Convert string to object hierarchy - javascript

I have the following string returned from an API and I want to convert it to an object hierarchy using javascript.
The string received is:
I want to convert it to a javascript object like:
paymentInfoList: {
PaymentInfo: [{
receiver: {
amount: 12.0
I could write my own parser but wonder if there is some code already out there.
Based on the answer from #JasonCust here is a parser to parse a full response from the PayPal Adaptive Payments Pay method:

I don't know of an existing parser that handles that format. Maybe something on Paypal's developer site? If you roll your own you could do so using a recursive function like the example below. I haven't tested it thoroughly but it's a POC that it's easy enough to do.
function setObjVal(obj, paths, val) {
var path;
var arrayInfo;
if (paths.length === 0) {
return val;
obj = obj || {};
path = paths.shift();
arrayInfo = path.match(arrayRegExp);
if (arrayInfo) {
path = arrayInfo[1];
if (!Array.isArray(obj[path])) {
obj[path] = [];
obj[path][arrayInfo[2]] = setObjVal(obj[path][arrayInfo[2]], paths, val);
else {
obj[path] = setObjVal(obj[path], paths, val);
return obj;
var arrayRegExp = /^(\w+)\((\d+)\)$/;
var input = '"paymentInfoList.paymentInfo(0).receiver.amount":"12.00"';
var pair = input.split(':').map(function (str) { return str.replace(/"/g, ''); });
var newObj = setObjVal({}, pair[0].split('.'), pair[1]);
function setObjVal(obj, paths, val) {
var path;
var arrayInfo;
if (paths.length === 0) {
return val;
obj = obj || {};
path = paths.shift();
arrayInfo = path.match(arrayRegExp);
if (arrayInfo) {
path = arrayInfo[1];
if (!Array.isArray(obj[path])) {
obj[path] = [];
obj[path][arrayInfo[2]] = setObjVal(obj[path][arrayInfo[2]], paths, val);
else {
obj[path] = setObjVal(obj[path], paths, val);
return obj;
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(newObj, null, 4) + '</pre>');
Alternatively if you want to use lodash you could use _.set():
var newObj = _.set({}, pair[0].replace(/\(/g, '[').replace(/\)/g, ']'), pair[1]);
var input = '"paymentInfoList.paymentInfo(0).receiver.amount":"12.00"';
var pair = input.split(':').map(function (str) { return str.replace(/"/g, ''); });
var newObj = _.set({}, pair[0].replace(/\(/g, '[').replace(/\)/g, ']'), pair[1]);
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(newObj, null, 4) + '</pre>');
<script src=""></script>

Since I can't resist a little puzzle, here's a clean recursive solution that works for the input you've given (scroll down and view the snippet for a little playground):
function objectFromExpression(expression, value) {
if (!expression) {
return value;
var obj = {};
var matchKeyIdxRest = /^(\w+)(?:\((\d+)\))?(?:\.(.+))?$/;
var matches = expression.match(matchKeyIdxRest);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error('Oops! There\'s a problem with the expression at "' + expression + '"');
var key = matches[1];
var idx = matches[2];
var rest = matches[3];
var next = objectFromExpression(rest, value);
if (idx) {
var arr = [];
arr[ parseInt(idx) ] = next;
obj[key] = arr;
} else {
obj[key] = next;
return obj;
function keyValueExpressionToKeyValue(str) {
var matchKeyVal = /^"([^"]+)":"([^"]+)"$/;
var matches = str.match(matchKeyVal);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error('Oops! Couldn\'t extract key and value from input!');
return matches.slice(1);
var input = '"paymentInfoList.paymentInfo(0).receiver.amount":"12.00"';
var keyAndValue = keyValueExpressionToKeyValue(input);
var key = keyAndValue[0]; // => paymentInfoList.paymentInfo(0).receiver.amount
var value = keyAndValue[1]; // => 12.00
objectFromExpression(key, value);
// => { paymentInfoList:
// { paymentInfo:
// [ { receiver:
// { amount: "12.00" }
// }
// ]
// }
// }
function objectFromExpression(expression, value) {
if (!expression) {
return value;
var obj = {};
var matchKeyIdxRest = /^(\w+)(?:\((\d+)\))?(?:\.(.+))?$/;
var matches = expression.match(matchKeyIdxRest);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error('Oops! There\'s a problem with the expression at "' + expression + '"');
var key = matches[1];
var idx = matches[2];
var rest = matches[3];
var next = objectFromExpression(rest, value);
if (idx) {
var arr = [];
arr[ parseInt(idx) ] = next;
obj[key] = arr;
} else {
obj[key] = next;
return obj;
function keyValueExpressionToKeyValue(str) {
var matchKeyVal = /^"([^"]+)":"([^"]+)"$/;
var matches = str.match(matchKeyVal);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error('Oops! Couldn\'t extract key and value from input!');
return matches.slice(1);
var inputEl = document.getElementById('input');
function onKeyUp() {
var outputEl = document.getElementById('output');
var input = inputEl.value.trim();
try {
var keyAndValue = keyValueExpressionToKeyValue(input);
var key = keyAndValue[0];
var value = keyAndValue[1];
var output = objectFromExpression(key, value);
outputEl.value = JSON.stringify(output, null, 2);
} catch (ex) {
outputEl.value = ex.toString();
inputEl.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
inputEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('keyup'));
label, textarea, input { display: block; }
label { font-family: sans-serif; }
input, textarea { font-family: monospace; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1em; }
textarea { height: 15em; }
<label for="input">Input (type to see changes)</label>
<input id="input" value='"paymentInfoList.paymentInfo(0).receiver.amount":"12.00"'/>
<label for="output">Output</label>
<textarea id="output">Click the "Parse!" button!</textarea>


