credentials.
There actually isn't anything wrong with having an API route which generates a token per request, although it does result in doubled request density (you need a new token for each request!). The reason for this is that an attacker cannot read the response from an external site (CORS will prevent this). Then you are not vulnerable to any cookie exploit, since you never store a cookie in the first place.
Edit: I see you hint at having CORS * enabled for this endpoint to be public. If your API really is public then you'll have probably better off using OAuth2/JWT authentication instead, this way CSRF becomes irrelevant, since the authentication does not come from cookies.
Trying to keep a value across multiple requests encounters difficulty with history functionality, so it's recommended to either use a token per request or...
You could also store a cookie from the getCsrfToken() request and keep it valid for some time, but make it HttpOnly, since it was issued by the API, the API will be responsible for making sure that it is receiving a valid CSRF token.
The issue with both of the above is that if you want true anonymity then you can't tie these tokens to a particular user, so one user could avoid the CSRF checks on behalf of another by using their own CSRF token!
If you can come up with some way around that whilst maintaining anonymity then the server can check the validity of the tokens that it is receiving, such that one user cannot use their token on behalf of another.
Your last idea (assuming that you want true anonymity) is probably the best. Provided that the user agent is trustworthy, the referer and Origin headers cannot be tampered with, so if you are happy to lock down your API to only the domains which your JS is running on, then doing a referer/Origin check server side will not be easily worked around by an attacker. This isn't best practice, but is practically effective.
Again, curl requests and such can be issued freely, but they can only be issued on behalf of another user if the attacker has the user's authorisation credentials.
The last thing to note is that CSRF is an alternative attack vector to XSS, but if you have XSS vulnerabilities, then CSRF defences usually become obsolete, so make sure that you defend XSS first, before implementing CSRF defence.

Two token security: JWT/Oauth2 in regular cookie plus OAuth2 refresh token in HttpOnly cookie?

I'm exploring JWT and OAuth2 for a Javascript Single-Page-App which will make calls to a backend server-side API. I've come up with a security process that involves using two tokens and gives me the advantage of avoiding the need to have an additional server-side session storage:
The first time the client JS app is loaded up, user sends username/password over SSL to OAuth2 server. The server will set a cookie (normal cookie that is readable by client, without any HttpOnly flag set) that contains a JWT with an OAuth2 access token inside it's claims (along with some other non-confidential data in the JWT claims, ie. user's first/last name, country, role/permission). The server will also set a HttpOnly cookie that will contain the OAuth2 refresh token.
The cookies set by the server will be included on every request from the client automatically (always over SSL), so the server will receive the JWT (see step 3) and both confirm the signature and confirm the OAuth2 access token. The server will also confirm the refresh token. Since the server is checking the access token and refresh token against the OAuth2 database on each request, this gives us the ability to revoke access (which we would not be able to do with the JWT signature alone). We can do a "hard" revoke which revokes both access and refresh token. And we can do a "soft" revoke which just revokes the access token (for instances where perhaps some data that we keep in the JWT claim gets updated, ie. user changes their name or country or role). A soft revoke would be invisible to the client end user (it wouldn't disrupt their logged in status).
In step 2 above, the server will actually look for the JWT in a specific header set by the client (instead of the cookie set by the server). For example, the client JS app will read the JWT from the cookie and then set the JWT in another part of the header. By requring the client to explicitly set a header key/value containing the JWT shows that the client was able to read it's own cookie, thus preventing against XSRF (cross-site request forgery).
The HttpOnly cookie that contains the refresh token ensures we are protected against XSS (ie. some malicious javascript that sneaked its way onto our client). If our JWT was stolen, access still wouldn't be granted because the refresh token was not also seen or stolen by the JS.
With this approach we get all these benefits:
We don't need a server-side session storage. Since we are hitting an OAuth2 server then we can simply just include some extra data in the JWT that we return (non-confidential data). We wouldn't need to re-query/refresh the data in the JWT every time, but perhaps only when the OAuth token is revoked (ie. was revoked when some user data was changed that we include in the JWT's). No need to tackle the storage/scaling requirement that comes with using sessions. The client JS app can use this data like any other app would normally use sessions. For instance I can display a user's name on every "page" in the app. We could also just use websockets, but the JWT is a good backup place for adding some data if we need it.
We are protected against XSRF.
We are protected against XSS.
We can revoke access and also log users out (which is not easily possible with JWT alone).
SSL prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.
The JWT adds a little extra security hurdle for attackers to pass versus just a normal JSON object serialized in the cookie. The attacker would need to get the server-side key for signing JWT's (in addition to OAuth access). The JWT is also a standard, so easier for a trusted developer to work with.
The JWT can be easily passed down to other micro-services sitting behind the OAuth layer to use service-to-service. We can pass it around as "session like" data access to all the services on a request. If a service want's to change something in that data, then they can inform OAuth2 server and it will "soft" revoke the user's current JWT (not really much different from the process with a session storage) and provide a new one.
I haven't exactly seen anyone detail a security process like this yet. Many I see seem to only talk about using JWT with an OAuth2 access token inside and don't elaborate much more. So my question is, does this approach indeed provide the benefits I listed above? If not, what am I missing here and what security hole have I not covered for?

