Javascript JSX, illegal import declaration - javascript

I have a jsx file using React components with Reflux. There is only one tiny action:
var ClickedAction = Reflux.createActions([
How can I move this action to another file? According to the JSX documentation, it should be easy to include other files:
// import all classes that do not start with "_" from "a.jsx"
import "a.jsx";
I tried to move it in actions/clickedAction.jsx (or .js) and import it using import "actions/clickedActions.jsx" but I keep getting Illegal import declaration. How can I achieve this?
I am not using RequireJS and would like to avoid it if possible. One alternative solution I have found is to include this in the HTML file,
<script type='text/javascript' src='xxxxx/actions/clickedAction.js")'></script>
, but this is not ideal and would like to find another way. Thanks for your attention and help.

If you use Babel:
export default ClickedAction; // in action file
Otherwise, use old modules:
module.exports = ClickedAction; // in action file
require('actions/clickedActions.jsx'); // in another file


Propper way to make a javascript library (with multiple files)

I want to make my own javascript library with some utils functions and classes for the client browser. The point its I only want to include the main file.
I've tried using the type module
having ./src/array.js, ./src/math.js, ./src/dom.js with some functions with export, thei i have two options
import * as array from "./src/array.js"
import * as dom from "./src/dom.js"
import * as math from "./src/math.js"
export {array,dom,math}
but in the script i have to do:
script.js called from html
import {math} from "/lib/utils.js"
const {lerp} = math
the point of modules is to import only the functions you need and here i'am importing all math functions
import {zip,create2DArray} from "./src/array.js"
import {isTouchDevice,coptyToClipboard,scrollToCenter} from "./src/dom.js"
import {lerp,inverseLerp,map,clamp} from "./src/math.js"
export {zip,create2DArray,isTouchDevice,CopyToClipboard,lerp,inverseLerp,map,clamp}
but in this example every function i create in some ./src/ file i have to modify the utils.js file
also all libraries i use they dont use module, they are a big class or a big function
i thought about putting all inside a big object like
const utils = {}
utils.lerp = (start,end,amt)=>{
return (1-amt)*start+amt*end
// ... and more functions
or using multiple files and then compile them to the big file maybe ???
other option would be to do
document.write('<script src="/lib/src/math.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="/lib/src/dom.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="/lib/src/math.js"></script>');
but for what i think its not a very good practice
and last, jQuery you can import the file like a module and like a src file
and i'm trying to avoid things like webpack, i want to keep it vanila

Javascript imports, do they duplicate?

I'm trying to find a javascript workflow solution to bundle my code in multiple files. I have a question I can't find the answer, maybe it's under my eyes but well...
If I use javascript import in a JS file for functionalities, that will be bundle into one JS file.
import anime from "animejs";
class Functionality1 {
// some code using animeJs
export let functionality1 = new Functionality1();
import anime from "animejs";
class Functionality2 {
// some code using animeJS
export let functionality2 = new Functionality2();
So at the end, I have 2 bundled files functionality1.js and functionality2.js. But both import animeJS library. If they are called on the same page, is AnimeJS called twice two ?
If yes, if there any way to avoid this behavior ?
If no, can you explain it to me ?
Thank you

How to Import All method of Custom Js file

I just start learning Angular and Now I want to convert a template into Angular
and for this, I need to import template's custom js
After a little search, I do not find any solution related to importing "ALL" function of custom js file into my .component.ts file at once
I already tried to use
declare const with my specific js method name
declare const myTest: any;
I just want to import all method of custom.js file at once
"Answering" b/c my rep isn't high enough to add a comment to ask, but are you getting specific errors with an import statement?
import * as myTest from 'path/to/custom/file';
const myTest = require('path/to/custom/file');

How to use es6 import instead of require?

