How to manually rerun formatter chain in angularjs directive with ngModel? - javascript

Angular.js ngModel has the ability to declare a chain of parsers and formatters. Some more details can be found at the great answer to 'How to do two-way filtering in angular.js?'
now the formatter chain only will be run if the ngModel will update.
so if you have a second input-parameter that affects the viewValue (is used in one of the formatters) this will not trigger an update of the View.
similar as far as i found ngModel only uses a simple $watch - so if your model is a collection/object it will not trigger if sub-elements are changed.
What is the best way to implement a deep watch for ngModel -
or a watch for a additional parameter that should rerun the formatter chain?
there are other similar questions:
Angularjs: how to “rerun” $formatters when some setting is changed?

currently there is no direct api to call the internal formatter chain.
there is a github feature request for this. as work-around you just can copy the internal code:
function runFormatters(ctrl){
// this function is a copy of the internal formatter running code.
var modelValue = ctrl.$modelValue;
var formatters = ctrl.$formatters;
var idx = formatters.length;
var viewValue = modelValue;
while (idx--) {
viewValue = formatters[idx](viewValue);
if (ctrl.$viewValue !== viewValue) {
ctrl.$viewValue = ctrl.$$lastCommittedViewValue = viewValue;
ctrl.$$runValidators(modelValue, viewValue, angular.noop);
this Plunker demonstrates the usage in combination with a watch for additional parameters:
// deepwatch all listed attributes
return [scope.extraThingToWatchFor, scope.someOther];
function() {
console.log("\t runformatters()");
this is a second Plunker to demonstrate the deepwatch on ngModel
// deepwatch ngModel
return ngModelCtrl.$modelValue;
function(newData) {


How to extend/overwrite default options in Angular Material $

TL;DR : I need a way to overwrite default options provided my Angular Material (especially on Material Dialog) using providers (like any other angular modules - a random example).
I have been looking for a way to customize defaults options Angular Material Modal but without any usable result.
Like I have used on other plugins/modules this way could be achieved using a provider. Having a look in the core of the material (1.0.8) I was trying to set options using setDefaults method like this (let say I just want to disable backdrop for moment):
app.config(['$mdDialogProvider', function($mdDialogProvider){
// ^ $get/addMethod/addPreset/setDefaults
var defaults = {
options: function(){
return {
hasBackdrop: false
Right now when I am checking the options on onComplete callback :
So as you can see the hasBackdrop option is updated, but the modal is not working anymore so I think I am missing something.
Do you have any idea how the angular defaults could be extended in a proper way?
UPDATE : Options object without having .setDefaults active (de initial state)
Note : I have copied from their core transformTemplate and added in my defaults object, but the result is the same. I can see the DOM updated, console has no errors, but the modal is not visible.
When you want to update an existing functionality from a third party library, you should try to use decorator pattern and decorate the service method.
Angular provides a neat way of doing this using decorators on providers while configuring the app:$provide
$provide.decorator(name, decorator);
Register a service decorator with the $injector. A service decorator intercepts the creation of a service, allowing it to override or modify the behavior of the service. The object returned by the decorator may be the original service, or a new service object which replaces or wraps and delegates to the original service.
You can write a decorator for $mdDialogProvider to extend the functionality of the .show method and pass it the extended options object like shown below:
.config(function ($provide) {
// Decorate the $mdDialog service using $provide.decorator
$provide.decorator("$mdDialog", function ($delegate) {
// Get a handle of the show method
var methodHandle = $;
function decorateDialogShow () {
var args = angular.extend({}, arguments[0], { hasBackdrop: false })
return methodHandle(args);
$ = decorateDialogShow;
return $delegate;
I have created a codepen with a working example with { hasBackdrop: false } so that backdrop is not shown on calling $
Please find the codepen with the demo here:
This how service will look:
var dialogFactory = function($mdDialog) {
var options = {};
return {
create: function(conf) {
var preset = $mdDialog.alert()._options; //get defaults
var newOptions = angular.extend(preset, conf, options);//extend with yours
//toggle various props
setProp: function(prop, val) {
options[prop] = val;
and in the controller you can use it like this:
$scope.toggleBackdrop = function() {
$scope.backdrop = !$scope.backdrop;
//here we change the state of the service internal var
dialogService.setProp('hasBackdrop', $scope.backdrop);
$scope.showDialogViaService = function(ev) {
//here we fill in the needed params of the modal and pass to the service
var obj = {
'title': 'title',
'content': 'content',

AngularJS two controllers with shared model, controller 2 not seeing change to model