REST API and JWT authentication : send data along token?

I'm working on a javascript application using a REST API.
Authentication is made with JWT tokens stored in cookies
Right now, this scenario is implemented:
user sign in with credentials. Client calls POST /token to authenticate
server responds with a HTTP-only cookie containing the token.
once authenticated, client makes another request to get all user data (GET /me)
I would like to make this process as fast as possible and reduce the number of server requests as much as possible. I thought about combining /token and /me calls and get token and user data in the same request.
That could be done in different ways :
in the claims of the token, but client won't be able to use it as it's in a HTTP-only cookie.
in another, non HTTP-only, cookie but that will be sent uselessly with every future request, so I don't like this solution
in the response body when server sends the cookie after authentication but I have the feeling that it goes against the REST principles as we send user data from an authentication endpoint.
Is there a way to make this process more simple while respecting standard processes and REST principles?
I personnally use Cookies as a storage, but not in HTTPonly mode. In this case, the simplest is to encode the information you need inside the token.
Are you forced to use HTTP-only cookies? Is it an option for you to change it (in fact, for that you must master the authorization server)?
Another thing : using GET to pass credentials isn't safe as you probably pass your credentials in the URL, which can be fetched from server logs. Prefer POST (and HTTPS of course).
Few pointers about JWT and their storage stategies:
Tokens vs Cookies
Where to store the tokens?
Threats of token theft

How to protect Instagram access key in Javascript? [duplicate]