JavaScript array has elements but length is zero

I've done some searching around the web and nothing seems to solve my problem. I have the following jQuery code:
function youtube_data_parser(data) {
//---> parse video data - start
var qsToJson = function(qs) {
var res = {};
var pars = qs.split('&');
var kv, k, v;
for (i in pars) {
kv = pars[i].split('=');
k = kv[0];
v = kv[1];
res[k] = decodeURIComponent(v);
return res;
//---> parse video data - end
var get_video_info = qsToJson(data);
if (get_video_info.status == 'fail') {
return {
status: "error",
code: "invalid_url",
msg: "check your url or video id"
} else {
// remapping urls into an array of objects
//--->parse > url_encoded_fmt_stream_map > start
//will get the video urls
var tmp = get_video_info["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"];
if (tmp) {
tmp = tmp.split(',');
for (i in tmp) {
tmp[i] = qsToJson(tmp[i]);
get_video_info["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"] = tmp;
//--->parse > url_encoded_fmt_stream_map > end
//--->parse > player_response > start
var tmp1 = get_video_info["player_response"];
if (tmp1) {
get_video_info["player_response"] = JSON.parse(tmp1);
//--->parse > player_response > end
//--->parse > keywords > start
var keywords = get_video_info["keywords"];
if (keywords) {
key_words = keywords.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split(',');
for (i in key_words) {
keywords[i] = qsToJson(key_words[i]);
get_video_info["keywords"] = {
all: keywords.replace(/\+/g, ' '),
arr: key_words
//--->parse > keywords > end
//return data
return {
status: 'success',
raw_data: qsToJson(data),
video_info: get_video_info
function getVideoInfo() {
var get_video_url = $('#ytdlUrl').val();
var get_video_id = getUrlVars(get_video_url)['v'];
var video_arr_final = [];
var ajax_url = "video_info.php?id=" + get_video_id;
$.get(ajax_url, function(d1) {
var data = youtube_data_parser(d1);
var video_data = data.video_info;
var player_info = data.video_info.player_response;
var video_title = player_info.videoDetails.title.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
var fmt_list = video_data.fmt_list.split(',');
var video_thumbnail_url = video_data.thumbnail_url;
var video_arr = video_data.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map;
//create video file array
$.each(video_arr, function(i1, v1) {
var valueToPush = {};
valueToPush.video_url = v1.url;
valueToPush.video_thumbnail_url = video_thumbnail_url;
valueToPush.video_title = video_title;
$.each(fmt_list, function(i2, v2) {
var fmt = v2.split('/');
var fmt_id = fmt[0];
var fmt_quality = fmt[1];
if (fmt_id == v1.itag) {
valueToPush.fmt_id = fmt_id;
valueToPush.fmt_quality = fmt_quality;
return video_arr_final;
function getUrlVars(url) {
var vars = {};
var parts = url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m, key, value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;
function fillInOptions(ytOptions) {
var ytFill = ytOptions;
//ytFill.forEach(function(i,v) {
var ytdlOptions = $('#ytdlOptions');
ytFill.forEach(function(i,v) {
ytdlOptions.append(new Option(v.fmt_quality, v.fmt_id));
return true;
function showYTDLLoader() {
$('#ytdlInput').fadeOut(1000, function() {
var options = getVideoInfo();
if (fillInOptions(options) == true) {
//do rest
function showYTDLOptions() {
return true;
function startDownload() {
function hideYTDLLoader() {
function animateCSS(element, animationName, callback) {
const node = $(element);
function handleAnimationEnd() {
node.animationend = null;
if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
node.animationend = handleAnimationEnd();
When my button is clicked, I call showYTDLLoader() which gets an array of objects from the YouTube API that looks like this:
"video_url": "",
"video_title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger on Son-in-law Chris Pratt, Pranking Sylvester Stallone & Terminator’s Return",
"fmt_id": "22",
"fmt_quality": "1280x720"
"video_url": "",
"video_title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger on Son-in-law Chris Pratt, Pranking Sylvester Stallone & Terminator’s Return",
"fmt_id": "18",
"fmt_quality": "640x360"
But when I try and loop through each entry with fillInOptions(), my loop is never completed because the length is apparently zero. However, when I dump the array using console.log() it tells me the length is 2, and displays the above. I need to be able to add each option to my dropdown.
UPDATE: Added full code, sorry!
It looks like your .forEach() is the root of the problem. The parameters of a forEach are currentValue, index like this: array.forEach(function(currentValue, index) {}); but it looks like you're using them in the opposite way
Try rewriting that iteration to this:
ytFill.forEach(function(v, i) {
ytdlOptions.append(new Option(v.fmt_quality, v.fmt_id));
Notice the difference in the order of v and i in the parameters.