Hitting the ceiling of my Angular knowledge and I have been going around in circles on this.
Basically I have video player and chapter list directives, each with a controller. The controllers use the same model service which looks like this:
.service('VideoPlayerModel', function(){
var model = this;
model.chapters = {
chapterPos: 0,
data: []
model.getVideoData = function() {
return model.videoData;
model.setVideoData = function(vData){
In the video player controller as the time of the player updates it finds the needed chapter data and updates the model.chapters data like this:
updateChapter: function(currentTime){
var chapters = VideoPlayerModel.chapters;
var chaptersCtrl = videoPlayerCtrl.chapters;
if (chapters.nextChapter.start <= currentTime) {
chapters.chapterPos = chapters.chapterPos + 1;
chaptersCtrl.setChapter(); //This finds and sets the Target Chapter
After setChapter runs I call console.log(VideoPlayerModel.chapters) and I can see the data model has updated with a result like this:
Object {chapterPos: 1, targetChapter: Object, data: Array[6], nextChapter: Object}
However the watch in the ChapterListCtrl doesn't fire and any of the onscreen items displaying the ChapterPos still show just the initial val of 0.
The controller looks like this:
.controller("ChapterListCtrl", ['$scope', 'VideoPlayerModel', function($scope, VideoPlayerModel) {
$scope.chapters = VideoPlayerModel.chapters;
$scope.$watch(function() { return VideoPlayerModel.chapters; }, function(newValue, oldValue){
$scope.chapters = newValue;
console.log("A Change"); // Only runs at initialisation.
I have tried different ways and ended up with this, not sure if I am in the complete wrong direction now. Can anyone please help?
You don't need to use $watch, $broadcast or $on. This is best solved by regular JavaScript thinking.
Your problem is $scope.chapters = newValue; That is where you break the binding that your controllers use by introducing a new object unrelated to your service.
What you should to instead is to think about your service model.chapters = {..} and say hey! This is THE ONE object that I will use. And if I want to change the data in this object anywhere, I will switch the data inside the object and NOT assign a new object to the reference I use.
To do this I use the following methods:
transferDataList = function (from, to) {
to.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) { to.push(from[i]); }
transferDataMap = function (from, to) {
var member;
for (member in to) { delete to[member]; }
for (member in from) { to[member] = from[member]; }
And when I want to change the data in my object I DON'T do:
$scope.chapters = newValue;
Instead I do:
transferDataMap(newValue, $scope.chapters);
transferDataList(newValue, $scope.chapters);
This way you will keep your binding and your Angular interfaces will always be updated.
You can use $broadcast() and $on() function to achieve your requirement.
$broadcast() will flush an event to all it's child controller. So, you can $broadcast() an event with your new value to all controllers when you set a new value to your shared model.
Add a broadcast method in your shared service.
model.setVideoData = function(vData){
// Inform that your model is updated
And now you can add a listener for the event modelUpdated in all your controllers.
$scope.$on('modelUpdated', function () {
$scope.controllerModel = VideoPlayerModel.getVideoData(); // Update your controller model
And also, inject $rootScope to your service,
.service("VideoPlayerModel", ["$rootScope", function($rootScope){
// define your service here.
}] );
That's all !!!
I hope this will help you.
Try changing your watcher to:
$scope.$watch('chapters', function(newValue, oldValue){
$scope.chapters = newValue;
console.log("A Change"); // Only runs at initialisation.
Alternatively if that doesn't achieve what you want, you can enable a deep watch by passing the third argument:
$scope.$watch('chapters', function(newValue, oldValue){
$scope.chapters = newValue;
console.log("A Change"); // Only runs at initialisation.
}, true);
Your watcher doesn't fire because it always returns the same chapters which Angular considers as not-changed because it checks by reference. Your watcher can also be refactored as:
$scope.$watch(function() { return VideoPlayerModel.chapters.length; }, function(newValue, oldValue){
$scope.chapters = newValue;
console.log("A Change"); // Only runs at initialisation.