I've been reading up on REST and there are a lot of questions on SO about it, as well as on a lot of other sites and blogs. Though I've never seen this specific question asked...for some reason, I can't wrap my mind around this concept...
If I'm building a RESTful API, and I want to secure it, one of the methods I've seen is to use a security token. When I've used other APIs, there's been a token and a shared secret...makes sense. What I don't understand is, requests to a rest service operation are being made through javascript (XHR/Ajax), what is to prevent someone from sniffing that out with something simple like FireBug (or "view source" in the browser) and copying the API key, and then impersonating that person using the key and secret?
We're exposing an API that partners can only use on domains that they have registered with us. Its content is partly public (but preferably only to be shown on the domains we know), but is mostly private to our users. So:
To determine what is shown, our user must be logged in with us, but this is handled separately.
To determine where the data is shown, a public API key is used to limit access to domains we know, and above all to ensure the private user data is not vulnerable to CSRF.
This API key is indeed visible to anyone, we do not authenticate our partner in any other way, and we don't need REFERER. Still, it is secure:
When our get-csrf-token.js?apiKey=abc123 is requested:
Look up the key abc123 in the database and get a list of valid domains for that key.
Look for the CSRF validation cookie. If it does not exist, generate a secure random value and put it in a HTTP-only session cookie. If the cookie did exist, get the existing random value.
Create a CSRF token from the API key and the random value from the cookie, and sign it. (Rather than keeping a list of tokens on the server, we're signing the values. Both values will be readable in the signed token, that's fine.)
Set the response to not be cached, add the cookie, and return a script like:
var apiConfig = apiConfig || {};
if(document.domain === ''
|| document.domain === '') {
apiConfig.csrfToken = 'API key, random value, signature';
// Invoke a callback if the partner wants us to
if(typeof apiConfig.fnInit !== 'undefined') {
} else {
alert('This site is not authorised for this API key.');
The above does not prevent a server side script from faking a request, but only ensures that the domain matches if requested by a browser.
The same origin policy for JavaScript ensures that a browser cannot use XHR (Ajax) to load and then inspect the JavaScript source. Instead, a regular browser can only load it using <script src=""> (or a dynamic equivalent), and will then run the code. Of course, your server should not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing nor JSONP for the generated JavaScript.
A browser script can change the value of document.domain before loading the above script. But the same origin policy only allows for shortening the domain by removing prefixes, like rewriting to just, or to, or in some browsers even to
If the JavaScript file is fetched using some server side script then the server will also get the cookie. However, a third party server cannot make a user’s browser associate that cookie to our domain. Hence, a CSRF token and validation cookie that have been fetched using a server side script, can only be used by subsequent server side calls, not in a browser. However, such server side calls will never include the user cookie, and hence can only fetch public data. This is the same data a server side script could scrape from the partner's website directly.
When a user logs in, set some user cookie in whatever way you like. (The user might already have logged in before the JavaScript was requested.)
All subsequent API requests to the server (including GET and JSONP requests) must include the CSRF token, the CSRF validation cookie, and (if logged on) the user cookie. The server can now determine if the request is to be trusted:
The presence of a valid CSRF token ensures the JavaScript was loaded from the expected domain, if loaded by a browser.
The presence of the CSRF token without the validation cookie indicates forgery.
The presence of both the CSRF token and the CSRF validation cookie does not ensure anything: this could either be a forged server side request, or a valid request from a browser. (It could not be a request from a browser made from an unsupported domain.)
The presence of the user cookie ensures the user is logged on, but does not ensure the user is a member of the given partner, nor that the user is viewing the correct website.
The presence of the user cookie without the CSRF validation cookie indicates forgery.
The presence of the user cookie ensures the current request is made through a browser. (Assuming a user would not enter their credentials on an unknown website, and assuming we don’t care about users using their own credentials to make some server side request.) If we also have the CSRF validation cookie, then that CSRF validation cookie was also received using a browser. Next, if we also have a CSRF token with a valid signature, and the random number in the CSRF validation cookie matches the one in that CSRF token, then the JavaScript for that token was also received during that very same earlier request during which the CSRF cookie was set, hence also using a browser. This then also implies the above JavaScript code was executed before the token was set, and that at that time the domain was valid for the given API key.
So: the server can now safely use the API key from the signed token.
If at any point the server does not trust the request, then a 403 Forbidden is returned. The widget can respond to that by showing a warning to the user.
It's not required to sign the CSRF validation cookie, as we're comparing it to the signed CSRF token. Not signing the cookie makes each HTTP request shorter, and the server validation a bit faster.
The generated CSRF token is valid indefinitely, but only in combination with the validation cookie, so effectively until the browser is closed.
We could limit the lifetime of the token's signature. We could delete the CSRF validation cookie when the user logs out, to meet the OWASP recommendation. And to not share the per-user random number between multiple partners, one could add the API key to the cookie name. But even then one cannot easily refresh the CSRF validation cookie when a new token is requested, as users might be browsing the same site in multiple windows, sharing a single cookie (which, when refreshing, would be updated in all windows, after which the JavaScript token in the other windows would no longer match that single cookie).
For those who use OAuth, see also OAuth and Client-Side Widgets, from which I got the JavaScript idea. For server side use of the API, in which we cannot rely on the JavaScript code to limit the domain, we're using secret keys instead of the public API keys.
api secret is not passed explicitly, secret is used to generate a sign of current request, at the server side, the server generate the sign following the same process, if the two sign matches, then the request is authenticated successfully -- so only the sign is passed through the request, not the secret.
This question has an accepted answer but just to clarify, shared secret authentication works like this:
Client has public key, this can be shared with anyone, doesn't
matter, so you can embed it in javascript. This is used to identify the user on the server.
Server has secret key and this secret MUST be protected. Therefore,
shared key authentication requires that you can protect your secret
key. So a public javascript client that connects directly to another
service is not possible because you need a server middleman to
protect the secret.
Server signs request using some algorithm that includes the secret
key (the secret key is sort of like a salt) and preferably a timestamp then sends the request to the service. The timestamp is to prevent "replay" attacks. A signature of a request is only valid for around n seconds. You can check that on the server by getting the timestamp header that should contain the value of the timestamp that was included in the signature. If that timestamp is expired, the request fails.
The service gets the request which contains not only the signature
but also all the fields that were signed in plain text.
The service then signs the request in the same way using the shared
secret key and compares the signatures.
I will try to answer the the question in it's original context. So question is "Is the secret (API) key safe to be placed with in JavaScript.
In my opinion it is very unsafe as it defeats the purpose of authentication between the systems. Since the key will be exposed to the user, user may retrieve information he/she is not authorized to. Because in a typical rest communication authentication is only based on the API Key.
A solution in my opinion is that the JavaScript call essentially pass the request to an internal server component who is responsible from making a rest call. The internal server component let's say a Servlet will read the API key from a secured source such as permission based file system, insert into the HTTP header and make the external rest call.
I hope this helps.
I supose you mean session key not API key. That problem is inherited from the http protocol and known as Session hijacking. The normal "workaround" is, as on any web site, to change to https.
To run the REST service secure you must enable https, and probably client authentification. But after all, this is beyond the REST idea. REST never talks about security.
What you want to do on the server side is generate an expiring session id that is sent back to the client on login or signup.
The client can then use that session id as a shared secret to sign subsequent requests.
The session id is only passed once and this MUST be over SSL.
See example here
Use a nonce and timestamp when signing the request to prevent session hijacking.