I want to use import in my file, but I cant find the way to replace my require properly
See the code I want to replace
const object = {
first: require('../example/first.json').EXL.PUBLIC,
second: require('../example/second.json').EXL.PUBLIC,
third: require('../example/third.json').EXL.PUBLIC
First question is how can I import those stuff directly to an object? Just like I did with require?
The second one, how can I use import with the .EXL.PUBLIC command? To directly import the right branch of the json file?
First question is how can I import those stuff directly to an object?
You can't, you have to import them and then add them to the objct.
The second one, how can I use import with the '.EXL.PUBLIC' command?
You have to import the item, then extract that property.
I'm going to assume you're using Node.js:
v8 through v11
In an .mjs module, you can do it like this:
import firstRoot from "../example/first.json";
import secondRoot from "../example/second.json";
import thirdRoot from "../example/third.json";
const object = {
first: firstRoot.EXL.PUBLIC,
second: secondRoot.EXL.PUBLIC,
third: thirdRoot.EXL.PUBLIC
You can still do it as in v11.
If you use ESM with a .js file via the new "type": "module" in package.json, you need to add the --experimental-json-modules flag to enable JSON loading. More about v12's support here, but note that --type isn't yet supported (and if it is, will probably be --entry-type), and the JSON flag is --experimental-json-modules, not --experimental-json-loader).

Importing javascript file for use within vue component

I am working on a project that requires using a js plugin. Now that we're using vue and we have a component to handle the plugin based logic, I need to import the js plugin file within the vue component in order to initialize the plugin.
Previously, this was handled within the markup as follows:
<script src="//api.myplugincom/widget/mykey.js
This is what I tried, but I am getting a compile time error:
import Vue from 'vue';
import * from '//api.myplugincom/widget/mykey.js';
export default {
data: {
My question is, what is the proper way to import this javascript file so I can use it within my vue component?
Include an external JavaScript file
Try including your (external) JavaScript into the mounted hook of your Vue component.
export default {
mounted() {
const plugin = document.createElement("script");
plugin.async = true;
Reference: How to include a tag on a Vue component
Import a local JavaScript file
In the case that you would like to import a local JavaScript in your Vue component, you can import it this way:
import * as mykey from '../assets/js/mykey.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
message: `Hello ${mykey.MY_CONST}!` // Hello Vue.js!
Suppose your project structure looks like:
- assets
- js
- mykey.js
- components
And you can export variables or functions in mykey.js:
export let myVariable = {};
export const MY_CONST = 'Vue.js';
export function myFoo(a, b) {
return a + b;
Note: checked with Vue.js version 2.6.10
try to download this script
import * from '{path}/mykey.js'.
or import script
<script src="//api.myplugincom/widget/mykey.js"></script>
in <head>, use global variable in your component.
For scripts you bring in the browser way (i.e., with tags), they generally make some variable available globally.
For these, you don't have to import anything. They'll just be available.
If you are using something like Webstorm (or any of the related JetBrains IDEs), you can add /* global globalValueHere */ to let it know that "hey, this isn't defined in my file, but it exists." It isn't required, but it'll make the "undefined" squiggly lines go away.
For example:
/* global Vue */
is what I use when I am pulling Vue down from a CDN (instead of using it directly).
Beyond that, you just use it as you normally would.
I wanted to embed a script on my component and tried everything mentioned above, but the script contains document.write. Then I found a short article on Medium about using postscribe which was an easy fix and resolved the matter.
npm i postscribe --save
Then I was able to go from there. I disabled the useless escape from eslint and used #gist as the template's single root element id:
import postscribe from 'postscribe';
export default {
name: "MyTemplate",
mounted: function() {
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
`<script src='...'><\/script>`
The article is here for reference:
For anyone including an external JS file and having trouble accessing the jQuery prototype method(s) inside of the loaded script.
Sample projects I saw in vanilla JS, React and Angular were simply using:
But when I try either of those in my VueJS component I receive:
Error: _webpack_provided_window_dot$(...).somePluginis not a function
I examined the window object after the resources had loaded I was able to find the jQuery prototype method in the window.self read-only property that returns the window itself:
Many examples show how to load the external JS file in VueJS but not actually using the jQuery prototype methods within the component.