Having trouble with $watch in Angular controller

I'm having some trouble getting a $watch to work when testing a controller.
The idea here is that ctrl.value can be displayed in ARI format or AEP format, but the underlying $scope.model is always in ARI format. So whenever ctrl.value is changed, $scope.model is either just set to the same value, or converted to ARI format and set to that value. However, I can't get the $watch to fire when ctrl.value changes.
The relevant bits of the controller looks like this. (I'm using functions in the watch so I can spy on them in the test):
.controller('EventLikelihoodController', function($scope) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.value = $scope.model;
ctrl.renderingARI = true;
ctrl.getValue = function() {
return ctrl.value;
ctrl.updateModel = function(newValue) {
if (ctrl.renderingARI) {
$scope.model = newValue;
} else {
$scope.model = ctrl.convertAepToAri(newValue);
$scope.$watch(ctrl.getValue, ctrl.updateModel);
And my Jasmine test:
it('sets the model value correctly', function () {
spyOn(controller, 'updateModel').andCallThrough();
spyOn(controller, 'getValue').andCallThrough();
controller.value = 2;
The test fails saying it expected all the spy functions to have been called, but they weren't.
The switch rendering function changes the value from the ARI rendering to the AEP rendering. I have other tests that verify that it works correctly (ie ctrl.value is changing).
I'm not sure if the problem is the actual watch statement, or if it's just an issue running it in the test (I haven't written enough code to check if the controller works outside of a test yet...)
I think your watch statement should be as mentioned below as the this inside the function is not referring your controller's this. lets bind it manullay
$scope.$watch(angular.bind(this,ctrl.getValue), ctrl.updateModel);
Plus in the updateModel() we are updating $scope.model and we are listening for the changes in value . this.value has to be updated in the updateModel(). (this is applicable only if this the method which is supposed to change the value of ctrl.value

AngularJS : databinding in isolated scope of directive, using an object?

I have a quite hard time to build a (maybe non-trivial) directive for an SPA. Basically I need to be able to pour data into the directive from any controller and the directive is supposed to show a live graph.
I've read this post and I would like to use a shared object on the isolated scope of this directive anyway.
So I tried to do smth like this:
Wrapping template:
<div ng-controller="WrappingCtrl">
<timeline-chart d3API="d3API"><timeline-chart>
In the 'wrapping' controller:
$scope.d3API = {};
$scope.d3API.options = {}; //for d3Config
$scope.d3API.currentValue = 3; //asynchronous!!!
Finally to use the shared object d3API in the directive's link method I tried e.g. this:
//in the directive:
scope: { //nice, but does it help??
d3API: '='
var data = [1, 2];
var updateTimeAxis = function() {
var newValue;
if (data.length) {
newValue = (data[data.length - 1] !== scope.d3API.currentValue) ? scope.d3API.currentValue : data[data.length - 1];
} else {
console.warn('problem in updateTimeAxis: no data length');
To gain some simplicity for this question I've created a fiddle, note, that none of both are working:
The value in the directive's template is not updated - what am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Your fiddle mostly works, you just need to update your controller to use $timeout:
app.controller('anyCtrl', function($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.bound = {};
$timeout(function() {
$scope.bound.says = 'hello';
}, 200);
Forked fiddle:
Otherwise no digest occurs so angular doesn't know something changed. Based on what you're actual problem is, I'm assuming you're not using timeout vs $timeout, but if your coding style is to intermix angular with "normal" javascript, you may be running into the same kind of scenario.
A good article for reference for telling angular about what your doing is here:

Exporting methods from an angular factory or directive to use later

I have developed a web application using Angular.js (It's my first). The application features a collection of interactive graphics (seat maps); so I created a module to handle the Raphael stuff, including a directive, like so:
angular.module('raphael', [])
.factory('fillData', function() {
return function(paper, data) {
var canvas = $(paper.canvas);
// Do fill the data and more ...
canvas.on('click', '[id]', function(e) {
.directive('raphael', ['fillData',
function(fillData) {
return {
scope: {
raphael : '&',
seatData: '&'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var paper = null;
var updateSeatData = function() {
if(scope.seatData()) fillData(paper, scope.seatData());
scope.$watch(scope.raphael, function() {
paper = new Raphael(element[0], '100%', '100%');
scope.$watch(scope.seatData, function() {
Everything works fine, until it get to the point where we need to interact with the vector in another level. Let's say, getting a count of selected seats, or deselecting all (triggered by some random element in the document).
I don't seem to be able to find a reasonable way of implementing it.
What do you suggest?
Is there any other approach to using a second library inside angular?
From what I understand you want to have directive which have certain internal state but you would like to access it's state from outside (other directive, service, etc.).
If so, then it seems that you could use service as state holder. In such case your directive will not hold state but it will be accessing it.
What do you mean by a reasonable way of implementing it? It looks good, although I would prefer to bind to the attribute seatData instead of passing function like
scope: {
seatData: '='
And then watch it
scope.$watch('seatData', function() {
fillData(paper, scope.seatData);
Is this you issue or I haven't understood it?
OK, here is the solution I came up with; I accessed the parent scope and put essential methods there.
Adding this line to the fillData factory:
return {
deselectAll: function() { ... }
And changed updateSeatData method to:
var updateSeatData = function() {
if(scope.seatData) {
var result = fillData(paper, scope.seatData[scope.level]);
angular.extend(scope.$parent, result);
p.s. Still open to hearing more…