AngularJS SPA and RestfulAPI Server Security

Quick background:
Full Javascript SPA AngularJS client that talks to a REstful API server. I am trying to work out the best authentication for the API Server. The client will have roles and I am not concerned if the user can see areas of the client they aren't allowed because the server should be air tight.
Authentication flow:
User Posts Username and Password to let's say /api/authenticate
If a user the server generates api token ( sha hash of fields or md5) and some other meta data determining roles to pass back in 1) post reply.
The token is stored in a session cookie (no exp, http only, ssl)
Each request after authentication takes the token in the cookie and verifies this is the user.
SSL user on server.
Is this the best way to secure the server?
Do I need to worry about replay attacks w/ SSL? If so best way to manage this?
I tried to think of a way to do HMAC security with AngularJS but I can't store a private key on a javascript client.
I initially went the http authentication method but sending the username and password each request seems odd.
Any suggestions or examples would be appreciated.
I'm currently working on a similar situation using angularjs+node as a REST API, authenticating with HMAC.
I'm in the middle of working on this though, so my tune may change at any point. Here's what I have though. Anyone willing to poke holes in this, i welcome that as well:
User authenticates, username and password over https
Server (in my case node.js+express) sends back a temporary universal private key to authenticated users. This key is what the user will use to sign HMACs client side and is stored in LocalStorage on the browser, not a cookie (since we don't want it going back and forth on each request).
The key is stored in nodejs memory and regenerates every six hours, keeping record of the last key generated. For 10 seconds after the key changes, the server actually generates two HMACs; one with the new key, one with the old key. That way requests that are made while the key changed are still valid. If the key changed, the server sends the new one back to the client so its can flash it in LocalStorage. The key is a SHA256 of a UUID generated with node-uuid, hashed with crypto. And after typing this out, i realize this may not scale well, but anyway ...
The key is then stored in LocalStorage on the browser (the app actually spits out a your-browser-is-too-old page if LocalStorage is not supported before you can even try to login).
Then all requests beyond the initial authentication send three custom headers:
Auth-Signature: HMAC of username+time+request.body (in my case request.body is a JSON.stringify()'d representation of the request vars) signed with the locally stored key
Auth-Username: the username
X-Microtime: A unix timestamp of when the client generated its HMAC
The server then checks the X-Microtime header, and if the gap between X-Microtime and now is greater than 10 seconds, drop the request as a potential replay attack and throw back a 401.
Then the server generates is own HMAC using the same sequence as the client, Auth-Username+X-Microtime+req.body using the 6-hour private key in node memory.
If HMACs are identical, trust the request, if not, 401. And we have the Auth-Username header if we need to deal with anything user specific on the API.
All of this communication is intended to happen over HTTPS obviously.
The key would have to be returned to the client after each successful request to keep the client up to date with the dynamic key. This is problematic since it does the same thing that a cookie does basically.
You could make the key static and never changing, but that seems less secure because the key would never expire. You could also assign a key per user, that gets returned to the client on login, but then you still have to do user lookups on each request anyway, might as well just use basic auth at that point.
Edit #2
So, after doing some testing of my own, i've decided to go with a backend proxy to my REST API still using HMAC.
Angular connects to same-domain backend, the backend runs the HMAC procedure from above, private key stored on this proxy. Having this on same domain allows us to block cors.
On successful auth, angular just gets a flag, and we store logged in state in LocalStorage. No keys, but something that identifies the user and is ok to be made public. For me, the presence of this stored value is what determines if the user is logged in. We remove the localStorage when they logout or we decide to invalidate their "session".
Subsequent calls from angular to same domain proxy contain user header. The proxy checks for user header (which can only be set by us because we've blocked cross-site access), returns 401 if not set, otherwise just forwards the request through to the API, but HMAC'd like above. API passes response back to proxy and thus back to angular.
This allows us to keep private bits out of the front end, while still allowing us to build an API that can authenticate quickly without DB calls on every request, and remain state-less. It also allows our API to serve other interfaces like a native mobile app. Mobile apps would just be bundled with the private key and run the HMAC sequence for each of their requests.

