Does CrossFilter.js work with flot and morris charts - javascript

Does CrossFilter.js work with morris and flot charts?
Basically I want to understand is crossfilter.js independent of the visualization?
The functionality I would like to observe is that if I have multiple charts visualizing a dataset, the selection in one chart should be reflected in the others.
I have written the backend in python using flask.
P.S - Relatively new to web programming. Looking to visualize a quick and dirty prototype.


How to learn to develop Looker custom visualization efficiently?

I have been working with Looker for a while and one thing that bothers me the most is the multiple limits to its native-visualization (clustered stacked bar chart unavailable, sunburst chart with limited editing options...).
So, I figured that it is time to learn to develop visualization myself. However, I have very little to no experience handling JavaScript and visualization libraries, thus, my learning plan is as follow:
Learn JavaScript Basics (FreeCodeCamp I guess)
Learn D3.js
Adapt D3.js to Looker visualization API
My question is:
Is this plan logical ? If not, what is your suggestion ?
How long would it take if I put in 2 - 3 hours per day ? Assuming that I have a higher IQ than a monkey
Your logical order of the technologies is correct however there are important technologies missing. You are looking here at aquiring the needed skills to become a frontend developer. This is a big task, that requires a lot of study and practice.
For the basis to build charts with d3.js you at least need HTML and SVG to build the DOM structure of your documents, CSS to style the document for a proper presentation and JavaScript + d3.js for the chart generation.
JavaScript, HTML, SVG and CSS go hand in hand in so it is good to learn and use them together.

How would I go about making a seaborn categorical Plot in d3.js or the recharts library

This is the graph I want to replicate for a react application
This is the data
I could not find any implement using the "recharts" library online. If it's not possible or feasible with recharts, and solution with d3.js would be great.

How to dynamically visualize dataset on web?

I am developing a website where I have around 800 data sets. I want to visualize my data using bar charts and pie charts, but I don't want to hard code this for every data set. What technology can I use to dynamically read the data from a json/csv/xml and render the graph? (btw I'm going to use a Python based backend (either Django or Flask))
Js library like d3.js or highcharts can be helpful to solve your problem. You can easily send the data from sever to front-end where these library can gracefully plot the data.

How to implement D3 charts with a rails application walkthrough

Can someone please provide a basic walk-through/tutorial of implementing data from a rails application into D3 chart format? (e.g. want to turn the data from my index page into chart format)
I understand there is a way to do this via JSON, but I am not sure how to do it with multiple columns of data.

Max flow visualization with JavaScript api - use d3.js, or something similar?

I'm looking to implement (or use a library if one already exists) the Max Flow algorithm on a graph with directed and undirected edges, and visualize it. I am leaning toward JavaScript. I am aware that d3.js and arbor.js allow interactive graph visualization, but is there a recommended way to visualize the actual flow from node to node? This is to demonstrate some concepts in theoretical computer science.
The ideal graph would be able to show edge capacities, edge costs (different from capacities), and node names, and edges can be one-way (directed) or two-way (bidirectional, arrows pointing to both nodes, or just no arrows at all. This is not two separate directed edges).
Any advice regarding a graph visualization tool - one where you can see the flow going from edge to edge - would be appreciated.
Note: I am not opposed to using Python or some other language if someone is aware of a nice framework/library that allows this kind of visualization.
d3 may be the solution to what you're trying to do, but it's good to keep in mind what it is and what it is not.
What it is: a very effective tool at creating data-based graphics. What it is not: a graphing library. That being said, you CAN use it for graphs. Most of the graphs that I do in javascript are built on d3, but when doing so, expect to do write a lot of to code for setting up your plots. You can create a flow graph that will show you what you want, but d3 doesn't contain a canned flow graph that you can drop your data into.
You may want to take a look at Sankey diagram in d3.js and go through the intro in d3.js to see how to deal with that.