Convert to CSV in a downloadable format

I want to convert an array of objects into CSV.
Please have a look at the code. What I am doing wrong? I am getting an array when I console.log("csv",array) which is passed from printAccountsGa. Moreover, I have declared JSONGA = [] globally but still I get array with every object on consoling. But when I pass that to csvConverter function it displays undefined.
function printAccountsGa(results) {
if (results && !results.error) {
var accounts = results.items;
for (var i = 0, account; account = accounts[i]; i++) {
//console.log('Account Id: ' +;
//console.log('Account Name: ' +;
function printAccountsGtm(results) {
console.log("result is",results);
if (results && !results.error) {
var accounts = results.accounts;
for (var i = 0, account; account = accounts[i]; i++) {
//console.log('Account Id: ' + account.accountId);
//console.log('Account Name: ' +;
function listProperties(accountID){
var request ={
'accountId': accountID
function printProperties(results){
if (results && !results.error) {
var properties = results.items;
var tempObj={};
function csvConverter(array){
var result ={
return JSON.stringify(values(d));
.replace(/(^\[)|(\]$)/mg, '');'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(result));
window.onload = function(){
var el = document.getElementById('auth-button-ga');
el.addEventListener('click', authorizeGa);
var elt = document.getElementById("auth-button-gtm");
elt.addEventListener('click', authorizeGtm);

Readability of Javascript Array

I have a JSON OBJECT similar to following
I want to replace that with JSON ARRAY as follows
My motivation to change the the JSON OBJECT to JSON ARRAY is it takes less amount of network traffic, getting the value from ARRAY is efficient than OBJECT, etc.
One problem I face is the readability of the ARRAY is very less than OBJECT.
Is there any way to improve the readability?
Here you go, I have written a function which will convert all instances of object to array and give you the result you are expecting.
var objActual = {
"key33": {
"key331" : "value331",
"key332" : "value332"
ObjectUtil = {
isObject : function(variable) {
if( === '[object Object]') {
return true;
return false;
convertToArray : function(obj) {
var objkeys = Object.keys(obj);
var arr = [];
objkeys.forEach(function(key) {
var objectToPush;
if(ObjectUtil.isObject(obj[key])) {
objectToPush = ObjectUtil.convertToArray(obj[key]);
} else {
objectToPush = obj[key];
return arr;
var result = ObjectUtil.convertToArray(objActual);
In my opinion, it should be:
"key3":["value31", "value32", "value33"]
Using the init method is time critical. So use a scheme or assign static JSON to Storage.keys and assign your bulk data array to You can use store.get("key3.key31") after that.
if (!
{ = function(fun /*, thisp*/)
var len = this.length;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw new TypeError();
var res = new Array(len);
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (i in this)
res[i] =, this[i], i, this);
return res;
var data = {
var Storage = function(data){
this.rawData = data;
return this;
Storage.prototype.init = function(){
var self = this;
var index = 0;
var mp = function(dat, rootKey){
var res = Object.keys(dat).map(function(key, i) {
var v = dat[key];
if (typeof(v) === 'object'){
mp(v, key);
} else {;
var nspace = rootKey.split(".").concat([key]).join(".");
self.keys[nspace] = index++;
mp(this.rawData, "");
Storage.prototype.get = function(key){
}; = [];
Storage.prototype.keys = {};
var store = new Storage(data);
console.log("keys", store.keys);
console.log("kay1=", store.get(".kay1"));
console.log("key2=", store.get(".key2"));
console.log("key3.key31=", store.get("key3.key31"));
console.log("key3.key33=", store.get("key3.key33"));

