SyntaxError: missing } after property list on Facebook generated code - javascript

I'm trying to run this generated by facebook code on my site, but it is not working. I'm getting error "SyntaxError: missing } after property list".
og:title: Sample Photo,
og:type: my-app-name-was-here:photo,
og:description: ,
function(response) {
// handle the response
What is wrong with this code? I got it from here:

the API you are trying to use here is
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: body }, function(response) {})
In your code, the object part(the third argument), is not a valid object, and that's why the error. please provide a valid object here.
And by the way, the link you provided is broken

url: '',
title: 'Sample Photo',
type: 'my-app-name-was-here:photo',
image: '',
description:'' ,
function(response) {
// handle the response
Facebook api third param should be an object. like {fields: 'value'}


How to add text to the body of a CasperJS thenOpen() POST request

I need to write a script inside of to access Pardot does have an API that requires a request that has a request inside the body as
message body: email=&password=&user_key=
Right now here is my code:
phantom.casperPath = casperPath;
phantom.injectJs(casperPath + "/bin/bootstrap.js");
var casper = require('casper').create({
verbose: true,
logLevel: 'debug'
method: 'post',
content: {
'text' : 'email=<myemail>&password=<password>&user_key=<userKey>'
}, function(response) {
I can tell that it is getting through to the server because it is responding this.echo(this.getHTML()); "Login Failed" . I am using the right email/password/user_Key because i am pulling that from the API Console for pardot and it is working there.... So I believe the issue is I am not setting the body of the request correctly.
So does anyone know a way to set the body on the request? or casper.thenOpen() don't understand the content setting. You probably wanted to use data:
.thenOpen('', {
method: 'post',
data: 'email=<myemail>&password=<password>&user_key=<userKey>'
}, function() { ... });
Don't forget to use encodeURIComponent() on the email, password and user key parameters if you build the string yourself.
You can also pass an object:
.thenOpen('', {
method: 'post',
data: {
email: '<myemail>',
password: '<password>',
user_key: '<userKey>'
}, function() { ... });
If you expect something else than HTML from the API, then you should use casper.getPageContent() instead of casper.getHTML().

Trouble creating a folder in using jQuery?

I am building a web app using the Box API, but I'm having trouble simply creating a folder in the root directory. The token is set to a developer token which should be active.
The error I'm receiving now is Bad Request. What is wrong with this code? I'm also having trouble receiving authentication for the user, but I decided to tackle this first.
function createTestFolder() {
data: { name: 'CreatedFolderFromjQuery', parent: { id: '0' } },
type: 'POST',
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + window.token);
contentType: 'json',
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
error: function(xhr, status, error) { alert(error); }
EDIT : When I change the URL to, I seem to get a successful response. That is, the success function gets called, rather than the error function. However, the folder is still not uploaded to my account.
EDIT 2 : Using the curl command line and following the API documentation, I still receive the same error message. Here are the details:
{"type":"error", "status":400, "code":"bad_request", "context_info":{"errors":[{"reason":"invalid_parameter", "name":"entity_body", "message":"Invalid value ''{name:New Folder,'. Entity body should be a correctly nested resource attribute name/value pair"}]}, "help_url":"", "message":"Bad Request", "request_id":"128521198353f4fc831c7e6"}
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: parent
curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched brace in column 1
curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched close brace/bracket in column 2
Ah, I have solved my own question. I am not familiar with jQuery, and here was my mistake:
data: { name: 'CreatedFolderFromjQuery', parent: { id: '0' } },
With jQuery's AJAX API, data needs to be a string. I needed to serialize my POST data into JSON:
data: JSON.stringify({ name: 'CreatedFolderFromjQuery', parent: { id: '0' } }),
Once I realized this, and added the JSON.stringify() the request was sent properly.

GitHub API results different between cURL and jQuery AJAX

I'm trying to query GitHub's search user API by language and location. When I use the command curl I receive 146 results. However, when I try to use jQuery AJAX, I receive an error.
My JavaScript code:
var url = "";
var request = {
q: "location:denver+language:php",
sort: "repositories",
order: "desc"
var result = $.ajax({
url: url,
data: request,
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET'
.done(function() {
.fail(function() {
What alert(JSON.stringify(result)); gives:
"message":"Validation Failed",
"message":"None of the search qualifiers apply to this search type.",
When I only use one qualifier on q it works fine and the object contains the information that is normally provided by cURL.
use a space character instead of a plus(+). Change your query to this:
q: "location:denver language:php",
and it will work as expected, because jquery will convert this space character to a plus.