overwriting a property in a string

Is there someone out there who can help me with this function. What it suppose to do is set a property in a string and this string is split firstly by a colon (:) for each control and the it checks if there is an id matching and if there is it then checks if there is a property matching if there is a property overwrite the value but my function doesn't seem to overwrite the property it just returns the original string. can someone help
var cookieValue = 'id=1&state=normal&theme=purple:id=2&state=maximized&theme=pink:id=3&state=maximized&theme=black';
var setProperties = function (cookie, id, prop, prop_value) {
var windows = cookie.split(':');
var result = $.each(windows, function(index, value) {
var temp1 = [];
if(value.indexOf(id) > -1) {
var temp2 = [];
var properties = value.split('&');
var result2 = $.each(properties, function(index, value) {
if(value.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
temp3 = [];
temp3 = value.split('=');
temp3[1] = prop_value;
}else {
return temp2.join('&')
return temp1
return temp1;
return alert(result.join(':'));
setProperties(cookieValue, '2', 'theme', 'black');
function setProperties(cookie, id , name, value) {
var sections = $.map(cookie.split(":"), function (section) {
var pairs, found = false;
if (section.indexOf("id=" + id) === 0) {
pairs = $.map(section.split("&"), function (pair) {
if (pair.indexOf(name + "=") === 0) {
found = true;
return name + "=" + value;
} else {
return pair;
if (!found) {
pairs.push(name + "=" + value);
return pairs.join("&");
} else {
return section;
return sections.join(":");
Each doesn't return a value. You had some semicolons missing I edited the code a little.
It's not production worthy but at least it returns the (partially) correct value.
You will have to figure out how to replace that value in the cookie. I think regex is the best approach or of course you can pass temp1 array between the function but you will have to re-factor your code quite a lot.
var cookieValue = 'id=1&state=normal&theme=purple:id=2&state=maximized&theme=pink:id=3&state=maximized&theme=black';
var setProperties = function (cookie, id, prop, prop_value) {
var windows = cookie.split(':');
var result = $.each(windows, function(index, value) {
var temp1 = [];
console.log('value' + value);
console.log('windows' + windows);
if(value.indexOf(id) > -1) {
var temp2 = [];
var properties = value.split('&');
var windows = $.each(properties, function(index, value) {
if(value.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
temp3 = [];
temp3 = value.split('=');
temp3[1] = prop_value;
}else {
cookieValue = temp2.join('&');
cookieValue = temp1;
cookeValue = temp1;
console.log("new cookie" + cookieValue); // PRINTS new cookieid=2&state=maximized&theme=black
setProperties(cookieValue, '2', 'theme', 'black');

Dynamically building array, appending values

i have a bunch of options in this select, each with values like:
while looping through the options, I want to build an array that checks to see if keys exist, and if they don't they make the key then append the value. then the next loop through, if the key exists, add the next value, comma separated.
the ideal output would be:
arr['context'] = 'cow,test,beans';
arr['thing'] = '1,5,27';
here's what i have so far, but this isn't a good strategy to build the values..
function sift(select) {
vals = [];
$.each(select.options, function() {
var valArr = this.value.split('|');
var key = valArr[0];
var val = valArr[1];
if (typeof vals[key] === 'undefined') {
vals[key] = [];
Existing code works by changing
function sift(select) {
var vals = {};//notice I made an object, not an array, this is to create an associative array
$.each(select.options, function() {
var valArr = this.value.split('|');
if (typeof vals[valArr[0]] === 'undefined') {
vals[valArr[0]] = '';
} else {
vals[valArr[0]] += ',';
vals[valArr[0]] += valArr[1];
Here is a demo:
How about an extensible, reusable, encapsulated solution:
function MyOptions()
var _optionNames = [];
var _optionValues = [];
function _add(name, value)
var nameIndex = _optionNames.indexOf(name);
if (nameIndex < 0)
var newValues = [];
var values = _optionValues[nameIndex];
_optionValues[nameIndex] = values;
function _values(name)
var nameIndex = _optionNames.indexOf(name);
if (nameIndex < 0)
return [];
return _optionValues[nameIndex];
var public =
add: _add,
values: _values
return public;
var myOptions = MyOptions();
myOptions.add("context", "cow");
working example:
I guess this works, but if someone could optimize it, I'd love to see.
function updateSiftUrl(select) { var
vals = {};
$.each(select.options, function() {
var valArr = this.value.split('|');
var key = valArr[0];
var val = valArr[1];
if (typeof vals[key] === 'undefined') {
vals[key] = val;
vals[key] = vals[key] +','+ val;
Would something like this work for you?
var optionArray =
$(":selected", $(this)).map(function(){
return $(this).val();
}).get().join(", ");
If you've selected 3 options, optionArray should contain something like option1, option2, option3.
Well, you don't want vals[key] to be an array - you want it to be a string. so try doing
if (typeof vals[key] === 'undefined') {
vals[key] = ';
vals[key] = vals[key] + ',' + val;