Unable to Generate Story in Facebook App

Hi,I am using facebook open graph javascript SDK to publish actions and custom objects.
Everything runs fine, until a javascript errors occurs in the response.
"(#100) Object Missing a Required Value: Object at URL '' of type 'gourmet-table:recipe' is invalid because a required property 'og:title' of type 'string' was not provided."
The activity log in facebook creates the story , but it does not generate story in the app . Due to which i cannot send it for review purpose to facebook developers so that it is available to all users..
FB.api('me/objects/gourmet-table:recipe', 'post', {
object: {
app_id: AppId,
type: 'gourmet-table:recipe',
url: link,
title: title,
image: imageUrl
function(response) {
var Id = response;
FB.api('me/gourmet-table:read_recipe', 'post', {recipe:Id},
function(response) {
You can check the link and debug using any dev tools at
In Console you will get the error.
Your Help would be appreciated..
Finally Solved the problem.. It was a carelessness from my side..Sorry for that
FB.api('me/objects/gourmet-table:recipe', 'post', {
object: {
app_id: AppId,
type: 'gourmet-table:recipe',
url: link,
title: title,
image: imageUrl
function(response) {
//var Id = response; // Error Was Here.. Instead of This
var Id =; // will return the object id.. I was returning the whole object instead of "id" ..
FB.api('me/gourmet-table:read_recipe', 'post', {recipe:Id},
function(response) {
Sorry for the inconvenience again :)

Consuming API in javascript without using Node.js

i am leveraging CamFind's API for image recognition in my windows phone 8 app. On their site they have given an example for how to use the API with Node.js.. however i am writing a PhoneGap Windows Phone app and dont have this availble.
I would like to use just plain jquery/javascript to use this API.
Here's the example provided on their site:
var Request ="")
"X-Mashape-Authorization": "Z**********************"
"image_request[locale]": "en_US",
"image_request[language]": "en",
"image_request[device_id]": "<image_request[device_id]>",
"image_request[latitude]": "35.8714220766008",
"image_request[longitude]": "14.3583203002251",
"image_request[altitude]": "27.912109375",
"focus[x]": "480",
"focus[y]": "640",
"image_request[image]": "/tmp/file.path"
.end(function (response) {
Here's how i am trying to do the same using jquery/ 'plain' javascript
url: '', // The URL to the API. You can get this by clicking on "Show CURL example" from an API profile
type: 'POST', // The HTTP Method
data: {
"image_request[locale]": "en_US",
"image_request[language]": "en",
"image_request[device_id]": "<image_request[device_id]>",
"image_request[latitude]": "35.8714220766008",
"image_request[longitude]": "14.3583203002251",
"image_request[altitude]": "27.912109375",
"focus[x]": "480",
"focus[y]": "640",
"image_request[image]": ""
}, // Additional parameters here
datatype: 'json',
success: function(data) { alert(JSON.stringify(data)); },
error: function(err) { alert(err); },
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Mashape-Authorization", "Z**********************");
When i do it through javascript/jquery - it seems to be complaining about missing image_request[image] attribute. It never hits the success block.
Am i doing something wrong in terms of how i transformed the Node.js API request example (1st block of code above) provided by CamFind VS. how i am doing trying to consumer the API through plain through Javascript (2nd block of code above)?
Fyi, references i am using:
Consume an API in javacstipt:!endpoint-1-Image-Request
CamFind API usage:!endpoint-1-Image-Request
I know this is an old question but having stumbled across it whilst trying to solve it myself I thought I should answer it for the future.
The issue is this line:
"image_request[image]": ""
It should be:
"image_request[remote_image_url]": ""
So the complete code is:
url: '', // The URL to the API. You can get this by clicking on "Show CURL example" from an API profile
type: 'POST', // The HTTP Method
data: {
"image_request[locale]": "en_US",
"image_request[language]": "en",
"image_request[device_id]": "<image_request[device_id]>",
"image_request[latitude]": "35.8714220766008",
"image_request[longitude]": "14.3583203002251",
"image_request[altitude]": "27.912109375",
"focus[x]": "480",
"focus[y]": "640",
"image_request[remote_image_url]": ""
}, // Additional parameters here
datatype: 'json',
success: function(data) { nowDoSomethingFun(data); },
error: function(err) { alert(err); },
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Mashape-Key", "YOURKEY")
I am not familiar with this API but you might try formatting your data parameter like this:
data: {
image_request: {
locale: 'en_US',
language: 'en',
device_id: '<image_request[device_id]>',
latitude: '35.8714220766008',
longitude: '14.3583203002251',
altitude: '27.912109375',
image: ''
focus: {
x: '480',
y: '640'

